Climate change 'tipping points' imminent

Your assumption, Dave, that Viner's comments have any significance to anyone is just pathetic.
He's a climate scientist. "Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia..."

So don't pretend you don't suck his ass, Abe.

He fucked up. He was inarguably, unquestionably, undeniably wrong.

But you can't acknowledge that, can you?

No. You can't. It would be sacrilege for an acolyte to question a High Priest.

I never heard of the man till you fixated on him. You're the one with the obsession. You're one rimmin' his brown-eye with such real gusto. And I bet he's lost money on the horses and that at least once a week he trips over his own feet. His comment is of no significance and your umpteen thousand posts on the man show us nothing but that you haven't got JACK SHIT to bring to this argument.
That's all true...oh,, it's not. It's utter crap.

This thread is about bullshit AGW cultists' moronic claims. I provided one, and from a well-known AGW "scientist".

Your frantic backpedaling is utterly immaterial, Skippy. You can throw all the little temper tantrums you want, but it doesn't alter the fact that Viner was WRONG.

It's okay. You can say it. You won't burst into flame, and you won't go to Climate Hell.

But you'll never admit it. You CAN'T. You will once again attempt to deflect attention from Viner's failure.

We're all going to burn for what we're doing. I swear to god!


Too late!!
Could have sworn it was old Abe who ASKED for a quote on who was predicting less snow..
Guaranteed -- all the warmers present will DENY they ever heard such an assertion in a day from now..
Dr. Viner wasn't alone in that time period writing the obituary on snowfall...

Global Warming Alarmists Flip-Flop On Snowfall - Forbes

The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Third Assessment Report was as straightforward as Frank Pentangeli’s earlier confession that he had killed on behalf of Michael Corleone. “Milder winter temperatures will decrease heavy snowstorms,” IPCC reported.

That was in 2001.
Now, however, with an unprecedented number of major winter snowstorms hitting the northeastern U.S. during the past two winters, the alarmists are clamming up and changing their tune faster than Tom Hagen can fly in Vincenzo Pentangeli from Italy to aid his brother in his time of trouble.

During the question and answer portion of the UCS press conference, I quoted the IPCC Third Assessment Report and asked Masters and Serreze if they were saying IPCC was wrong on the science.

“I would say that we always learn,” replied Serreze. “Have we learned a great deal since the IPCC 2001 report? I would say yes, we have. Climate science, like any other field, is a constantly evolving field and we are always learning.”

While I believe the weight of scientific evidence favors Coleman and D’Aleo, the larger importance of the UCS press conference is not whether global warming causes – in effect – more winter, but what the press conference illustrated about the alarmists’ oft-repeated assertions that “the science is settled” and “the debate is over.”
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"Heavy snow will return occasionally, says Dr Viner, but when it does we will be unprepared. "We're really going to get caught out. Snow will probably cause chaos in 20 years time," he said."

Sure is, if your just looking at weather and point data. But that's how deniers roll. Kinda like saying, "I don't drink and drive" because you remember that one time, two years ago, when you didn't drink and drive.
It's absolutely HILARIOUS the way you refuse to acknowledge that Viner fucked up.


They can't, that would be heretical...
Your assumption, Dave, that Viner's comments have any significance to anyone is just pathetic.
He's a climate scientist. "Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia..."

So don't pretend you don't suck his ass, Abe.

He fucked up. He was inarguably, unquestionably, undeniably wrong.

But you can't acknowledge that, can you?

No. You can't. It would be sacrilege for an acolyte to question a High Priest.

I never heard of the man till you fixated on him. You're the one with the obsession. You're one rimmin' his brown-eye with such real gusto. And I bet he's lost money on the horses and that at least once a week he trips over his own feet. His comment is of no significance and your umpteen thousand posts on the man show us nothing but that you haven't got JACK SHIT to bring to this argument.

He is one of the leading lights of the cult of AGW. I believe you refer to them as High Priests. He might even be Druid level for all I know.
You're remarkably ill-informed about your cult.

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past - Environment - The Independent
However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".

"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said.​

Now, spout some meaningless insults at me, as if that makes the reality of the CRU moron's prediction go away.

We both know you're going to do it.


The effects of snow-free winter in Britain are already becoming apparent. This year, for the first time ever, Hamleys, Britain's biggest toyshop, had no sledges on display in its Regent Street store. "It was a bit of a first," a spokesperson said.

Fen skating, once a popular sport on the fields of East Anglia, now takes place on indoor artificial rinks. Malcolm Robinson, of the Fenland Indoor Speed Skating Club in Peterborough, says they have not skated outside since 1997. "As a boy, I can remember being on ice most winters. Now it's few and far between," he said.
What year did you pull that steaming pile from?

You just keep getting even dumber, walleyed. Please try to keep up. The article about Dr. Vines, that is being cited, quoted and very obviously linked to in the stuff you're quoting here, is from the year 2000, at a time when snowfall in Britain had been diminishing sharply for 15 years.

