Clinton wants 'mass movement' on climate change


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
We need to be saved from these elitist asses in our government...We're struggling to get by under Democrats rule and she is out wailing about the weather


By KEN THOMAS, Associated Press

Updated 6:41 pm, Saturday, March 22, 2014

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, Ariz. (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton says young people understand the significant threat of climate change and that she hopes there will be a mass movement that demands political change.

The potential 2016 presidential candidate says at a Clinton Global Initiative University panel that young people are much more committed to doing something to address climate change. Clinton says it isn't "just some ancillary issue" but will determine the quality of life for many people.

The former secretary of state cited global warming as a major issue that students could face in the future.

all of it here...comments are promising even SF isn't buying into her
Clinton wants 'mass movement' on climate change - SFGate
We need to be saved from these elitist asses in our government...We're struggling to get by under Democrats rule and she is out wailing about the weather


By KEN THOMAS, Associated Press

Updated 6:41 pm, Saturday, March 22, 2014

nextprevious 1 of 5 .

, Ariz. (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton says young people understand the significant threat of climate change and that she hopes there will be a mass movement that demands political change.

The potential 2016 presidential candidate says at a Clinton Global Initiative University panel that young people are much more committed to doing something to address climate change. Clinton says it isn't "just some ancillary issue" but will determine the quality of life for many people.

The former secretary of state cited global warming as a major issue that students could face in the future.

all of it here...comments are promising even SF isn't buying into her
Clinton wants 'mass movement' on climate change - SFGate

Global warming. What a farce


It's amazing how dumb young people can be. They march to vote for these people that will make their lives as they get older impossible to live. They will never be able to afford homes, will never be able to retire, etc and they keep on saying, thank you sir, may I have another!
It's amazing how dumb young people can be. They march to vote for these people that will make their lives as they get older impossible to live. They will never be able to afford homes, will never be able to retire, etc and they keep on saying, thank you sir, may I have another!

Its due in part to the fact they want it now and don't worry, or don't care, about tomorrow. When you aspire to flow through the system of mediocrity, the government plan is adequate.

It's amazing how dumb young people can be. They march to vote for these people that will make their lives as they get older impossible to live. They will never be able to afford homes, will never be able to retire, etc and they keep on saying, thank you sir, may I have another!
Here is the problem. Young people do not believe what the article says. Clinton is trying to gin up some issue that will take the mind off of the failed healthcare and the Democrats association to it.

Young people are focused on jobs and well paying jobs to pay down their student loans and any thought about the climate is a distant issue.

Simply because a Democrat says that the people consider this an issue does not make it true. Whenever the media says something supporting a Democrat, call them on it. Ask them why it is that the young people could care less unless Clinton or (insert Democrat here) says they do.
We need to be saved from these elitist asses in our government...We're struggling to get by under Democrats rule and she is out wailing about the weather


By KEN THOMAS, Associated Press

Updated 6:41 pm, Saturday, March 22, 2014

nextprevious 1 of 5 .
, Ariz. (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton says young people understand the significant threat of climate change and that she hopes there will be a mass movement that demands political change.

The potential 2016 presidential candidate says at a Clinton Global Initiative University panel that young people are much more committed to doing something to address climate change. Clinton says it isn't "just some ancillary issue" but will determine the quality of life for many people.

The former secretary of state cited global warming as a major issue that students could face in the future.

all of it here...comments are promising even SF isn't buying into her
Clinton wants 'mass movement' on climate change - SFGate

To all Hillary and the treasury-heisting politicians of her ilk who want mass movement in spending:

As we see the damage from extreme weather caused by the warming of our world, there will be an increasing number of people that realize what a lying bunch of assholes the GOP truly is.

Every Scientfic Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements saying that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Yet we have the GOP publically stating that there is no warming, and even if there is, it is from natural cycles, just can't find any cycles that would cause it.

By 2020, you 'Conservatives' are going to be denying that you ever denied the reality of global warming and it's cause. Which is the GHGs put into the atmosphere by man.
As we see the damage from extreme weather caused by the warming of our world, there will be an increasing number of people that realize what a lying bunch of assholes the GOP truly is.

