Clinton riggings-the wheels are coming off the wagon.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The shocking revelation that Hillary Clinton purchased the DNC and then stacked it with corrupted friendly fire to eliminate competition in the primaries is just one more nail in the coffin of the Democratic Party. While many regard Bernie Sanders as a socialist, his message resonated with large swaths of the population who feel marginalized and disenfranchised by main stream politics. Sanders and his supporters never had a chance as Clinton’s back room deals made a year prior to the primaries, invited them to a crooked roulette wheel already rigged in Clinton’s favor.

What many Americans need to consider as they connect dots is how much of Clinton’s blood money came from the $145 million she pocketed from the Uranium One deal. The Clintons were certainly flush with cash as they marketed uranium to the Russians who can turn a profit by selling it to Iran. The Iranians could eventually peddle the deadly element to North Korea which in turn could lob nuclear-tipped missiles on South Korea, Japan and eventually the United States.

It’s difficult to imagine two human beings more treacherously sinister than Bill and Hillary Clinton and it’s astounding to reasonable people that this Teflon duo can escape any kind of investigation into their likely treasonous activities. They say the love of money is the root of all evil and there is no love for money that exceeds that of the Clintons’ even if their greed to win an election is possibly instrumental in bringing about World War Three.

There is an interesting paradigm at work here. An election that should have been a sure thing was lost and now all the wheels are starting to come off the wagon of corruption that represents the American political establishment. The winner is not part of that establishment otherwise none of this information would have entered the public domain. Americans are starting to question the motives of agencies like the FBI and the Department of Justice as they appear to be inexplicably reluctant to investigate the actual perpetrators in this debacle.

The American political establishment has lost its last vestige of credibility and the Democratic Party is on life support. At some point the truly wicked must be held accountable if the republic is going to survive even if half the population has to deal with the fact that they were completely fooled by the snake-eyed Hillary Clinton
The Chairwoman of the Democratic Party sure is scared of them:

"Brazile writes that she was haunted by the still-unsolved murder of DNC data staffer Seth Rich and feared for her own life, shutting the blinds to her office window so snipers could not see her and installing surveillance cameras at her home."

Donna Brazile: I considered replacing Clinton with Biden as 2016 Democratic nominee

Looks like Jeff Sessions is scared too.

Democrats are Marxists, but Republicans are Pussies. I fear for my children.
When even your besties start telling on ya?

Will she be suiciding herself soon like she did Seth Rich?

That would really be a story. :biggrin:
Brazile better stay out of the weight room. She could accidentally die bench pressing 300 lbs like this guy did last year before he was set to testify against the Clinton Clan.

Ex-U.N. General Assembly president died in weight-lifting accident

Just unreal.

..and if you didn’t want Hillary Clinton to be President, you are a racist misogynist homophobic transphobic Islamaphobic White Supremacist, but the Clintons own lackey, Donna Brazile, was in fear of being murdered by the Clinton cash machine.
Geebuz Xhrist. How many times does the uranium lie need to debunked !

Are you a Russian fake news promoter ?
Geebuz Xhrist. How many times does the uranium lie need to debunked !

Are you a Russian fake news promoter ?

Where exactly has it been debunked?

I have asked this before on this board, and and was supplied answers by other Bolsheviks, who, stupid as they are, have shown more mental acuity than you.

The debunkings provided were Bullshit. An embarrassing effort at Bullshit, actually. One merely said that Clinton did not actually deliver the uranium to the Russians herself; and the other said it was no problem because the uranium couldn't leave the USA anyway---which is exactly what it has done. See even the New York Dumb-Ass.

Can you do any better? Can you really debunk the basis which forms the current demands for an investigation....or are you just a fucking dumb-ass parrot reading debunked talking points from what's left of the Democratic Party?

Please provide a "Debunking" dated after it was revealed that there was an active FBI Investigation for fraud, money-laundering etc. into the Company which Obama And Clinton sold the uranium to?

If they knew about the investigation, and approved it anyway....they may be guilty of Treachery, as well as what we already know---Negligence and Incompetence. If they didn't know, the FBI and Justice Department may be the ones guilty of Treachery (too), or at least Negligence and Incompetence...and they should not still have their jobs. Its pretty simple.

So. Have you got anything more...Timmy...than old debunked talking points which run from the issue....if so produce them...or look like a Fool.

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The gullible never seem to learn that where's there's smoke there's fire. The Teflon Clinton's have spent a lifetime covering their tracks but this event is so egregious that it absolutely shouts treachery. Clinton was in charge of the State Department at the time of the sale and the sale could not be processed without the approval of the State Department because Uranium is a controlled component of mass destruction.

