Clinton White House Chef drowns while Hiking?

How about these people who worked for the Clinton's or somehow were connected to them? They are all dead. Do find this unusual?


Dead men don't talk.:dunno:
amazing isn't it. The hildebeest decides to run for president and the deaths start up again.
Im sorry if you are too retarded to put it all together. just look at the death toll when Billy Bob was being impeached. Amazing how all those possible witnesses died, and now it starts again when the old hag decides to run.
None of them were witnesses to anything. You folks are so amusing with your delusions.
Those who are involved in the occult - illuminati witchcraft / satanism do things differently. If the young man was not a Christian abiding in Christ and strong in his prayer life - he could come under such an attack - strange accidents / deaths / heart attacks / many things can be arranged through witchcraft. It's a different realm and these people serve Satan so while Satan will one day kill them and take them to hell to be tormented eternally - for now - he does give such people demonic powers to cause such things to happen (first Satan has to petition God but if the person is in sin and not covered by the LORD - it could mean their death).

Actually, this is true, I have friends in Africa, and while not First hand, ... i have seen second hand from close source black magic used and the attempt to defend against it. They bury someones photograph along with personal items of that person in a grave for example, then do their ceremony. Its actually a bit heartbreaking some of the things Ive seen done
You were watching the Exorcist prequel, not talking to friends..

Sorry you dont like my post, but you dont know what your talking about. They practice that stuff in East Africa all the time. wether you believe it works or not is one thing. But i definately know they believe it and practice it, and Im not going to elaborate any more, its really not important. probably I should not have posted that
No, you should not have posted that. Makes you appear as insane as Jerry.

You should get out of the US and go to Africa for a while, get back to me then. But you have to leave the resort. Yes I should not have posted this. Not for your reasons though. Just to protect people like yourself who are so easily offended.
Not offended at all. Amused at how easy it is for the insane to post on a computer.
I found this recently. Interesting story about a former FBI agent who had access to the White House during the Clinton years and wrote a book about it. Little did he know that what he was revealing about Hillary Clinton was actually exposing her involvement in witchcraft / occult. The FBI Agent's name? Aldrich. I'll have to find the book - the FBI withheld it from publication for a time but it is available on Amazon now I believe.


Gary Aldrich, former FBI Agent assigned to the Bush White House as the FBI Liaison, was retained in that position by the Clinton White House. This practice of having an FBI Agent keeping an office within the White House complex, was a tradition dating back six presidents, to Lyndon Johnson. The purpose of this FBI White House office was to maintain a "comprehensive and effective security system ... to protect national security, the president, the taxpayer, and the White House itself". ["Unlimited Access", by Gary Aldrich, p. 5-6] The FBI traditionally assigned one of its very best and finest to occupy this position. FBI agents are trained investigators, able to not only solve complex and difficult criminal cases, but to be able to testify in a court of law about the findings of their investigations. Agents such as Aldrich are thoroughly trained observers of all that is occurring before their eyes, as well as to pick up tiny fragments of evidence in a crime scene. Therefore, when an FBI agent observes something, he does so in a way that will stand up in a court of law. Aldrich notes this fact most succinctly. "Most people with any knowledge of criminal investigations agree that FBI agents are the best investigators in the world." [p. 213]

Agent Aldrich observed much in the course of the nearly 3 years he spent at the Clinton White House [1993-1995] that led him to a sobering conclusion: "... the Clinton Administration was a corrupt disaster, beyond redemption or repair". [p. 154] What Agent Aldrich was referring to as "corrupt" were the deliberate attempts to block standard FBI background checks on White House staffers, to the blatant drug use by staffers, to the deliberate policy of allowing people without high security clearances to read Top Secret [and above] material, and to the deliberate lapses of National Security policy at the highest level, actions that Aldrich feared could lead to an attack on the United States by either Russia or China.

However, Aldrich unwittingly gave us information, based upon his personal observances of behavior by Bill and Hillary Clinton that absolutely identifies them as the powerful, practicing Illuminist witches we have always said they were. Of course, since Aldrich was not trained in Black Magick Occult, he did not realize that these observations were so damning. Aldrich did not realize he had just opened the door to confirming Doc Marquis'[Former Illuminist Witch] assertion that Bill and Hillary were powerful practicing witches, and that Hillary was the most powerful. Since Agent Aldrich has provided so much material from his book, we shall have to devote several articles to this subject. We have discussed the occult nature of Aldrich's observations with Doc Marquis, former Illuminist witch, now a Born Again Christian, in preparing for this article.


In Christmas, 1993, and again in 1994, the First Lady directed the decoration of the Christmas Tree in the Blue Room, in accordance with a long-standing White House tradition. Aldrich noted that this Tradition had become so pronounced that the tree which the First Lady set up became a reflection of who she was. We want to allow Aldrich the opportunity to speak for himself. "If the ornament is especially well-made, there is a good chance it will be selected for the tree in the Blue Room, the first lady's tree. The first lady's tree is the 'Mother of All Trees', and the one that's supposed to capture the 'message' of the first lady herself." [p. 100] In other words, this tree was supposed to capture the essence of the soul of the First Lady, and for the things important to her.

Therefore, Aldrich was terribly shocked when he participated in the unpacking of the ornaments which were to go on the First Lady's Christmas tree. Aldrich described these ornaments as "pornographic"; however, we immediately recognized them as being standard occultic symbols, and Black Magick symbols at that! The fact that Hillary put such a tree up two years in a row (1993-1994) is proof positive that she is a deep occultist! Only a Black Magick occultist would conceive of such "decorations" to adorn her Christmas Tree. We list these occultic ornaments, below, in black; we show Marquis' explanation in red; if we add explanation to his, our explanation will be in blue . We will be quoting from Aldrich's book, "Unlimited Access", p. 102-6.
This story came as no surprise to me as any Christian with spiritual discernment should be able to look at Hillary Clinton's eyes and see that she is demon possessed. HEAVILY demon possessed.

Yeah thats a great book Aldrichs book Unlimited Access. That was when i took the rumors seriously about the Clinton corruption going on in the white house after i read Aldrich's book because that book wasnt written by just some writer.this was a very credible people,someone who worked the security detail for 7 previous administrations starting with Johnson.If you make something up like that,thats a serious charge that he could have gone to jail for for slander but its all true and documented.

excellent post glad you you knew about that book jeri.thats another book I would recommend people read.:thup:
I found this recently. Interesting story about a former FBI agent who had access to the White House during the Clinton years and wrote a book about it. Little did he know that what he was revealing about Hillary Clinton was actually exposing her involvement in witchcraft / occult. The FBI Agent's name? Aldrich. I'll have to find the book - the FBI withheld it from publication for a time but it is available on Amazon now I believe.


