Clinton: "A few years ago this guy would have been getting us coffee"

Let me write this down so I don't forget:

In the Democrat party Blacks are "Negroes who should be serving us coffee".

Got it.

I see you've never figured out the difference between personal prejudices and political positions. Are there racist democrats..........sure there are. Are there racist republicans, sure they are. Do democrats intentionally put things in their platforms that will hurt minorities, no they don't. Do Republicans intentionally place things in their platform that will hurt minorities, they surely do.
Democrats are terrified of Reid's comments in this new book. Here is another from the same book. Democrats love to call Republicans racists, they are scared to death of loosing the black vote. In the end, it is they who are the true racists.

Clinton was angry with Kennedy for the endorsement that Kennedy gave to Obama.

Bill Clinton Talks Obama "Serving Coffee" To Ted Kennedy | INN THE BASEMENT

Ole Bill, well, there is another quote that is coming out in that brand new book, Game Change, to hit the bookstores on Tuesday this week, and the quote is a big let down. According to what is written in the pages of this new book, former President Bill Clinton apparently told Ted Kennedy that president elect Obama would be “getting us coffee” a few years ago.

President Obama(left) and Former President Clinton(right)

Well, just what type of coffee, Bill? White or black? Wow! And this is coming from the president (Clinton) that many called the black president! Now they know. Hmmm. This is a real shame. But then you have good ole Ted Kennedy, a man who didn’t allow color to phase him at all - hurray - not endorse Hillary because of this statement being one of the reasons. WOW! The not so secrets in the White House. That’s not all Billy said to our friend Ted. Check this - apparently, Bill Clinton, according to this new revealing book told Ted Kennedy point black blank that the only reason that he was endorsing Obama is because he is black.

Are these not some of the most racist comments being revealed coming from who some recall as the president that was for black people? Glad I never made that mistake. WOW! I see your true colors shining through, I see…well, let’s leave all that to Cyndi Lauper:

I think that the Associated Press better get on this one, they sent 11 different associated press journalists out to fact check Sarah Palin's book, Going Rogue," and found nothing false.

They need to hurry up and do this one, try to find something to discredit this book or it's going to prove that the democrats have been lying all along about their so-called and so-claimed " Color Blindness," characteristics. Yeah suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure.
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As for Slick me a 60 odd year old white man from Arkansas who doesn't have some racial prejudices then I'll be surprised.
There is no racism in there guys, nice try.

This is racism.


The States' Rights Democratic Party was a short-lived splinter group that broke from the Democratic Party in 1948. The States' Rights Democratic Party opposed racial integration and wanted to retain Jim Crow laws and white supremacy. The party's slogan was "Segregation Forever!" Members of the States' Rights Democratic Party were often known as Dixiecrats.
Why am I thinking that the right won't love this book nearly as much when they start to hear some of the hilarious, and scary, stuff in it about Palin's mental instability??

OK, for all those still in doubt.

If Clinton had said "this guys would have been serving us dinner in our home", THAT would be racist.

But since the quote was "A few years ago this guy would have been getting us coffee", it's an obvious reference to inexperience, not race.

"Getting someone coffee" is a common reference to lower level flunkies/assistants in the white collar world.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Obvious denial, I can't put up enough laughing faces on this post.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Intelligent people know where the racism comes from, the same people who have kept the ghettos well supplied so they continue to get their votes.

These are the same Democrats that 100% for increasing welfare benefits, but refuse to give up school vouchers for smart intercity kids to go to nice private and suburb schools.
Why am I thinking that the right won't love this book nearly as much when they start to hear some of the hilarious, and scary, stuff in it about Palin's mental instability??


Problem is, that " Palin's book "Going Rogue," has been fact checked by 11 different associated press journalists and when that happens and they can't find anything, her book is considered true as it is written. You can have opinion all day long but it does not quite stand up to facts and the truth. Who cares what they said they are racist democrats caught at being racists.
Reid is just a silly bigoted dunce. Obviously his stupid comments were meant as a compliment to Barack Obama but i'm not sure that makes them any more acceptable. However I do know that the corrupt Liberal dominated MSM will cover for him because he has that (D) by his name rather than an (R). Reid was one of those rabid Liberal wing nuts who demanded Lott's resignation so he should do the right thing and step down. Anything less would prove his own dishonesty and hypocrisy. Personally,i don't care whether he does or not. I was calling for him and Pelosi to resign a long time ago. Reid is just a silly dunce and i didn't need this incident to figure that out. So Bye Bye Mr. Reid,it wasn't so nice knowing ya.
There is no racism in there guys, nice try.

This is racism.


