Clinton stole from the people of Haiti, her followers don't care


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
When I posted a link proving that the Clinton Foundation stole from Haiti, possibly the poorest country in the world, Hillary's followers' reaction was that they don't care, and they think it's funny that anyone else should care either. They actually mocked me for caring about the people of Haiti.

Haitians fear Clintons will 'scam' them again after Hurricane Matthew

Does this not prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, the corruption that the Clintons have spread, not only to government agencies, but also to their followers, who are now as corrupt as they are?

We need to put a stop to this wickedness and depravity, and the only way to do that is to elect Trump, have him appoint a special prosecutor, and put the Clintons in prison for a long time for their hundreds of felonies that they have committed over the past 30 years.

Only if we see justice for the Clintons can we restore the integrity of our nation.
The people in Haiti have been kept down though its history by its major religion/superstitions
Can we please go back to the Donald's locker room talk and how it's possible
he might be investigated for sexual misconduct.....

That's more fun....
The people in Haiti have been kept down though its history by its major religion/superstitions
So that means it's OK with you what the Clintons did when they stole money from the Haitians?

Thanks for clarifying that you lack any sense of morals or ethics in making excuse for the corruption of the Clintons.

You are a poor excuse of a human being, guno, but this is low even for you.
Her followers do care about the people of Haiti, but they don't care about yet another made up accusation. You've cried wolf way too many times.
Can we please go back to the Donald's locker room talk and how it's possible
he might be investigated for sexual misconduct.....

That's more fun....
Like the OP stated, you lefties don't care.
The people in Haiti have been kept down though its history by its major religion/superstitions
So that means it's OK with you what the Clintons did when they stole money from the Haitians?

Thanks for clarifying that you lack any sense of morals or ethics in making excuse for the corruption of the Clintons.

You are a poor excuse of a human being, guno, but this is low even for you.



how many times are you going to post about Clinton and Hati today?

Haitians fear Clintons will 'scam' them again after Hurricane Matthew
When I posted a link proving that the Clinton Foundation stole from Haiti, possibly the poorest country in the world, Hillary's followers' reaction was that they don't care, and they think it's funny that anyone else should care either. They actually mocked me for caring about the people of Haiti.

Haitians fear Clintons will 'scam' them again after Hurricane Matthew

Does this not prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, the corruption that the Clintons have spread, not only to government agencies, but also to their followers, who are now as corrupt as they are?

We need to put a stop to this wickedness and depravity, and the only way to do that is to elect Trump, have him appoint a special prosecutor, and put the Clintons in prison for a long time for their hundreds of felonies that they have committed over the past 30 years.

Only if we see justice for the Clintons can we restore the integrity of our nation.

The Haitians have nothing to worry about from the Clintons.

They're too busy scamming this country at the moment
When I posted a link proving that the Clinton Foundation stole from Haiti, possibly the poorest country in the world, Hillary's followers' reaction was that they don't care, and they think it's funny that anyone else should care either. They actually mocked me for caring about the people of Haiti.

Haitians fear Clintons will 'scam' them again after Hurricane Matthew

Does this not prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, the corruption that the Clintons have spread, not only to government agencies, but also to their followers, who are now as corrupt as they are?

We need to put a stop to this wickedness and depravity, and the only way to do that is to elect Trump, have him appoint a special prosecutor, and put the Clintons in prison for a long time for their hundreds of felonies that they have committed over the past 30 years.

Only if we see justice for the Clintons can we restore the integrity of our nation.

Haitians cannot vote here. So use'em and abuse 'em until the Dems import them. Then, it'll be just a case of abuse them after they've used them; just like all the other happy negroes on the U.S. inner-city plantations.
When I posted a link proving that the Clinton Foundation stole from Haiti, possibly the poorest country in the world, Hillary's followers' reaction was that they don't care, and they think it's funny that anyone else should care either. They actually mocked me for caring about the people of Haiti.

Haitians fear Clintons will 'scam' them again after Hurricane Matthew

Does this not prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, the corruption that the Clintons have spread, not only to government agencies, but also to their followers, who are now as corrupt as they are?

We need to put a stop to this wickedness and depravity, and the only way to do that is to elect Trump, have him appoint a special prosecutor, and put the Clintons in prison for a long time for their hundreds of felonies that they have committed over the past 30 years.

Only if we see justice for the Clintons can we restore the integrity of our nation.
Of course they did, the clinton foundation is an absolute fraud. Just look at the people that run it - Bill Clinton fucked up rapist/molester... lol
Can we please go back to the Donald's locker room talk and how it's possible
he might be investigated for sexual misconduct.....

That's more fun....
Like the OP stated, you lefties don't care.

