Clinton White House Chef drowns while Hiking?

You don't go to jail for slander, dipshit. It is a civil proceeding. His claims have been debunked and ridiculed and only idiots believe him.

you are another paid troll on the governments payroll making up bullshit that its been debunked when it has not liar.

your the idiot thinking i would fall for your lies and childish name calling.

your handlers are worried these facts are being told so they sent you here to troll.

ROFLMNAO! You think that idiot is being paid?



when they make up LIES like that idiot did,then yeah,its obvious they are getting paid to troll here.they got paid shills on the governments payroll on message boards like him trolling everywhere everyday working for them.

the idiots that are just in denial,they dont come back for constant ass beating for their lies all the time.

two paid shills on the government payroll i can name right now are soupnazi and daws.those agents make troll the JFK thread everyday defending the lies of the warren commission blatantly ignoring facts.they would never troll everyday and always come back for their constant ass beatings they get everyday for way.not without getting paid for their ass beatings.:biggrin:
do they even know they are getting their ass beat?
face it, stupid people are the last ones to know they are stupid.

well there are infiltraters on the governments payroll that troll message boards everyday.they know as well as we do the clintons and bushs are evil murdering familys but they get paid by the government to evade facts and go into name calling when they are confronted with irrefutable facts.they know perfectly well how the bushs and clintons are mass murderers who murder people off who know too much.

now there is one poster that is a brainwashed troll who posts in the welcome section all the time named mertex who i know is not a paid shill.she is just a brainwashed programmed zombie in denial.

you'll see her post there in the welcome section with her disgusting avatar in favor of hillary being the new president,she is one of the brainwashed sheep who has been programmed by our corrupt schools into thinking there is a difference in the two parties.

she thinks obama and the dems-the demopublicans can do no wrong.:rolleyes-41:

My guess on why she wont face facts about obama and the clintons is she has been programmed by what her parents taught her and their parents taught them,vote democrat and you cant go wrong.

I got an aunt like that who thinks the republicans can do no wrong.I'll talk to her about what a murderer clinton is and she is on board on that.anything i say about Bush being a murderer though,she tunes me out and gets upset refusing to look at the facts.
I was not aware of Bush being a murderer. maybe it wasn't as obvious as the Clintons? I mean, the Clintons didn't even try to hide it.
Interesting question is why did Gary Aldrich go silent and never talk again about it? What made him go silent? Did they threaten his family? His children? The truth will come out one day - but as the article reports - time did reveal that he was right on the mark with what he had said was going on. I believe that both Bill and Hillary Clinton are criminals that deserve to be behind bars.

Dont forget Clintons pals the Bushs.same with Obama. their all criminals in washington.we got nothing but criminals in washington running our i said before,politicians commit crimes everyday WE go to jail for including murder. you dont get elected president if you are not a criminal.
you are another paid troll on the governments payroll making up bullshit that its been debunked when it has not liar.

your the idiot thinking i would fall for your lies and childish name calling.

your handlers are worried these facts are being told so they sent you here to troll.

ROFLMNAO! You think that idiot is being paid?



when they make up LIES like that idiot did,then yeah,its obvious they are getting paid to troll here.they got paid shills on the governments payroll on message boards like him trolling everywhere everyday working for them.

the idiots that are just in denial,they dont come back for constant ass beating for their lies all the time.

two paid shills on the government payroll i can name right now are soupnazi and daws.those agents make troll the JFK thread everyday defending the lies of the warren commission blatantly ignoring facts.they would never troll everyday and always come back for their constant ass beatings they get everyday for way.not without getting paid for their ass beatings.:biggrin:
do they even know they are getting their ass beat?
face it, stupid people are the last ones to know they are stupid.

well there are infiltraters on the governments payroll that troll message boards everyday.they know as well as we do the clintons and bushs are evil murdering familys but they get paid by the government to evade facts and go into name calling when they are confronted with irrefutable facts.they know perfectly well how the bushs and clintons are mass murderers who murder people off who know too much.

now there is one poster that is a brainwashed troll who posts in the welcome section all the time named mertex who i know is not a paid shill.she is just a brainwashed programmed zombie in denial.

you'll see her post there in the welcome section with her disgusting avatar in favor of hillary being the new president,she is one of the brainwashed sheep who has been programmed by our corrupt schools into thinking there is a difference in the two parties.

she thinks obama and the dems-the demopublicans can do no wrong.:rolleyes-41:

My guess on why she wont face facts about obama and the clintons is she has been programmed by what her parents taught her and their parents taught them,vote democrat and you cant go wrong.

I got an aunt like that who thinks the republicans can do no wrong.I'll talk to her about what a murderer clinton is and she is on board on that.anything i say about Bush being a murderer though,she tunes me out and gets upset refusing to look at the facts.
I was not aware of Bush being a murderer. maybe it wasn't as obvious as the Clintons? I mean, the Clintons didn't even try to hide it.

