clinton curse: uranium 1 cfo killed in plane crash

World News
Passengers Killed on Crashed Russian Plane Include CFO of Rosatom/UraniumOne and Russian Source for Christopher Steele's "Dossier" against Trump
Category: World News
Sunday, 11 February 2018 22:46


As most the world knows by now, a plane crashed in Russia this morning a few minutes after takeoff, killing everyone aboard.

As Russian authorities released passenger names on the official Death list, several of those now-deceased names raised immediate "red flags" because they appear to be directly connected to the Hillary Clinton / Barack Obama UraniumOne Conspiracy and to the (fake) "Russian Dossier" used to smear President Trump.

Now that they've been caught, it appears to many that "the Deep State" is cleaning house and getting rid of any loose ends who might testify!

Sergei Millian, a Belarus-born businessman who briefly worked with the Trump Organization and was reportedly a key source in the explosive dossier alleging ties between President Donald Trump and Russia, was in the spotlight following release of testimony before the House Intelligence Committee.

Glenn Simpson, who cofounded the opposition research firm Fusion GPS, told lawmakers that a trip Trump Organization representatives took to Moscow several years ago had come onto the firm's radar as part of their research into Trump's business history. The trip was organized by Sergei Millian, Simpson said. He said Millian "came up in connection with Chris' work as one of the people around Trump who had a Russian background." Chris is a reference to Christopher Steele, the former British intelligence officer hired by Fusion to research Trump's Russia ties. (Story continues below Ad)
Isn’t this the same guy that had personal dealings with Papadopouls and Kushner?

Very suspicious.

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