Gary Aldrich, former FBI Agent assigned to the Bush White House as the FBI Liaison, was retained in that position by the Clinton White House. This practice of having an FBI Agent keeping an office within the White House complex, was a tradition dating back six presidents, to Lyndon Johnson. The purpose of this FBI White House office was to maintain a "comprehensive and effective security system ... to protect national security, the president, the taxpayer, and the White House itself". ["Unlimited Access", by Gary Aldrich, p. 5-6] The FBI traditionally assigned one of its very best and finest to occupy this position. FBI agents are trained investigators, able to not only solve complex and difficult criminal cases, but to be able to testify in a court of law about the findings of their investigations. Agents such as Aldrich are thoroughly trained observers of all that is occurring before their eyes, as well as to pick up tiny fragments of evidence in a crime scene. Therefore, when an FBI agent observes something, he does so in a way that will stand up in a court of law. Aldrich notes this fact most succinctly. "Most people with any knowledge of criminal investigations agree that FBI agents are the best investigators in the world." [p. 213]

Agent Aldrich observed much in the course of the nearly 3 years he spent at the Clinton White House [1993-1995] that led him to a sobering conclusion: "... the Clinton Administration was a corrupt disaster, beyond redemption or repair". [p. 154] What Agent Aldrich was referring to as "corrupt" were the deliberate attempts to block standard FBI background checks on White House staffers, to the blatant drug use by staffers, to the deliberate policy of allowing people without high security clearances to read Top Secret [and above] material, and to the deliberate lapses of National Security policy at the highest level, actions that Aldrich feared could lead to an attack on the United States by either Russia or China.

However, Aldrich unwittingly gave us information, based upon his personal observances of behavior by Bill and Hillary Clinton that absolutely identifies them as the powerful, practicing Illuminist witches we have always said they were. Of course, since Aldrich was not trained in Black Magick Occult, he did not realize that these observations were so damning. Aldrich did not realize he had just opened the door to confirming Doc Marquis'[Former Illuminist Witch] assertion that Bill and Hillary were powerful practicing witches, and that Hillary was the most powerful. Since Agent Aldrich has provided so much material from his book, we shall have to devote several articles to this subject. We have discussed the occult nature of Aldrich's observations with Doc Marquis, former Illuminist witch, now a Born Again Christian, in preparing for this article.


In Christmas, 1993, and again in 1994, the First Lady directed the decoration of the Christmas Tree in the Blue Room, in accordance with a long-standing White House tradition. Aldrich noted that this Tradition had become so pronounced that the tree which the First Lady set up became a reflection of who she was. We want to allow Aldrich the opportunity to speak for himself. "If the ornament is especially well-made, there is a good chance it will be selected for the tree in the Blue Room, the first lady's tree. The first lady's tree is the 'Mother of All Trees', and the one that's supposed to capture the 'message' of the first lady herself." [p. 100] In other words, this tree was supposed to capture the essence of the soul of the First Lady, and for the things important to her.

Therefore, Aldrich was terribly shocked when he participated in the unpacking of the ornaments which were to go on the First Lady's Christmas tree. Aldrich described these ornaments as "pornographic"; however, we immediately recognized them as being standard occultic symbols, and Black Magick symbols at that! The fact that Hillary put such a tree up two years in a row (1993-1994) is proof positive that she is a deep occultist! Only a Black Magick occultist would conceive of such "decorations" to adorn her Christmas Tree. We list these occultic ornaments, below, in black; we show Marquis' explanation in red; if we add explanation to his, our explanation will be in blue . We will be quoting from Aldrich's book, "Unlimited Access", p. 102-6.
This story came as no surprise to me as any Christian with spiritual discernment should be able to look at Hillary Clinton's eyes and see that she is demon possessed. HEAVILY demon possessed.

Yeah thats a great book Aldrichs book Unlimited Access. That was when i took the rumors seriously about the Clinton corruption going on in the white house after i read Aldrich's book because that book wasnt written by just some writer.this was a very credible people,someone who worked the security detail for 7 previous administrations starting with Johnson.If you make something up like that,thats a serious charge that he could have gone to jail for for slander but its all true and documented.

excellent post glad you you knew about that book jeri.thats another book I would recommend people read.:thup:
You don't go to jail for slander, dipshit. It is a civil proceeding. His claims have been debunked and ridiculed and only idiots believe him.
It's starting again. Mysterious deaths of those surrounding the Clinton's. I wonder what he knew.?
He was Dubya's chef for half the time... did he know where the WMD's were???!!! :eek:

How about these people who worked for the Clinton's or somehow were connected to them? They are all dead. Do find this unusual?


I knew you were there. CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY

If examining the history of the Clinton's and having a closer look at this story - troubles you this deeply - perhaps you shouldn't be on this thread.

Doesn't trouble me a bit. However, I am concerned about the crazies that put stock in such. Anyone who is so disconnected from reality as to actually put stock in such a crazy conspiracy theory must surely be a danger to themselves or others.

Oh please. You sound ridiculous now.

You are spouting that the Clintons are responsible for mass murders, and bring in the occult, and every other crazy theory you can think of, and you want to say I'm ridiculous? You never fail to entertain.

she may go overboard talking about religion and all but you are seriously in denial mode and ignorant about the clintons if you are that stupid that you dont think they did not murder vince foster,ron brown and so many others.:uhoh3:

too many highly credible arkansas state troopers have come forward Einstein.
I found this recently. Interesting story about a former FBI agent who had access to the White House during the Clinton years and wrote a book about it. Little did he know that what he was revealing about Hillary Clinton was actually exposing her involvement in witchcraft / occult. The FBI Agent's name? Aldrich. I'll have to find the book - the FBI withheld it from publication for a time but it is available on Amazon now I believe.


