Climate change 'tipping points' imminent

1975: The total freezing over of the planet is imminent!
Denier cult myth. Most scientists even then thought warming was more likely.

1985: The complete destruction of the Ozone Layer is imminent!
The ozone layer was, in fact, being thinned by chlorofluorocarbons and a hole in the ozone appeared over Antarctica and the incidence of melanomas and skin cancers increased, particularly in Australia, but nobody was predicting the "imminent complete destruction of the Ozone Layer". So, just another denier cult myth/exaggeration/propaganda meme to deceive the gullible, ignorant, anti-science rightwingnuts like you, ProdFcked.

True. The polar ice caps are melting now. The Arctic ice cap is melting away far more quickly than Antarctica but both are losing ice mass. However, no scientists were predicting in 1995 that they would melt as much as they actually have this soon.

2005: the last winter if snow is imminent!
Denier cult myth and complete nonsense. Jeez, you're gullible, ProdFcked.

2013: The Climate Change tipping point is imminent!
True. Several climate change tipping points are either imminent or have already been passed. Arctic feedback is one and that happens when the icy white reflective ice cover over the ocean melts and the dark, energy absorbing ocean surface starts warming even faster, thus melting more of the ice cover. Arctic methane release is another and that is already starting to happen as the permafrost melts and the sea bottom methane clathrates destabilize and methane gas, which is another greenhouse gas that is over 30 times more powerful than CO2, goes into the air and causes even faster warming. The Arctic is now warming up eight times faster than the rest of the planet.

So all of the past warnings are cult myth. But the latest is the true one?:lol::lol:
What a maroon.:lol:

Were you even alive in 75? Because they damn sure said the ice age was coming.
Solar Irradiance has NOT GONE DOWN.. It climbed over a 300 year period and REMAINS at a relative high value wrt the last millenia... You'll KNOW if it "goes down" suddenly and significantly.. And that ---- just might happen..

The science and evidence do not support your crackpot denier cult myths about this, fecalhead. All you've got going for you is your own hot air and blather.
2005: the last winter if snow is imminent!
Denier cult myth and complete nonsense. Jeez, you're gullible, ProdFcked.
You're remarkably ill-informed about your cult.
However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".

"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said.​

Now, spout some meaningless insults at me, as if that makes the reality of the CRU moron's prediction go away.

We both know you're going to do it.
1975: The total freezing over of the planet is imminent!
Denier cult myth. Most scientists even then thought warming was more likely.

1985: The complete destruction of the Ozone Layer is imminent!
The ozone layer was, in fact, being thinned by chlorofluorocarbons and a hole in the ozone appeared over Antarctica and the incidence of melanomas and skin cancers increased, particularly in Australia, but nobody was predicting the "imminent complete destruction of the Ozone Layer". So, just another denier cult myth/exaggeration/propaganda meme to deceive the gullible, ignorant, anti-science rightwingnuts like you, ProdFcked.

1995: The melting of the polar ice caps is imminent!
True. The polar ice caps are melting now. The Arctic ice cap is melting away far more quickly than Antarctica but both are losing ice mass. However, no scientists were predicting in 1995 that they would melt as much as they actually have this soon.

2005: the last winter if snow is imminent!
Denier cult myth and complete nonsense. Jeez, you're gullible, ProdFcked.

2013: The Climate Change tipping point is imminent!
True. Several climate change tipping points are either imminent or have already been passed. Arctic feedback is one and that happens when the icy white reflective ice cover over the ocean melts and the dark, energy absorbing ocean surface starts warming even faster, thus melting more of the ice cover. Arctic methane release is another and that is already starting to happen as the permafrost melts and the sea bottom methane clathrates destabilize and methane gas, which is another greenhouse gas that is over 30 times more powerful than CO2, goes into the air and causes even faster warming. The Arctic is now warming up eight times faster than the rest of the planet.
So all of the past warnings are cult myth. But the latest is the true one?
What a maroon.
Were you even alive in 75? Because they damn sure said the ice age was coming.
Climate scientists warned the world about various things over the years and some of the things they were warning us about have already happened, like the melting of the Arctic ice cap. However the lies your little cult of reality denial tells you about those scientific warnings are indeed myths.

You idiotically claim that "they damn sure said the ice age was coming" and that certainly is one of your cult's myths, if by "they" you are referring to the scientists in the 70s. I already went over this in another thread so I'll just quote that.

I never said that Time and other news sources didn't have articles speculating about the unusually cold weather that was common in those years. Which, BTW, was discovered to be a result of the rampant air pollution happening in that period, which had a cooling effect. Many of those articles also mentioned the possibility of CO2 driven warming, but you deniers just cherry-pick the cooling parts of the articles.

