Clinton stole from the people of Haiti, her followers don't care

Can we please go back to the Donald's locker room talk and how it's possible
he might be investigated for sexual misconduct.....

That's more fun....
Like the OP stated, you lefties don't care.

Nope. Won't care about the next five trumped up fake accusations either. We hear you, but don't pay a bit of attention to your lies and whining other than to laugh at you when you get really weird.
BULLDOG, you know the accusations are true and you just don't give a damn. You are just as corrupt as the Clintons, but at least they're raking in billions. What have you gained from being their lapdog apologist? You lost your soul, I hope you got something in return.

I certainly get the opportunity to laugh at your dumb ass.
The people in Haiti have been kept down though its history by its major religion/superstitions

What does that have to do with Clinton's handing over $9 billion dollars of relief money to their cronies so they could build things for the wealthy people in northern Haiti? It was southern Haiti hit by the earthquake and the money was supposed to rebuild it for them. That didn't happen and the money isn't there now.

Using money that was donated for the earthquake victims on things that have nothing to do with those victims is illegal. Of course, no paperwork so they claim sloppy bookkeeping and probably will say all the people in Haiti are lying about still living in the streets in a destroyed city.

Hillary also lost $6 billion as Sec. of State. Looks like making other people's money disappear while making herself and her friends wealthy is her main talent.
Her followers do care about the people of Haiti, but they don't care about yet another made up accusation. You've cried wolf way too many times.
I have very liberal and very conservative friends.

The liberal ones have much more cognitive dissonance than the conservative ones. The conservative ones? Once you show them the facts, they tend to shut up, or change their views accordingly. The liberal ones tend to just ignore reality or go away.

Well, this topic just came up the other day. I posted the link, they shut up, and just shut down. I don't know. But it is well known among the educated that the Bush crime family and the Clinton Crime family got rich off of the whole Haiti scam while the Haitians continue to suffer. If you don't know about this, they you are willfully keeping yourself ignorant.

Haiti and the international aid scam
Mark Weisbrot
Haiti is often decried for corruption but look at how reconstruction contracting works: it may be legal but it's still graft
Haiti and the international aid scam | Mark Weisbrot

This legalisation of corruption reached a new milestone last December when one Lewis Lucke, a long-time US Agency for International Development (USAID) official turned influence-peddler, sued a consortium of firms operating in Haiti for $492,000, for breach of contract. As Lucke would have it (sorry!), he was promised $30,000 a month, plus incentives, to use his influence to secure contracts for these nice fellas. He got them $20m worth of contracts, but they cut him off after two months. The defendants in the case are Ashbritt, a US contractor with a questionable track record, and the GB Group, one of the largest Haitian conglomerates. Together, they formed the Haiti Recovery Group, which they incorporated in the Cayman Islands, to bid on reconstruction contracts.

Lucke was well-positioned for the job, having formerly been in charge of the multibillion dollar reconstruction effort in Haiti for the US government. (He was also previously the USAID Iraq mission director; we know how that reconstruction turned out.) His lawsuit states that when he worked for USAID, "He met with Haitian officials, former United States Presidents Bill Clinton and George W Bush, the state department, World Bank, and other participants …" He was then hired by Ashbritt to, among other things, make "strategic introductions to key stakeholders, organisers and brokers of Haitian recovery efforts …" Bill Clinton and George W Bush established the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund to help Haiti "build back better", and Clinton is co-chair of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC), which has met about six times since the earthquake, and has been widely criticised for its lack of Haitian representation in decision-making.

When ever USAID is involved, folks are going to suffer.

If they tend to shut up when shown facts, why do so many right wingers still believe Obama is from Kenya, and why did they have so many investigations with the same result? Nope, The right never lets a false accusation die. They are even trying to resurrect some silliness about some bastard claiming to be Clinton's son that was solved 20 years ago.
Her followers do care about the people of Haiti, but they don't care about yet another made up accusation. You've cried wolf way too many times.
I have very liberal and very conservative friends.

