Clinton attack featuring Miss Universe was months in the making, email shows

The wikileaks emails keep showing what a conniving sleazy bitch Hillary is. How can anyone vote for this reptile when they observe how she runs her campaign? we all know that Hillary's campaign hunted down everyone of these "accusers" and bribed them to smear Trump. She deserves to be sued right along with the rest of them.

The Clinton campaign’s recent attacks on Donald Trump for his comments about a beauty queen’s weight problems were months in the making, according to an opposition research report uncovered in emails released by WikiLeaks on Sunday.
Pattycake, you are surely a dumb fuck. Had Trump completely ignored Clinton's remarks, they would have been totally forgotten. His tweets for the following week, and his speeches on the stump created the controversy on that. Trump did that to himself.

Horseshit. That's just another leftwing excuse for Hillary's sleaze and the media's collusion.
oh no! she strategized and used her opponents words against him! terrible!

She arranged a smear, douche bag. Is this what you buckets of vomit call "focusing on the issues?"

You mean how your guy focussed on Benghazi, emails, and Bill's women rather than policy?
Those were policy, except for Bill. What he did with a willing woman wasn't my business. What he did against their will was everyone's but the left didn't/doesn't care. You don't think Libya and unsecured classified emails and computers are a policy problem?

You are either off the charts stupid, dishonest or are here to make libs look bad. And they don't need the help.
She arranged a smear, douche bag.
yeah. she smeared him with his own words and actions.

Wow, these people will justify anything... and believe anything she says.

Dangerous drones.
given his unwillingness to deny it, the video of taking her to workout, and the twitter lies why shouldn't she be believed?

Given his unwillingness to deny what?
trump didn't deny that he called alicia machado names.
Maybe he is trying to stick to the issues. While the most cheated on woman in the world still throws out made up sex scandals.
You simply have no shame. Why don't you brag about the 4 Americans she got killed in Benghazi?

Lol, if you really thought that, you would want justice. But you don't and you don't mind more of the same if she is elected.
Some day, when you grown a spine and a brain, you may stop using those poor 4 dead Americans for your hate-spewing against Clinton....
oh no! she strategized and used her opponents words against him! terrible!

Brilliant move....
Hillary pushed Trump's button and sent him into a death spiral...
She got him to go off the deep end for almost a week...
How so? 25,000 plus people at a rally is how you define a death spiral? I think your brain is on a death spiral.
No death spiral. YOU are a death spiral.

clinton prepared for the campaign, film at 11.
That is how you run what amounts to a Mafia.

Interesting analogy

Donald Trump’s Alleged Mob Ties: 5 Most Damning Revelations From Report
Donald Trump's Alleged Mob Ties: 5 Damning Revelations

Business is different than government. Hillarys corruption springs from her time in government.

No, corruption is corruption. Businessmen can be just as if not more corrupt than government officials. If you're willing to circumvent the laws by paying bribes, you're just as guilty of corruption as the guy who takes the bribe.

Businessmen do not pass our laws or make immigration policy.
oh no! she strategized and used her opponents words against him! terrible!

She arranged a smear, douche bag. Is this what you buckets of vomit call "focusing on the issues?"

I have to agree with the dough hag here. Trump was as unprepared for this race as the 17 others were to run in the primarey. Trump should have known better. His people should have known better. They should have been gathering mud long before the primarey and he didn't. He figured he would ride the anti Obama wave right to the white house and is finding this just is not so. Maybe he will pull it out, but it don't seem likely.

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