Clint Eastwood Rips ‘Pussy Generation,’ Says He’ll Vote For Donald Trump

Can anyone define "pussy generation"? What is the opposite of "pussy generation"? World wars? No diplomacy? Everyone packing a gun? No laws? No regulations? No civility? Trying to relive the western fantasies of Wayne and Eastwood?

Are we not a nation of laws? Are we not a civilized nation? Have we not sufficiently evolved?


Human Origins Chart
Why aren't you asking the fucking BLM sub-human thugs that question?
Don't tell me.
Because if you did you be lucky to be alive.
Apparently Eastwood only evolved in some of his movies - but not in real life. He seems to be much like the character he portrayed in the early part of his movie, Gran Torino. He seems to not have evolved politically or socially with age.
Where does Trump have his products made
Where ever he can for the best price until he wins in November and changes tax law enough to make doing business here profitable again. Make America great again. Bring back NASA so we don't have to be carried into space by the Russians. Shall I go on?
Is there any evidence that Trump is not a pussy?

No, and now apparently no evidence that Clint Eastwood isn't also a pussy. His "family values" are even worse than Trump's - except maybe for the rape stuff. Sounds like Clint believes his own fictional movie hype.
Eastwood was a lifeguard during the Korean War ... that qualifies as pussy cat to me.
So in your world lifeguards are 'pussies'?
Tell that to the hundreds of swimmers a year who are saved by lifeguards risking their lives to save them.
Fucking jerk-off!
Where does Trump have his products made
Where ever he can for the best price until he wins in November and changes tax law enough to make doing business here profitable again. Make America great again. Bring back NASA so we don't have to be carried into space by the Russians. Shall I go on?

Trump's "Make America WHITE Again" won't bring jobs back to America.
Is there any evidence that Trump is not a pussy?

No, and now apparently no evidence that Clint Eastwood isn't also a pussy. His "family values" are even worse than Trump's - except maybe for the rape stuff. Sounds like Clint believes his own fictional movie hype.
Eastwood was a lifeguard during the Korean War ... that qualifies as pussy cat to me.
So in your world lifeguards are 'pussies'?
Tell that to the hundreds of swimmers a year who are saved by lifeguards risking their lives to save them.
Fucking jerk-off!

Yeah, in the middle of wars...
Where does Trump have his products made
Where ever he can for the best price until he wins in November and changes tax law enough to make doing business here profitable again. Make America great again. Bring back NASA so we don't have to be carried into space by the Russians. Shall I go on?

Cheap overseas labor must be the sacrifice that Trump is talking about.
This is indeed the pussy generation. That was obvious when some some idiots were calling for sensitivity training for combat troops. So they could deal out a kinder gentler death to our enemies?
In the world of the Lib. there really are no "enemies".
Only people we should 'love more' and 'have a dialogue with'.
Let them into our country by the tens of thousands to PROVE we aren't being xenophobic and racist.
And don't forget to invite them to your next company Christmas party.

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