Climate scientist blows the lid off the ‘manufactured consensus’

I've got to push back a bit on that. Science can be deeply affected by a single person if they're science is good and says something different. The discovery of dark energy, dark matter and the accelerating expansion of the universe were each initially due to the work of a small number of individuals.

Unfortunately, neither Judith Curry, Roy Spencer, John Christy, Roger Pielke Sr, Willie Soon, Will Happer, Sallie Bailunas nor anyone else rejecting the consensus position are such individuals.
Of course. And I’ll go a step further. Some-of the greatest discoveries of all time occurred with individual accomplishment at their root. But, these revelations ONLY occur after many years of work and further verification, experimentation and and consensus by the scientific community at large. It just doesn’t happen in a vacuumed.
Everything occurs on the shoulders of those who came before and those who continue the work afterwards.

These persons are acknowledged as key contributors only after their work has been tested and scrutinized by the community at large. And, even this scrutinizing has led to further discoveries and expansions that even those originally credited as key discoveries, never envisioned.
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I've got to push back a bit on that. Science can be deeply affected by a single person if they're science is good and says something different. The discovery of dark energy, dark matter and the accelerating expansion of the universe were each initially due to the work of a small number of individuals.

Unfortunately, neither Judith Curry, Roy Spencer, John Christy, Roger Pielke Sr, Willie Soon, Will Happer, Sallie Bailunas nor anyone else rejecting the consensus position are such individuals.
Science in many areas is so involved that no one person can ever follow a reliable working theory to fruition. Regardless of how much they contribute initially, everyone has weaknesses and voids in their research that has to be filled by others. Every major accomplishment has only progressed with teamwork and the inclusion of peoples who are always trying to find something wrong with another’s work. That’s what it takes.....literally, a community at large. The more involved, the more reliable the discoveries of those individuals becomes.
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Ha ha ha ha ...

Indeed ... traditionally, climatology is for students who struggled through two years of college calculus and the prospect of a third year required by dynamic meteorology just isn't going to happen ... for these students, climatology only requires a second year of college statistics ... and graduating ...

However, I see now UCLA has added both LinAlgebra and Diffy Q to the climatology degree program ... I'm guessing to weed out the "B" grade students ...

If you can't understand Navier/Stokes Equations:


... then you shouldn't be discussing advanced climatology ... and neither should the commercial media ...

ETA: Yeah, that's a Cartesian Coordinate system ... the math is much easier using spherical coordinates ... I used this form strictly to look impressive ... and you do have to admit, that crap above looks extremely daunting ... even math majors cross their legs when they see this ... this is why weather forecasts break down after 72 hours ...
I’d be happy with one single controlled experiment measuring temperature vs CO2 in the hundreds of PPM
Science in many areas is so involved that no one person can never follow a reliable working theory to fruition. Regardless of how much they contribute initially, everyone has weaknesses and voids in their research that has to be filled by others. Every major accomplishment has only progressed with teamwork and the inclusion of peoples who are always trying to find something wrong with another’s work. That’s what it takes.....literally, the community at large. The more involved, the more reliable the discoveries of those individuals becomes.
That only happens when people challenge the status quo.
It is often said that there is an “overwhelming scientific consensus” that human activity is causing global warming, which is regularly supported by fact-check articles.

However, this slogan has been challenged by a number of prominent scientists over the years. Esteemed physicist and 2022 Nobel Prize winner Dr. John Clauser recently stated he does not believe there is a man-made global warming crisis. Scientist and Weather Channel founder John Coleman also championed his belief that “there is no significant man-made global warming” before his death in 2018.

Most recently, American climatologist Judith Curry of the Georgia Institute of Technology says this so-called scientific consensus is “manufactured.” Published in over a hundred scientific papers, Curry’s decades-long research includes hurricanes, remote sensing, atmospheric modeling, polar climates, air-sea interactions, climate models, and the use of unmanned aerial vehicles for atmospheric research.

Curry argues this false slogan about an “overwhelming consensus” has been fueled by scientists who pursue “fame and fortune.” Scientists who study man-made global warming are more likely to be quoted in popular culture while receiving celebrity-like status and lucrative grants from the federal government.

This has created “climate hysteria” among the general public, it but isn’t believed by scientists like Curry.