Yeah thats what I was talking about before earlier is That the Bushs have had people killed off as well but Bush wasnt sloppy about it like Clinton was so its not near as well known.He did a much better job of covering it up than billy boy did.

terry reed a former CIA operative revealed in his book CLINTON,BUSH AND THE CIA how Bush sr had a CIA operative barry seal killed off. "do a google search of GEORGE BUSH HAD BARRY SEAL MURDERED." and you'll see all kinds of stories pop up.

LD BROWN a bodyguard who worked for clinton while he was governor,backed up terry reeds story,he was clintons personal bodyguard and he revealed in his book crossfire,that while on a mission for the CIA that Clinton sent him on not telling him that the CIA was smuggling drugs into the mena arkansas airport,that after brown found out what he was really doing,he approached clinton and yelled at him and clinton replied saying-hey dont worry,my buddie Bush knows all about it.

you can find this book at the library im sure if your interested.

L. D. Brown has been a witness to almost all of the alleged offenses circling around Bill Clinton in Arkansas: misuse of state funds for sexual liasons, Whitewater, illegal campaign fundraising and bribery, as well as cocaine use and cocaine smuggling. Through his cooperation with prosecutors and congressional investigators, Brown has learned the inside story on Robert Fiske's and Kenneth Starr's operations and on congressional hearings. But most of all, L. D. Brown can tell the story of the methods used by the Clinton White House to control potentially damaging witnesses. Most of what is written in this book has been told under the penalty of perjury to investigators for Congress and the Office of Independent Counsel. Documentation for many events has been included in an appendix. However incredible as some details may seem, they are backed up by evidence including recent disclosures confirming an incident involving Brown in England.
Crossfire Witness in the Clinton Investigation L. D. Brown 9781582750033 Books
Brown in his book,shows the long standing friendship the Clintons had with the Bushs showing pictures of the Bushs at a party of Clintons in arkansas back in the 80's.great book.

also if you have two hours to spare,you should watch this video.Terry Reed who wrote the book CLINTON,BUSH AND THE CIA talks all about the relationship with Bush and the Clintons.

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here also is a summary on Reeds book.

I, 9/11,was actually fortunate enough to meet Terry Reed and talk to him a little about his book.Him and LD Brown,and Gary Alldrich are very courgeous men I admire for putting their lives on the line to tell the truth about the Clintons and Bushs..

Compromised Clinton Bush and the CIA Terry Reed John Cummings 9781561712496 Books

Compromised is the true story of Bill Clinton’s political sell-out to the CIA.

Clinton’s unbridled political ambitions and his campaign pledge to create "jobs for Arkansans" led him to compromise his ideals in exchange for CIA support in his bid for the Presidency.

He permitted the "Agency" to use Arkansas factories to make untraceable weapons and he allowed CIA contract agents to train Contra pilots on rural airstrips in support of the war in Nicaragua – effectively evading the Congressional ban on military aid to the Contras.

This expose unfolds through the eyewitness account of Terry Reed, a former CIA asset whose patriotism transformed him into a liability when he refused to turn a blind eye to the Agency’s drug trafficking. While helping the CIA set up its secret "black" operations, he unwittingly compromised his family’s safety, ultimately forcing them to become fugitives. Realizing that Reed witnessed the making of a counterfeit President and knew too much about its drug operations, the Agency set out to destroy him and his family.

This Arkansas-CIA connection became Clinton’s darkest secret – a secret he shared by then Vice-President Bush, who himself was compromised by his involvement in the Iran-Contra scandal. Their shared guilt kept them silent and tied their hands as they faced off in the 1992 Presidential election with neither mentioning Iran-Contra.

The Justice Departments of Reagan, Bush – and now Clinton – have orchestrated an ongoing cover-up of the Arkansas-CIA connection, which has gone undetected for eight years with Bill Clinton its major beneficiary. Clinton's reward for this Faustian pact? The White House.

Reed puts Clinton directly in the "Iran-Contra loop". Both attended a secret meeting where CIA arms arrangements, illegal Contra training and money laundering were discussed. Involved with Clinton in this cabal were Colonel Oliver North, William Barr (George Bush’s attorney general), Felix Rodriguez (Bay of Pigs veteran and George Bush’s CIA contact) and CIA contract agent Barry Seal, who used the cover of a high-profile drug trafficker to carry out his missions.

"Compromised" reveals the details and names of all who were involved, including these faceless power brokers now in positions of public prominence in Washington, D.C.

When the CIA learned Reed had more patriotism than they bargained for, forces within President Bush’s Justice Department, the CIA and the State of Arkansas decided he had to be neutralized. People close to Clinton conspired to set Reed up on false federal criminal charges, forcing him and his family into hiding. But Reed was acquitted, and now wages a one-man legal war to bring those who framed him to justice.

Found innocent by a court of law, Reed was then convicted by TIME Magazine, which aligned itself with a Clinton campaign consumed with protecting its candidate from scandals.

Why did Terry Reed, who performed intelligence services for the US Air Force, FBI, and CIA, come forward with these revelations now? – to set the record straight and to clear his name.

