Clinton wants 'mass movement' on climate change

There is something unseemly when someone as truly dumb as Stephanie becomes the authority in an echo chamber circle jerk - that its members don't get it is remarkable. Allowing her to continue to defame accomplished people without comment is irresponsible, to credit her for anything she posts is ridiculous and likely dishonest.
Golly, personal attacks are so much more mature and erudite. :eek:

that's all he ever is...pissing and moaning because I have an opinion over so called "ACCOMPLISH people" other words, BETTER than the rest of us like he believes he is

I put him on ignore I got tired of Lmao
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There is something unseemly when someone as truly dumb as Stephanie becomes the authority in an echo chamber circle jerk - that its members don't get it is remarkable. Allowing her to continue to defame accomplished people without comment is irresponsible, to credit her for anything she posts is ridiculous and likely dishonest.
Golly, personal attacks are so much more mature and erudite. :eek:

Golly gee, so allowing someone to defame others is okay, as long as the attacker hold to the same ideological dogma. That's not only immature it's reprehensible.
There is something unseemly when someone as truly dumb as Stephanie becomes the authority in an echo chamber circle jerk - that its members don't get it is remarkable. Allowing her to continue to defame accomplished people without comment is irresponsible, to credit her for anything she posts is ridiculous and likely dishonest.
Golly, personal attacks are so much more mature and erudite. :eek:

that's all he ever is...pissing and moaning because I have an opinion over so called "ACCOMPLISH people" other words, BETTER than the rest of us like he believes he is

I put him on ignore I got tired of Lmao

Tired of the truth, if you were honest.
Poor me, two of the willfully ignorant have cut and run, and it's all my fault. I'm so evil, I defamed a defamer and (apparently) embarrassed the defamer's defender. What a great loss, my words will never again create cognitive dissonance (thought cognition maybe an exaggeration in the case of at least one of them).
Poor me, two of the willfully ignorant have cut and run, and it's all my fault. I'm so evil, I defamed a defamer and (apparently) embarrassed the defamer's defender. What a great loss, my words will never again create cognitive dissonance (thought cognition maybe an exaggeration in the case of at least one of them).
I said you were close, Einstein. Have you got anything worthwhile to say?
well you hear that folks, we need to give our lives, hard earned money over to these uneducated people with no degrees in climate like the Shrilly Clinton OR we are all GOING TO DIE

or be called silly names like, deniers

my gawd P.t barnum was right and this country is frikken hopeless they now rely on Scientist more than than common sense of how the EARTH works naturally

There is something unseemly when someone as truly dumb as Stephanie becomes the authority in an echo chamber circle jerk - that its members don't get it is remarkable. Allowing her to continue to defame accomplished people without comment is irresponsible, to credit her for anything she posts is ridiculous and likely dishonest.

What difference does it make, if hillary doesn't know what she is talking about? You will believe it either way. All the predictions from the 70's through the 90's didn't happen. Now you want to make more false predictions?
Hopefully she will make global warming the centerpiece of her campaign.

Since it is a serious issue and Secretary Clinton is a serious person we can be sure that will be a topic come 2016. She will have evidence on her side, your side has none. That should concern the GOP, but not its base, and the base is who the candidates will address. The 'RINO' Leadership has already taken steps to reduce the number of Republican debates and have an early convention, so that the fools will not embarrass their brand.

Climate Change: Key Indicators

Climate Change: Evidence

Climate Change: Consensus

Climate Change: Key Websites

"Still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest"
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The 'RINO' Leadership has already taken steps to reduce the number of Republican debates and have an early convention, so that the fools will not embarrass their brand.
The Dem brand will have 8 years to explain in debates. Should be fun.

It should be interesting, which way the GOP pivots. We know they've packed the Congressional Districts given their success in the 2010 election. So time will tell how successful they are in offering an agenda for the future. Thus far they've offered nothing, but "ain't it awful" and the H. of Reps. has done nothing to aid the recovery from the 2007 - 2009 Great Recession.

"A nation get the government it deserves" and "False opinions are like false money, struck first of all by guilty men and thereafter circulated by honest people who perpetuate the crime without knowing what they are doing"
Joseph de Maistre
Hillary Clinton is a mass-movement, as in bowel, and it has nothing to do with weather.

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