The liberal ones have much more cognitive dissonance than the conservative ones. The conservative ones? Once you show them the facts, they tend to shut up, or change their views accordingly. The liberal ones tend to just ignore reality or go away.

Well, this topic just came up the other day. I posted the link, they shut up, and just shut down. I don't know. But it is well known among the educated that the Bush crime family and the Clinton Crime family got rich off of the whole Haiti scam while the Haitians continue to suffer. If you don't know about this, they you are willfully keeping yourself ignorant.

Haiti and the international aid scam
Mark Weisbrot
Haiti is often decried for corruption but look at how reconstruction contracting works: it may be legal but it's still graft
Haiti and the international aid scam | Mark Weisbrot

This legalisation of corruption reached a new milestone last December when one Lewis Lucke, a long-time US Agency for International Development (USAID) official turned influence-peddler, sued a consortium of firms operating in Haiti for $492,000, for breach of contract. As Lucke would have it (sorry!), he was promised $30,000 a month, plus incentives, to use his influence to secure contracts for these nice fellas. He got them $20m worth of contracts, but they cut him off after two months. The defendants in the case are Ashbritt, a US contractor with a questionable track record, and the GB Group, one of the largest Haitian conglomerates. Together, they formed the Haiti Recovery Group, which they incorporated in the Cayman Islands, to bid on reconstruction contracts.

Lucke was well-positioned for the job, having formerly been in charge of the multibillion dollar reconstruction effort in Haiti for the US government. (He was also previously the USAID Iraq mission director; we know how that reconstruction turned out.) His lawsuit states that when he worked for USAID, "He met with Haitian officials, former United States Presidents Bill Clinton and George W Bush, the state department, World Bank, and other participants …" He was then hired by Ashbritt to, among other things, make "strategic introductions to key stakeholders, organisers and brokers of Haitian recovery efforts …" Bill Clinton and George W Bush established the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund to help Haiti "build back better", and Clinton is co-chair of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC), which has met about six times since the earthquake, and has been widely criticised for its lack of Haitian representation in decision-making.

When ever USAID is involved, folks are going to suffer.

If they tend to shut up when shown facts, why do so many right wingers still believe Obama is from Kenya, and why did they have so many investigations with the same result? Nope, The right never lets a false accusation die. They are even trying to resurrect some silliness about some bastard claiming to be Clinton's son that was solved 20 years ago.
Obama's own publisher used to believe Obama was born in Kenya. How did they get that information? They must have gotten it from Obama himself. He didn't change his story until he wanted to run for President.

The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii' - Breitbart
You need a cite.

You can look it up on google. The facts are all over the internet, if you do not get lost in the hearsay.

I gave up on appealing to those that clearly want to live in an echo chamber.
Hey, thanks for making me look that up!

I wasn't aware that the Clinton's were so stingy with their loot. They don't make any grants at all to any charities? Seriously?

Okay, so that’s the 101 on what the Clinton Foundation does. One thing you'll notice is that grantmaking is not part of its mission, and that also creates confusion—since many people imagine that foundations are mainly engaged in giving away money.
What the Heck Does the Clinton Foundation Actually DO?  - Inside Philanthropy - Inside Philanthropy
Her followers do care about the people of Haiti, but they don't care about yet another made up accusation. You've cried wolf way too many times.
I have very liberal and very conservative friends.

The liberal ones have much more cognitive dissonance than the conservative ones. The conservative ones? Once you show them the facts, they tend to shut up, or change their views accordingly. The liberal ones tend to just ignore reality or go away.

Well, this topic just came up the other day. I posted the link, they shut up, and just shut down. I don't know. But it is well known among the educated that the Bush crime family and the Clinton Crime family got rich off of the whole Haiti scam while the Haitians continue to suffer. If you don't know about this, they you are willfully keeping yourself ignorant.

