Climate Change Science Poised to Enter Nation's Classrooms

ROFL! No one is ever going to die from global warming. In fact, the world will be more hospitable to human life if the climate warms.

Your ignorance is astounding. Life (including plant life) evolved and thrived under a specific climate. As the climate changes, all life (again, including plant life) will attempt to migrate to areas with similar climates where they are already adapted to survive and thrive, in part, because their food source is also adapted to such areas. Some life forms won't survive for a variety of reasons. In fact, some varieties of certain life forms have already disappeared. At least, no live ones can be found. And any life forms dependent, for whatever reason, on other life forms which can't transition to a warmer world, will also find itself stressed toward extinction.

Keep something in mind. The entire ecosystem of the ocean is likely dependent on one of the smallest life forms there. If the continuing existence of plankton alone were to become threatened merely because of a change of the acidity and temperature of the ocean, all aquatic life could be threatened.

As for human life, if OUR food sources become threatened, WE are threatened.

LOL, what would be wrong with peach orchards in greenland and orange orchards in northern canada? the idea that a few degrees of warming will be the end of the earth as we know it is just idiotic.

our food supply is threatened by too many humans needing to be fed. If you libs want a real cause, why not take on over population? Thats a real problem that must be addressed if humanity is to survive.

But I know, its not as attractive as AGW where you can blame evil corporations and greedy individuals. the only blame for overpopulation is human sex drive. Maybe if you try to convince all young people to be gay--------------------

You're right about on thing, overpopulation is an enormous problem. But to put the effects global warming in terms of farming is hugely simplistic. The really dire problems are that the oceans would acidify and kill the type of plankton that provides half of the planet's oxygen. Surface plant life would also mostly perish eliminating the other half. The effects are accelerating and are non-linear.
You implied it. Stop trying to dance your way out of it, fuckface.

I didn't imply, you inferred.

The point is, we are throwing the most CO2 and other greenhouse gases in the world- 24% of them for only 5% of the world's population.

Since CO2 is a Greenhouse gas, and since greenhouse gases cause global warming, we are the biggest offender.

Actually, China is at present the biggest offender. However, we own the largest share of the anthropogenic CO2 that is presently in the atmosphere.

This is one of the reasons why reaching world consensus among gov'ts is so difficult. England, the US, and Australia are historically some of the worst offenders, and other countries expect US to pave the way as far a cost is concerned. Meanwhile, countries like China are NOW the biggest offenders, and we expect THEM to take a leading role in cutting back their emissions. I've only mentioned 4 countries out of about 192 countries in the world, and each country will have a unique perspective.

And you thought it was difficult for Republicans and Democrats to agree?
Timing is poor. We are entering a cooling period, so all that hooey about human CO2 armagedon is going to sound pretty funny.
Timing is poor. We are entering a cooling period, so all that hooey about human CO2 armagedon is going to sound pretty funny.

We are not entering a cooling period. We were IN a cooling period which humans have actually managed to reverse without realizing we were even doing it until the evidence started mounting up and scientists started to investigate in earnest about 40 years ago. And the last 40 years, not only has the scientific evidence borne out what's happening regarding warming, so have the temperatures as the warming has continued at an ever increasing rate.
Timing is poor. We are entering a cooling period, so all that hooey about human CO2 armagedon is going to sound pretty funny.

Hansen, etc even admit that the oceans could be taking the energy within them. Tells me that they don't fully grasp the complexity of our planet.

What Hansen says is that the warming of the atmosphere is ultimately transferred to the ocean as a repository of that heat.

Of course they don't fully grasp the complexity of our planet. For example, they didn't predict that there would be rivers of water (along with water shutes) within ice sheets. Or melting from below. Or melting of the ice sheets like swiss cheese as opposed to melting just on top and/or around the margins.

I saw a film once where a group of scientists had camped near a lake that had formed on a ice sheet. At night, they awoke to a loud noise like a freight train which understandably terrified them. In the morning they went to investigate and found the lake completely gone. It had drained down a shute under the water line. They had no idea that could or would happen. (Naturally, that warmer water acts to help melt the ice from below AND acts as a lubricant under the ice sheet).
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New national science standards that make the teaching of global warming part of the public school curriculum are slated to be released this month, potentially ending an era in which climate skepticism has been allowed to seep into the nation's classrooms.

The Next Generation Science Standards were developed by the National Research Council, the National Science Teachers Association, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the nonprofit Achieve and more than two dozen states. The latest draft recommends that educators teach the evidence for man-made climate change starting as early as elementary school and incorporate it into all science classes, ranging from earth science to chemistry. By eighth grade, students should understand that "human activities, such as the release of greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels, are major factors in the current rise in Earth’s mean surface temperature (global warming)," the standards say.

Climate Change Science Poised to Enter Nation's Classrooms | InsideClimate News

Great. This administration cannot ram their climate change down the throats of the grownups. So now they want to indoctrinate our kids with their junk science and out right lies.
This is terrible.
If anyone questions the desire for alternatives to the government schools, they are idiots or they have a political or selfish financial agenda.
Every year, the number of kids home schooled, sent to Charter Schools or enrolled in private schools increases. Teacher's unions and educrats who enrich themselves off the captive system have been fighting alternatives to public education for decades.
These people need to be beaten at their game.
Timing is poor. We are entering a cooling period, so all that hooey about human CO2 armagedon is going to sound pretty funny.

