Climate Change Obama's Top Concern. Meanwhile..Another Cop Dies

Obama's priority is polar bears over cop's lives.

Which is very strange for him because polar bears are white. ...... :cool:

His goal is to wean America off of that disgusting fossil fuel.

He's not waiting for alternatives, so we'll have to buy our electricity from Mexico, Canada, and China.

He doesn't care about us or that his disgusting policies will hurt us. all he cares about is, that we WILL do what he says. and you heard him say in the one video, if IT means FORCING it on us that is what he'll do. I don't call that someone who is a loving and caring President. Of course if he was that he wouldn't have seen a need to: transform our country with our lives at stake while doing it
GOP using a dead cop to try and score political points.

The RWers are just hoping for more dead cops so they can try and blame the president for something.
Actually, the DNC supports cop-killing.

If they didn't, they wouldn't be avid supporters of Blackliiesmatter.

The problem with Obama is consistency. If he supports an issue he lights up the Whitehouse in rainbow colors. If he could care less about it, you don't hear a peep from him until he's badgered into saying something.
Obama's main concern now is: how can he hurt us more and finish us off before his year and a half as President is over. and with His globull warming AKA climate change agenda. He'll come damn close to achieving it.
have you ever lived under President who has intentionally set out to HURT YOU and your families? he promised because of his plans for you, your Electricity will, I believe he put it: will Necessarily skyrocket. but hey. you voted for him anyway. what a caring and loving Dear leader eh?


Can you EVER stay on topic?

Hey, I was about to congratulate her for not trying to make it about abortion.

Obama's priority is polar bears over cop's lives.

Which is very strange for him because polar bears are white. ...... :cool:

His goal is to wean America off of that disgusting fossil fuel.

He's not waiting for alternatives, so we'll have to buy our electricity from Mexico, Canada, and China.

He doesn't care about us or that his disgusting policies will hurt us. all he cares about is, that we WILL do what he says. and you heard him say in the one video, if IT means FORCING it on us that is what he'll do. I don't call that someone who is a loving and caring President. Of course if he was that he wouldn't have seen a need to: transform our country with our lives at stake while doing it

Uh, Stoopid Stuff - you need to be careful what you wish for cuz you are biting the hands that feed you.
"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy." -- IPCC openly admitting Climate Change is a Marxist Scheme
GOP using a dead cop to try and score political points.

The RWers are just hoping for more dead cops so they can try and blame the president for something.
Actually, the DNC supports cop-killing.

If they didn't, they wouldn't be avid supporters of Blackliiesmatter.

The problem with Obama is consistency. If he supports an issue he lights up the Whitehouse in rainbow colors. If he could care less about it, you don't hear a peep from him until he's badgered into saying something.

So, in your ignorant, trailer trash, cracker ass, racist world, no white person has ever killed a cop.

In point of fact, its the left who works to stop illegal shootings of all people while you right wankers continue to put guns in the hands of every criminal, illegal, terrorist and mental case you can.

And you know it.
He also ordered new ice cutters for Alaska. Yeah, for the ice that is disappearing. He ordered more ice cutters.

Do not forget. He also renamed a mountain.

Man, what a president.
White man renamed a mountain that already had a the natives....depends how you look at it....he took the Indians side...Too bad for honky tonk mentality...
NOW RW'ers are asking for Obama to speak on a local issue? You guys cant make up your mind

Why not? Are you contradicting what Obama's people said about Obama?
At a press gaggle aboard Air Force One today, Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton told reporters that President Obama's focus on national security in the wake of the Christmas Day bombing attempt will not take his focus away from increasing employment levels and other issues.

"When you're President of the United States you've got to be able to walk and chew gum at the same time, so you can anticipate there's going to be a very heavy push to get Americans back to work," Burton said.
DNC supports cop killers, Illegal Alien murderers and EnviroMarxism

Find a right wanker who wants to keep guns out of the hands of illegals, criminals, terrorists and mental cases.

You can't and YOU are one who wants them to have easy access to guns.
Ever notice how every liberal on this board relies so heavily on "fossil fuels?"