"Compromised" reveals one of the most clandestine operations in recent U.S. history. It also offers behind-the-scenes insights into the sordid world of intelligence, where things are seldom what they seem and powerful people disguise greed and ambition behind the convenient mask of national security.
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I posted the clinton body count earlier since this is about the Clintons,here is the Bush body count as well.Bush again was not sloppy about it like Clinton was so they were able to cover it up much better for Bush..

He was Dubya's chef for half the time... did he know where the WMD's were???!!! :eek:

I knew you were there. CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY

If examining the history of the Clinton's and having a closer look at this story - troubles you this deeply - perhaps you shouldn't be on this thread.

Doesn't trouble me a bit. However, I am concerned about the crazies that put stock in such. Anyone who is so disconnected from reality as to actually put stock in such a crazy conspiracy theory must surely be a danger to themselves or others.

Oh please. You sound ridiculous now.

You are spouting that the Clintons are responsible for mass murders, and bring in the occult, and every other crazy theory you can think of, and you want to say I'm ridiculous? You never fail to entertain.

she may go overboard talking about religion and all but you are seriously in denial mode and ignorant about the clintons if you are that stupid that you dont think they did not murder vince foster,ron brown and so many others.:uhoh3:

too many highly credible arkansas state troopers have come forward Einstein.

Of course you believe that. You also think our government brought down the WTC. I'm pretty sure you were one of the crazies who thought the U.S. was attacking Texas too.
He was Dubya's chef for half the time... did he know where the WMD's were???!!! :eek:

I knew you were there. CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY

If examining the history of the Clinton's and having a closer look at this story - troubles you this deeply - perhaps you shouldn't be on this thread.

Doesn't trouble me a bit. However, I am concerned about the crazies that put stock in such. Anyone who is so disconnected from reality as to actually put stock in such a crazy conspiracy theory must surely be a danger to themselves or others.

Oh please. You sound ridiculous now.

You are spouting that the Clintons are responsible for mass murders, and bring in the occult, and every other crazy theory you can think of, and you want to say I'm ridiculous? You never fail to entertain.
kinda like you clinton lovers entertain the way you go into meltdown mode when you cant counter pesky little facts on the clintons murdering ways.:up:

There is a big difference between meltdown, and spasms from laughing too hard. You're crazy. Go away.
If examining the history of the Clinton's and having a closer look at this story - troubles you this deeply - perhaps you shouldn't be on this thread.

Doesn't trouble me a bit. However, I am concerned about the crazies that put stock in such. Anyone who is so disconnected from reality as to actually put stock in such a crazy conspiracy theory must surely be a danger to themselves or others.

Oh please. You sound ridiculous now.

You are spouting that the Clintons are responsible for mass murders, and bring in the occult, and every other crazy theory you can think of, and you want to say I'm ridiculous? You never fail to entertain.
kinda like you clinton lovers entertain the way you go into meltdown mode when you cant counter pesky little facts on the clintons murdering ways.:up:

There is a big difference between meltdown, and spasms from laughing too hard. You're crazy. Go away.
I leave for a day and a whole new level of crazy appears. We start with claims that the Clintons are witches and now we get joined by the 911 truth error variety of crazy fucks. So entertaining..
You leave for a day? You've only been here for what? A month, Paddymurphy? You joined June 9, 2015 according to your avie info - right? Interesting comment - nevertheless, I'm glad you feel at home here on USMB. This discussion however is some what yesterdays news now. I tend to move on after the story has been discussed - so this is it for me. Bye now.
Doesn't trouble me a bit. However, I am concerned about the crazies that put stock in such. Anyone who is so disconnected from reality as to actually put stock in such a crazy conspiracy theory must surely be a danger to themselves or others.

Oh please. You sound ridiculous now.

You are spouting that the Clintons are responsible for mass murders, and bring in the occult, and every other crazy theory you can think of, and you want to say I'm ridiculous? You never fail to entertain.
kinda like you clinton lovers entertain the way you go into meltdown mode when you cant counter pesky little facts on the clintons murdering ways.:up:

There is a big difference between meltdown, and spasms from laughing too hard. You're crazy. Go away.
I leave for a day and a whole new level of crazy appears. We start with claims that the Clintons are witches and now we get joined by the 911 truth error variety of crazy fucks. So entertaining..

Crank up the crazy and rip off the knob!!!!
If examining the history of the Clinton's and having a closer look at this story - troubles you this deeply - perhaps you shouldn't be on this thread.

Doesn't trouble me a bit. However, I am concerned about the crazies that put stock in such. Anyone who is so disconnected from reality as to actually put stock in such a crazy conspiracy theory must surely be a danger to themselves or others.

Oh please. You sound ridiculous now.

You are spouting that the Clintons are responsible for mass murders, and bring in the occult, and every other crazy theory you can think of, and you want to say I'm ridiculous? You never fail to entertain.

she may go overboard talking about religion and all but you are seriously in denial mode and ignorant about the clintons if you are that stupid that you dont think they did not murder vince foster,ron brown and so many others.:uhoh3:

too many highly credible arkansas state troopers have come forward Einstein.