'Time' organizes their articles under categories. The article you're citing here, "The Big Freeze" from 1977, was categorized under the heading of "Weather" because it was mostly talking about the unusually cold weather that the US was experiencing at that time (snow in Miami). In their August 1976 edition, there was an article, under the heading "Environment", titled "The World's Climate: Unpredictable", which was an attempt to describe the scientific understanding of the climate at that time: some scientists emphasized aerosols and cooling, some scientists emphasized CO2 and warming. There was no claim of a consensus either way.

Here's the excerpt you can get without paying.

Environment: The World's Climate: Unpredictable

Monday, Aug. 09, 1976
Subscriber content preview. Subscribe now or Log-In

Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody can do much about it even today. Short-range forecasting has improved enormously in recent years, even though squalls occur on days when the weatherman insists the precipitation probability is near zero. And despite great advances in techniques and technology, the discipline of climatology—the study of long-range trends in weather—is still an inexact science, to say the least. Climatologists still disagree on whether earth's long-range outlook is another ice age, which could bring mass starvation and fuel shortages, or a warming trend, which could melt the polar...

Read more: Environment: The World's Climate: Unpredictable - TIME Environment: The World's Climate: Unpredictable - TIME

In any case, all of the magazine or newspaper articles you can come up with aren't actually very significant because the actual state of the science is not accurately reflected in the media reports. It is reflected in the published scientific papers on the subject. From 1965 to 1979, exactly seven papers discussed the cooling effects of unrestricted aerosol pollution. Not one of them called for a new ice age. They weren't even wrong--unrestricted aerosol pollution would have resulted in cooling if we hadn't done something about it. And over that period, six times more papers discussed warming than cooling. More recently, a study by Dr. James Powell, who was a member of the National Science Board for 12 years, found that of the 13,950 peer-reviewed articles on climate change from 1991-2012, a total of only 24 papers “reject human-caused global warming or endorse a cause other than CO₂ emissions for observed warming.” These 13,950 articles had a total of 33,690 authors while the number of authors of “skeptics” papers had a total of 34. This is the extent of the actual “debate” about the science. The number of scientists who say that we are causing climate change by burning fossil fuels would fill a very large stadium whereas the number of scientists who disagree wouldn't fill a bus to get to the game.
Solar Irradiance has NOT GONE DOWN.. It climbed over a 300 year period and REMAINS at a relative high value wrt the last millenia... You'll KNOW if it "goes down" suddenly and significantly.. And that ---- just might happen..

The science and evidence do not support your crackpot denier cult myths about this, fecalhead. All you've got going for you is your own hot air and blather.

The irony of that post!
Denier cult myth. Most scientists even then thought warming was more likely.

The ozone layer was, in fact, being thinned by chlorofluorocarbons and a hole in the ozone appeared over Antarctica and the incidence of melanomas and skin cancers increased, particularly in Australia, but nobody was predicting the "imminent complete destruction of the Ozone Layer". So, just another denier cult myth/exaggeration/propaganda meme to deceive the gullible, ignorant, anti-science rightwingnuts like you, ProdFcked.

True. The polar ice caps are melting now. The Arctic ice cap is melting away far more quickly than Antarctica but both are losing ice mass. However, no scientists were predicting in 1995 that they would melt as much as they actually have this soon.

Denier cult myth and complete nonsense. Jeez, you're gullible, ProdFcked.

True. Several climate change tipping points are either imminent or have already been passed. Arctic feedback is one and that happens when the icy white reflective ice cover over the ocean melts and the dark, energy absorbing ocean surface starts warming even faster, thus melting more of the ice cover. Arctic methane release is another and that is already starting to happen as the permafrost melts and the sea bottom methane clathrates destabilize and methane gas, which is another greenhouse gas that is over 30 times more powerful than CO2, goes into the air and causes even faster warming. The Arctic is now warming up eight times faster than the rest of the planet.
So all of the past warnings are cult myth. But the latest is the true one?
What a maroon.
Were you even alive in 75? Because they damn sure said the ice age was coming.
Climate scientists warned the world about various things over the years and some of the things they were warning us about have already happened, like the melting of the Arctic ice cap. However the lies your little cult of reality denial tells you about those scientific warnings are indeed myths.

You idiotically claim that "they damn sure said the ice age was coming" and that certainly is one of your cult's myths, if by "they" you are referring to the scientists in the 70s. I already went over this in another thread so I'll just quote that.

