Clinton attack featuring Miss Universe was months in the making, email shows

oh no! she strategized and used her opponents words against him! terrible!

She arranged a smear, douche bag. Is this what you buckets of vomit call "focusing on the issues?"

I have to agree with the dough hag here. Trump was as unprepared for this race as the 17 others were to run in the primarey. Trump should have known better. His people should have known better. They should have been gathering mud long before the primarey and he didn't. He figured he would ride the anti Obama wave right to the white house and is finding this just is not so. Maybe he will pull it out, but it don't seem likely.

"Being prepared" means being a professional politician - a douche bag, in other words. What you're saying is that you prefer to vote for a douche bag. We don't need your kind.
She is got this everybody relax
And Trump, the great negotiator, fell right into her trap.
seriously what difference does it make if they came up with the attack one month, kne week, or one day before using it?

True, it's still slander and a smear.

Slander is lying. What about the Alicia Machado story was a lie - other than Trump's lie that she made a sex tape? It's only a smear if it's a lie and in makes him look bad. If it's the truth and it makes him look bad, that's on Trump.

You Trumpbots were absolutely gleeful at the prospect of Trump going after Hillary in the debates. Bring her on, you said. Trump would destroy her. It's not Hillary who left the every one of the debates bleeding both support and funding. Hillary's staff and surrogates didn't have to spend the weeks after each debate time explaining her comments or actions to the media.

Trump has no ground game. He has nobody getting out the vote and driving them to the polls on Election Day. The Republican Party was doing that for him. They won't bother now, but they will get the vote out for the down ballot elections, where they have the funds and a chance to win.

Donations to the Republican Party are down. Donations to the Trump Campaign are non-existent. I look for a lot of contractors who won't be paid by the Trump Campaign because they did a "bad job", and Donald doesn't pay for a bad job.

Donald is threatening to sue everybody in the USA if he loses this election. Sure you will, Donnie.

You Trumpbots were absolutely gleeful at the prospect of Trump going after Hillary in the debates. Bring her on, you said. Trump would destroy her. It's not Hillary who left the every one of the debates bleeding both support and funding. Hillary's staff and surrogates didn't have to spend the weeks after each debate time explaining her comments or actions to the media.

Great point.
oh no! she strategized and used her opponents words against him! terrible!

She arranged a smear, douche bag. Is this what you buckets of vomit call "focusing on the issues?"

I have to agree with the dough hag here. Trump was as unprepared for this race as the 17 others were to run in the primarey. Trump should have known better. His people should have known better. They should have been gathering mud long before the primarey and he didn't. He figured he would ride the anti Obama wave right to the white house and is finding this just is not so. Maybe he will pull it out, but it don't seem likely.

"Being prepared" means being a professional politician - a douche bag, in other words. What you're saying is that you prefer to vote for a douche bag. We don't need your kind.

If you say so, and you will be glad to know, I did not vote for the little guy. And don't even try and say trump didn't try to bring any dirt, it's that he and his people were and are to incredibly stupid to get the right kind of dirt. thats politics in this country try no matter what side you are on. As an excample, saying your opponent's father helped kill Kennedy. That's some tin foil hat whering, sister humping, food and ammo hoarding zombie apocalypse, Alex Jones sit right there, and that's not even all of it. Trump is stupid and arrogant and is cut from the same cloth as the Klintons, he just has different ideas on how to reach the same goal. So yeah, win or lose the country is fucked for another 4 years. Only way it could be with the two politicians whow are running now.
oh no! she strategized and used her opponents words against him! terrible!

She arranged a smear, douche bag. Is this what you buckets of vomit call "focusing on the issues?"

I have to agree with the dough hag here. Trump was as unprepared for this race as the 17 others were to run in the primarey. Trump should have known better. His people should have known better. They should have been gathering mud long before the primarey and he didn't. He figured he would ride the anti Obama wave right to the white house and is finding this just is not so. Maybe he will pull it out, but it don't seem likely.

"Being prepared" means being a professional politician - a douche bag, in other words. What you're saying is that you prefer to vote for a douche bag. We don't need your kind.

