Clinton Criminal Investigation Obstruction And Revelation


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Clinton E-mails Are Critical to the Clinton Foundation Investigation

Why is Lynch rushing the search for classified e-mails but blocking the pay-to-play corruption probe?

The Wall Street Journal’s report that, for over a year, the FBI has been investigating the Clinton Foundation for potential financial crimes and influence peddling is, as Rich Lowry said Monday, a blockbuster. As I argued over the weekend, the manner in which the State Department was put in the service of the Foundation during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary is shocking.

It is suggestive of a pattern of pay-to-play bribery, the monetizing of political influence, fraud, and obstruction of justice that the Justice Department should be investigating as a possible RICO conspiracy under the federal anti-racketeering laws.

Clinton Foundation investigators are being denied access to patently relevant evidence by federal prosecutors in Brooklyn, those are the prosecutors — Loretta Lynch’s prosecutors — we are talking about.

Recall, moreover, that it was Lynch’s Justice Department that:

  • refused to authorize use of the grand jury to further the Clinton e-mails investigation, thus depriving the FBI of the power to compel testimony and the production of evidence by subpoena;

  • consulted closely with defense attorneys representing subjects of the investigation;

  • permitted Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson — the subordinates deputized by Mrs. Clinton to sort through her e-mails and destroy thousands of them — to represent Clinton as attorneys, despite the fact that they were subjects of the same investigation and had been granted immunity from prosecution (to say nothing of the ethical and legal prohibitions against such an arrangement);

  • drastically restricted the FBI’s questioning of Mills and other subjects of the investigation; and

  • struck the outrageous deals that gave Mills and Samuelson immunity from prosecution in exchange for providing the FBI with the laptops on which they reviewed Clinton’s four years of e-mails. That arrangement was outrageous for three reasons:
1) Mills and Samuelson should have been compelled to produce the computers by grand-jury subpoena with no immunity agreement;

2) Lynch’s Justice Department drastically restricted the FBI’s authority to examine the computers; and

3) Lynch’s Justice Department agreed that the FBI would destroy the computers following its very limited examination.
FBI Clinton Foundation probe finds 'avalanche' of corruption evidence | Daily Mail Online

FBI Clinton Foundation probe finds 'avalanche' of corruption evidence against her - but agents fear Justice Department will stop her going on trial
  • Clintons are accused of running a pay-for-play operation out of State that favored donors to their charity - a charge they have denied
  • Feds are 'actively and aggressively pursuing' a case, Fox's Bret Baier said Wednesday, and they have an 'avalanche' of evidence
  • FBI's pursuit of the case is rooted in recordings of a suspect in a different corruption case who spoke about foundation's alleged dirty dealings
  • The FBI, under the leadership of director James Comey, believed those conversations were enough to move forward with the probe
  • Justice Department prosecutors disagreed because the source was not an employee of the Clinton Foundation
  • The law enforcement agency has at least four other investigations open that involve the Clintons and their close friends, as well

"A former top FBI official blasted Hillary and Bill Clinton on Sunday as the heads of an influence-peddling "crime family" rife with corruption and deceit.

James Kallstrom, the head of the FBI's New York City office in the mid-90s, said the bureau's reopening of its probe into Clinton's private email server confirmed that the former secretary of state was never subject to a "real investigation" in the first place.

"The Clintons, that's a crime family. It's like organized crime. The Clinton Foundation is a cesspool ... It's just outrageous how Hillary Clinton sold her office for money. She's a pathological liar," Kallstrom railed to John Catsimatidis on his "Cats Roundtable" radio program, before directing his ire at his former employer.

"This investigation was never a real investigation, they never had grand jury empaneled," Kallstrom said about the FBI probe into Clinton's emails. "This investigation was without the ability to serve subpoenas, serve search warrants, and obtain evidence ... It was just ludicrous."
...and THIS was who the Democrats wanted as our President....

THIS is who the Democrats were calling for military coups and assassinations over.....

THIS is who snowflakes are continuing this Fake News / False accusation crusade against Trump over.

When you list all the unethical, immoral, illegal acts the DNC perpetrated to get Hillary the nomination to begin with, what they did during the election to try to get her elected, and what they have done since her loss as vengeance, it is clear Hillary was the best candidate to represent the Democratic Party of today.
....and THIS GUY was your other option for DNC candidate...

Bernie Sanders: GOP health care bill could be deadlier than a ‘9/11, every single year’

"Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said that more Americans will die each year if the Republican health care bill passes than the number that died on 9/11."

More than 3,000 Americans will die each year as a direct result of the health care bill the GOP passes....according to Bernie....

...yeah, and 93 Million Americans die every year due to gun violence, right TERRY McCAULIFFE?! :p

Gotta love the leftist fear-mongers.

Hate, Fear, and Dependency on the Government - the 3 things Democrats offer the American people!
The Clinton E-mails Are Critical to the Clinton Foundation Investigation

Why is Lynch rushing the search for classified e-mails but blocking the pay-to-play corruption probe?