To begin with, oil is not a fossil fuel. This is a theory put forth by 18th century scientists. Within 50 years, Germany and France's scientists had attacked the theory of petroleum's biological roots. In fact, oil is abiotic, not the product of long decayed biological matter. And oil, for better or for worse, is not a non-renewable resource. It, like coal, and natural gas, replenishes from sources within the mantle of earth. This is the real and true science of oil. Read all about it.

In fact, working in the 1950s, Russian and Ukrainian scientists, cut off from the Western World's oil supply, applied their keen minds to the problem and, by the 1960s, had thoroughly demolished the idea of oil as a 'fossil fuel,' Is it any wonder then that Russia is one of if not the leading producers and exporters of oil. The isolation of the Cold War forced Russia to dig deeper, literally, to find oil deeper in the earth in some places, and to look in other places where no one had thought to look to reveal more. This while America feels incumbent upon itself, since it claims oil production and discovery has peaked and will fade to nothing in several decades, that America's feels it must make war to take other people's oil: Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, the Caspian Basin, Sudan, etcetera.

Oil: Not Exactly Dead Dinosaurs
The Mysterious Origin and Supply of Oil
Con #2: Oil is Not a Fossil Fuel - It is 'Renewable'
He also ordered new ice cutters for Alaska. Yeah, for the ice that is disappearing. He ordered more ice cutters.

Do not forget. He also renamed a mountain.

Man, what a president.
White man renamed a mountain that already had a the natives....depends how you look at it....he took the Indians side...Too bad for honky tonk mentality...

Repubs also wanted the original name back but of course, idiot RWs here have no use for facts and now actually believe Obama changed the name.
Ever notice how every liberal on this board relies so heavily on "fossil fuels?"

To begin with, oil is not a fossil fuel. This is a theory put forth by 18th century scientists. Within 50 years, Germany and France's scientists had attacked the theory of petroleum's biological roots. In fact, oil is abiotic, not the product of long decayed biological matter. And oil, for better or for worse, is not a non-renewable resource. It, like coal, and natural gas, replenishes from sources within the mantle of earth. This is the real and true science of oil. Read all about it.

In fact, working in the 1950s, Russian and Ukrainian scientists, cut off from the Western World's oil supply, applied their keen minds to the problem and, by the 1960s, had thoroughly demolished the idea of oil as a 'fossil fuel,' Is it any wonder then that Russia is one of if not the leading producers and exporters of oil. The isolation of the Cold War forced Russia to dig deeper, literally, to find oil deeper in the earth in some places, and to look in other places where no one had thought to look to reveal more. This while America feels incumbent upon itself, since it claims oil production and discovery has peaked and will fade to nothing in several decades, that America's feels it must make war to take other people's oil: Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, the Caspian Basin, Sudan, etcetera.

Oil: Not Exactly Dead Dinosaurs
The Mysterious Origin and Supply of Oil
Con #2: Oil is Not a Fossil Fuel - It is 'Renewable'

In the '40's germany ran much of it's war effort on synthetic fuels because they were cut off from oil fields in general but Ploesti specifically
He also ordered new ice cutters for Alaska. Yeah, for the ice that is disappearing. He ordered more ice cutters.

Do not forget. He also renamed a mountain.

Man, what a president.
White man renamed a mountain that already had a the natives....depends how you look at it....he took the Indians side...Too bad for honky tonk mentality...

What a brave president. He took the native American's side? How shocking.

Oh wait. You do no think it was a political move and people actually care about this nonissue.

Then again, most of the issues hyped by the moronic left are nonissues. Like homo marriage.
NOW RW'ers are asking for Obama to speak on a local issue? You guys cant make up your mind

Why not?

I thought it was obvious why not. Whenever he speaks you dont like it and when he doesnt you dont like it. I could ask you do you want Obama to address local issues or federal issuses?

And your answer would be: Yes

Are you contradicting what Obama's people said about Obama?
At a press gaggle aboard Air Force One today, Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton told reporters that President Obama's focus on national security in the wake of the Christmas Day bombing attempt will not take his focus away from increasing employment levels and other issues.

"When you're President of the United States you've got to be able to walk and chew gum at the same time, so you can anticipate there's going to be a very heavy push to get Americans back to work," Burton said.

So what does that have to do with you wanting him to speak only when he doesnt speak?

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