Nope. Won't care about the next five trumped up fake accusations either. We hear you, but don't pay a bit of attention to your lies and whining other than to laugh at you when you get really weird.
Can we please go back to the Donald's locker room talk and how it's possible
he might be investigated for sexual misconduct.....

That's more fun....
Like the OP stated, you lefties don't care.

Nope. Won't care about the next five trumped up fake accusations either. We hear you, but don't pay a bit of attention to your lies and whining other than to laugh at you when you get really weird.
BULLDOG, you know the accusations are true and you just don't give a damn. You are just as corrupt as the Clintons, but at least they're raking in billions. What have you gained from being their lapdog apologist? You lost your soul, I hope you got something in return.
The usual retort is that over 80% of Clinton Foundation funds actually went to charity, whereas 100% of Trump Foundation funds went to Donald Trump.

Just pointing that out for anyone that criticizes Clinton, but fails to uphold Trump to a greater standard.
Her followers do care about the people of Haiti, but they don't care about yet another made up accusation. You've cried wolf way too many times.
I have very liberal and very conservative friends.

The liberal ones have much more cognitive dissonance than the conservative ones. The conservative ones? Once you show them the facts, they tend to shut up, or change their views accordingly. The liberal ones tend to just ignore reality or go away.

Well, this topic just came up the other day. I posted the link, they shut up, and just shut down. I don't know. But it is well known among the educated that the Bush crime family and the Clinton Crime family got rich off of the whole Haiti scam while the Haitians continue to suffer. If you don't know about this, they you are willfully keeping yourself ignorant.

Haiti and the international aid scam
Mark Weisbrot
Haiti is often decried for corruption but look at how reconstruction contracting works: it may be legal but it's still graft
Haiti and the international aid scam | Mark Weisbrot

This legalisation of corruption reached a new milestone last December when one Lewis Lucke, a long-time US Agency for International Development (USAID) official turned influence-peddler, sued a consortium of firms operating in Haiti for $492,000, for breach of contract. As Lucke would have it (sorry!), he was promised $30,000 a month, plus incentives, to use his influence to secure contracts for these nice fellas. He got them $20m worth of contracts, but they cut him off after two months. The defendants in the case are Ashbritt, a US contractor with a questionable track record, and the GB Group, one of the largest Haitian conglomerates. Together, they formed the Haiti Recovery Group, which they incorporated in the Cayman Islands, to bid on reconstruction contracts.

Lucke was well-positioned for the job, having formerly been in charge of the multibillion dollar reconstruction effort in Haiti for the US government. (He was also previously the USAID Iraq mission director; we know how that reconstruction turned out.) His lawsuit states that when he worked for USAID, "He met with Haitian officials, former United States Presidents Bill Clinton and George W Bush, the state department, World Bank, and other participants …" He was then hired by Ashbritt to, among other things, make "strategic introductions to key stakeholders, organisers and brokers of Haitian recovery efforts …" Bill Clinton and George W Bush established the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund to help Haiti "build back better", and Clinton is co-chair of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC), which has met about six times since the earthquake, and has been widely criticised for its lack of Haitian representation in decision-making.

When ever USAID is involved, folks are going to suffer.
You need a cite.

You can look it up on google. The facts are all over the internet, if you do not get lost in the hearsay.

I gave up on appealing to those that clearly want to live in an echo chamber.
The people in Haiti have been kept down though its history by its major religion/superstitions
So that means it's OK with you what the Clintons did when they stole money from the Haitians?

Thanks for clarifying that you lack any sense of morals or ethics in making excuse for the corruption of the Clintons.

You are a poor excuse of a human being, guno, but this is low even for you.
The Clinton Bush Haiti fund raised $54.4 million from more than 2,000,000 individuals, businesses, and organizations. It dispersed funds to more than 50 organizations through grants, loans, and equity investments. As of December 2012, the Fund estimated that its programs sustained or created 7,350 jobs, trained 20,050 individuals, and had an additional positive impact on the conditions of more than 311,000 Haitians.[6]

Key focus areas for funding included providing small and growing businesses with access to financing, business services, and entrepreneurship training (36%); facilitating job training and workforce development (31%); responding to critical, unmet needs (23%); and supporting the recovery and expansion of microfinance institutions, many of whose beneficiaries are women (10%).[7]

After the Fund ceased formal operations on December 31, 2012, the Multilateral Investment Fund, a member of the Inter-American Development Bank Group, took over management of programs which had not yet been fully completed and began receiving funds from remaining loans. They are charged with reinvesting loan repayments into programs consistent with the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund's mission of promoting economic opportunity in Haiti.[8]

Clinton Bush Haiti Fund - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also remember that it was the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund...

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