Gary Aldrich, former FBI Agent assigned to the Bush White House as the FBI Liaison, was retained in that position by the Clinton White House. This practice of having an FBI Agent keeping an office within the White House complex, was a tradition dating back six presidents, to Lyndon Johnson. The purpose of this FBI White House office was to maintain a "comprehensive and effective security system ... to protect national security, the president, the taxpayer, and the White House itself". ["Unlimited Access", by Gary Aldrich, p. 5-6] The FBI traditionally assigned one of its very best and finest to occupy this position. FBI agents are trained investigators, able to not only solve complex and difficult criminal cases, but to be able to testify in a court of law about the findings of their investigations. Agents such as Aldrich are thoroughly trained observers of all that is occurring before their eyes, as well as to pick up tiny fragments of evidence in a crime scene. Therefore, when an FBI agent observes something, he does so in a way that will stand up in a court of law. Aldrich notes this fact most succinctly. "Most people with any knowledge of criminal investigations agree that FBI agents are the best investigators in the world." [p. 213]

Agent Aldrich observed much in the course of the nearly 3 years he spent at the Clinton White House [1993-1995] that led him to a sobering conclusion: "... the Clinton Administration was a corrupt disaster, beyond redemption or repair". [p. 154] What Agent Aldrich was referring to as "corrupt" were the deliberate attempts to block standard FBI background checks on White House staffers, to the blatant drug use by staffers, to the deliberate policy of allowing people without high security clearances to read Top Secret [and above] material, and to the deliberate lapses of National Security policy at the highest level, actions that Aldrich feared could lead to an attack on the United States by either Russia or China.

However, Aldrich unwittingly gave us information, based upon his personal observances of behavior by Bill and Hillary Clinton that absolutely identifies them as the powerful, practicing Illuminist witches we have always said they were. Of course, since Aldrich was not trained in Black Magick Occult, he did not realize that these observations were so damning. Aldrich did not realize he had just opened the door to confirming Doc Marquis'[Former Illuminist Witch] assertion that Bill and Hillary were powerful practicing witches, and that Hillary was the most powerful. Since Agent Aldrich has provided so much material from his book, we shall have to devote several articles to this subject. We have discussed the occult nature of Aldrich's observations with Doc Marquis, former Illuminist witch, now a Born Again Christian, in preparing for this article.


In Christmas, 1993, and again in 1994, the First Lady directed the decoration of the Christmas Tree in the Blue Room, in accordance with a long-standing White House tradition. Aldrich noted that this Tradition had become so pronounced that the tree which the First Lady set up became a reflection of who she was. We want to allow Aldrich the opportunity to speak for himself. "If the ornament is especially well-made, there is a good chance it will be selected for the tree in the Blue Room, the first lady's tree. The first lady's tree is the 'Mother of All Trees', and the one that's supposed to capture the 'message' of the first lady herself." [p. 100] In other words, this tree was supposed to capture the essence of the soul of the First Lady, and for the things important to her.

Therefore, Aldrich was terribly shocked when he participated in the unpacking of the ornaments which were to go on the First Lady's Christmas tree. Aldrich described these ornaments as "pornographic"; however, we immediately recognized them as being standard occultic symbols, and Black Magick symbols at that! The fact that Hillary put such a tree up two years in a row (1993-1994) is proof positive that she is a deep occultist! Only a Black Magick occultist would conceive of such "decorations" to adorn her Christmas Tree. We list these occultic ornaments, below, in black; we show Marquis' explanation in red; if we add explanation to his, our explanation will be in blue . We will be quoting from Aldrich's book, "Unlimited Access", p. 102-6.
This story came as no surprise to me as any Christian with spiritual discernment should be able to look at Hillary Clinton's eyes and see that she is demon possessed. HEAVILY demon possessed.

Yeah thats a great book Aldrichs book Unlimited Access. That was when i took the rumors seriously about the Clinton corruption going on in the white house after i read Aldrich's book because that book wasnt written by just some writer.this was a very credible people,someone who worked the security detail for 7 previous administrations starting with Johnson.If you make something up like that,thats a serious charge that he could have gone to jail for for slander but its all true and documented.

excellent post glad you you knew about that book jeri.thats another book I would recommend people read.:thup:
You don't go to jail for slander, dipshit. It is a civil proceeding. His claims have been debunked and ridiculed and only idiots believe him.

you are another paid troll on the governments payroll making up bullshit that its been debunked when it has not liar.

your the idiot thinking i would fall for your lies and childish name calling.

your handlers are worried these facts are being told so they sent you here to troll.
This is a strange news story. The former White House Chef of Bill and Hillary Clinton has reportedly died from drowning while he was hiking. There is no mention of a lake nearby - the news story said there was a rainstorm. How does one drown in a rainstorm?


Former White House Chef Walter Scheib Drowned 25 Yards From Trail

The body of former top White House chef Walter Scheib has been found more than a week after he disappeared in rough terrain near Taos, NM. State officials say the body of the 61-year-old, who had recently moved to the state from Florida, was found near a hiking trail, the APreports. Scheib went for a solo hike in the mountains last weekend and never returned, sparking a huge search effort involving aircraft, dogs, and National Guard teams, NBC News reports. Police say rescue teams are still gathering information on his death.

Scheib, author of White House Chef: Eleven Years, Two Presidents, One Kitchen, was hired by Hillary Clinton in 1994 to give daily meals and state dinners a distinctive American twist, and was asked to resign in 2005, during the George W. Bush administration, the Washington Postreports. In an interview with Munchies earlier this year, the chef said he would be "hard-pressed to say no" if a victorious Hillary Clinton asked him to return to the White House kitchen in 2016.
Flash floods kill people all the time in the Southwest


In Christmas, 1993, and again in 1994, the First Lady directed the decoration of the Christmas Tree in the Blue Room, in accordance with a long-standing White House tradition. Aldrich noted that this Tradition had become so pronounced that the tree which the First Lady set up became a reflection of who she was. We want to allow Aldrich the opportunity to speak for himself. "If the ornament is especially well-made, there is a good chance it will be selected for the tree in the Blue Room, the first lady's tree. The first lady's tree is the 'Mother of All Trees', and the one that's supposed to capture the 'message' of the first lady herself." [p. 100] In other words, this tree was supposed to capture the essence of the soul of the First Lady, and for the things important to her.

Therefore, Aldrich was terribly shocked when he participated in the unpacking of the ornaments which were to go on the First Lady's Christmas tree. Aldrich described these ornaments as "pornographic"; however, we immediately recognized them as being standard occultic symbols, and Black Magick symbols at that! The fact that Hillary put such a tree up two years in a row (1993-1994) is proof positive that she is a deep occultist! Only a Black Magick occultist would conceive of such "decorations" to adorn her Christmas Tree. We list these occultic ornaments, below, in black; we show Marquis' explanation in red; if we add explanation to his, our explanation will be in blue . We will be quoting from Aldrich's book, "Unlimited Access", p. 102-6.


