CLIMATE DECEPTIONS.... Today's Demonstration


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
You just can make this kind of deception up. But here it is.

The Washinton Post published a giddy piece on the ENSO going neutral. They changed the graphing color to indicate that it was very hot in an attempt to drive fear.


They claimed that it is warming very fast. This is an outright LIE! (Source)

We have barely breached into the neutral state of the ENSO.


The color used by the Washinton Post is deception at its worst. They indicate and cause fear of rapid warming when it IS NOT HAPPENING. The empirical evidence suggests that we won't even breach neutral before cooling again later this year.

All they have are deceptions to drive fear and their narrative.
The regions which drive an upward temperature of the ENSO are all cold and have not recharged.


I am wondering where NOAA thinks that energy is going to come from?
I am wondering where NOAA thinks that energy is going to come from?

You stated in the OP that this was the Washington Post making these claims ... how did NOAA get involved? ...

The Washington Posts also claim Cher Bono gave birth to twin-headed monsters from Galaxy X ... Aaron Judge is a genetic freak from the Wuhan Labs in China ... and a couple other things that we have to do this minute ...

If refereed scientific journals aren't buying this shit ... why should we? ... it's a 1st Amendment right to pay someone to lie ... so beware ...
You stated in the OP that this was the Washington Post making these claims ... how did NOAA get involved? ...

The Washington Posts also claim Cher Bono gave birth to twin-headed monsters from Galaxy X ... Aaron Judge is a genetic freak from the Wuhan Labs in China ... and a couple other things that we have to do this minute ...

If refereed scientific journals aren't buying this shit ... why should we? ... it's a 1st Amendment right to pay someone to lie ... so beware ...
Read the article. That is who they claim is making these assessments.

That is according to the latest analysis from the National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center, which said Thursday that the markers of La Niña all but disappeared in February. La Niña is associated with cooler-than-normal waters in the tropical Pacific Ocean and can promote more intense Atlantic hurricanes.
Here is the important part:

"which said Thursday that the markers of La Niña all but disappeared in February"

The markers are still present. This is a damn hope and poke forecast once again...
Read the article. That is who they claim is making these assessments.

Wait ... you're quoting the Washington Post ... not NOAA ... we agree the Washington Post is bozo ... not worth reading ... right? ...

La Niña has ended and ENSO-neutral conditions are expected to continue through the Northern Hemisphere spring and early summer 2023.

NOAA Citation ...

That's exactly what your second graph in the OP is showing ... we're moving from cold LaNina to average temperatures ... thus NOAA is lifting the "La Nina advisory" ... NINO3.4 is a specific set of weather buoys out in the Pacific ... not sure why the other sets aren't being used ...

If your thermometer goes up a degree, it's safe to say temperature has gone up a degree ...
Wait ... you're quoting the Washington Post ... not NOAA ... we agree the Washington Post is bozo ... not worth reading ... right? ...

NOAA Citation ...

That's exactly what your second graph in the OP is showing ... we're moving from cold LaNina to average temperatures ... thus NOAA is lifting the "La Nina advisory" ... NINO3.4 is a specific set of weather buoys out in the Pacific ... not sure why the other sets aren't being used ...

If your thermometer goes up a degree, it's safe to say temperature has gone up a degree ...
You're glossing over the intentional deception. Yes the temp has now reached a level in which it is considered neutral. The article makes it look like we are all going to die from heat.... This is deception.

were gonna die beaker.gif
You just can make this kind of deception up. But here it is.

The Washinton Post published a giddy piece on the ENSO going neutral. They changed the graphing color to indicate that it was very hot in an attempt to drive fear.


They claimed that it is warming very fast. This is an outright LIE! (Source)

We have barely breached into the neutral state of the ENSO.


The color used by the Washinton Post is deception at its worst. They indicate and cause fear of rapid warming when it IS NOT HAPPENING. The empirical evidence suggests that we won't even breach neutral before cooling again later this year.

All they have are deceptions to drive fear and their narrative.
Fear, like what fear??? Farmers would be doing fine if the gypsum(nitrogen) had not been put on hold a while ago. That's the ONLY reason we still have some fields not in crop. The warmies are still trying to get a "one world without borders" going, & a fantasy climate crisis is the last open road for the warmies to acquire that goal. Good call on your part with the map & graph. Thanks!
You just can make this kind of deception up. But here it is.

The Washinton Post published a giddy piece on the ENSO going neutral. They changed the graphing color to indicate that it was very hot in an attempt to drive fear.


They claimed that it is warming very fast. This is an outright LIE! (Source)

We have barely breached into the neutral state of the ENSO.