The Left uses Climate Change fear to control dumb people.
There is no scientific consensus.
There is no climate crisis.
Consensus is a Cult word and has NOTHING to do with science.

Consensus is a Jihad on the scientific method
Consensus is a Cult word and has NOTHING to do with science.

Consensus is a Jihad on the scientific method
That’s because you’re looking for someone, anyone to agree with you and are afraid of being scrutinized. The world has enough conspiracy theorists ready to buy into bull shit .
You don’t even know what the word “consensus “ means do you ? Scientific method ? More woo woo. You don’t have a fking clue what it is.
You’re afraid of it aren’t you ? Tucker hasn’t given you permission to look it up ?
That’s because you’re looking for someone, anyone to agree with you and are afraid of being scrutinized. The world has enough conspiracy theorists ready to buy into bull shit .
You don’t even know what the word “consensus “ means do you ?
You’re afraid of it aren’t you ? Tucker hasn’t given you permission to look it up ?
your programmers need to tweak your responses so it doesn’t feel like your frothing spittle over the keyboard
Consensus is a Cult word and has NOTHING to do with science.

Consensus is a Jihad on the scientific method
So, you’re afraid when a plurality of people are in general agreement over something. You’d rather consider a couple of people who agree with you than a community engaged in science research. Amazing how conspiracy theory minds word. Dolts.
your programmers need to tweak your responses so it doesn’t feel like your frothing spittle over the keyboard
Typical babble when you have nothing but nonsense to spew. Chicken shit. Did Hannity write that for you ?
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Consensus is a Cult word. Someone claiming that a critical mass of “consensus” should end debate on a scientific subject immediately outs him or her or they themselves as a Cult member
Consensus is a Cult word. Someone claiming that a critical mass of “consensus” should end debate on a scientific subject immediately outs him or her or they themselves as a Cult member
Says an idiot. You just made up a statement with contradictory terms just to sound smart. Bullshit artist.
Woo woo.
Have you accepted the Scientific Consensus as your Lord and Savior?

I believe in one Consensus, Manmade Global Climate Warming Change almighty, maker of climate on Earth, of all things visible and invisible: flood and fires, droughts and Cat 6 hurricanes.

I believe American Per Capital CO2 is Satan. I believe in our Peer Reviewed Consensus. Death to the Deniers

Verily I say unto you, if you refuse to accept CO2 as your Savior you are casting the entire human race into extinction and stealing Great's childhood in the process!

Repent. Repent! REPENT! The End is nigh! We are close to the final tipping point!!

Accept that American CO2 is Satan and must be destroyed. Nay! Not even the Sun in the Sky can compete against 120PPM of CO2, only a small, tiny fraction of which is American.
That’s because you’re looking for someone, anyone to agree with you and are afraid of being scrutinized. The world has enough conspiracy theorists ready to buy into bull shit .
You don’t even know what the word “consensus “ means do you ? Scientific method ? More woo woo. You don’t have a fking clue what it is.
You’re afraid of it aren’t you ? Tucker hasn’t given you permission to look it up ?

Scientific method is "woo woo"? ... is that a consensus opinion? ... HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW ...

Someone quote me so Dogasa has to read it ... too funny ... I earned the right to be on his ignore list ...
Have you accepted the Scientific Consensus as your Lord and Savior?

I believe in one Consensus, Manmade Global Climate Warming Change almighty, maker of climate on Earth, of all things visible and invisible: flood and fires, droughts and Cat 6 hurricanes.

I believe American Per Capital CO2 is Satan. I believe in our Peer Reviewed Consensus. Death to the Deniers

Verily I say unto you, if you refuse to accept CO2 as your Savior you are casting the entire human race into extinction and stealing Great's childhood in the process!

Repent. Repent! REPENT! The End is nigh! We are close to the final tipping point!!

Accept that American CO2 is Satan and must be destroyed. Nay! Not even the Sun in the Sky can compete against 120PPM of CO2, only a small, tiny fraction of which is American.
Often wondered what kind of insane babbling nitwit would support Trump….now we know.
Scientific method is "woo woo"? ... is that a consensus opinion? ... HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW ...

Someone quote me so Dogasa has to read it ... too funny ... I earned the right to be on his ignore list ...

I doubt he's an actual person, more like a busted bot. He seems to just parrot back what he responds to and adds mockery

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