1) "Fertility god, made of carved dark wood, and put together so they look like stick figures." -- The male Fertility god is in authority during this time of the year. Sex is paramount in the religion of the occultist, and its celebration is one of the highest activities in which occultists can participate. From September 21 to March 21, the male Fertility god is in control of the earth. From March 21 to September 21, the Female goddess assumes supreme leadership. Therefore, the occultist will celebrate either the sex act or the male sex organs at this time of year, preponderantly.

2) "Twelve Lords a-leaping. The ornament consisted of tiny clay male figurines. Each was naked and had a large erection." Once again, you can see the predominance of the male sex organ on display. This associates directly with the male fertility god, above. Human sacrifice is also required on December 21, Yule. During the next 12 days, until Jan 1, this is the transition between the Old Year to the New Year in the American occult world. Notice that there are precisely 12 days from the occult holiday, December 21, to the New Year of January 1. Most people do not realize that this part of our Christmas celebration has such a Satanic foundation.

3) "Two Turtle Doves, but they didn't have shells this time -- they were joined together in an act of bird fornication." This represents the sexual union of the god and goddess. Usually the two preferred times of sexual union are during the two times of the Equinox when the transfer of authority is occurring. This act is also symbol of the sex rite. Once again, you can see the occultic obsession with the sex act. This is totally occultic, and is totally revealing of the type of person Hillary and Bill truly are, in their heart of inner hearts -- witches. This image shows the general occult theme of the male god and female goddess in the tantric sex act. Tantric sex is the occult belief that the energy inherent in the act of sexual climax can be used for occultic purposes, like casting of spells. We later refer to this belief as "Sex Magick", in paragraph 7.

4) "Five Golden rings -- sex toys known as 'cock rings' " This is emblematic of the phallic god. Sex worship is a major part of the occult religion. Occultists are big into the veneration of phallic objects [for the uninitiated among you, a phallic object is a stylistic representation of the male penis. "The phallus is a Pagan fertility symbol which represents generation, virility, and aggression." [Anton LaVey, "Satanic Bible", p. 139].

The most venerated phallic object is the Obelisk, because it is believed to be the place where the spirit of the Egyptian Sun God, Ra, resides. Each dedicated occultist is supposed to bow several times daily to the obelisk. Rather than describing the shape of the obelisk to you, I shall just tell you that the most famous obelisk in modern history is the Washington Monument. For a full disclosure of the significance of the Washington Monument, readNEWS1081, "Freemason Site Confirms Government Center In Washington, D.C., Was Deliberately Created With Freemason Occult Symbols".

5) "Another mystery ornament was the gingerbread man. There were five small, gold rings: one in his ear, one in his nose, one through his nipple, one through his belly button, and of course, the ever-popular cock ring." [Read above for description of the cock ring]. These are the five places where the occult five-fold kiss is given during a ritual. This kiss is a simple blessing in the occult, a recognition, and a welcoming. During an occult ceremony, a man gets his penis kissed; [Sounds kind of what Bill Clinton wanted all these girls, like Paula Jones, to do to him].

"This is part of the Legend, or Myth, of the god and goddess of witchcraft. The goddess had never loved, but she wanted to solve all mysteries, even death, and so she journeyed to the Netherworld. When she was challenged by the Guardians of the Netherworld, she was forced to disrobe and give up all her jewelry. But, since she was so beautiful, the god of the Netherworld fell in love with her, and kissed her. He wanted her to abide with him in Death, but she would not. Because she refused, she was made to suffer the symbolic scourge of death. Her beauty remained, so the god of the Netherworld taught her all the mysteries. He then gave her the Five-Fold Kiss", which is still practiced among the occult today.

Only a dedicated occultist would conceive of such an "ornament"! Hillary is now to be recognized as the powerful witch she truly is. She and Bill have often talked about operating a "Co-Presidency", about which we shall speak in another article. Here, she is approving occult ornaments which clearly depict the duality of the god and goddess of the occult, male and female, with a typical emphasis on sex and sex organs!
Anyone who wishes to read more about it can look at the link - there is more information about other occult figures she put up for display during her time in the White House. All of it indicating she and her husband were involved in Illuminati Witchcraft during that time.
Your last posts are proof positive that you suffer from severe mental illness.

Is the FBI Agent who provided this information suffering from severe mental illness too? Are we to believe that all of the people who have told similar stories about the Clinton's are all suffering from severe mental illness? Because you said so? I do not believe so. It's more likely you've been deceived and don't want to admit it.

the handlers of all these paid trolls they have sent here here are getting scared obviously that you are telling these facts the way they are going into meltdown mode jeri.:up:

the truth hurts obviously.:biggrin:
I found this recently. Interesting story about a former FBI agent who had access to the White House during the Clinton years and wrote a book about it. Little did he know that what he was revealing about Hillary Clinton was actually exposing her involvement in witchcraft / occult. The FBI Agent's name? Aldrich. I'll have to find the book - the FBI withheld it from publication for a time but it is available on Amazon now I believe.


Gary Aldrich, former FBI Agent assigned to the Bush White House as the FBI Liaison, was retained in that position by the Clinton White House. This practice of having an FBI Agent keeping an office within the White House complex, was a tradition dating back six presidents, to Lyndon Johnson. The purpose of this FBI White House office was to maintain a "comprehensive and effective security system ... to protect national security, the president, the taxpayer, and the White House itself". ["Unlimited Access", by Gary Aldrich, p. 5-6] The FBI traditionally assigned one of its very best and finest to occupy this position. FBI agents are trained investigators, able to not only solve complex and difficult criminal cases, but to be able to testify in a court of law about the findings of their investigations. Agents such as Aldrich are thoroughly trained observers of all that is occurring before their eyes, as well as to pick up tiny fragments of evidence in a crime scene. Therefore, when an FBI agent observes something, he does so in a way that will stand up in a court of law. Aldrich notes this fact most succinctly. "Most people with any knowledge of criminal investigations agree that FBI agents are the best investigators in the world." [p. 213]

Agent Aldrich observed much in the course of the nearly 3 years he spent at the Clinton White House [1993-1995] that led him to a sobering conclusion: "... the Clinton Administration was a corrupt disaster, beyond redemption or repair". [p. 154] What Agent Aldrich was referring to as "corrupt" were the deliberate attempts to block standard FBI background checks on White House staffers, to the blatant drug use by staffers, to the deliberate policy of allowing people without high security clearances to read Top Secret [and above] material, and to the deliberate lapses of National Security policy at the highest level, actions that Aldrich feared could lead to an attack on the United States by either Russia or China.

