Clinton: We made a person who committed sexual assault president


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Clinton: We made a person who committed sexual assault president
Source: MSN/The Hill
Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton discussed the culture of sexual assault following a myriad of new sexual harassment and assault allegations against Hollywood film producer and longtime Democratic donor Harvey Weinstein. In an interview with the U.K.'s Channel 4 News on Saturday, Clinton said:

"Look, we just elected someone who admitted sexual assault to the presidency. So there's a lot of other issues that are swirling around these kinds of behaviors that need to be addressed," Clinton said when asked if she had heard rumors of Weinstein's behavior before the bombshell reports.

"I think it's important that we stay focused, and shine a bright spotlight, and try to get people to understand how damaging this is," she continued.

* * *
Trump faced major backlash during the presidential campaign when he was heard bragging about groping and kissing women on a leaked "Access Hollywood" tape from 2005.

Read more: Clinton: We made a person who committed sexual assault president

Clinton is 100% right. The right is filled with scum.
'Clinton: We made a person who committed sexual assault president'

Hillary is right... and thank goodness he was Impeached.

Trump Accusers Frustrated As Weinstein Falls
October 14, 2017
BuzzFeed News: “For all the women who have cheered as accusations against the producer Harvey Weinstein force a public conversation about sexual misconduct, one small group of women has watched with frustration. They are some of the dozen women who publicly accused Donald Trump of groping or kissing them — accusations that Trump has denied.”

“In a sharp contrast to the women who accused Weinstein, Trump’s accusers did not see the public turn against him, the board of his company fire him, or the police launch an investigation. Instead, these women watched the man they say humiliated and abused them get elected president of the United States.”
So the Democratic party's answer of a candidate to run against Donald Trump was a career corrupt criminal politician who spent decades enabling her sexual deviant criminal sexual harassing, sexual assaulting, raping, pedophile husband, bullying and intimidating and silencing his victims... a woman who is under multiple FBI investigations for crimes she did commit... a woman who should never have been on the ballot, as liberals would never have allowed a republican to remain in the campaign who was in the same situation?!

Here is the correct quote for the record
"Look, we just elected someone who admitted sexual assault to the presidency....."

Bill Clinton did not go on a Shock Jock Radio show with Howard Stern to brag about sexual conquests . That was done by the Orange Weinstein...a man who described what he could and would do to the victim. Bill Clinton for the record has denied assaulting anyone...

“Look, we just elected someone who admitted sexual assault to the presidency.”

— Hillary Clinton, in an interview with the U.K.’s Channel 4 News, when asked about assault allegations against Hollywood film producer Harvey Weinstein.
So the Democratic party's answer of a candidate to run against Donald Trump was a career corrupt criminal politician who spent decades enabling her sexual deviant criminal sexual harassing, sexual assaulting, raping, pedophile husband, bullying and intimidating and silencing his victims...

can you indicate what Courts found either Clinton guilty of your ridiculous allegations a word you are Full of shit...The ONLY ONE under FBI Investigation is the Orange Weinstein Trump
Wow, she's a former lawyer right? She has some Canadian, Minority Report legal premise. Words now equal a physical assault?

BuzzFeed News: “For all the women who have cheered as accusations against the producer Harvey Weinstein force a public conversation about sexual misconduct, one small group of women has watched with frustration. They are some of the dozen women who publicly accused Donald Trump of groping or kissing them — accusations that Trump has denied.”

“In a sharp contrast to the women who accused Weinstein, Trump’s accusers did not see the public turn against him, the board of his company fire him, or the police launch an investigation. Instead, these women watched the man they say humiliated and abused them get elected president of the United States.”
Donald Trump's accusers were paid off fakes just like Herman Cain's accusers were paid off fakes. That is why in both situations, they all disappeared along with that hideous witch Gloria Alred.
America recently made a career corrupt criminal politician who spent decades enabling her sexual deviant husband's crimes and who spent years bullying and silencing his victims a two-time loser.

And now that another major leftist sexual criminal has been exposed, one heavily connected to both the clintons and the Obamas, snowflakes are squealing and trying to deflect onto the president.

