Clinton say's there are "...unintended consequences.."


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Clinton acknowledged problems with the law, which requires Americans to have insurance or pay a penalty. He said Americans will be better off when more people have coverage under a program he argued will begin to reduce the staggeringly high cost of health insurance.
"There are always drafting errors, unintended consequences, unanticipated issues," Clinton said in a speech from his presidential library in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Bill Clinton Stumps For Obamacare

"unintended consequences" ???
How about this law passed in 1986 and it's "unintended consequences"!
enacted by the federal government in 1986, requires that hospital emergency departments treat emergency conditions of all patients regardless of their ability to pay and is considered a critical element in the "safety net" for the uninsured, but established no direct payment mechanism for such care. Indirect payments and reimbursements through federal and state government programs have never fully compensated public and private hospitals for the full cost of care mandated by EMTALA.
In fact, more than half of all emergency care in the U.S. now goes uncompensated.
According to some analyses, EMTALA is an unfunded mandate that has contributed to financial pressures on hospitals in the last 20 years, causing them to consolidate and close facilities, and contributing to emergency room overcrowding.
According to the Institute of Medicine, between 1993 and 2003, emergency room visits in the U.S. grew by 26%, while in the same period, the number of emergency departments declined by 425.
Health care in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So how do hospitals recoup these "financial pressures"???
By padding and passing ON to Medicare sometimes overcharging by 6,000%!
FACT: Florida Hospital Tampa 3100 East Fletcher Avenue Tampa, FL 33613
In 2011 Hospital in Tampa sent Medicare 1,362 claims for CAT scan no contrast.
Each claim averaged $3,463, i.e. what the hospital billed Medicare...
The hospital's ACTUAL COSTS to perform the CAT SCAN was $57 a mark up 5,975.44%

So this "unintended consequences" of EMTALA has CREATED these gross overcharges to Medicare/insurance companies.
So guess what folks... THESE GET PASSED ON!

Solution is simple...
A 10% tax on lawyers $270 billion would pay the premium for the truly 4 million that want and need coverage!
Taxing lawyers that CAUSE the $850 billion a year doctors say are caused because they practice "defensive medicine" out of fear of lawyers' lawsuits would also reduce the $850 billion!

Each of the 4 million (see 18 million don't want insurance, 14 million are already covered by Medicaid and 10 million aren't citizens are a total of 42 million that should not be counted as "uninsured") leaving 4 million!
This would completely negate this debacle that even Clinton agrees has "unintended consequences" !
We must not let this disgusting bill destroy $100 billion a year in federal/state/local tax base while adding 400,000 to unemployment rolls!
Totally stupid to let nearly $1 trillion be messed up by such a stupid "unintended consequence" known as Obamacare!
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So Clinton who warned us about Saddam...
The Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 is a United States Congressional statement of policy calling for regime change in Iraq. It was signed into law by President Bill Clinton, and states that it is the policy of the United States to support democratic movements within Iraq. The Act was cited in October 2002 to argue for the authorization of military force against the Iraqi government.

And now he warns us about ACA... why aren't you Democrats listening to him?
And the major supporters.. UNIONS where are they now on Obamacare along with Clinton???

Last month, leaders of three of the largest labor unions sent a scathing letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), warning that if the problems with the insurance program are not addressed, the new health care law will “shatter not only our hard-earned health benefits, but destroy the foundation of the 40-hour work week that is the backbone of the American middle class.”

Why Organized Labor Is Organizing Against Obamacare | The Fiscal Times
Are you suggesting that hospitals be able to reject people in emergency situations?

I'm suggesting that hospitals when they determine the patient IS NOT able to pay the bills, i.e. no insurance,etc. they offer the patient to register with the "Uninsured Health Insurance Co.©".
Once registered as an insured member, the hospital sends the claims to "Uninsured Health Insurance Co.©".
With the premiums paid by a 10% tax on lawyers that cause the $850 billion in defensive medicine as doctors have attested they do, i.e. duplicate tests, etc. the lawyers 10% tax (like ACA taxed tanning salons!!) would pay the premiums.. $270 billion lawyers revenue equals $27 billion in premiums paid for the truly 4 million uninsured!

And THERE FORE hospitals continue to see the "uninsured" BUT instead of stupidly padding and passing on as
I've proven this from my 6,000 hospital database of claims sent to Medicare are sometimes marked up 6,000%!
This would reduce the total waste of markups by hospitals as they would be paid by the "Uninsured Health Insurance Co.©"!

Do you understand that FIRST of all there never were 46 million that were uninsured ?
ONCE that premise is comprehended then WHY was the massive destruction of our health care system undertaken??
Stupidity most assuredly.. on purpose possibly because Obama WANTS a single payer.. to hell with the fact there is
$100 billion a year paid in Federal/state/local taxes by insurance companies and to hell with 400,000 currently employed!

See this is the point of people like Obama who don't even know they don't KNOW!!!

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