Every Scientfic Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements saying that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Yet we have the GOP publically stating that there is no warming, and even if there is, it is from natural cycles, just can't find any cycles that would cause it.

By 2020, you 'Conservatives' are going to be denying that you ever denied the reality of global warming and it's cause. Which is the GHGs put into the atmosphere by man.

Acceptable risk

We need to be saved from these elitist asses in our government...We're struggling to get by under Democrats rule and she is out wailing about the weather


By KEN THOMAS, Associated Press

Updated 6:41 pm, Saturday, March 22, 2014

nextprevious 1 of 5 .

, Ariz. (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton says young people understand the significant threat of climate change and that she hopes there will be a mass movement that demands political change.

The potential 2016 presidential candidate says at a Clinton Global Initiative University panel that young people are much more committed to doing something to address climate change. Clinton says it isn't "just some ancillary issue" but will determine the quality of life for many people.

The former secretary of state cited global warming as a major issue that students could face in the future.

all of it here...comments are promising even SF isn't buying into her
Clinton wants 'mass movement' on climate change - SFGate

Another "ain't it awful" thread by the resident moron.
As we see the damage from extreme weather caused by the warming of our world, there will be an increasing number of people that realize what a lying bunch of assholes the GOP truly is.

Every Scientfic Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements saying that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Yet we have the GOP publically stating that there is no warming, and even if there is, it is from natural cycles, just can't find any cycles that would cause it.

By 2020, you 'Conservatives' are going to be denying that you ever denied the reality of global warming and it's cause. Which is the GHGs put into the atmosphere by man.

Ur spot on Old Rocks...and when the feces hits the wind turbines, those "conservative" climate change deniers will deny they denied...and find a way to blame progressives...AND Hillary or any other Dem prez within decades.

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well you hear that folks, we need to give our lives, hard earned money over to these uneducated people with no degrees in climate like the Shrilly Clinton OR we are all GOING TO DIE

or be called silly names like, deniers

my gawd P.t barnum was right and this country is frikken hopeless they now rely on Scientist more than than common sense of how the EARTH works naturally
As we see the damage from extreme weather caused by the warming of our world, there will be an increasing number of people that realize what a lying bunch of assholes the GOP truly is.

Every Scientfic Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements saying that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Yet we have the GOP publically stating that there is no warming, and even if there is, it is from natural cycles, just can't find any cycles that would cause it.

By 2020, you 'Conservatives' are going to be denying that you ever denied the reality of global warming and it's cause. Which is the GHGs put into the atmosphere by man.

Isn't that is what your kind said in the 70's, 80's, and 90's? All those predictions we conservatives would regret has past and we are still fine. Lets see it was global cooling, then globle warming, and now climate change. Lol, the last name you got right, because the different seasons does change the climate. This is liberal lunacy at it's worse.
Clinton is trying to gin up some issue that will take the mind off of the failed healthcare and the Democrats association to it.
I think you nailed it. They need an issue to run on and are about out of ammo.

except the kiddies are not going to accept paying through the nose

on global warming anymore then they are willing to pay through the nose

for obamacares
well you hear that folks, we need to give our lives, hard earned money over to these uneducated people with no degrees in climate like the Shrilly Clinton OR we are all GOING TO DIE

or be called silly names like, deniers

my gawd P.t barnum was right and this country is frikken hopeless they now rely on Scientist more than than common sense of how the EARTH works naturally

There is something unseemly when someone as truly dumb as Stephanie becomes the authority in an echo chamber circle jerk - that its members don't get it is remarkable. Allowing her to continue to defame accomplished people without comment is irresponsible, to credit her for anything she posts is ridiculous and likely dishonest.
There is something unseemly when someone as truly dumb as Stephanie becomes the authority in an echo chamber circle jerk - that its members don't get it is remarkable. Allowing her to continue to defame accomplished people without comment is irresponsible, to credit her for anything she posts is ridiculous and likely dishonest.
Golly, personal attacks are so much more mature and erudite. :eek:

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