I never said that Time and other news sources didn't have articles speculating about the unusually cold weather that was common in those years. Which, BTW, was discovered to be a result of the rampant air pollution happening in that period, which had a cooling effect. Many of those articles also mentioned the possibility of CO2 driven warming, but you deniers just cherry-pick the cooling parts of the articles.

'Time' organizes their articles under categories. The article you're citing here, "The Big Freeze" from 1977, was categorized under the heading of "Weather" because it was mostly talking about the unusually cold weather that the US was experiencing at that time (snow in Miami). In their August 1976 edition, there was an article, under the heading "Environment", titled "The World's Climate: Unpredictable", which was an attempt to describe the scientific understanding of the climate at that time: some scientists emphasized aerosols and cooling, some scientists emphasized CO2 and warming. There was no claim of a consensus either way.

Here's the excerpt you can get without paying.

Environment: The World's Climate: Unpredictable

Monday, Aug. 09, 1976
Subscriber content preview. Subscribe now or Log-In

Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody can do much about it even today. Short-range forecasting has improved enormously in recent years, even though squalls occur on days when the weatherman insists the precipitation probability is near zero. And despite great advances in techniques and technology, the discipline of climatology—the study of long-range trends in weather—is still an inexact science, to say the least. Climatologists still disagree on whether earth's long-range outlook is another ice age, which could bring mass starvation and fuel shortages, or a warming trend, which could melt the polar...

Read more: Environment: The World's Climate: Unpredictable - TIME Environment: The World's Climate: Unpredictable - TIME

In any case, all of the magazine or newspaper articles you can come up with aren't actually very significant because the actual state of the science is not accurately reflected in the media reports. It is reflected in the published scientific papers on the subject. From 1965 to 1979, exactly seven papers discussed the cooling effects of unrestricted aerosol pollution. Not one of them called for a new ice age. They weren't even wrong--unrestricted aerosol pollution would have resulted in cooling if we hadn't done something about it. And over that period, six times more papers discussed warming than cooling. More recently, a study by Dr. James Powell, who was a member of the National Science Board for 12 years, found that of the 13,950 peer-reviewed articles on climate change from 1991-2012, a total of only 24 papers “reject human-caused global warming or endorse a cause other than CO₂ emissions for observed warming.” These 13,950 articles had a total of 33,690 authors while the number of authors of “skeptics” papers had a total of 34. This is the extent of the actual “debate” about the science. The number of scientists who say that we are causing climate change by burning fossil fuels would fill a very large stadium whereas the number of scientists who disagree wouldn't fill a bus to get to the game.

So I take it you weren't around back then.
So when does the latest warning become a cult myth? Is there like an expiration date on these things or is it only valid till the next world crises?
Sucker born every minute,Ignoring history and bound to repeat it and all that.............:cuckoo:
Solar Irradiance has NOT GONE DOWN.. It climbed over a 300 year period and REMAINS at a relative high value wrt the last millenia... You'll KNOW if it "goes down" suddenly and significantly.. And that ---- just might happen..

The science and evidence do not support your crackpot denier cult myths about this, fecalhead. All you've got going for you is your own hot air and blather.

Hey TinkerBelle.. STFU already.. You're toast.. Your cult is toast.. And I don't lie...

2005: the last winter if snow is imminent!
Denier cult myth and complete nonsense. Jeez, you're gullible, ProdFcked.
You're remarkably ill-informed about your cult.

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past - Environment - The Independent
However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".

"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said.​

Now, spout some meaningless insults at me, as if that makes the reality of the CRU moron's prediction go away.

We both know you're going to do it.


The effects of snow-free winter in Britain are already becoming apparent. This year, for the first time ever, Hamleys, Britain's biggest toyshop, had no sledges on display in its Regent Street store. "It was a bit of a first," a spokesperson said.

Fen skating, once a popular sport on the fields of East Anglia, now takes place on indoor artificial rinks. Malcolm Robinson, of the Fenland Indoor Speed Skating Club in Peterborough, says they have not skated outside since 1997. "As a boy, I can remember being on ice most winters. Now it's few and far between," he said.
Denier cult myth and complete nonsense. Jeez, you're gullible, ProdFcked.
You're remarkably ill-informed about your cult.

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past - Environment - The Independent
However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".

"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said.​

Now, spout some meaningless insults at me, as if that makes the reality of the CRU moron's prediction go away.

We both know you're going to do it.


The effects of snow-free winter in Britain are already becoming apparent. This year, for the first time ever, Hamleys, Britain's biggest toyshop, had no sledges on display in its Regent Street store. "It was a bit of a first," a spokesperson said.