Of course you believe that. You also think our government brought down the WTC. I'm pretty sure you were one of the crazies who thought the U.S. was attacking Texas too.

hey paid troll,only brainwashed sheep in denial and afraid to look at the facts dont believe 9/11 was an inside job.:rolleyes-41:

you better stop smoking the crack your on with your logic that because the CIA media says 9/11 happened the way it did,that makes it the automatic truth,that because the media and our corrupt government say it happened the way it did,then its true,:lmao:

yeah listen to what the media and the government tell you instead of high qualified experts in their fields such thousands or architects,engineers,pilots,demolition experts,high ranking miltitary officers say, as always troll,you evade the facts when losing a debate and refuse to address them.:lmao:

next time im at a party,you can pass on the crack you been smoking that 19 muslims somehow amazingly pentrated the most sophisticated air defense system in the world with no problem.:lmao::lmao:

as always,you go into evade mode when losing a debate,like clockwork you are very poredictable.:lmao:
Doesn't trouble me a bit. However, I am concerned about the crazies that put stock in such. Anyone who is so disconnected from reality as to actually put stock in such a crazy conspiracy theory must surely be a danger to themselves or others.

Oh please. You sound ridiculous now.

You are spouting that the Clintons are responsible for mass murders, and bring in the occult, and every other crazy theory you can think of, and you want to say I'm ridiculous? You never fail to entertain.
kinda like you clinton lovers entertain the way you go into meltdown mode when you cant counter pesky little facts on the clintons murdering ways.:up:

There is a big difference between meltdown, and spasms from laughing too hard. You're crazy. Go away.
I leave for a day and a whole new level of crazy appears. We start with claims that the Clintons are witches and now we get joined by the 911 truth error variety of crazy fucks. So entertaining..

so entertaining watching you all go into meltdown mode and evade facts when losing this debate. :lmao:

crazy fucks. So entertaining.

yeah thats you clinton bush worshippers, trolls cant stand toe to toe in a debate,you just throw insults to make yourself feel better when your losing the debate.:lmao:
If examining the history of the Clinton's and having a closer look at this story - troubles you this deeply - perhaps you shouldn't be on this thread.

Doesn't trouble me a bit. However, I am concerned about the crazies that put stock in such. Anyone who is so disconnected from reality as to actually put stock in such a crazy conspiracy theory must surely be a danger to themselves or others.

Oh please. You sound ridiculous now.

You are spouting that the Clintons are responsible for mass murders, and bring in the occult, and every other crazy theory you can think of, and you want to say I'm ridiculous? You never fail to entertain.
kinda like you clinton lovers entertain the way you go into meltdown mode when you cant counter pesky little facts on the clintons murdering ways.:up:

There is a big difference between meltdown, and spasms from laughing too hard. You're crazy. Go away.
translation-i am a troll who cant stand toe to toe with you in a debate and wont address facts so i can only throw insults in defeat with you 9/11.
You leave for a day? You've only been here for what? A month, Paddymurphy? You joined June 9, 2015 according to your avie info - right? Interesting comment - nevertheless, I'm glad you feel at home here on USMB. This discussion however is some what yesterdays news now. I tend to move on after the story has been discussed - so this is it for me. Bye now.

yeah these trolls arent worth out time,they cant stand toe to toe in a debate and wont address facts. well two can play their ignore game,if they are going to ignore facts and just throw insults in defeat,then i will return the favor and ignore them as well.

you have heard this old saying before-:trolls:

advise i plan to follow with them.
How about these people who worked for the Clinton's or somehow were connected to them? They are all dead. Do find this unusual?


Just a quick refresher course lest we forget what has happened to many “friends” of the vile Clintons.

1- James McDougal – Clintons convicted Whitewater partner died of an apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness in Ken Starr’s investigation.

2 – Mary Mahoney – A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown .. The murder happened just after she was to go public with her story of sexual harassment in the White House.

3 – Vince Foster – Former White House councilor, and colleague of Hillary Clinton at Little Rock’s Rose Law firm. Died of a gunshot wound to the head, ruled a suicide.

4 – Ron Brown – Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman. Reported to have died by impact in a plane crash. A pathologist close to the investigation reported that there was a hole in the top of Brown’s skull resembling a gunshot wound. At the time of his death Brown was being investigated, and spoke publicly of his willingness to cut a deal with prosecutors. The rest of the people on the plane also died. A few days later the air Traffic controller commited suicide.

5 – C. Victor Raiser, II – Raiser, a major player in the Clinton fund raising organization died in a private plane crash in July 1992.

6 – Paul Tulley – Democratic National Committee Political Director found dead in a hotel room in Little Rock , September 1992. Described by Clinton as a “dear friend and trusted advisor”.

7 – Ed Willey – Clinton fundraiser, found dead November 1993 deep in the woods in VA of a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. Ed Willey died on the same day his wife Kathleen Willey claimed Bill Clinton groped her in the oval office in the White House. Ed Willey was involved in several Clinton fund raising events.

8 – Jerry Parks – Head of Clinton’s gubernatorial security team in Little Rock .. Gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection outside Little Rock Park’s son said his father was building a dossier on Clinton He allegedly threatened to reveal this information. After he died the files were mysteriously removed from his house.