The color used by the Washinton Post is deception at its worst. They indicate and cause fear of rapid warming when it IS NOT HAPPENING. The empirical evidence suggests that we won't even breach neutral before cooling again later this year.

All they have are deceptions to drive fear and their narrative.
I thought links to reference sources were a requirement here. Let's see a link and a quote where they say it is "warming very fast"

Here is the text from that article. Oddly, I can't find the "warming very fast" bit. In fact, it doesn't READ like someone trying to be alarmist at all. Why don't you point out the naughty bits for us?

WASHINGTON — After three nasty years, the La Nina weather phenomenon that increases Atlantic hurricane activity and worsens western drought is gone, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said Thursday.

That’s usually good news for the United States and other parts of the world, including drought-stricken northeast Africa, scientists said.

The globe is now in what’s considered a “neutral” condition and probably trending to an El Nino in late summer or fall, said climate scientist Michelle L’Heureux, head of NOAA’s El Nino/La Nina forecast office.
“It’s over,” said research scientist Azhar Ehsan, who heads Columbia University’s El Nino/La Nina forecasting. “Mother Nature thought to get rid of this one because it’s enough.”

La Nina is a natural and temporary cooling of parts of the Pacific Ocean that changes weather worldwide. In the United States, because La Nina is connected to more Atlantic storms and deeper droughts and wildfires in the West, La Ninas often are more damaging and expensive than their more famous flip side, El Nino, experts said and studies show.

Generally, American agriculture is more damaged by La Nina than El Nino. If the globe jumps into El Nino it means more rain for the Midwestern corn belt and grains in general and could be beneficial, said Michael Ferrari, chief scientific officer of Climate Alpha, a firm that advises investors on financial decisions based on climate.
When there’s a La Nina, there are more storms in the Atlantic during hurricane season because it removes conditions that suppress storm formation. Neutral or El Nino conditions make it harder for storms to get going, but not impossible, scientists said.

Over the last three years, the U.S. has been hit by 14 hurricanes and tropical storms that caused a billion dollars or more in damage, totalling $252 billion in costs, according to NOAA economist and meteorologist Adam Smith said. La Nina and people building in harm’s way were factors, he said.

Climate change is a major factor in worsening extreme weather, alongside La Nina, scientists said and numerous studies and reports show. Human-caused warming is like an escalator going up: It makes temperatures increase and extremes worse, while La Nina and El Nino are like jumping up and down on the escalator, according to Northern Illinois University atmospheric sciences professor Victor Gensini.
La Nina has also slightly dampened global average temperatures, keeping warming from breaking annual temperature records, while El Nino slightly turbocharges those temperatures often setting records, scientists said.

La Nina tends to make Western Africa wet, but Eastern Africa, around Somalia, dry. The opposite happens in El Nino with drought-struck Somalia likely to get steady “short rains,” Ehsan said. La Nina has wetter conditions for Indonesia, parts of Australia and the Amazon, but those areas are drier in El Nino, according to NOAA.

El Nino means more heat waves for India and Pakistan and other parts of South Asia and weaker monsoons there, Ehsan said.
This particular La Nina, which started in September 2020 but is considered three years old because it affected three different winters, was unusual and one of the longest on record. It took a brief break in 2021 but came roaring back with record intensity.

“I’m sick of this La Nina,” Ehsan said. L’Heureux agreed, saying she’s ready to talk about something else.
The few other times that there’s been a triple-dip La Nina have come after strong El Ninos and there’s clear physics on why that happens. But that’s not what happened with this La Nina, L’Heureux said. This one didn’t have a strong El Nino before it.
Even though this La Nina has confounded scientists in the past, they say the signs of it leaving are clear: Water in the key part of the central Pacific warmed to a bit more than the threshold for a La Nina in February, the atmosphere showed some changes and along the eastern Pacific near Peru, there’s already El Nino-like warming brewing on the coast, L’Heureux said.

Think of a La Nina or El Nino as something that pushes the weather system from the Pacific with ripple effects worldwide, L’Heureux said. When there are neutral conditions like now, there’s less push from the Pacific. That means other climatic factors, including the long-term warming trend, have more influence in day-to-day weather, she said.
Without an El Nino or La Nina, forecasters have a harder time predicting seasonal weather trends for summer or fall because the Pacific Ocean has such a big footprint in weeks-long forecasts.
El Nino forecasts made in the spring are generally less reliable than ones made other times of year, so scientists are less sure about what will happen next, L’Heureux said. But NOAA’s forecast said there’s a 60% chance that El Nino will take charge come fall.