Haiti and the international aid scam
Mark Weisbrot
Haiti is often decried for corruption but look at how reconstruction contracting works: it may be legal but it's still graft
Haiti and the international aid scam | Mark Weisbrot

This legalisation of corruption reached a new milestone last December when one Lewis Lucke, a long-time US Agency for International Development (USAID) official turned influence-peddler, sued a consortium of firms operating in Haiti for $492,000, for breach of contract. As Lucke would have it (sorry!), he was promised $30,000 a month, plus incentives, to use his influence to secure contracts for these nice fellas. He got them $20m worth of contracts, but they cut him off after two months. The defendants in the case are Ashbritt, a US contractor with a questionable track record, and the GB Group, one of the largest Haitian conglomerates. Together, they formed the Haiti Recovery Group, which they incorporated in the Cayman Islands, to bid on reconstruction contracts.

Lucke was well-positioned for the job, having formerly been in charge of the multibillion dollar reconstruction effort in Haiti for the US government. (He was also previously the USAID Iraq mission director; we know how that reconstruction turned out.) His lawsuit states that when he worked for USAID, "He met with Haitian officials, former United States Presidents Bill Clinton and George W Bush, the state department, World Bank, and other participants …" He was then hired by Ashbritt to, among other things, make "strategic introductions to key stakeholders, organisers and brokers of Haitian recovery efforts …" Bill Clinton and George W Bush established the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund to help Haiti "build back better", and Clinton is co-chair of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC), which has met about six times since the earthquake, and has been widely criticised for its lack of Haitian representation in decision-making.

When ever USAID is involved, folks are going to suffer.

If they tend to shut up when shown facts, why do so many right wingers still believe Obama is from Kenya, and why did they have so many investigations with the same result? Nope, The right never lets a false accusation die. They are even trying to resurrect some silliness about some bastard claiming to be Clinton's son that was solved 20 years ago.
Obama's own publisher used to believe Obama was born in Kenya. How did they get that information? They must have gotten it from Obama himself. He didn't change his story until he wanted to run for President.

The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii' - Breitbart

The guy who mistakenly put that on the brochure already admitted it was his mistake.
Her followers do care about the people of Haiti, but they don't care about yet another made up accusation. You've cried wolf way too many times.
I have very liberal and very conservative friends.

The liberal ones have much more cognitive dissonance than the conservative ones. The conservative ones? Once you show them the facts, they tend to shut up, or change their views accordingly. The liberal ones tend to just ignore reality or go away.

Well, this topic just came up the other day. I posted the link, they shut up, and just shut down. I don't know. But it is well known among the educated that the Bush crime family and the Clinton Crime family got rich off of the whole Haiti scam while the Haitians continue to suffer. If you don't know about this, they you are willfully keeping yourself ignorant.

Haiti and the international aid scam
Mark Weisbrot
Haiti is often decried for corruption but look at how reconstruction contracting works: it may be legal but it's still graft
Haiti and the international aid scam | Mark Weisbrot

This legalisation of corruption reached a new milestone last December when one Lewis Lucke, a long-time US Agency for International Development (USAID) official turned influence-peddler, sued a consortium of firms operating in Haiti for $492,000, for breach of contract. As Lucke would have it (sorry!), he was promised $30,000 a month, plus incentives, to use his influence to secure contracts for these nice fellas. He got them $20m worth of contracts, but they cut him off after two months. The defendants in the case are Ashbritt, a US contractor with a questionable track record, and the GB Group, one of the largest Haitian conglomerates. Together, they formed the Haiti Recovery Group, which they incorporated in the Cayman Islands, to bid on reconstruction contracts.