9 – James Bunch – Died from a gunshot suicide. It was reported that he had a “Black Book” of people which contained names of influential people who visited prostitutes in Texas and Arkansas

10 – James Wilson – Was found dead in May 1993 from an apparent hanging suicide. He was reported to have ties to Whitewater..

11 – Kathy Ferguson – Ex-wife of Arkansas Trooper Danny Ferguson, was found dead in May 1994, in her living room with a gunshot to her head. It was ruled a suicide even though there were several packed suitcases, as if she were going somewhere. Danny Ferguson was a co-defendant along with Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones lawsuit Kathy Ferguson was a possible corroborating witness for Paula Jones.

12 – Bill Shelton – Arkansas State Trooper and fiancee of Kathy Ferguson. Critical of the suicide ruling of his fiancee, he was found dead in June, 1994 of a gunshot wound also ruled a suicide at the grave site of his fiancee.

13 – Gandy Baugh – Attorney for Clinton’s friend Dan Lassater, died by jumping out a window of a tall building January, 1994. His client was a convicted drug distributor.

14 – Florence Martin – Accountant & sub-contractor for the CIA, was related to the Barry Seal, Mena, Arkansas, airport drug smuggling case. He died of three gunshot wounds.

15 – Suzanne Coleman – Reportedly had an affair with Clinton when he was Arkansas Attorney General. Died of a gunshot wound to the back of the head, ruled a suicide. Was pregnant at the time of her death.

16 – Paula Grober – Clinton’s speech interpreter for the deaf from 1978 until her death December 9, 1992. She died in a one car accident.

17 – Danny Casolaro – Investigative reporter. Investigating Mena Airport and Arkansas Development Finance Authority. He slit his wrists, apparently, in the middle of his investigation.

18 – Paul Wilcher – Attorney investigating corruption at Mena Airport with Casolaro and the 1980 “October Surprise” was found dead on a toilet June 22, 1993, in his Washington DC apartment. Had delivered a report to Janet Reno 3 weeks before his death.

19 – Jon Parnell Walker – Whitewater investigator for Resolution Trust Corp. Jumped to his death from his Arlington , Virginia apartment balcony August 15, 1993. He was investigating the Morgan Guaranty scandal.

20 – Barbara Wise – Commerce Department staffer. Worked closely with Ron Brown and John Huang. Cause of death unknown. Died November 29, 1996. Her bruised, nude body was found locked in her office at the Department of Commerce.

21 – Charles Meissner – Assistant Secretary of Commerce who gave John Huang special security clearance, died shortly thereafter in a small plane crash.

22 – Dr. Stanley Heard – Chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care Advisory Committee died with his attorney Steve Dickson in a small plane crash. Dr. Heard, in addition to serving on Clinton ‘s advisory council personally treated Clinton’s mother, stepfather and brother.

23 – Barry Seal – Drug running TWA pilot out of Mena Arkansas, death was no accident.

24 – Johnny Lawhorn, Jr. – Mechanic, found a check made out to Bill Clinton in the trunk of a car left at his repair shop. He was found dead after his car had hit a utility pole.

25 – Stanley Huggins – Investigated Madison Guaranty. His death was a purported suicide and his report was never released.

26 – Hershell Friday – Attorney and Clinton fundraiser died March 1, 1994, when his plane exploded.

27 – Kevin Ives & Don Henry – Known as “The boys on the track” case. Reports say the boys may have stumbled upon the Mena Arkansas airport drug operation. A controversial case, the initial report of death said, due to falling asleep on railroad tracks. Later reports claim the 2 boys had been slain before being placed on the tracks. Many linked to the case died before their testimony could come before a Grand Jury.
And an e en larger list of people in prison
very true,if you know too much about the clintons corrution,if they dotn have the CIA kill you off,then you end up going to prison.
If wot a witch does is called "witchcraft" then why is not that which Mrs. Rodham-Clinton called "bitchcraft"?

Everybody knows you are a right winger who hates Hillary, but do you really want to be considered on the same level of crazy as Jeremiah is? Do what you want, but if you cuddle up with that crazy, you'll end up with her stink all over you.

Then most of you tube video makers on Hillary and her involvment with witchcraft must be considered crazy by you also. In fact, it sounds like anyone who disagrees with you is going to be labeled crazy. But you do have a problem.

You see, you are the one with the sullied reputation. I don't have a reputation on this board of talking as you do, personal attacks, being an enemy of God, not being honest, etc. I'm not keeping company with those you are known to keep company with. So there's that and that is enough to dismiss any accusations you are making about me, Bulldog.
Which witchcraft does she practice?

You'll have to read the book. Agent Aldrich has the details of what he witnessed while at the White House - with as much knowledge of the occult as you have, MG, I'm surprised you do not already know! Then again.............. 70-80% of all questions are statements in disguise. Could it be?
they wont read it,they only see what they want to see,they run away from facts and just go into insult mode when getting taken to school.
Gary Aldrich also wrote a novel which some believe is more about exposing what is going on in Washington politics. The title of the book is Speak no evil. By Gary Aldrich and it was co - authored by someone else. Cannot recall his name right now.