Huge amounts of yellow cake were laundered through Canada and then sent to Europe among other places. Clinton's answer to the only reporter who asked her about it was that she was unaware of the deal. You know, "I didn't know the gun was loaded." This treachery is so deep that it involves the Obama administration which is probably why the FBI and the DOJ are afraid to reveal what they know.

The result of the last election has created a conundrum for the federal agencies that investigate wrongdoing on the part of powerful people in the political establishment. Normally the treachery would just become the victim of a bias of omission in the investigations and the crimes would be covered up. But the current president did not come from the political establishment and eventually prison will be a real possibility for both of the Clintons as well as many in the Obama administration including Obama himself. This will be as damaging to the half of the population that realizes they have been used as stooges as aliens landing on the White House lawn.

The Democratic Party is in a semi comatose state and a second term for the president is all but assured. The first order if business in that administration will be to allocate the prison terms of the traitors.
The shocking revelation that Hillary Clinton purchased the DNC and then stacked it with corrupted friendly fire to eliminate competition in the primaries is just one more nail in the coffin of the Democratic Party. While many regard Bernie Sanders as a socialist, his message resonated with large swaths of the population who feel marginalized and disenfranchised by main stream politics. Sanders and his supporters never had a chance as Clinton’s back room deals made a year prior to the primaries, invited them to a crooked roulette wheel already rigged in Clinton’s favor.

What many Americans need to consider as they connect dots is how much of Clinton’s blood money came from the $145 million she pocketed from the Uranium One deal. The Clintons were certainly flush with cash as they marketed uranium to the Russians who can turn a profit by selling it to Iran. The Iranians could eventually peddle the deadly element to North Korea which in turn could lob nuclear-tipped missiles on South Korea, Japan and eventually the United States.

It’s difficult to imagine two human beings more treacherously sinister than Bill and Hillary Clinton and it’s astounding to reasonable people that this Teflon duo can escape any kind of investigation into their likely treasonous activities. They say the love of money is the root of all evil and there is no love for money that exceeds that of the Clintons’ even if their greed to win an election is possibly instrumental in bringing about World War Three.

There is an interesting paradigm at work here. An election that should have been a sure thing was lost and now all the wheels are starting to come off the wagon of corruption that represents the American political establishment. The winner is not part of that establishment otherwise none of this information would have entered the public domain. Americans are starting to question the motives of agencies like the FBI and the Department of Justice as they appear to be inexplicably reluctant to investigate the actual perpetrators in this debacle.

The American political establishment has lost its last vestige of credibility and the Democratic Party is on life support. At some point the truly wicked must be held accountable if the republic is going to survive even if half the population has to deal with the fact that they were completely fooled by the snake-eyed Hillary Clinton

Why do you care? If the Democrat Party YOUR party?

Does a party have to do things "fairly"? Do they have to give every person the vote? No, they can do what they like. Where they cannot be corrupt is in the Federal Presidential election.
The Mueller investigation grinds on despite any poor deflections about Clinton or the DNC.
Hillary's scandals...

Hillary's crimes...

Hillary's loss allowing Barry's 'legacy' erasing

Hillary's pi$$ing on the DNC with her 'This is who I blame for MY loss' fictional novel...

Hillary has obviously burnt her last bridge in attempting to blame others, stay relevant, and hold on to dreams of 2020.

The DNC tried to politely tell Hillary to 'STFU and go away'...shd didn't.

So now the DNC, led by Donna Brazile right now, is throwing shovel-fulls of dirt on top of Hillary as she stands in the grave she gas dug for herself.

The only thing they have left to do is to give the FBI & DOJ holdouts / loyalists and Sessions the 'green light' that it's time to withhold further protection and to allow her to be charged for her crimes...

The only thing that may prevent that is the idea of the STAIN of having a former 1st Lady / Senator / Secretary of State being indicted and convicted.
Why do you care? If the Democrat Party YOUR party?

The DNC is one of THE 2 major parties in this country whose politicians fill the political positions within our government.

The DNC has now been exposed for massive scandals to include jeopardizing national security, espionage, running a Pakistani spy ring, money laundering, collusion with Russians resulting in the sale of 20% of the US supply of uranium to Russia, and the criminal / corrupt fixing of political primaries, engaging in election fraud, and cheating in debates as well as protecting a criminal from indictnent and prosecution of crimes she DID commit just so the criminal could be the DNC 2017 Presidential nominee.

THAT should concern EVERY US citizen... and should be enough to shut down the DNC as an offical pilitical party.

It's more like a crime syndicate than a political party.

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