Clinton fading on RCP

I saw a report over the weekend that said they are BOTH losing support but that Trump’s loss was only around 1% while Clinton's was around 3%
This report was based on national polls that included the other two candidates. Which obviously suggests that the 3rd party candidates are hurting mostly Hillary
I was digging into this earlier today. Hillary is loosing support among women, millennials, blacks and Latinos to the woman candidate and loosing millennials to Johnson, roughly a three point loss.. Trump was loosing votes from some Latinos but gaining in the black community, women, and LBTQ communities and is only sustaining about a -0.5 point loss..

Hillary is imploding..
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Clinton is ahead by 4. Obama won by 4 in 2012, with an electoral landslide.
Which poll and what are their demographics?

The fucking polls the OP posted, and if you're too stupid to know how to research the demographics of a poll, you've come to wrong place for help.
I was asking you for that information as you were making claims that are unsupported by the OP's Poll.

The OP cited realclear, which has Clinton ahead by 4. I said Clinton was ahead by 4.

Feel free to write an essay explaining why my statement is unsupported by the OP.
What I am finding amazing is the Latinos are not running from Trump for his stance on immigration. In fact he is gaining ground with those who are legal immigrants. One Poll in the western US shows Trump gaining 3% with Latino immigrants who are now US citizens and over 7% with other immigrants who followed the immigration law. Only illegal immigrants, ones who have no voting rights, is he loosing. Stunning..

Trump has hit this one on the head.. We are a nation of laws and those who are law abiding respect him for his position.
Man, I'm so excited about this wall we're gonna get, for free.

You should be.

It's gonna be yuge.

We can hope, can't we. How big are the walls in your home? Big enough to keep the uninvited out I bet.

Don't be such a rube, there will be no wall. Sucker.

Trump has a history of finishing things others think to costly or cant be done.. He see's them as a challenge.. I wont bet against this one..
It is most dusturbing obammy has decided they need his personal toilet clogger jeeh jhonstone to "oversee" election results. A few swing states fixed kept eye on?

This means they realize they won't get 108% AA turnout this time. Need a little "help". Country is doomed.
Man, I'm so excited about this wall we're gonna get, for free.

You should be.

It's gonna be yuge.

We can hope, can't we. How big are the walls in your home? Big enough to keep the uninvited out I bet.

Don't be such a rube, there will be no wall. Sucker.


Ok for him, but screw the USA if they want the same protection.

Lib hypocricy at its finest
With me Labor Day marks the true beginning of the campaign season. Hillary better start talking issues with the public and press because I'm not shelling out six figures or even 2¢ to her campaign fund for special access to hear them.

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