Fen skating, once a popular sport on the fields of East Anglia, now takes place on indoor artificial rinks. Malcolm Robinson, of the Fenland Indoor Speed Skating Club in Peterborough, says they have not skated outside since 1997. "As a boy, I can remember being on ice most winters. Now it's few and far between," he said.
Indeed it is.

2010: Record winter snowfall sparked the biggest baby boom for 20 years nine months later as couples got close to beat the big freeze | Mail Online

This year: UK: Worst winter for decades: Record-breaking snow predicted for November -- Earth Changes --
Denier cult myth and complete nonsense. Jeez, you're gullible, ProdFcked.
You're remarkably ill-informed about your cult.

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past - Environment - The Independent
However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".

"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said.​

Now, spout some meaningless insults at me, as if that makes the reality of the CRU moron's prediction go away.

We both know you're going to do it.


The effects of snow-free winter in Britain are already becoming apparent. This year, for the first time ever, Hamleys, Britain's biggest toyshop, had no sledges on display in its Regent Street store. "It was a bit of a first," a spokesperson said.

Fen skating, once a popular sport on the fields of East Anglia, now takes place on indoor artificial rinks. Malcolm Robinson, of the Fenland Indoor Speed Skating Club in Peterborough, says they have not skated outside since 1997. "As a boy, I can remember being on ice most winters. Now it's few and far between," he said.

WHAT'S odd here --- besides you little toad???
It's public panic and mass hysteria circa 2000.. The kinda stuff that crooked scientists LOVE to utilize to their advantage..
The quote goes back to Monday 20 March 2000

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past - Environment - The Independent

"The first two months of 2000 were virtually free of significant snowfall in much of lowland Britain, and December brought only moderate snowfall in the South-east. It is the continuation of a trend that has been increasingly visible in the past 15 years: in the south of England, for instance, from 1970 to 1995 snow and sleet fell for an average of 3.7 days, while from 1988 to 1995 the average was 0.7 days. London's last substantial snowfall was in February 1991"

Station data has rain and sun, no snow.

Weather and climate change - Met Office

It's kinda hard to find objective data on this one.
True. The polar ice caps are melting now. The Arctic ice cap is melting away far more quickly than Antarctica but both are losing ice mass. However, no scientists were predicting in 1995 that they would melt as much as they actually have this soon.

When you lie, do you get a bonus grant?

{Antarctic sea ice has grown to a record large extent for a second straight year, baffling scientists seeking to understand why this ice is expanding rather than shrinking in a warming world.

On Saturday, the ice extent reached 19.51 million square kilometers, according to data posted on the National Snow and Ice Data Center Web site. That number bested record high levels set earlier this month and in 2012 (of 19.48 million square kilometers). Records date back to October 1978.}

Antarctic sea ice hit 35-year record high Saturday

Once again you demonstrate you have no actual understanding of what is happening, Unhinged. When I referred to the Antarctic ice cap, I was referring to the miles thick ice sheets that cover the continent of Antarctica, not the thin fringe of seasonal sea ice that melts away to low levels in the Southern Hemisphere summer months and grows to about it's current extent in the winter. The sea ice represents an extremely small percentage of the total ice locked up in the ice sheets. The ice sheets are indeed losing ice mass, as I stated.

Here's some more excerpts from the article you're citing, that you are apparently too stupid to comprehend.

Antarctic sea ice hit 35-year record high Saturday
Washington Post
September 23

In a new study in the Journal of Climate, Jinlun Zhang, a University of Washington scientist, studying Antarctic ice, finds both strengthening and converging winds around the South Pole can explain 80 percent of the increase in ice volume which has been observed. “The polar vortex that swirls around the South Pole is not just stronger than it was when satellite records began in the 1970s, it has more convergence, meaning it shoves the sea ice together to cause ridging,” the study’s press release explains. “Stronger winds also drive ice faster, which leads to still more deformation and ridging. This creates thicker, longer-lasting ice, while exposing surrounding water and thin ice to the blistering cold winds that cause more ice growth

A recent study by Lorenzo Polvani and Karen Smith of Columbia University says the model-defying sea ice increase may just reflect natural variability. If the increase in ice is due to natural variability, Zhang says, warming from manmade greenhouse gases should eventually overcome it and cause the ice to begin retreating. “If the warming continues, at some point the trend will reverse,” Zhang said. Ultimately, it’s apparent the relationship between ozone depletion, climate warming from greenhouse gases, natural variability, and how Antarctic ice responds is all very complicated. “…the seeming paradox of Antarctic ice increasing while Arctic ice is decreasing is really no paradox at all,” explains Climate Central’s Lemonick. “The Arctic is an ocean surrounded by land, while the Antarctic is land surrounded by ocean. In the Arctic, moreover, you’ve got sea ice decreasing in the summer; at the opposite pole, you’ve got sea ice increasing in the winter. It’s not just an apples-and-oranges comparison: it’s more like comparing apple pie with orange juice.”