The Wall Street Journal’s report that, for over a year, the FBI has been investigating the Clinton Foundation for potential financial crimes and influence peddling is, as Rich Lowry said Monday, a blockbuster. As I argued over the weekend, the manner in which the State Department was put in the service of the Foundation during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary is shocking.

It is suggestive of a pattern of pay-to-play bribery, the monetizing of political influence, fraud, and obstruction of justice that the Justice Department should be investigating as a possible RICO conspiracy under the federal anti-racketeering laws.

Clinton Foundation investigators are being denied access to patently relevant evidence by federal prosecutors in Brooklyn, those are the prosecutors — Loretta Lynch’s prosecutors — we are talking about.

Recall, moreover, that it was Lynch’s Justice Department that:

  • refused to authorize use of the grand jury to further the Clinton e-mails investigation, thus depriving the FBI of the power to compel testimony and the production of evidence by subpoena;

  • consulted closely with defense attorneys representing subjects of the investigation;

  • permitted Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson — the subordinates deputized by Mrs. Clinton to sort through her e-mails and destroy thousands of them — to represent Clinton as attorneys, despite the fact that they were subjects of the same investigation and had been granted immunity from prosecution (to say nothing of the ethical and legal prohibitions against such an arrangement);

  • drastically restricted the FBI’s questioning of Mills and other subjects of the investigation; and

  • struck the outrageous deals that gave Mills and Samuelson immunity from prosecution in exchange for providing the FBI with the laptops on which they reviewed Clinton’s four years of e-mails. That arrangement was outrageous for three reasons:
1) Mills and Samuelson should have been compelled to produce the computers by grand-jury subpoena with no immunity agreement;

2) Lynch’s Justice Department drastically restricted the FBI’s authority to examine the computers; and

3) Lynch’s Justice Department agreed that the FBI would destroy the computers following its very limited examination.
Russia connection starts with Clinton campaign.
this is but more evidence that the dems are actually anti america. wow.

Oh, and the deep state.
Where are our attack dogs? Hey GOP!!!!!!! Why is this women still not in prison? If it's because she was the first lady then say so but do not pretend she did nothing illegal. Trump is getting hammered everyday, if the GOP will not step up and defend him they will be kissing my vote and my support away.
The Clinton E-mails Are Critical to the Clinton Foundation Investigation

Why is Lynch rushing the search for classified e-mails but blocking the pay-to-play corruption probe?

The Wall Street Journal’s report that, for over a year, the FBI has been investigating the Clinton Foundation for potential financial crimes and influence peddling is, as Rich Lowry said Monday, a blockbuster. As I argued over the weekend, the manner in which the State Department was put in the service of the Foundation during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary is shocking.

It is suggestive of a pattern of pay-to-play bribery, the monetizing of political influence, fraud, and obstruction of justice that the Justice Department should be investigating as a possible RICO conspiracy under the federal anti-racketeering laws.

Clinton Foundation investigators are being denied access to patently relevant evidence by federal prosecutors in Brooklyn, those are the prosecutors — Loretta Lynch’s prosecutors — we are talking about.

Recall, moreover, that it was Lynch’s Justice Department that:

  • refused to authorize use of the grand jury to further the Clinton e-mails investigation, thus depriving the FBI of the power to compel testimony and the production of evidence by subpoena;

  • consulted closely with defense attorneys representing subjects of the investigation;

  • permitted Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson — the subordinates deputized by Mrs. Clinton to sort through her e-mails and destroy thousands of them — to represent Clinton as attorneys, despite the fact that they were subjects of the same investigation and had been granted immunity from prosecution (to say nothing of the ethical and legal prohibitions against such an arrangement);

  • drastically restricted the FBI’s questioning of Mills and other subjects of the investigation; and

  • struck the outrageous deals that gave Mills and Samuelson immunity from prosecution in exchange for providing the FBI with the laptops on which they reviewed Clinton’s four years of e-mails. That arrangement was outrageous for three reasons:
1) Mills and Samuelson should have been compelled to produce the computers by grand-jury subpoena with no immunity agreement;

2) Lynch’s Justice Department drastically restricted the FBI’s authority to examine the computers; and

3) Lynch’s Justice Department agreed that the FBI would destroy the computers following its very limited examination.

And Ironically there's 3 other issues overlooked in investigation of the Clintons.
1) collusion with Mexico who we 100% know interfered with our election by sending people, including South Americans, over theborder to vote in the U.S. election.
2) this might be more Obama & DNC then Clinton but : illegal abuse of power to cause one group over others to be jumping the imigration line and rushing these selective immigrant applications for sake of votes.
3) pay to play for the Saudis is known, but nobody investigated if it involved letting
Bin Laden slide from under Bill's grasp back in 1998 when he admits letting Bin Laden slip from his grasp.
An act of greed that would eventually allow 911, the Afghan war, Iraq war, Isis and possibly Syrian unrest to happen.
One act of greed and illegal act causing all that carnage is serious enough to investigate.
Why would they not want to investigate the source of this mess unless they know the answer would crush the swamp critters and
cause permanent damage not just to the Dem party but trust in gov't all together.

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