Clinton names Debbie Wasserman Schultz honorary chair of campaign team

So basically, Wasserman Schultz goes from unofficially working for Hillary, to officially working for Hillary.
Pay to Play baby... Debbie has the goods on Helly being complicit in this entire thing.. in exchange for her silence, she gets a position on her campaign team and I guarantee you in her Administration.. Liberals are so crooked that squeak when they waddle.
Hey Hilly.. Just wait until Julian Assange releases more emails showing your part in the DNC scandal. LMAO
Pay to Play baby... Debbie has the goods on Helly being complicit in this entire thing.. in exchange for her silence, she gets a position on her campaign team and I guarantee you in her Administration.. Liberals are so crooked that squeak when they waddle.

NewsFlash, they're all crooked.
Hey Hilly.. Just wait until Julian Assange releases more emails showing your part in the DNC scandal. LMAO

Don't get your hopes up, it won't matter. She put CIA agents lives in danger and no one, other than an ex CIA agent seems to care.
Pay to Play baby... Debbie has the goods on Helly being complicit in this entire thing.. in exchange for her silence, she gets a position on her campaign team and I guarantee you in her Administration.. Liberals are so crooked that squeak when they waddle.
regarding Debbie losing her job,,,isnt Dunkin Donuts hiring?
Pay to Play baby... Debbie has the goods on Helly being complicit in this entire thing.. in exchange for her silence, she gets a position on her campaign team and I guarantee you in her Administration.. Liberals are so crooked that squeak when they waddle.

NewsFlash, they're all crooked.
You're right.. and we went against the entire leftist media, the corrupt Establishment and your rotten ass liberal party and took abuse daily but guess what?? OUR MAN is still standing.. You can either lie with the crooks or fucking take a stand and do something about it. I don't want to hear it from any of you on the left.. ALL OF YOU OWN this always making excuses and turning your heads to the corruption. HELL, your fucking nominee is a damn criminal.
Pay to Play baby... Debbie has the goods on Helly being complicit in this entire thing.. in exchange for her silence, she gets a position on her campaign team and I guarantee you in her Administration.. Liberals are so crooked that squeak when they waddle.

NewsFlash, they're all crooked.
You're right.. and we went against the entire leftist media, the corrupt Establishment and your rotten ass liberal party and took abuse daily but guess what?? OUR MAN is still standing.. You can either lie with the crooks or fucking take a stand and do something about it. I don't want to hear it from any of you on the left.. ALL OF YOU OWN this always making excuses and turning your heads to the corruption. HELL, your fucking nominee is a damn criminal.

Your boys are all crooked too. Let's stop pretending.
Honorary just means, I don't want another queen around, go home and take a nap.
Pay to Play baby... Debbie has the goods on Helly being complicit in this entire thing.. in exchange for her silence, she gets a position on her campaign team and I guarantee you in her Administration.. Liberals are so crooked that squeak when they waddle.

NewsFlash, they're all crooked.
You're right.. and we went against the entire leftist media, the corrupt Establishment and your rotten ass liberal party and took abuse daily but guess what?? OUR MAN is still standing.. You can either lie with the crooks or fucking take a stand and do something about it. I don't want to hear it from any of you on the left.. ALL OF YOU OWN this always making excuses and turning your heads to the corruption. HELL, your fucking nominee is a damn criminal.

Your boys are all crooked too. Let's stop pretending.
I hope Julian Assange has dirt on the entire cesspool of DC SEWAGE and dumps it all.. LET THE CHIPS FALL.. My boys nothing.. I'd love to see every last one of those criminals out..
Hillary Clinton Statement on the Resignation of Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Bad move IMO. Kiss Bernie voters that were going to vote for Clinton and some Independents goodbye. I guess they think they don't need them to win. You think they would want to get as many as possible on board. If Clinton loses the fault is all on her and the DNC.
She is not going to lose. It doesn't matter what anyone says or does or which party or person runs, or the people who gave worthless votes. Its been set up from the get-go. Hillary WILL be POTUS. They all have been bought and paid for to make sure it happens.
Pay to Play baby... Debbie has the goods on Helly being complicit in this entire thing.. in exchange for her silence, she gets a position on her campaign team and I guarantee you in her Administration.. Liberals are so crooked that squeak when they waddle.

NewsFlash, they're all crooked.
You're right.. and we went against the entire leftist media, the corrupt Establishment and your rotten ass liberal party and took abuse daily but guess what?? OUR MAN is still standing.. You can either lie with the crooks or fucking take a stand and do something about it. I don't want to hear it from any of you on the left.. ALL OF YOU OWN this always making excuses and turning your heads to the corruption. HELL, your fucking nominee is a damn criminal.

Your boys are all crooked too. Let's stop pretending.
I hope Julian Assange has dirt on the entire cesspool of DC SEWAGE and dumps it all.. LET THE CHIPS FALL.. My boys nothing.. I'd love to see every last one of those criminals out..

That's better.
She will never face a trial. She will never sit before a judge that is against her. No law will affect her. ALL have been bought. ALL of them.

She is now Hitlery. And there isn't a damn thing anyone can do. The corruptness is massive.
She will never face a trial. She will never sit before a judge that is against her. No law will affect her. ALL have been bought. ALL of them.

She is now Hitlery. And there isn't a damn thing anyone can do. The corruptness is massive.

What law do you think she has broken?
Corrupt evil bi@tches of a feather have to stick together. This is nothing less than Hillary's admission and personal thanks for helping her win the nomination due to a corrupt party that fixed the election, provided a crooked super delegate process, and helped screw Bernie and the Americans who support him.

Schultz overnight has become only the 2nd most hated woman in the US behind Hillary. This is going to hurt Hillary, piss off Bernie supporters, and further divide the party.

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