You're obviously too retarded to actually read all of the article that you denier nitwits keep citing as "proof" that all climate scientists must be idiots because one of them once carelessly said, 13 years ago and only referring to Britain, that snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event", which you nutjobs have been misled into misinterpreting to mean that all climate scientists everywhere somehow believe "there will be no snow anytime anywhere almost immediately". Of course, the other statement he made, you ignore: "Heavy snow will return occasionally, says Dr Viner." The other piece of that article, that you deniers often stupidly mis-attribute to Dr. Viner, is the poorly written and sensationalistic headline that was actually written by the reporter writing the article and which stated: "Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past". Cherry-picking the quotes you use out of that article is just another example of your denier cult's moronic effort to smear science and scientists because you don't want to hear what they are telling the world about the reality and dangers of anthropogenic global warming.

Someone else quotes another part of that article that talks about how it had gotten so warm and snow-free in Britain at that time that the Fen skating had to move to indoor skating rinks and you object by citing contemporary outdoor Fen skating as if that has anything to do with what was happening 13 years ago. You are so out of touch and clueless.

You deniers ignore all the parts of that article that don't support your propaganda memes. Like the opening paragraphs that give the article some rational context.

"Britain's winter ends tomorrow with further indications of a striking environmental change: snow is starting to disappear from our lives. Sledges, snowmen, snowballs and the excitement of waking to find that the stuff has settled outside are all a rapidly diminishing part of Britain's culture, as warmer winters - which scientists are attributing to global climate change - produce not only fewer white Christmases, but fewer white Januaries and Februaries.

The first two months of 2000 were virtually free of significant snowfall in much of lowland Britain, and December brought only moderate snowfall in the South-east. It is the continuation of a trend that has been increasingly visible in the past 15 years: in the south of England, for instance, from 1970 to 1995 snow and sleet fell for an average of 3.7 days, while from 1988 to 1995 the average was 0.7 days. London's last substantial snowfall was in February 1991.


There are reasons why the winters became harsher with increased snowfall in a number of the years after the year 2000 but it's late so I'll have to get back to that at a later time.
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WHY do global warming deniers believe people with some knowledge and interest in actual science regard British tabloids as sterling sources of information? Oh, wait... maybe because THEY do..
1975: The total freezing over of the planet is imminent!
Denier cult myth. Most scientists even then thought warming was more likely.

1985: The complete destruction of the Ozone Layer is imminent!
The ozone layer was, in fact, being thinned by chlorofluorocarbons and a hole in the ozone appeared over Antarctica and the incidence of melanomas and skin cancers increased, particularly in Australia, but nobody was predicting the "imminent complete destruction of the Ozone Layer". So, just another denier cult myth/exaggeration/propaganda meme to deceive the gullible, ignorant, anti-science rightwingnuts like you, ProdFcked.

True. The polar ice caps are melting now. The Arctic ice cap is melting away far more quickly than Antarctica but both are losing ice mass. However, no scientists were predicting in 1995 that they would melt as much as they actually have this soon.

2005: the last winter if snow is imminent!
Denier cult myth and complete nonsense. Jeez, you're gullible, ProdFcked.

2013: The Climate Change tipping point is imminent!
True. Several climate change tipping points are either imminent or have already been passed. Arctic feedback is one and that happens when the icy white reflective ice cover over the ocean melts and the dark, energy absorbing ocean surface starts warming even faster, thus melting more of the ice cover. Arctic methane release is another and that is already starting to happen as the permafrost melts and the sea bottom methane clathrates destabilize and methane gas, which is another greenhouse gas that is over 30 times more powerful than CO2, goes into the air and causes even faster warming. The Arctic is now warming up eight times faster than the rest of the planet.

Actually, the scientists DID say that we would have what amounted to a nuclear winter that would last years maybe even decades. I know that as a fact. I was there, and I believed it then.

And scientists DID say that by 2010 we would have winters without snow. That is a fact.

The rest of my post points out, in a sarcastic and hyperbolic way, the hysteria purposely exaggerated by the AGW scam artists.

It is YOU who is gullible dumbass.
1975: The total freezing over of the planet is imminent!
Denier cult myth. Most scientists even then thought warming was more likely.

The ozone layer was, in fact, being thinned by chlorofluorocarbons and a hole in the ozone appeared over Antarctica and the incidence of melanomas and skin cancers increased, particularly in Australia, but nobody was predicting the "imminent complete destruction of the Ozone Layer". So, just another denier cult myth/exaggeration/propaganda meme to deceive the gullible, ignorant, anti-science rightwingnuts like you, ProdFcked.

True. The polar ice caps are melting now. The Arctic ice cap is melting away far more quickly than Antarctica but both are losing ice mass. However, no scientists were predicting in 1995 that they would melt as much as they actually have this soon.

Denier cult myth and complete nonsense. Jeez, you're gullible, ProdFcked.

2013: The Climate Change tipping point is imminent!
True. Several climate change tipping points are either imminent or have already been passed. Arctic feedback is one and that happens when the icy white reflective ice cover over the ocean melts and the dark, energy absorbing ocean surface starts warming even faster, thus melting more of the ice cover. Arctic methane release is another and that is already starting to happen as the permafrost melts and the sea bottom methane clathrates destabilize and methane gas, which is another greenhouse gas that is over 30 times more powerful than CO2, goes into the air and causes even faster warming. The Arctic is now warming up eight times faster than the rest of the planet.