Here is a comment from a reader of his novel - Speak No Evil.

A very wise person once defined genius as being not what you know as much as knowing where to look. Mr Aldrich and Mr. Davis have woven a tale that could have easily been a front page story in any major American newspaper. Or maybe it already has. The only too real setting of this novel is the strange world of politicians that have either lost it all or have gained so much that even the truth is a minor detail. Joseph P. DeVine is a former FBI agent working as a consultant investigating the strange death of a political information gatherer know as "Dr. Dirt". And on his tail, Anne Carlson, a reporter for the L.A. Times. Speak no Evil introduces the reader to a collection of ruined politicos, powerfull politically connected families, a former Soviet spetznaz turned assassin, Dmitri Popova. And a unhuggable slimeball named Lindstrom. From the Oval Office in the White House to the brothels in Surabaya, Indonesia, a string of shady land deals, pay-offs, corruption and a bastard child. This novel becomes a little too real at times. The story is loosely based on the experiences and knowledge gained by Mr, Aldrich from many years working for the F.B.I. And his assignement to protecting "the current residents" of the White House. An unnerving insight into what might be, what can be, and what is........

So, that makes two books of fiction he has written.

So, that makes two books of fiction he has written.[/QUOTE]
As a matter of fact, I have. He is a liar. He offered no proof at all and his claims were disputed by just about everyone he worked with.

whatever makes you sleep better
This time, however, some conservatives refused to play along. Will led the grilling of Aldrich on "This Week with David Brinkley," assailing the book as the equivalent of raw FBI files. The columnist said Aldrich has "gone into print with information, the sourcing of which would not pass muster in any particular journalistic organization I know of."

Brock, an American Spectator reporter, said he was appalled to learn that he was the source of the Marriott tale, and that he had warned Aldrich it was a fourthhand rumor. His admission, coming from a fellow Clinton-basher, had the effect of shredding Aldrich's credibility.

"It didn't matter if it was Bill Clinton or Clarence Thomas," Brock says. "As a journalist, it's not something I would have used. This guy is not a professional journalist, obviously. I felt some obligation to correct it, since I had firsthand knowledge."

We've all seen this movie before. Five years ago, major newspapers breathlessly reported on a Kitty Kelley book alleging that Nancy Reagan had had an affair with Frank Sinatra and had entertained him privately in the White House. And not one reporter or editor knew whether it was true.

Clinton has been a particular target. A week before the Aldrich flap, the Washington Times ran another banner headline: "Was Bill Clinton a junior spy for the CIA?" This one was based on "Partners in Power" by Roger Morris, a national security official in the Nixon administration.

"Mr. Morris writes that several CIA officers he knows do not believe that Mr. Clinton became an agency asset' during the Vietnam era," the story said. "But others, whom he believes to be more plausible,' say he was." The supposed files, the book says, have been destroyed.

The Washington Times also repeated the book's assertion that Clinton, while governor of Arkansas, used marijuana and cocaine with his brother Roger -- an unverified allegation attributed in part to the London Sunday Telegraph.

Times Editor in Chief Wesley Pruden defended the paper's handling of the Aldrich book. "You could always have second thoughts as more facts come to light," he says. "If we had the Brock stuff at the time, it would have made a more complete story. But this stuff dribbles out over a period of time."

As for the Morris book, Pruden says: "I don't know that everything in that is correct. If something comes out the next day, we'll report that too."

Tod Lindberg, the Times's editorial page editor, is more skeptical of the Morris book, writing in the Weekly Standard that the charges are "mostly speculation and inference" and the CIA connection "rather vaporous."

Of course, the routine use of anonymous sources by reporters has created an environment in which anyone can use the S-word to justify sensational charges without proof. More than one critic has questioned the difference between Bob Woodward's campaign book "The Choice," based largely on unnamed sources, and Aldrich invoking confidential sources for his book. Obviously, Woodward is a successful journalist -- and no one has challenged the book's accuracy -- but on some level he still asks his readers to take his assertions on faith.

Despite the criticism, Aldrich seems to be selling plenty of books. Last week the New York Post began promoting excerpts of "the book the Clintons don't want you to read." Sample headline: "It's 4 a.m. and the president is missing." (One wonders if this is one of the Aldrich charges that a Post editorial -- on the same day -- describes as "manifestly inaccurate.") Now Comes Lincoln-gate.

ah since the CIA controlled press the washington post says its debunked that makes it true.:biggrin:
How about these people who worked for the Clinton's or somehow were connected to them? They are all dead. Do find this unusual?


Just a quick refresher course lest we forget what has happened to many “friends” of the vile Clintons.

1- James McDougal – Clintons convicted Whitewater partner died of an apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness in Ken Starr’s investigation.

2 – Mary Mahoney – A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown .. The murder happened just after she was to go public with her story of sexual harassment in the White House.