Lucke was well-positioned for the job, having formerly been in charge of the multibillion dollar reconstruction effort in Haiti for the US government. (He was also previously the USAID Iraq mission director; we know how that reconstruction turned out.) His lawsuit states that when he worked for USAID, "He met with Haitian officials, former United States Presidents Bill Clinton and George W Bush, the state department, World Bank, and other participants …" He was then hired by Ashbritt to, among other things, make "strategic introductions to key stakeholders, organisers and brokers of Haitian recovery efforts …" Bill Clinton and George W Bush established the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund to help Haiti "build back better", and Clinton is co-chair of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC), which has met about six times since the earthquake, and has been widely criticised for its lack of Haitian representation in decision-making.

When ever USAID is involved, folks are going to suffer.

If they tend to shut up when shown facts, why do so many right wingers still believe Obama is from Kenya, and why did they have so many investigations with the same result? Nope, The right never lets a false accusation die. They are even trying to resurrect some silliness about some bastard claiming to be Clinton's son that was solved 20 years ago.
Obama's own publisher used to believe Obama was born in Kenya. How did they get that information? They must have gotten it from Obama himself. He didn't change his story until he wanted to run for President.

The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii' - Breitbart

The guy who mistakenly put that on the brochure already admitted it was his mistake.
Her followers do care about the people of Haiti, but they don't care about yet another made up accusation. You've cried wolf way too many times.
I have very liberal and very conservative friends.

The liberal ones have much more cognitive dissonance than the conservative ones. The conservative ones? Once you show them the facts, they tend to shut up, or change their views accordingly. The liberal ones tend to just ignore reality or go away.

Well, this topic just came up the other day. I posted the link, they shut up, and just shut down. I don't know. But it is well known among the educated that the Bush crime family and the Clinton Crime family got rich off of the whole Haiti scam while the Haitians continue to suffer. If you don't know about this, they you are willfully keeping yourself ignorant.

Haiti and the international aid scam
Mark Weisbrot
Haiti is often decried for corruption but look at how reconstruction contracting works: it may be legal but it's still graft
Haiti and the international aid scam | Mark Weisbrot

This legalisation of corruption reached a new milestone last December when one Lewis Lucke, a long-time US Agency for International Development (USAID) official turned influence-peddler, sued a consortium of firms operating in Haiti for $492,000, for breach of contract. As Lucke would have it (sorry!), he was promised $30,000 a month, plus incentives, to use his influence to secure contracts for these nice fellas. He got them $20m worth of contracts, but they cut him off after two months. The defendants in the case are Ashbritt, a US contractor with a questionable track record, and the GB Group, one of the largest Haitian conglomerates. Together, they formed the Haiti Recovery Group, which they incorporated in the Cayman Islands, to bid on reconstruction contracts.

Lucke was well-positioned for the job, having formerly been in charge of the multibillion dollar reconstruction effort in Haiti for the US government. (He was also previously the USAID Iraq mission director; we know how that reconstruction turned out.) His lawsuit states that when he worked for USAID, "He met with Haitian officials, former United States Presidents Bill Clinton and George W Bush, the state department, World Bank, and other participants …" He was then hired by Ashbritt to, among other things, make "strategic introductions to key stakeholders, organisers and brokers of Haitian recovery efforts …" Bill Clinton and George W Bush established the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund to help Haiti "build back better", and Clinton is co-chair of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC), which has met about six times since the earthquake, and has been widely criticised for its lack of Haitian representation in decision-making.

When ever USAID is involved, folks are going to suffer.

If they tend to shut up when shown facts, why do so many right wingers still believe Obama is from Kenya, and why did they have so many investigations with the same result? Nope, The right never lets a false accusation die. They are even trying to resurrect some silliness about some bastard claiming to be Clinton's son that was solved 20 years ago.
Obama's own publisher used to believe Obama was born in Kenya. How did they get that information? They must have gotten it from Obama himself. He didn't change his story until he wanted to run for President.

The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii' - Breitbart

The guy who mistakenly put that on the brochure already admitted it was his mistake.
The only way the publisher would have said that Obama was born in Kenya was if Obama TOLD him he was born in Kenya. That's not the kind of mistake a publisher would think of doing all by itself.
Her followers do care about the people of Haiti, but they don't care about yet another made up accusation. You've cried wolf way too many times.
I have very liberal and very conservative friends.