However, Aldrich unwittingly gave us information, based upon his personal observances of behavior by Bill and Hillary Clinton that absolutely identifies them as the powerful, practicing Illuminist witches we have always said they were. Of course, since Aldrich was not trained in Black Magick Occult, he did not realize that these observations were so damning. Aldrich did not realize he had just opened the door to confirming Doc Marquis'[Former Illuminist Witch] assertion that Bill and Hillary were powerful practicing witches, and that Hillary was the most powerful. Since Agent Aldrich has provided so much material from his book, we shall have to devote several articles to this subject. We have discussed the occult nature of Aldrich's observations with Doc Marquis, former Illuminist witch, now a Born Again Christian, in preparing for this article.


In Christmas, 1993, and again in 1994, the First Lady directed the decoration of the Christmas Tree in the Blue Room, in accordance with a long-standing White House tradition. Aldrich noted that this Tradition had become so pronounced that the tree which the First Lady set up became a reflection of who she was. We want to allow Aldrich the opportunity to speak for himself. "If the ornament is especially well-made, there is a good chance it will be selected for the tree in the Blue Room, the first lady's tree. The first lady's tree is the 'Mother of All Trees', and the one that's supposed to capture the 'message' of the first lady herself." [p. 100] In other words, this tree was supposed to capture the essence of the soul of the First Lady, and for the things important to her.

Therefore, Aldrich was terribly shocked when he participated in the unpacking of the ornaments which were to go on the First Lady's Christmas tree. Aldrich described these ornaments as "pornographic"; however, we immediately recognized them as being standard occultic symbols, and Black Magick symbols at that! The fact that Hillary put such a tree up two years in a row (1993-1994) is proof positive that she is a deep occultist! Only a Black Magick occultist would conceive of such "decorations" to adorn her Christmas Tree. We list these occultic ornaments, below, in black; we show Marquis' explanation in red; if we add explanation to his, our explanation will be in blue . We will be quoting from Aldrich's book, "Unlimited Access", p. 102-6.
This story came as no surprise to me as any Christian with spiritual discernment should be able to look at Hillary Clinton's eyes and see that she is demon possessed. HEAVILY demon possessed.

Yeah thats a great book Aldrichs book Unlimited Access. That was when i took the rumors seriously about the Clinton corruption going on in the white house after i read Aldrich's book because that book wasnt written by just some writer.this was a very credible people,someone who worked the security detail for 7 previous administrations starting with Johnson.If you make something up like that,thats a serious charge that he could have gone to jail for for slander but its all true and documented.

excellent post glad you you knew about that book jeri.thats another book I would recommend people read.:thup:
You don't go to jail for slander, dipshit. It is a civil proceeding. His claims have been debunked and ridiculed and only idiots believe him.

you are another paid troll on the governments payroll making up bullshit that its been debunked when it has not liar.

your the idiot thinking i would fall for your lies and childish name calling.

your handlers are worried these facts are being told so they sent you here to troll.
Paranoid and delusional!!! Nice combination.
This is a strange news story. The former White House Chef of Bill and Hillary Clinton has reportedly died from drowning while he was hiking. There is no mention of a lake nearby - the news story said there was a rainstorm. How does one drown in a rainstorm?


Former White House Chef Walter Scheib Drowned 25 Yards From Trail

The body of former top White House chef Walter Scheib has been found more than a week after he disappeared in rough terrain near Taos, NM. State officials say the body of the 61-year-old, who had recently moved to the state from Florida, was found near a hiking trail, the APreports. Scheib went for a solo hike in the mountains last weekend and never returned, sparking a huge search effort involving aircraft, dogs, and National Guard teams, NBC News reports. Police say rescue teams are still gathering information on his death.

Scheib, author of White House Chef: Eleven Years, Two Presidents, One Kitchen, was hired by Hillary Clinton in 1994 to give daily meals and state dinners a distinctive American twist, and was asked to resign in 2005, during the George W. Bush administration, the Washington Postreports. In an interview with Munchies earlier this year, the chef said he would be "hard-pressed to say no" if a victorious Hillary Clinton asked him to return to the White House kitchen in 2016.


Will someone get ahold of whoever issued that poor unfortunate sole a subpoena? WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?


That's tantamount to MURDER right there... .
It's starting again. Mysterious deaths of those surrounding the Clinton's. I wonder what he knew.?
He was Dubya's chef for half the time... did he know where the WMD's were???!!! :eek:

How about these people who worked for the Clinton's or somehow were connected to them? They are all dead. Do find this unusual?


I knew you were there. CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY

If examining the history of the Clinton's and having a closer look at this story - troubles you this deeply - perhaps you shouldn't be on this thread.

Doesn't trouble me a bit. However, I am concerned about the crazies that put stock in such. Anyone who is so disconnected from reality as to actually put stock in such a crazy conspiracy theory must surely be a danger to themselves or others.

Oh please. You sound ridiculous now.

You are spouting that the Clintons are responsible for mass murders, and bring in the occult, and every other crazy theory you can think of, and you want to say I'm ridiculous? You never fail to entertain.
kinda like you clinton lovers entertain the way you go into meltdown mode when you cant counter pesky little facts on the clintons murdering ways.:up:
The book is available. I checked and it is listed on Amazon. The title is called, Unlimited Access: An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House by Gary Aldrich.

here is one comment I found by a person who had read his book:

As a career FBI officer, Gary Aldrich was at the pinnacle of his career. Having served with Pres. Reagan and Bush, he found the Clinton Administration to be a stark, horrible contrast.

As one of two FBI agents permanently assigned to the White House, one of his responsibilities was to do the background checks on White House staff and advisors. At almost every turn, he was stonewalled and not allowed to do even perfunctory checks of Clinton's friends and associates... Though it is supposed to be complete within 90 days of the new President assuming office, many people never did get properly "vetted".

Another major disappointment was the crude and vulgar language used by Clinton and his First Lady, the "F" word being quite popular.