The States' Rights Democratic Party was a short-lived splinter group that broke from the Democratic Party in 1948. The States' Rights Democratic Party opposed racial integration and wanted to retain Jim Crow laws and white supremacy. The party's slogan was "Segregation Forever!" Members of the States' Rights Democratic Party were often known as Dixiecrats.

1948? This is 2010 and you want to talk about 60 years ago? The truth about today is coming out and it doesn't look good for the Democrat party. Too Bad So Sad...
Intelligent people know where the racism comes from, the same people who have kept the ghettos well supplied so they continue to get their votes.

These are the same Democrats that 100% for increasing welfare benefits, but refuse to give up school vouchers for smart intercity kids to go to nice private and suburb schools.

With the democrats social engineering of the black population they have enslaved black people and denigrated them to the slums that they endure on a dialy basis. They are in fact, responsible for the destruction of the black family, albeit- good intentions, they have failed and failed miserably. The democrats have made them entirely dependent on big government for everything, they are frozen in time, with litlle to no hope of ever climbing out of that hole.

The democrats continue to FAIL to teach people how to fish, instead it's easier just to give them fish. The democrats have made generations of black people irresponsible to their families and their communities because they have removed any and all incentive to do so. The democrats continue to force black children to go to schools where I would not send my dog. They democrats have created GENERATIONS of dependent black families where there is no cohesion, no role models, no discipline, no learning and certainly no security for the children of black people who live in those prisons of slums across this country.

You can not just keep throwing money at a problem, it does not get better.

Definition of insanity.

"Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result."
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OK, for all those still in doubt.

If Clinton had said "this guys would have been serving us dinner in our home", THAT would be racist.

But since the quote was "A few years ago this guy would have been getting us coffee", it's an obvious reference to inexperience, not race.

"Getting someone coffee" is a common reference to lower level flunkies/assistants in the white collar world.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Obvious denial, I can't put up enough laughing faces on this post.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Another person who has never worked as an intern or in a large office. Or perhaps you have and are just being purposely obtuse. Oh well, either way you come off as an idiot.
OK, for all those still in doubt.

If Clinton had said "this guys would have been serving us dinner in our home", THAT would be racist.

But since the quote was "A few years ago this guy would have been getting us coffee", it's an obvious reference to inexperience, not race.

"Getting someone coffee" is a common reference to lower level flunkies/assistants in the white collar world.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Obvious denial, I can't put up enough laughing faces on this post.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Another person who has never worked as an intern or in a large office. Or perhaps you have and are just being purposely obtuse. Oh well, either way you come off as an idiot.

What does working in a large office have to do with anything? At one point in my Career 1,700 troops moved out on my word. Doesn't mean a damned thing today.
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Obvious denial, I can't put up enough laughing faces on this post.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Another person who has never worked as an intern or in a large office. Or perhaps you have and are just being purposely obtuse. Oh well, either way you come off as an idiot.

What does working in a large office have to do with anything? At one point in my Career 1,700 troops moved out on my word. Doesn't mean a damned thing today.

It goes to the context of the conversation. "A few years ago" Barack Obama was a lowbie state senator in from Illinois ... a complete nobody in the Democratic party. If he were around the Clinton's or the Kennedy's it would have been as a low level lackey and not as an equal amongst his peers. It has nothing to do with his skin color and everything to do with his perceived "rank" based on the position he held at the time.

Kind of like how a General would have a butter bar get him coffee. Get it now?
Hmm, Maple, social engineering? You mean, like, . . . government assistance and aid? Is that what you mean? Ask si modo and some of the sisterhood on the right if that is what you mean.
Dems are all fucking whackadoos, love the blind defense of Clinton, Byrd, and anything with a D.

Yeah, it's the "context"

Another person who has never worked as an intern or in a large office. Or perhaps you have and are just being purposely obtuse. Oh well, either way you come off as an idiot.

What does working in a large office have to do with anything? At one point in my Career 1,700 troops moved out on my word. Doesn't mean a damned thing today.

It goes to the context of the conversation. "A few years ago" Barack Obama was a lowbie state senator in from Illinois ... a complete nobody in the Democratic party. If he were around the Clinton's or the Kennedy's it would have been as a low level lackey and not as an equal amongst his peers. It has nothing to do with his skin color and everything to do with his perceived "rank" based on the position he held at the time.

Kind of like how a General would have a butter bar get him coffee. Get it now?

Yeah, yeah. That's the ticket!! It was uh, different. Yeah that's it!! He loves his niggahs - they is his homies!! Everyone knows that he "feels their pain"......He says the N-Word with an AH, not an ER.

Besides he can't be a racist - Democrats are not racist! They can't be!! Only Republicans are racist. Yeah, that's the ticket!!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Its just a rumor that Bubba then played two chourus of 'Dixie' on his banjo which REALLY pissed teddy off.

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