The liberal ones have much more cognitive dissonance than the conservative ones. The conservative ones? Once you show them the facts, they tend to shut up, or change their views accordingly. The liberal ones tend to just ignore reality or go away.

Well, this topic just came up the other day. I posted the link, they shut up, and just shut down. I don't know. But it is well known among the educated that the Bush crime family and the Clinton Crime family got rich off of the whole Haiti scam while the Haitians continue to suffer. If you don't know about this, they you are willfully keeping yourself ignorant.

Haiti and the international aid scam
Mark Weisbrot
Haiti is often decried for corruption but look at how reconstruction contracting works: it may be legal but it's still graft
Haiti and the international aid scam | Mark Weisbrot

This legalisation of corruption reached a new milestone last December when one Lewis Lucke, a long-time US Agency for International Development (USAID) official turned influence-peddler, sued a consortium of firms operating in Haiti for $492,000, for breach of contract. As Lucke would have it (sorry!), he was promised $30,000 a month, plus incentives, to use his influence to secure contracts for these nice fellas. He got them $20m worth of contracts, but they cut him off after two months. The defendants in the case are Ashbritt, a US contractor with a questionable track record, and the GB Group, one of the largest Haitian conglomerates. Together, they formed the Haiti Recovery Group, which they incorporated in the Cayman Islands, to bid on reconstruction contracts.

Lucke was well-positioned for the job, having formerly been in charge of the multibillion dollar reconstruction effort in Haiti for the US government. (He was also previously the USAID Iraq mission director; we know how that reconstruction turned out.) His lawsuit states that when he worked for USAID, "He met with Haitian officials, former United States Presidents Bill Clinton and George W Bush, the state department, World Bank, and other participants …" He was then hired by Ashbritt to, among other things, make "strategic introductions to key stakeholders, organisers and brokers of Haitian recovery efforts …" Bill Clinton and George W Bush established the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund to help Haiti "build back better", and Clinton is co-chair of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC), which has met about six times since the earthquake, and has been widely criticised for its lack of Haitian representation in decision-making.

When ever USAID is involved, folks are going to suffer.

If they tend to shut up when shown facts, why do so many right wingers still believe Obama is from Kenya, and why did they have so many investigations with the same result? Nope, The right never lets a false accusation die. They are even trying to resurrect some silliness about some bastard claiming to be Clinton's son that was solved 20 years ago.
Obama's own publisher used to believe Obama was born in Kenya. How did they get that information? They must have gotten it from Obama himself. He didn't change his story until he wanted to run for President.

The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii' - Breitbart

The guy who mistakenly put that on the brochure already admitted it was his mistake.

Miriam Goderich issued the following statement to Political Wire:

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me -- an agency assistant at the time. There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."
I have very liberal and very conservative friends.

The liberal ones have much more cognitive dissonance than the conservative ones. The conservative ones? Once you show them the facts, they tend to shut up, or change their views accordingly. The liberal ones tend to just ignore reality or go away.

Well, this topic just came up the other day. I posted the link, they shut up, and just shut down. I don't know. But it is well known among the educated that the Bush crime family and the Clinton Crime family got rich off of the whole Haiti scam while the Haitians continue to suffer. If you don't know about this, they you are willfully keeping yourself ignorant.

Haiti and the international aid scam
Mark Weisbrot
Haiti is often decried for corruption but look at how reconstruction contracting works: it may be legal but it's still graft
Haiti and the international aid scam | Mark Weisbrot

This legalisation of corruption reached a new milestone last December when one Lewis Lucke, a long-time US Agency for International Development (USAID) official turned influence-peddler, sued a consortium of firms operating in Haiti for $492,000, for breach of contract. As Lucke would have it (sorry!), he was promised $30,000 a month, plus incentives, to use his influence to secure contracts for these nice fellas. He got them $20m worth of contracts, but they cut him off after two months. The defendants in the case are Ashbritt, a US contractor with a questionable track record, and the GB Group, one of the largest Haitian conglomerates. Together, they formed the Haiti Recovery Group, which they incorporated in the Cayman Islands, to bid on reconstruction contracts.