Then there was the revulsion he experienced when asked to help decorate the White House Christmas tree, only to discover that the majority of the "ornaments" were sex toys.

There are many other examples of the appaling lack of character exhibited by the Clintons and their cronies... so much so that Aldrich finally had enough, and retired early...

The book isn't a literary masterpiece, it's a litany of the excesses, abuse of power, and moral turpitude of the persons we should be able to look to for leadership and moral courage.

yeah they wont read that book Jeri,they only see what they want to see,pesky little facts is not something they want to deal with which is why they are going into melt down mode cause the truth hurts.:lmao:

Im glad you have read that i mentioned earlier before,you should also read the secret life of bill clinton.there is some pretty frightening stuff in that book as well which is why the clinton lovers wont ever read that one either.:lol:
I found this recently. Interesting story about a former FBI agent who had access to the White House during the Clinton years and wrote a book about it. Little did he know that what he was revealing about Hillary Clinton was actually exposing her involvement in witchcraft / occult. The FBI Agent's name? Aldrich. I'll have to find the book - the FBI withheld it from publication for a time but it is available on Amazon now I believe.


Gary Aldrich, former FBI Agent assigned to the Bush White House as the FBI Liaison, was retained in that position by the Clinton White House. This practice of having an FBI Agent keeping an office within the White House complex, was a tradition dating back six presidents, to Lyndon Johnson. The purpose of this FBI White House office was to maintain a "comprehensive and effective security system ... to protect national security, the president, the taxpayer, and the White House itself". ["Unlimited Access", by Gary Aldrich, p. 5-6] The FBI traditionally assigned one of its very best and finest to occupy this position. FBI agents are trained investigators, able to not only solve complex and difficult criminal cases, but to be able to testify in a court of law about the findings of their investigations. Agents such as Aldrich are thoroughly trained observers of all that is occurring before their eyes, as well as to pick up tiny fragments of evidence in a crime scene. Therefore, when an FBI agent observes something, he does so in a way that will stand up in a court of law. Aldrich notes this fact most succinctly. "Most people with any knowledge of criminal investigations agree that FBI agents are the best investigators in the world." [p. 213]

Agent Aldrich observed much in the course of the nearly 3 years he spent at the Clinton White House [1993-1995] that led him to a sobering conclusion: "... the Clinton Administration was a corrupt disaster, beyond redemption or repair". [p. 154] What Agent Aldrich was referring to as "corrupt" were the deliberate attempts to block standard FBI background checks on White House staffers, to the blatant drug use by staffers, to the deliberate policy of allowing people without high security clearances to read Top Secret [and above] material, and to the deliberate lapses of National Security policy at the highest level, actions that Aldrich feared could lead to an attack on the United States by either Russia or China.

However, Aldrich unwittingly gave us information, based upon his personal observances of behavior by Bill and Hillary Clinton that absolutely identifies them as the powerful, practicing Illuminist witches we have always said they were. Of course, since Aldrich was not trained in Black Magick Occult, he did not realize that these observations were so damning. Aldrich did not realize he had just opened the door to confirming Doc Marquis'[Former Illuminist Witch] assertion that Bill and Hillary were powerful practicing witches, and that Hillary was the most powerful. Since Agent Aldrich has provided so much material from his book, we shall have to devote several articles to this subject. We have discussed the occult nature of Aldrich's observations with Doc Marquis, former Illuminist witch, now a Born Again Christian, in preparing for this article.


In Christmas, 1993, and again in 1994, the First Lady directed the decoration of the Christmas Tree in the Blue Room, in accordance with a long-standing White House tradition. Aldrich noted that this Tradition had become so pronounced that the tree which the First Lady set up became a reflection of who she was. We want to allow Aldrich the opportunity to speak for himself. "If the ornament is especially well-made, there is a good chance it will be selected for the tree in the Blue Room, the first lady's tree. The first lady's tree is the 'Mother of All Trees', and the one that's supposed to capture the 'message' of the first lady herself." [p. 100] In other words, this tree was supposed to capture the essence of the soul of the First Lady, and for the things important to her.

Therefore, Aldrich was terribly shocked when he participated in the unpacking of the ornaments which were to go on the First Lady's Christmas tree. Aldrich described these ornaments as "pornographic"; however, we immediately recognized them as being standard occultic symbols, and Black Magick symbols at that! The fact that Hillary put such a tree up two years in a row (1993-1994) is proof positive that she is a deep occultist! Only a Black Magick occultist would conceive of such "decorations" to adorn her Christmas Tree. We list these occultic ornaments, below, in black; we show Marquis' explanation in red; if we add explanation to his, our explanation will be in blue . We will be quoting from Aldrich's book, "Unlimited Access", p. 102-6.
This story came as no surprise to me as any Christian with spiritual discernment should be able to look at Hillary Clinton's eyes and see that she is demon possessed. HEAVILY demon possessed.

Yeah thats a great book Aldrichs book Unlimited Access. That was when i took the rumors seriously about the Clinton corruption going on in the white house after i read Aldrich's book because that book wasnt written by just some writer.this was a very credible people,someone who worked the security detail for 7 previous administrations starting with Johnson.If you make something up like that,thats a serious charge that he could have gone to jail for for slander but its all true and documented.

excellent post glad you you knew about that book jeri.thats another book I would recommend people read.:thup:
You don't go to jail for slander, dipshit. It is a civil proceeding. His claims have been debunked and ridiculed and only idiots believe him.

you are another paid troll on the governments payroll making up bullshit that its been debunked when it has not liar.

your the idiot thinking i would fall for your lies and childish name calling.

your handlers are worried these facts are being told so they sent you here to troll.

ROFLMNAO! You think that idiot is being paid?


I found this recently. Interesting story about a former FBI agent who had access to the White House during the Clinton years and wrote a book about it. Little did he know that what he was revealing about Hillary Clinton was actually exposing her involvement in witchcraft / occult. The FBI Agent's name? Aldrich. I'll have to find the book - the FBI withheld it from publication for a time but it is available on Amazon now I believe.