3 – Vince Foster – Former White House councilor, and colleague of Hillary Clinton at Little Rock’s Rose Law firm. Died of a gunshot wound to the head, ruled a suicide.

4 – Ron Brown – Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman. Reported to have died by impact in a plane crash. A pathologist close to the investigation reported that there was a hole in the top of Brown’s skull resembling a gunshot wound. At the time of his death Brown was being investigated, and spoke publicly of his willingness to cut a deal with prosecutors. The rest of the people on the plane also died. A few days later the air Traffic controller commited suicide.

5 – C. Victor Raiser, II – Raiser, a major player in the Clinton fund raising organization died in a private plane crash in July 1992.

6 – Paul Tulley – Democratic National Committee Political Director found dead in a hotel room in Little Rock , September 1992. Described by Clinton as a “dear friend and trusted advisor”.

7 – Ed Willey – Clinton fundraiser, found dead November 1993 deep in the woods in VA of a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. Ed Willey died on the same day his wife Kathleen Willey claimed Bill Clinton groped her in the oval office in the White House. Ed Willey was involved in several Clinton fund raising events.

8 – Jerry Parks – Head of Clinton’s gubernatorial security team in Little Rock .. Gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection outside Little Rock Park’s son said his father was building a dossier on Clinton He allegedly threatened to reveal this information. After he died the files were mysteriously removed from his house.

9 – James Bunch – Died from a gunshot suicide. It was reported that he had a “Black Book” of people which contained names of influential people who visited prostitutes in Texas and Arkansas

10 – James Wilson – Was found dead in May 1993 from an apparent hanging suicide. He was reported to have ties to Whitewater..

11 – Kathy Ferguson – Ex-wife of Arkansas Trooper Danny Ferguson, was found dead in May 1994, in her living room with a gunshot to her head. It was ruled a suicide even though there were several packed suitcases, as if she were going somewhere. Danny Ferguson was a co-defendant along with Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones lawsuit Kathy Ferguson was a possible corroborating witness for Paula Jones.

12 – Bill Shelton – Arkansas State Trooper and fiancee of Kathy Ferguson. Critical of the suicide ruling of his fiancee, he was found dead in June, 1994 of a gunshot wound also ruled a suicide at the grave site of his fiancee.

13 – Gandy Baugh – Attorney for Clinton’s friend Dan Lassater, died by jumping out a window of a tall building January, 1994. His client was a convicted drug distributor.

14 – Florence Martin – Accountant & sub-contractor for the CIA, was related to the Barry Seal, Mena, Arkansas, airport drug smuggling case. He died of three gunshot wounds.

15 – Suzanne Coleman – Reportedly had an affair with Clinton when he was Arkansas Attorney General. Died of a gunshot wound to the back of the head, ruled a suicide. Was pregnant at the time of her death.

16 – Paula Grober – Clinton’s speech interpreter for the deaf from 1978 until her death December 9, 1992. She died in a one car accident.

17 – Danny Casolaro – Investigative reporter. Investigating Mena Airport and Arkansas Development Finance Authority. He slit his wrists, apparently, in the middle of his investigation.

18 – Paul Wilcher – Attorney investigating corruption at Mena Airport with Casolaro and the 1980 “October Surprise” was found dead on a toilet June 22, 1993, in his Washington DC apartment. Had delivered a report to Janet Reno 3 weeks before his death.

19 – Jon Parnell Walker – Whitewater investigator for Resolution Trust Corp. Jumped to his death from his Arlington , Virginia apartment balcony August 15, 1993. He was investigating the Morgan Guaranty scandal.

20 – Barbara Wise – Commerce Department staffer. Worked closely with Ron Brown and John Huang. Cause of death unknown. Died November 29, 1996. Her bruised, nude body was found locked in her office at the Department of Commerce.

21 – Charles Meissner – Assistant Secretary of Commerce who gave John Huang special security clearance, died shortly thereafter in a small plane crash.

22 – Dr. Stanley Heard – Chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care Advisory Committee died with his attorney Steve Dickson in a small plane crash. Dr. Heard, in addition to serving on Clinton ‘s advisory council personally treated Clinton’s mother, stepfather and brother.

23 – Barry Seal – Drug running TWA pilot out of Mena Arkansas, death was no accident.

24 – Johnny Lawhorn, Jr. – Mechanic, found a check made out to Bill Clinton in the trunk of a car left at his repair shop. He was found dead after his car had hit a utility pole.

25 – Stanley Huggins – Investigated Madison Guaranty. His death was a purported suicide and his report was never released.

26 – Hershell Friday – Attorney and Clinton fundraiser died March 1, 1994, when his plane exploded.

27 – Kevin Ives & Don Henry – Known as “The boys on the track” case. Reports say the boys may have stumbled upon the Mena Arkansas airport drug operation. A controversial case, the initial report of death said, due to falling asleep on railroad tracks. Later reports claim the 2 boys had been slain before being placed on the tracks. Many linked to the case died before their testimony could come before a Grand Jury.
And an e en larger list of people in prison
You are confusing the Clinton administration with Reagan's. More of his administration ended up in prison..