:lol::lol::lol::lol: You're so full of shit it's amazing you can see out from your shit filled eye sockets.
You're remarkably ill-informed about your cult.

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past - Environment - The Independent
However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".

"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said.​

Now, spout some meaningless insults at me, as if that makes the reality of the CRU moron's prediction go away.

We both know you're going to do it.


The effects of snow-free winter in Britain are already becoming apparent. This year, for the first time ever, Hamleys, Britain's biggest toyshop, had no sledges on display in its Regent Street store. "It was a bit of a first," a spokesperson said.

Fen skating, once a popular sport on the fields of East Anglia, now takes place on indoor artificial rinks. Malcolm Robinson, of the Fenland Indoor Speed Skating Club in Peterborough, says they have not skated outside since 1997. "As a boy, I can remember being on ice most winters. Now it's few and far between," he said.
Indeed it is.

2010: Record winter snowfall sparked the biggest baby boom for 20 years nine months later as couples got close to beat the big freeze | Mail Online

This year: UK: Worst winter for decades: Record-breaking snow predicted for November -- Earth Changes --

"Heavy snow will return occasionally, says Dr Viner, but when it does we will be unprepared. "We're really going to get caught out. Snow will probably cause chaos in 20 years time," he said."

Sure is, if your just looking at weather and point data. But that's how deniers roll. Kinda like saying, "I don't drink and drive" because you remember that one time, two years ago, when you didn't drink and drive.
Last edited:
Denier cult myth and complete nonsense. Jeez, you're gullible, ProdFcked.
You're remarkably ill-informed about your cult.

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past - Environment - The Independent
However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".

"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said.​

Now, spout some meaningless insults at me, as if that makes the reality of the CRU moron's prediction go away.

We both know you're going to do it.


The effects of snow-free winter in Britain are already becoming apparent. This year, for the first time ever, Hamleys, Britain's biggest toyshop, had no sledges on display in its Regent Street store. "It was a bit of a first," a spokesperson said.

Fen skating, once a popular sport on the fields of East Anglia, now takes place on indoor artificial rinks. Malcolm Robinson, of the Fenland Indoor Speed Skating Club in Peterborough, says they have not skated outside since 1997. "As a boy, I can remember being on ice most winters. Now it's few and far between," he said.

:lol::lol::lol: What year did you pull that steaming pile from?:lol::lol: Or as my daughter would say "liar, liar, pants on fire!" Here is the real Fen Skating situation.... what a moron....I mean truly what a moron....

Plenty of ICE outside.... what a stupid, stupid asshat.

Fenland Skating Venues

Fenland Twitter Web Site

Welney 18/11/13 Water level perfect

Whittlesey 18/11/13 Water level perfect

Bury Fen 18/11/13 Some water

Sutton Gault 18/11/13 Water level perfect

Upware 18/11/13 Some water

Fenland Ice Skating Cambridge |

"Heavy snow will return occasionally, says Dr Viner, but when it does we will be unprepared. "We're really going to get caught out. Snow will probably cause chaos in 20 years time," he said."

Sure is, if your just looking at weather and point data. But that's how deniers roll. Kinda like saying, "I don't drink and drive" because you remember that one time, two years ago, when you didn't drink and drive.
It's absolutely HILARIOUS the way you refuse to acknowledge that Viner fucked up.

Your assumption, Dave, that Viner's comments have any significance to anyone is just pathetic.
Your assumption, Dave, that Viner's comments have any significance to anyone is just pathetic.
He's a climate scientist. "Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia..."

So don't pretend you don't suck his ass, Abe.

He fucked up. He was inarguably, unquestionably, undeniably wrong.

But you can't acknowledge that, can you?

No. You can't. It would be sacrilege for an acolyte to question a High Priest.
Your assumption, Dave, that Viner's comments have any significance to anyone is just pathetic.
He's a climate scientist. "Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia..."

So don't pretend you don't suck his ass, Abe.

He fucked up. He was inarguably, unquestionably, undeniably wrong.

But you can't acknowledge that, can you?

No. You can't. It would be sacrilege for an acolyte to question a High Priest.

I never heard of the man till you fixated on him. You're the one with the obsession. You're one rimmin' his brown-eye with such real gusto. And I bet he's lost money on the horses and that at least once a week he trips over his own feet. His comment is of no significance and your umpteen thousand posts on the man show us nothing but that you haven't got JACK SHIT to bring to this argument.

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