Gary Aldrich, former FBI Agent assigned to the Bush White House as the FBI Liaison, was retained in that position by the Clinton White House. This practice of having an FBI Agent keeping an office within the White House complex, was a tradition dating back six presidents, to Lyndon Johnson. The purpose of this FBI White House office was to maintain a "comprehensive and effective security system ... to protect national security, the president, the taxpayer, and the White House itself". ["Unlimited Access", by Gary Aldrich, p. 5-6] The FBI traditionally assigned one of its very best and finest to occupy this position. FBI agents are trained investigators, able to not only solve complex and difficult criminal cases, but to be able to testify in a court of law about the findings of their investigations. Agents such as Aldrich are thoroughly trained observers of all that is occurring before their eyes, as well as to pick up tiny fragments of evidence in a crime scene. Therefore, when an FBI agent observes something, he does so in a way that will stand up in a court of law. Aldrich notes this fact most succinctly. "Most people with any knowledge of criminal investigations agree that FBI agents are the best investigators in the world." [p. 213]

Agent Aldrich observed much in the course of the nearly 3 years he spent at the Clinton White House [1993-1995] that led him to a sobering conclusion: "... the Clinton Administration was a corrupt disaster, beyond redemption or repair". [p. 154] What Agent Aldrich was referring to as "corrupt" were the deliberate attempts to block standard FBI background checks on White House staffers, to the blatant drug use by staffers, to the deliberate policy of allowing people without high security clearances to read Top Secret [and above] material, and to the deliberate lapses of National Security policy at the highest level, actions that Aldrich feared could lead to an attack on the United States by either Russia or China.

However, Aldrich unwittingly gave us information, based upon his personal observances of behavior by Bill and Hillary Clinton that absolutely identifies them as the powerful, practicing Illuminist witches we have always said they were. Of course, since Aldrich was not trained in Black Magick Occult, he did not realize that these observations were so damning. Aldrich did not realize he had just opened the door to confirming Doc Marquis'[Former Illuminist Witch] assertion that Bill and Hillary were powerful practicing witches, and that Hillary was the most powerful. Since Agent Aldrich has provided so much material from his book, we shall have to devote several articles to this subject. We have discussed the occult nature of Aldrich's observations with Doc Marquis, former Illuminist witch, now a Born Again Christian, in preparing for this article.


In Christmas, 1993, and again in 1994, the First Lady directed the decoration of the Christmas Tree in the Blue Room, in accordance with a long-standing White House tradition. Aldrich noted that this Tradition had become so pronounced that the tree which the First Lady set up became a reflection of who she was. We want to allow Aldrich the opportunity to speak for himself. "If the ornament is especially well-made, there is a good chance it will be selected for the tree in the Blue Room, the first lady's tree. The first lady's tree is the 'Mother of All Trees', and the one that's supposed to capture the 'message' of the first lady herself." [p. 100] In other words, this tree was supposed to capture the essence of the soul of the First Lady, and for the things important to her.

Therefore, Aldrich was terribly shocked when he participated in the unpacking of the ornaments which were to go on the First Lady's Christmas tree. Aldrich described these ornaments as "pornographic"; however, we immediately recognized them as being standard occultic symbols, and Black Magick symbols at that! The fact that Hillary put such a tree up two years in a row (1993-1994) is proof positive that she is a deep occultist! Only a Black Magick occultist would conceive of such "decorations" to adorn her Christmas Tree. We list these occultic ornaments, below, in black; we show Marquis' explanation in red; if we add explanation to his, our explanation will be in blue . We will be quoting from Aldrich's book, "Unlimited Access", p. 102-6.
This story came as no surprise to me as any Christian with spiritual discernment should be able to look at Hillary Clinton's eyes and see that she is demon possessed. HEAVILY demon possessed.

Yeah thats a great book Aldrichs book Unlimited Access. That was when i took the rumors seriously about the Clinton corruption going on in the white house after i read Aldrich's book because that book wasnt written by just some writer.this was a very credible people,someone who worked the security detail for 7 previous administrations starting with Johnson.If you make something up like that,thats a serious charge that he could have gone to jail for for slander but its all true and documented.

excellent post glad you you knew about that book jeri.thats another book I would recommend people read.:thup:
You don't go to jail for slander, dipshit. It is a civil proceeding. His claims have been debunked and ridiculed and only idiots believe him.

you are another paid troll on the governments payroll making up bullshit that its been debunked when it has not liar.

your the idiot thinking i would fall for your lies and childish name calling.

your handlers are worried these facts are being told so they sent you here to troll.

ROFLMNAO! You think that idiot is being paid?


In all honesty he never said that the idiot was getting paid, he only said his handlers sent him. Idiots are dumb enough to just listen and do without any compensation.
I found this recently. Interesting story about a former FBI agent who had access to the White House during the Clinton years and wrote a book about it. Little did he know that what he was revealing about Hillary Clinton was actually exposing her involvement in witchcraft / occult. The FBI Agent's name? Aldrich. I'll have to find the book - the FBI withheld it from publication for a time but it is available on Amazon now I believe.


Gary Aldrich, former FBI Agent assigned to the Bush White House as the FBI Liaison, was retained in that position by the Clinton White House. This practice of having an FBI Agent keeping an office within the White House complex, was a tradition dating back six presidents, to Lyndon Johnson. The purpose of this FBI White House office was to maintain a "comprehensive and effective security system ... to protect national security, the president, the taxpayer, and the White House itself". ["Unlimited Access", by Gary Aldrich, p. 5-6] The FBI traditionally assigned one of its very best and finest to occupy this position. FBI agents are trained investigators, able to not only solve complex and difficult criminal cases, but to be able to testify in a court of law about the findings of their investigations. Agents such as Aldrich are thoroughly trained observers of all that is occurring before their eyes, as well as to pick up tiny fragments of evidence in a crime scene. Therefore, when an FBI agent observes something, he does so in a way that will stand up in a court of law. Aldrich notes this fact most succinctly. "Most people with any knowledge of criminal investigations agree that FBI agents are the best investigators in the world." [p. 213]

Agent Aldrich observed much in the course of the nearly 3 years he spent at the Clinton White House [1993-1995] that led him to a sobering conclusion: "... the Clinton Administration was a corrupt disaster, beyond redemption or repair". [p. 154] What Agent Aldrich was referring to as "corrupt" were the deliberate attempts to block standard FBI background checks on White House staffers, to the blatant drug use by staffers, to the deliberate policy of allowing people without high security clearances to read Top Secret [and above] material, and to the deliberate lapses of National Security policy at the highest level, actions that Aldrich feared could lead to an attack on the United States by either Russia or China.