Now i see WHY you are so closed minded about the corruption of the clintons.It all makes sense now.

you are a republican,you acknowledge how the reagan administration had a bunch of criminals in it yet cant deal with facts how corrupt the clinton administration is.

well at least you have ONE FOOT IN THE DOOR. that other troll bulldog or whatever,doesnt seem to think there is ANY corruption in either party.:rolleyes:
ROFLMNAO! You think that idiot is being paid?



when they make up LIES like that idiot did,then yeah,its obvious they are getting paid to troll here.they got paid shills on the governments payroll on message boards like him trolling everywhere everyday working for them.

the idiots that are just in denial,they dont come back for constant ass beating for their lies all the time.

two paid shills on the government payroll i can name right now are soupnazi and daws.those agents make troll the JFK thread everyday defending the lies of the warren commission blatantly ignoring facts.they would never troll everyday and always come back for their constant ass beatings they get everyday for way.not without getting paid for their ass beatings.:biggrin:
do they even know they are getting their ass beat?
face it, stupid people are the last ones to know they are stupid.

well there are infiltraters on the governments payroll that troll message boards everyday.they know as well as we do the clintons and bushs are evil murdering familys but they get paid by the government to evade facts and go into name calling when they are confronted with irrefutable facts.they know perfectly well how the bushs and clintons are mass murderers who murder people off who know too much.

now there is one poster that is a brainwashed troll who posts in the welcome section all the time named mertex who i know is not a paid shill.she is just a brainwashed programmed zombie in denial.

you'll see her post there in the welcome section with her disgusting avatar in favor of hillary being the new president,she is one of the brainwashed sheep who has been programmed by our corrupt schools into thinking there is a difference in the two parties.

she thinks obama and the dems-the demopublicans can do no wrong.:rolleyes-41:

My guess on why she wont face facts about obama and the clintons is she has been programmed by what her parents taught her and their parents taught them,vote democrat and you cant go wrong.

I got an aunt like that who thinks the republicans can do no wrong.I'll talk to her about what a murderer clinton is and she is on board on that.anything i say about Bush being a murderer though,she tunes me out and gets upset refusing to look at the facts.
I was not aware of Bush being a murderer. maybe it wasn't as obvious as the Clintons? I mean, the Clintons didn't even try to hide it.

Yeah thats what I was talking about before earlier is That the Bushs have had people killed off as well but Bush wasnt sloppy about it like Clinton was so its not near as well known.He did a much better job of covering it up than billy boy did.

terry reed a former CIA operative revealed in his book CLINTON,BUSH AND THE CIA how Bush sr had a CIA operative barry seal killed off. "do a google search of GEORGE BUSH HAD BARRY SEAL MURDERED." and you'll see all kinds of stories pop up.

LD BROWN a bodyguard who worked for clinton while he was governor,backed up terry reeds story,he was clintons personal bodyguard and he revealed in his book crossfire,that while on a mission for the CIA that Clinton sent him on not telling him that the CIA was smuggling drugs into the mena arkansas airport,that after brown found out what he was really doing,he approached clinton and yelled at him and clinton replied saying-hey dont worry,my buddie Bush knows all about it.

you can find this book at the library im sure if your interested.

L. D. Brown has been a witness to almost all of the alleged offenses circling around Bill Clinton in Arkansas: misuse of state funds for sexual liasons, Whitewater, illegal campaign fundraising and bribery, as well as cocaine use and cocaine smuggling. Through his cooperation with prosecutors and congressional investigators, Brown has learned the inside story on Robert Fiske's and Kenneth Starr's operations and on congressional hearings. But most of all, L. D. Brown can tell the story of the methods used by the Clinton White House to control potentially damaging witnesses. Most of what is written in this book has been told under the penalty of perjury to investigators for Congress and the Office of Independent Counsel. Documentation for many events has been included in an appendix. However incredible as some details may seem, they are backed up by evidence including recent disclosures confirming an incident involving Brown in England.
Crossfire Witness in the Clinton Investigation L. D. Brown 9781582750033 Books
Brown in his book,shows the long standing friendship the Clintons had with the Bushs showing pictures of the Bushs at a party of Clintons in arkansas back in the 80's.great book.

also if you have two hours to spare,you should watch this video.Terry Reed who wrote the book CLINTON,BUSH AND THE CIA talks all about the relationship with Bush and the Clintons.

The stories I have heard about Bush Sr. are chilling - the fact that Anton Lavey's son became a Christian and said that Bush Sr. was involved in the Satanism his father was involved in and that he had seen Bush Sr. at his fathers home ( his father was a Satanist) was very believable about Bush Sr. ( Illuminati Satanist) seems to fit with what I've read from many other sources - about him. Bush Sr. was talking about a NWO a very long time ago - he may be the first person - or one of the first persons to have used that term. There is also suspicion that Bush Sr. who was CIA director at the time of Congressman Larry McDonalds murder is the one who wanted him dead - Bush Sr. had planned to run for president that very year and McDonald (who was very, very popular) had announced his intention to run for president also. I suppose we will learn the truth one day about all that.

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