Climate Sensitivity per the IPCC

Wish that were true .
To increase notional warming for example they simply biased readings to towns and cities , abandoning outside of urban data collection points .

The whole fraud is that Surface Ground, the ONLY Temp series that shows WARMING in the DATA, is badly tainted by urban heat sink effect, that urban areas warm as they grow.

EVEN WITH urban heat sink effect on the ground, the ATMOSPHERE is STILL NOT WARMING....


How does Global Dimming affect Climate Sensitivity?
The image below is the Down Welling Solar Radiation distribution into our oceans.

Practical Handbook of Marine Science (


You note the notations on the graph above for 100m, 10m, 1m, 1cm, and surface. These are the regions of DWSR and what in the ocean they affect. Anything larger in wavelength than 1.1 (1100nm) will impact the skin of the ocean and be defeated in the evaporation layer. (First ten microns) The layer just below this is about 150 microns in depth and is cooler than the evaporation layer. Even with mixing from waves, the energy that impacts the skin is too small to generate heat into the oceans due to the mixing with the colder region.

This graph demonstrates how a minor shift in energy output on our sun can directly affect our oceans. Over 90% of the energy into our oceans occurs in the 380nm to 540nm region. A 5% shift from this region to 1.0-1.4um would put the energy outside the ability for most of the ocean to absorb.

The shift in energy that affected our solar panel arrays is in the same region that affects our oceans. The PV arrays lost 10% of their output, indicating at least that amount of shift in power from the sun. If approximately 5% of that energy falls in the primary ocean heating area this can affect our oceans uptake of 345W/m^2, were looking at a potential change nearing 16W/m^2 and the reason our ENSO is not recharging, and our oceans are cooling.

Responses from some of my colleagues was disbelief, until they began crunching the numbers for themselves. When they looked at the shift in the energy regions which had little effect on TSI, it stunned them.

Your Link is to
A 'message board' (blog) with ONLY TWO Posters.
YOU (Webmaster) and SunsetTommy (Administrator- Owner).

Follow the sources to that work. They are included. I see you want to attack and not defend your position. Please, the links to the data were shared. The links to the original works were shared. Just because you have an issue with persons does not make your position right.

That is the problem with you leftists, you attack people who share data that disproves your lies. You fail to attack the data in the hopes it will go away. Would you preferer a professional Journal in which this is published as well?

The source is the original point of publishing. Defend your position. I made the facts clearly available to discuss here. You want to make this personal and that turkey doesn't fly.
I don't have to, to prove AGW.
Apparently you found out the Ocean DOES get warmed down 500M by the sun alone.
Then there is slow mixing of water if everything around it Is warmer too.
Obviously water mixes/currents meet over time.
BTW Fvkk You dipshlt.

Why does IPCC fraudulently add in "warming" trapped by the deep oceans to make your fake accounting work? Does Bernie Madoff's accountant work for IPCC?
Why is it when the left is given facts and data that disprove their lies, they attack personally rather than debate the data presented? Is the position they keep so fragile that it cannot stand up to scrutiny?
I have tried debating facts with you and YOU have then resorted to personal attacks, just like this attack on "the left".
This is how we model climate ... starting with Planck's Radiation Law from which SB is derived ... the Earth RE-RADIATES all the energy she receives from the Sun, this energy follows the Laws of Thermodynamics ... which means surface temperature is proportional to the fourth root of solar irradiation ... as close to an ideal greybody radiator as to make no difference ...

Climatology 301 ... where ya been? ...
No, that's just a rote recitation of a tiny piece of the puzzle.

So, according to your theory -- and it's hard to tell what your theory actually is -- what effect do greenhouse gases have?
These dummasses don't know the earth actually tips while it rotates.

If you're too gutless to address someone's actual argument, then openly lying about what they supposedly believe is one way to deflect.

jc456 is a master of that tactic, as are most of the deniers here.
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I've shown deniers here how longwave IR warms the oceans before, even though it can barely penetrate into the oceans. They always respond by flinging insults, running, and then just repeating their debunked crank conspiracies again. I'll do it again now, so we can all watch them meltdown and run again.

(Yes, I do understand that since this is high-school level stuff, most of the deniers won't be capable of understanding it.)

This is the temperature profile of most spots in the ocean. Note that the vertical scale is sort of logarithmic.


The bulk of solar energy penetrates deeply and warms the water. Convection causes warmer water to rise, so the ocean temperature gets higher as you get shallower.

However, that trend reverses at the skin layer. The atmosphere is usually colder than the ocean below, so the ocean at the surface loses heat to the cooler atmosphere. That lowers the temperature of the surface.

The amount of heat flowing out the oceans (from both conduction and evaporation) depends on the delta-T across that skin layer. Heat conducts from hot to cold, linearly proportionally to the temperature difference. With more of a temperature gradient, more heat flows out of the oceans. With less of a gradient, less heat flows out.

Enter the additional longwave IR radiation. It heats the skin layer, decreasing the delta-T across the skin layer. That means less heat flows out of the oceans. The IR doesn't heat the deeper ocean directly. It reduces the heat flow out of the deeper ocean, so more heat stays in the deeper ocean, so the IR indirectly warms the deeper ocean.

That just warms the surface waters, however. How does the heat get down way deep? Thermohaline circulation. Look at up. At certain spots in the oceans, the surface waters dive down deep. That's mainly what carries heat down into the depths.
Heck, nobody will even ask the question as to how Co2 melted NA and froze Greenland at the same time...
I explained it to you. In very small words, words a fourth-grader could grasp.

You spewed insults and ran, in front of the whole board. Now every person here knows how gutless you are.

But then, that's a plus for cult members. To the denier cult, humiliating yourself as you did on behalf of the cult demonstrates what a loyal cultist you are, so it earned you massive cult brownie points.

Let me explain it to you again.

Greenland starts green. CO2 drops, climate gets colder. More snow sticks to Greenland. That reflects sunlight, so it gets even colder, so more snow sticks. On and on it goes.

By the time CO2 rises again, Greenland is already locked into the cycle. The cooling effect of the albedo change is stronger than the warming effect of the CO2, so Greenland keeps freezing.
Last edited:, because of CO2, right?

Jupiter is, from what I remember, about 1/10th the mass of the smallest brown dwarf.

The data suggests that somewhere between the mass of Saturn and Jupiter, some fusion starts at the center of the mass. But you need 10 times the mass of Jupiter to get enough fusion to "light it" so we can see it as a star....
I've shown deniers here how longwave IR warms the oceans before

One of the most obvious effects of "warming oceans" would be a sharp uptick in cane activity.

The reality is that canes are not breaking out at all. 2006-2017 had the longest period in over 200 years where not one Cat 3+ hit the US coast. The strongest decade on record is still the 1940s. The last cane to hit homO and Michael Robinson's island with Cat 5 gusts was 1938...

And, so, while mamoo can BS and post fudge and fraud, she is claiming oceans are warming, but that has not caused a breakout in canes.




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