Lucke was well-positioned for the job, having formerly been in charge of the multibillion dollar reconstruction effort in Haiti for the US government. (He was also previously the USAID Iraq mission director; we know how that reconstruction turned out.) His lawsuit states that when he worked for USAID, "He met with Haitian officials, former United States Presidents Bill Clinton and George W Bush, the state department, World Bank, and other participants …" He was then hired by Ashbritt to, among other things, make "strategic introductions to key stakeholders, organisers and brokers of Haitian recovery efforts …" Bill Clinton and George W Bush established the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund to help Haiti "build back better", and Clinton is co-chair of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC), which has met about six times since the earthquake, and has been widely criticised for its lack of Haitian representation in decision-making.

When ever USAID is involved, folks are going to suffer.

If they tend to shut up when shown facts, why do so many right wingers still believe Obama is from Kenya, and why did they have so many investigations with the same result? Nope, The right never lets a false accusation die. They are even trying to resurrect some silliness about some bastard claiming to be Clinton's son that was solved 20 years ago.
Obama's own publisher used to believe Obama was born in Kenya. How did they get that information? They must have gotten it from Obama himself. He didn't change his story until he wanted to run for President.

The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii' - Breitbart

The guy who mistakenly put that on the brochure already admitted it was his mistake.

Miriam Goderich issued the following statement to Political Wire:

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me -- an agency assistant at the time. There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."
Your lack of a link to your cite is noted.
Can we please go back to the Donald's locker room talk and how it's possible
he might be investigated for sexual misconduct.....

That's more fun....
Yeah.....more Potty-Mouth......
If they tend to shut up when shown facts, why do so many right wingers still believe Obama is from Kenya, and why did they have so many investigations with the same result? Nope, The right never lets a false accusation die. They are even trying to resurrect some silliness about some bastard claiming to be Clinton's son that was solved 20 years ago.
Obama's own publisher used to believe Obama was born in Kenya. How did they get that information? They must have gotten it from Obama himself. He didn't change his story until he wanted to run for President.

The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii' - Breitbart

The guy who mistakenly put that on the brochure already admitted it was his mistake.

Miriam Goderich issued the following statement to Political Wire:

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me -- an agency assistant at the time. There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."
Your lack of a link to your cite is noted.

Lazy? You can't google Miriam Goderich?
Obama's own publisher used to believe Obama was born in Kenya. How did they get that information? They must have gotten it from Obama himself. He didn't change his story until he wanted to run for President.

The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii' - Breitbart

The guy who mistakenly put that on the brochure already admitted it was his mistake.

Miriam Goderich issued the following statement to Political Wire:

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me -- an agency assistant at the time. There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."
Your lack of a link to your cite is noted.

Lazy? You can't google Miriam Goderich?
I provide links to all my cites, and I cite almost everything I say.

The fact that you refuse to do the same is telling.

Right. Like you expect anyone to believe that site.
Prove it isn't true then. Provide your own source saying that Obama DIDN'T get a foreign student scholarship.

Your claim. You prove it.
I already did prove it with a cite. If you refuse to believe the truth, I can't help you out of your delusionary state.
The guy who mistakenly put that on the brochure already admitted it was his mistake.

Miriam Goderich issued the following statement to Political Wire:

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me -- an agency assistant at the time. There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."
Your lack of a link to your cite is noted.

Lazy? You can't google Miriam Goderich?
I provide links to all my cites, and I cite almost everything I say.

The fact that you refuse to do the same is telling.

What part of "google Miriam Goderich" is confusing you?

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