Anything to change the conversation away from Democrats once again exposing who they are in a very public way...
Clinton: We made a person who committed sexual assault president
Source: MSN/The Hill
Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton discussed the culture of sexual assault following a myriad of new sexual harassment and assault allegations against Hollywood film producer and longtime Democratic donor Harvey Weinstein. In an interview with the U.K.'s Channel 4 News on Saturday, Clinton said:

"Look, we just elected someone who admitted sexual assault to the presidency. So there's a lot of other issues that are swirling around these kinds of behaviors that need to be addressed," Clinton said when asked if she had heard rumors of Weinstein's behavior before the bombshell reports.

"I think it's important that we stay focused, and shine a bright spotlight, and try to get people to understand how damaging this is," she continued.

* * *
Trump faced major backlash during the presidential campaign when he was heard bragging about groping and kissing women on a leaked "Access Hollywood" tape from 2005.

Read more: Clinton: We made a person who committed sexual assault president

Clinton is 100% right. The right is filled with scum.

Clinton: We made a person who committed sexual assault president

1992 was a bad year.
Clinton: We made a person who committed sexual assault president
Source: MSN/The Hill
Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton discussed the culture of sexual assault following a myriad of new sexual harassment and assault allegations against Hollywood film producer and longtime Democratic donor Harvey Weinstein. In an interview with the U.K.'s Channel 4 News on Saturday, Clinton said:

"Look, we just elected someone who admitted sexual assault to the presidency. So there's a lot of other issues that are swirling around these kinds of behaviors that need to be addressed," Clinton said when asked if she had heard rumors of Weinstein's behavior before the bombshell reports.

"I think it's important that we stay focused, and shine a bright spotlight, and try to get people to understand how damaging this is," she continued.

* * *
Trump faced major backlash during the presidential campaign when he was heard bragging about groping and kissing women on a leaked "Access Hollywood" tape from 2005.

Read more: Clinton: We made a person who committed sexual assault president

Clinton is 100% right. The right is filled with scum.

Hillary's gall is simply off the scale. She married a sexual predator and helped him get elected president.
Read more: Clinton: We made a person who committed sexual assault president

Clinton is 100% right. The right is filled with scum.
MSN changed the quote on their Headline ...the quote is as follows and it is in the MSN story :

In an interview with the U.K.'s Channel 4 News on Saturday, Clinton said:

"Look, we just elected someone who admitted sexual assault to the presidency. So there's a lot of other issues that are swirling around these kinds of behaviors that need to be addressed,"
So the Democratic party's answer of a candidate to run against Donald Trump was a career corrupt criminal politician who spent decades enabling her sexual deviant criminal sexual harassing, sexual assaulting, raping, pedophile husband, bullying and intimidating and silencing his victims...

can you indicate what Courts found either Clinton guilty of your ridiculous allegations a word you are Full of shit...The ONLY ONE under FBI Investigation is the Orange Weinstein Trump
In a word you are intellectually dishonest because you fail to recognize or admit that President Obama and his administration protected many criminals within his administration from indictment and criminal charges.

Despite Obama protecting his first criminal attorney general, Eric Holder, from being indicted and charged with lying under oath, Holder was still censured by a Bi-partisan Congress. That's at least one Obama criminal they did not flee Escape Justice. Hodor became the first Cabinet member in US history to be censured for his crimes.

So go pedal that b******* somewhere else, two snowflakes who eat that up like soup with a spoon...
Remember when Trump was fired by the Board of Directors for 30 years of sexual predatory behavior?

Yea, me either.
BuzzFeed News: “For all the women who have cheered as accusations against the producer Harvey Weinstein force a public conversation about sexual misconduct, one small group of women has watched with frustration. They are some of the dozen women who publicly accused Donald Trump of groping or kissing them — accusations that Trump has denied.”

“In a sharp contrast to the women who accused Weinstein, Trump’s accusers did not see the public turn against him, the board of his company fire him, or the police launch an investigation. Instead, these women watched the man they say humiliated and abused them get elected president of the United States.”
After which they packed in their lives and disappeared.

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