There’s also a 5% chance that La Nina will return for an unprecedented fourth dip. L’Heureux said she really doesn’t want that but the scientist in her would find that interesting. ___ Follow AP’s climate and environment coverage at Climate and environment ___ Follow Seth Borenstein on Twitter at @borenbears ___ Associated Press climate and environmental coverage receives support from several private foundations. See more about AP’s climate initiative here. The AP is solely responsible for all content.

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They have been predicting the end of La Nina for some time. If they keep predicting it they will be right eventually. I wouldn't say 60% would be considered to be high confidence. Seems like they are hedging their bets.
They have been predicting the end of La Nina for some time. If they keep predicting it they will be right eventually. I wouldn't say 60% would be considered to be high confidence. Seems like they are hedging their bets.
NOAA said there was a 60% chance of El Nino starting this fall. We have been in a La Nina but it is now over and we are in a neutral mode.
NOAA said there was a 60% chance of El Nino starting this fall. We have been in a La Nina but it is now over and we are in a neutral mode.
I got that already. Maybe I should have clarified what I meant by the end of La Nina.
NOAA said there was a 60% chance of El Nino starting this fall. We have been in a La Nina but it is now over and we are in a neutral mode.
I got that already. Maybe I should have clarified what I meant by the end of La Nina.

This is a "spectral" effect ... it's about the amount, not existence ... and we can define El Nino and La Nina anyway we wish ... including the Christ-child ... the typical fish kill along the Peruvian coast occurs around Christmas time ...

La Nina is just some made-up bullshit that may ... or may not ... have anything to do with anything else ...

It's an oscillation ... you children need to grow up and behave yourself ... I didn't carry the two of you inside my womb for NINE SOLID MONTHS to have you treat me this way ...
This is a "spectral" effect ... it's about the amount, not existence ... and we can define El Nino and La Nina anyway we wish ... including the Christ-child ... the typical fish kill along the Peruvian coast occurs around Christmas time ...

La Nina is just some made-up bullshit that may ... or may not ... have anything to do with anything else ...

It's an oscillation ... you children need to grow up and behave yourself ... I didn't carry the two of you inside my womb for NINE SOLID MONTHS to have you treat me this way ...
Did you get some good weed last night?
This is a "spectral" effect ... it's about the amount, not existence ... and we can define El Nino and La Nina anyway we wish ... including the Christ-child ... the typical fish kill along the Peruvian coast occurs around Christmas time ...

La Nina is just some made-up bullshit that may ... or may not ... have anything to do with anything else ...

It's an oscillation ... you children need to grow up and behave yourself ... I didn't carry the two of you inside my womb for NINE SOLID MONTHS to have you treat me this way ...
PDO then. Is that better?


The PDO is not the ENSO oscillation.
It's all related.

The Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) is often described as a long-lived El Niño-like pattern of Pacific climate variability (Zhang et al. 1997). As seen with the better-known El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO), extremes in the PDO pattern are marked by widespread variations in the Pacific Basin and the North American climate. In parallel with the ENSO phenomenon, the extreme phases of the PDO have been classified as being either warm or cool, as defined by ocean temperature anomalies in the northeast and tropical Pacific Ocean. When SSTs are anomalously cool in the interior North Pacific and warm along the Pacific Coast, and when sea level pressures are below average over the North Pacific, the PDO has a positive value. When the climate anomaly patterns are reversed, with warm SST anomalies in the interior and cool SST anomalies along the North American coast, or above average sea level pressures over the North Pacific, the PDO has a negative value (Courtesy of Mantua, 1999).

It's all related.

The Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) is often described as a long-lived El Niño-like pattern of Pacific climate variability (Zhang et al. 1997). As seen with the better-known El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO), extremes in the PDO pattern are marked by widespread variations in the Pacific Basin and the North American climate. In parallel with the ENSO phenomenon, the extreme phases of the PDO have been classified as being either warm or cool, as defined by ocean temperature anomalies in the northeast and tropical Pacific Ocean. When SSTs are anomalously cool in the interior North Pacific and warm along the Pacific Coast, and when sea level pressures are below average over the North Pacific, the PDO has a positive value. When the climate anomaly patterns are reversed, with warm SST anomalies in the interior and cool SST anomalies along the North American coast, or above average sea level pressures over the North Pacific, the PDO has a negative value (Courtesy of Mantua, 1999).

So what?
So the planet's climate is connected to everything but is mostly driven by what happens in the northern hemisphere because of landmass distribution which affects ocean currents, thermal isolation of polar regions, glaciation thresholds at each pole and the modulation of glaciation at each pole.

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