So all of the past warnings are cult myth. But the latest is the true one?:lol::lol:
What a maroon.:lol:

Were you even alive in 75? Because they damn sure said the ice age was coming.

WHY do global warming deniers believe people with some knowledge and interest in actual science regard British tabloids as sterling sources of information? Oh, wait... maybe because THEY do..

Global warming is a natural process that happens on the planet, I doubt you would find very many people who deny that.
2005: the last winter if snow is imminent!
Denier cult myth and complete nonsense. Jeez, you're gullible, ProdFcked.
You're remarkably ill-informed about your cult.

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past - Environment - The Independent
However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".

"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said.​

Now, spout some meaningless insults at me, as if that makes the reality of the CRU moron's prediction go away.

We both know you're going to do it.

And it wasn't just that one scientists either, that was the thinking in the scientific community at the time.
What year did you pull that steaming pile from?

You just keep getting even dumber, walleyed. Please try to keep up. The article about Dr. Vines, that is being cited, quoted and very obviously linked to in the stuff you're quoting here, is from the year 2000, at a time when snowfall in Britain had been diminishing sharply for 15 years.

You're obviously too retarded to actually read all of the article that you denier nitwits keep citing as "proof" that all climate scientists must be idiots because one of them once carelessly said, 13 years ago and only referring to Britain, that snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event", which you nutjobs have been misled into misinterpreting to mean that all climate scientists everywhere somehow believe "there will be no snow anytime anywhere almost immediately". Of course, the other statement he made, you ignore: "Heavy snow will return occasionally, says Dr Viner." The other piece of that article, that you deniers often stupidly mis-attribute to Dr. Viner, is the poorly written and sensationalistic headline that was actually written by the reporter writing the article and which stated: "Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past". Cherry-picking the quotes you use out of that article is just another example of your denier cult's moronic effort to smear science and scientists because you don't want to hear what they are telling the world about the reality and dangers of anthropogenic global warming.

Someone else quotes another part of that article that talks about how it had gotten so warm and snow-free in Britain at that time that the Fen skating had to move to indoor skating rinks and you object by citing contemporary outdoor Fen skating as if that has anything to do with what was happening 13 years ago. You are so out of touch and clueless.

You deniers ignore all the parts of that article that don't support your propaganda memes. Like the opening paragraphs that give the article some rational context.

"Britain's winter ends tomorrow with further indications of a striking environmental change: snow is starting to disappear from our lives. Sledges, snowmen, snowballs and the excitement of waking to find that the stuff has settled outside are all a rapidly diminishing part of Britain's culture, as warmer winters - which scientists are attributing to global climate change - produce not only fewer white Christmases, but fewer white Januaries and Februaries.

The first two months of 2000 were virtually free of significant snowfall in much of lowland Britain, and December brought only moderate snowfall in the South-east. It is the continuation of a trend that has been increasingly visible in the past 15 years: in the south of England, for instance, from 1970 to 1995 snow and sleet fell for an average of 3.7 days, while from 1988 to 1995 the average was 0.7 days. London's last substantial snowfall was in February 1991.


There are reasons why the winters became harsher with increased snowfall in a number of the years after the year 2000 but it's late so I'll have to get back to that at a later time.
Lots of yappy-yappy, but missing the only key point:

Viner was wrong.

Abe can't bring himself to say it. Can you?
Solar Irradiance has NOT GONE DOWN.. It climbed over a 300 year period and REMAINS at a relative high value wrt the last millenia... You'll KNOW if it "goes down" suddenly and significantly.. And that ---- just might happen..

It's the sun, it's always been the sun. Ever since there was an earth and a sun the sun has controlled our climate. For humans to think that they can override the sun and/or effect the climate of the earth is arrogance in the extreme.
WHY do global warming deniers believe people with some knowledge and interest in actual science regard British tabloids as sterling sources of information? Oh, wait... maybe because THEY do..

Why do AGW cultists refuse to acknowledge when their high priests are unquestionably proven wrong?

You don't have some knowledge of and interest in actual science. All you have is your cultlike programming about pseudo-science.
Your assumption, Dave, that Viner's comments have any significance to anyone is just pathetic.
He's a climate scientist. "Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia..."

So don't pretend you don't suck his ass, Abe.

He fucked up. He was inarguably, unquestionably, undeniably wrong.

But you can't acknowledge that, can you?

No. You can't. It would be sacrilege for an acolyte to question a High Priest.

I never heard of the man till you fixated on him. You're the one with the obsession. You're one rimmin' his brown-eye with such real gusto. And I bet he's lost money on the horses and that at least once a week he trips over his own feet. His comment is of no significance and your umpteen thousand posts on the man show us nothing but that you haven't got JACK SHIT to bring to this argument.

Dude you got pwned, and instead of admitting it, you attack like this. Typical left wing dumbass.

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