If you say so, and you will be glad to know, I did not vote for the little guy. And don't even try and say trump didn't try to bring any dirt, it's that he and his people were and are to incredibly stupid to get the right kind of dirt. thats politics in this country try no matter what side you are on. As an excample, saying your opponent's father helped kill Kennedy. That's some tin foil hat whering, sister humping, food and ammo hoarding zombie apocalypse, Alex Jones sit right there, and that's not even all of it. Trump is stupid and arrogant and is cut from the same cloth as the Klintons, he just has different ideas on how to reach the same goal. So yeah, win or lose the country is fucked for another 4 years. Only way it could be with the two politicians whow are running now.

It appears you prefer the candidate who is more skilled at spewing sleaze.

Your mother must be so proud.
seriously what difference does it make if they came up with the attack one month, kne week, or one day before using it?

True, it's still slander and a smear.

Slander is lying. What about the Alicia Machado story was a lie - other than Trump's lie that she made a sex tape? It's only a smear if it's a lie and in makes him look bad. If it's the truth and it makes him look bad, that's on Trump.

You Trumpbots were absolutely gleeful at the prospect of Trump going after Hillary in the debates. Bring her on, you said. Trump would destroy her. It's not Hillary who left the every one of the debates bleeding both support and funding. Hillary's staff and surrogates didn't have to spend the weeks after each debate time explaining her comments or actions to the media.

Trump has no ground game. He has nobody getting out the vote and driving them to the polls on Election Day. The Republican Party was doing that for him. They won't bother now, but they will get the vote out for the down ballot elections, where they have the funds and a chance to win.

Donations to the Republican Party are down. Donations to the Trump Campaign are non-existent. I look for a lot of contractors who won't be paid by the Trump Campaign because they did a "bad job", and Donald doesn't pay for a bad job.

Donald is threatening to sue everybody in the USA if he loses this election. Sure you will, Donnie.

You Trumpbots were absolutely gleeful at the prospect of Trump going after Hillary in the debates. Bring her on, you said. Trump would destroy her. It's not Hillary who left the every one of the debates bleeding both support and funding. Hillary's staff and surrogates didn't have to spend the weeks after each debate time explaining her comments or actions to the media.

Great point.

Dragonlady is a Hillary supporter, moron.

That's about it. But, and it's a huge but, say the beast wins and it's likely she will, but say she wins. What does she have to look foward to? Well, likely a Senate and Congress that will not work with her (just like trump). She can't count on the Republicans to pass her agenda as Obama did because she is white and greatly hated among them. Those in her own party do t think much of her either. They are voting democrat, not Clinton. Then there are the wikileaks. At some point t her and her Klan will either have to cop to them, or deny them at which point the Republicans looking to toss their constituents red meat will call for impeachment and prosicution. Not bad in my opinion.sure, it would leave us with a president Cain, who Mexican as kissing aside really is not so bad. It would be worth it to see another Clientton leave the white house with "impeached presidant" hung on the old crones neck.
oh no! she strategized and used her opponents words against him! terrible!

She arranged a smear, douche bag. Is this what you buckets of vomit call "focusing on the issues?"

I have to agree with the dough hag here. Trump was as unprepared for this race as the 17 others were to run in the primarey. Trump should have known better. His people should have known better. They should have been gathering mud long before the primarey and he didn't. He figured he would ride the anti Obama wave right to the white house and is finding this just is not so. Maybe he will pull it out, but it don't seem likely.

"Being prepared" means being a professional politician - a douche bag, in other words. What you're saying is that you prefer to vote for a douche bag. We don't need your kind.

If you say so, and you will be glad to know, I did not vote for the little guy. And don't even try and say trump didn't try to bring any dirt, it's that he and his people were and are to incredibly stupid to get the right kind of dirt. thats politics in this country try no matter what side you are on. As an excample, saying your opponent's father helped kill Kennedy. That's some tin foil hat whering, sister humping, food and ammo hoarding zombie apocalypse, Alex Jones sit right there, and that's not even all of it. Trump is stupid and arrogant and is cut from the same cloth as the Klintons, he just has different ideas on how to reach the same goal. So yeah, win or lose the country is fucked for another 4 years. Only way it could be with the two politicians whow are running now.

It appears you prefer the candidate who is more skilled at spewing sleaze.

Your mother must be so proud.

Not at all. I hate the Clintons more then trump. Trump is just an asshole not so much a crooked fuck.
The wikileaks emails keep showing what a conniving sleazy bitch Hillary is. How can anyone vote for this reptile when they observe how she runs her campaign? we all know that Hillary's campaign hunted down everyone of these "accusers" and bribed them to smear Trump. She deserves to be sued right along with the rest of them.