We are not entering a cooling period. We were IN a cooling period which humans have actually managed to reverse without realizing we were even doing it until the evidence started mounting up and scientists started to investigate in earnest about 40 years ago. And the last 40 years, not only has the scientific evidence borne out what's happening regarding warming, so have the temperatures as the warming has continued at an ever increasing rate.

What evidence? You Faithers are a funny lot. It takes a real nonscientist to believe taking data and manipulating it until it meets your model is fake.
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Timing is poor. We are entering a cooling period, so all that hooey about human CO2 armagedon is going to sound pretty funny.

We are not entering a cooling period. We were IN a cooling period which humans have actually managed to reverse without realizing we were even doing it until the evidence started mounting up and scientists started to investigate in earnest about 40 years ago. And the last 40 years, not only has the scientific evidence borne out what's happening regarding warming, so have the temperatures as the warming has continued at an ever increasing rate.

What evidence? You Faithers are a funny lot. It takes a real nonscientist to believe taking data and manipulating it until it meets your model is fake.

Increasing CO2. Where's it coming from, if not from man?
New national science standards that make the teaching of global warming part of the public school curriculum are slated to be released this month, potentially ending an era in which climate skepticism has been allowed to seep into the nation's classrooms.

The Next Generation Science Standards were developed by the National Research Council, the National Science Teachers Association, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the nonprofit Achieve and more than two dozen states. The latest draft recommends that educators teach the evidence for man-made climate change starting as early as elementary school and incorporate it into all science classes, ranging from earth science to chemistry. By eighth grade, students should understand that "human activities, such as the release of greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels, are major factors in the current rise in Earth’s mean surface temperature (global warming)," the standards say.

Climate Change Science Poised to Enter Nation's Classrooms | InsideClimate News

Great. This administration cannot ram their climate change down the throats of the grownups. So now they want to indoctrinate our kids with their junk science and out right lies.
This is terrible.
If anyone questions the desire for alternatives to the government schools, they are idiots or they have a political or selfish financial agenda.
Every year, the number of kids home schooled, sent to Charter Schools or enrolled in private schools increases. Teacher's unions and educrats who enrich themselves off the captive system have been fighting alternatives to public education for decades.
These people need to be beaten at their game.

It's not the administration's climate change. It's the planet's climate change. The administration is merely acting in a responsible manner (at least I hope they are) to a perceived threat to our future. And just as I would expect politicians to listen to experts who have more knowledge than they do about a subject in a particular field of study (that's why they have advisers, after all), I expect politicians to listen to scientists about climate change science.
We are not entering a cooling period. We were IN a cooling period which humans have actually managed to reverse without realizing we were even doing it until the evidence started mounting up and scientists started to investigate in earnest about 40 years ago. And the last 40 years, not only has the scientific evidence borne out what's happening regarding warming, so have the temperatures as the warming has continued at an ever increasing rate.

What evidence? You Faithers are a funny lot. It takes a real nonscientist to believe taking data and manipulating it until it meets your model is fake.

Increasing CO2. Where's it coming from, if not from man?

Volcanoes idiot. Releases from glaciers too. A scientist would know that.
Given the track record of Democrat politicians, anything they promote should be looked upon with great skepticism. They are known for doing anything they deem necessary to advance their agenda of controlling people's behavior as a means of gaining power over others, and indoctrinating children is their preferred method. They learned well from the communist propaganda machine back in the 50's, and they now have a solid grip on the educational (indoctrination) system. It's a cancer that's been growing a long time.
Water vapor and methane are greater temperature influences than CO2, but then again, a scientist would admit that.
Timing is poor. We are entering a cooling period, so all that hooey about human CO2 armagedon is going to sound pretty funny.

We are not entering a cooling period. We were IN a cooling period which humans have actually managed to reverse without realizing we were even doing it until the evidence started mounting up and scientists started to investigate in earnest about 40 years ago. And the last 40 years, not only has the scientific evidence borne out what's happening regarding warming, so have the temperatures as the warming has continued at an ever increasing rate.


The Little Ice Age ended and the Earth began to warm long before the Industrial Revolution. The Earth has been warming since about 1600.
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It's not the administration's climate change. It's the planet's climate change. The administration is merely acting in a responsible manner (at least I hope they are) to a perceived threat to our future.


Yeah, bankrupting the country and quadrupling the price of energy is "responsible."

And just as I would expect politicians to listen to experts who have more knowledge than they do about a subject in a particular field of study (that's why they have advisers, after all), I expect politicians to listen to scientists about climate change science.

The appeal to authority is the left's favorite logical fallacy. That is, until they disagree with the authority in question. Then he's a devil and a political hack.
Don't have enough time to teach English, math or science, but we can add Climate Change...
Bankrupting the country vs prevent or reducing destroying Earth.

Let me think on this for a sec
if you have to think about it, then your mental capacity is marginal at best. bankrupting the country to prevent a non-happening is typical of democrat logic.

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