The Clinton campaign’s recent attacks on Donald Trump for his comments about a beauty queen’s weight problems were months in the making, according to an opposition research report uncovered in emails released by WikiLeaks on Sunday.

I wouldn't be surprised if these accusers weren't completely invented. How hard is it to get 11 people to do this if the price is right? Why are you so shocked? Here you have sold yourself on being worldly and look at you now....just another homey.
Hells bells there's even a Soros connection with this lying bitch. And a Univision connection. Note to those that don't know the owner of Univision is a huge Clinton supporter. I think he's Israeli.
She arranged a smear, douche bag. Is this what you buckets of vomit call "focusing on the issues?"

I have to agree with the dough hag here. Trump was as unprepared for this race as the 17 others were to run in the primarey. Trump should have known better. His people should have known better. They should have been gathering mud long before the primarey and he didn't. He figured he would ride the anti Obama wave right to the white house and is finding this just is not so. Maybe he will pull it out, but it don't seem likely.

"Being prepared" means being a professional politician - a douche bag, in other words. What you're saying is that you prefer to vote for a douche bag. We don't need your kind.

If you say so, and you will be glad to know, I did not vote for the little guy. And don't even try and say trump didn't try to bring any dirt, it's that he and his people were and are to incredibly stupid to get the right kind of dirt. thats politics in this country try no matter what side you are on. As an excample, saying your opponent's father helped kill Kennedy. That's some tin foil hat whering, sister humping, food and ammo hoarding zombie apocalypse, Alex Jones sit right there, and that's not even all of it. Trump is stupid and arrogant and is cut from the same cloth as the Klintons, he just has different ideas on how to reach the same goal. So yeah, win or lose the country is fucked for another 4 years. Only way it could be with the two politicians whow are running now.

It appears you prefer the candidate who is more skilled at spewing sleaze.

Your mother must be so proud.

Not at all. I hate the Clintons more then trump. Trump is just an asshole not so much a crooked fuck.

Really, you think he really had $915,000,000 in losses back in the 90s as his NY state tax return showed?
Nice eh? The actress is a lying piece of shit. Hope Trump sues her for slander. This article just decimates her bullshit story.

"As far as can be determined from news accounts, Machado, who was Miss Venezuela when she won the Miss Universe crown in May 1996, made the Piggy/Housekeeping claim for the first time in May 2016, at a press conference organized by the left-wing organization People for the American Way.

At that event, she was joined in her attack on Trump by a group that included Dolores Huerta, a prominent supporter of Hillary Clinton and of the late Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez.

In June, Machado joined Huerta to announce the creation of a voter registration/turnout effort to benefit the Clinton campaign.

The effort is run by People for the American Way and CASA in Action (a sister group to CASA de Maryland, which was profiled by the Capital Research Center at ). PfAW and CASA de Maryland were both funded by radical billionaire George Soros. (For more on PfAW and Huerta, see the endnote.)"

The Miss Universe hoax, or ‘No good deed goes un-Clintoned’ – Capital Research Center
Hells bells there's even a Soros connection with this lying bitch. And a Univision connection. Note to those that don't know the owner of Univision is a huge Clinton supporter. I think he's Israeli.

Check out Bloomberg's article on the residents of Trump Tower, how they are chosen by Trump and how many of them have served time in prison. That ought to shock you right out of your size 16 bikini.
Nice eh? The actress is a lying piece of shit. Hope Trump sues her for slander. This article just decimates her bullshit story.

"As far as can be determined from news accounts, Machado, who was Miss Venezuela when she won the Miss Universe crown in May 1996, made the Piggy/Housekeeping claim for the first time in May 2016, at a press conference organized by the left-wing organization People for the American Way.

At that event, she was joined in her attack on Trump by a group that included Dolores Huerta, a prominent supporter of Hillary Clinton and of the late Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez.

In June, Machado joined Huerta to announce the creation of a voter registration/turnout effort to benefit the Clinton campaign.

The effort is run by People for the American Way and CASA in Action (a sister group to CASA de Maryland, which was profiled by the Capital Research Center at ). PfAW and CASA de Maryland were both funded by radical billionaire George Soros. (For more on PfAW and Huerta, see the endnote.)"

The Miss Universe hoax, or ‘No good deed goes un-Clintoned’ – Capital Research Center

(Sigh). I always go to the "About Us" page to see who is behind these so-called news organizations before I waste my time on self-interested propaganda. Don't you?

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