However, Aldrich unwittingly gave us information, based upon his personal observances of behavior by Bill and Hillary Clinton that absolutely identifies them as the powerful, practicing Illuminist witches we have always said they were. Of course, since Aldrich was not trained in Black Magick Occult, he did not realize that these observations were so damning. Aldrich did not realize he had just opened the door to confirming Doc Marquis'[Former Illuminist Witch] assertion that Bill and Hillary were powerful practicing witches, and that Hillary was the most powerful. Since Agent Aldrich has provided so much material from his book, we shall have to devote several articles to this subject. We have discussed the occult nature of Aldrich's observations with Doc Marquis, former Illuminist witch, now a Born Again Christian, in preparing for this article.


In Christmas, 1993, and again in 1994, the First Lady directed the decoration of the Christmas Tree in the Blue Room, in accordance with a long-standing White House tradition. Aldrich noted that this Tradition had become so pronounced that the tree which the First Lady set up became a reflection of who she was. We want to allow Aldrich the opportunity to speak for himself. "If the ornament is especially well-made, there is a good chance it will be selected for the tree in the Blue Room, the first lady's tree. The first lady's tree is the 'Mother of All Trees', and the one that's supposed to capture the 'message' of the first lady herself." [p. 100] In other words, this tree was supposed to capture the essence of the soul of the First Lady, and for the things important to her.

Therefore, Aldrich was terribly shocked when he participated in the unpacking of the ornaments which were to go on the First Lady's Christmas tree. Aldrich described these ornaments as "pornographic"; however, we immediately recognized them as being standard occultic symbols, and Black Magick symbols at that! The fact that Hillary put such a tree up two years in a row (1993-1994) is proof positive that she is a deep occultist! Only a Black Magick occultist would conceive of such "decorations" to adorn her Christmas Tree. We list these occultic ornaments, below, in black; we show Marquis' explanation in red; if we add explanation to his, our explanation will be in blue . We will be quoting from Aldrich's book, "Unlimited Access", p. 102-6.
This story came as no surprise to me as any Christian with spiritual discernment should be able to look at Hillary Clinton's eyes and see that she is demon possessed. HEAVILY demon possessed.

Yeah thats a great book Aldrichs book Unlimited Access. That was when i took the rumors seriously about the Clinton corruption going on in the white house after i read Aldrich's book because that book wasnt written by just some writer.this was a very credible people,someone who worked the security detail for 7 previous administrations starting with Johnson.If you make something up like that,thats a serious charge that he could have gone to jail for for slander but its all true and documented.

excellent post glad you you knew about that book jeri.thats another book I would recommend people read.:thup:
You don't go to jail for slander, dipshit. It is a civil proceeding. His claims have been debunked and ridiculed and only idiots believe him.

you are another paid troll on the governments payroll making up bullshit that its been debunked when it has not liar.

your the idiot thinking i would fall for your lies and childish name calling.

your handlers are worried these facts are being told so they sent you here to troll.

ROFLMNAO! You think that idiot is being paid?



when they make up LIES like that idiot did,then yeah,its obvious they are getting paid to troll here.they got paid shills on the governments payroll on message boards like him trolling everywhere everyday working for them.

the idiots that are just in denial,they dont come back for constant ass beating for their lies all the time.

two paid shills on the government payroll i can name right now are soupnazi and daws.those agents troll the JFK thread everyday defending the lies of the warren commission blatantly ignoring facts.they would never troll everyday and always come back for their constant ass beatings they get everyday for way.not without getting paid for their ass beatings.:biggrin:
Last edited:
I found this recently. Interesting story about a former FBI agent who had access to the White House during the Clinton years and wrote a book about it. Little did he know that what he was revealing about Hillary Clinton was actually exposing her involvement in witchcraft / occult. The FBI Agent's name? Aldrich. I'll have to find the book - the FBI withheld it from publication for a time but it is available on Amazon now I believe.


Gary Aldrich, former FBI Agent assigned to the Bush White House as the FBI Liaison, was retained in that position by the Clinton White House. This practice of having an FBI Agent keeping an office within the White House complex, was a tradition dating back six presidents, to Lyndon Johnson. The purpose of this FBI White House office was to maintain a "comprehensive and effective security system ... to protect national security, the president, the taxpayer, and the White House itself". ["Unlimited Access", by Gary Aldrich, p. 5-6] The FBI traditionally assigned one of its very best and finest to occupy this position. FBI agents are trained investigators, able to not only solve complex and difficult criminal cases, but to be able to testify in a court of law about the findings of their investigations. Agents such as Aldrich are thoroughly trained observers of all that is occurring before their eyes, as well as to pick up tiny fragments of evidence in a crime scene. Therefore, when an FBI agent observes something, he does so in a way that will stand up in a court of law. Aldrich notes this fact most succinctly. "Most people with any knowledge of criminal investigations agree that FBI agents are the best investigators in the world." [p. 213]

Agent Aldrich observed much in the course of the nearly 3 years he spent at the Clinton White House [1993-1995] that led him to a sobering conclusion: "... the Clinton Administration was a corrupt disaster, beyond redemption or repair". [p. 154] What Agent Aldrich was referring to as "corrupt" were the deliberate attempts to block standard FBI background checks on White House staffers, to the blatant drug use by staffers, to the deliberate policy of allowing people without high security clearances to read Top Secret [and above] material, and to the deliberate lapses of National Security policy at the highest level, actions that Aldrich feared could lead to an attack on the United States by either Russia or China.

However, Aldrich unwittingly gave us information, based upon his personal observances of behavior by Bill and Hillary Clinton that absolutely identifies them as the powerful, practicing Illuminist witches we have always said they were. Of course, since Aldrich was not trained in Black Magick Occult, he did not realize that these observations were so damning. Aldrich did not realize he had just opened the door to confirming Doc Marquis'[Former Illuminist Witch] assertion that Bill and Hillary were powerful practicing witches, and that Hillary was the most powerful. Since Agent Aldrich has provided so much material from his book, we shall have to devote several articles to this subject. We have discussed the occult nature of Aldrich's observations with Doc Marquis, former Illuminist witch, now a Born Again Christian, in preparing for this article.


In Christmas, 1993, and again in 1994, the First Lady directed the decoration of the Christmas Tree in the Blue Room, in accordance with a long-standing White House tradition. Aldrich noted that this Tradition had become so pronounced that the tree which the First Lady set up became a reflection of who she was. We want to allow Aldrich the opportunity to speak for himself. "If the ornament is especially well-made, there is a good chance it will be selected for the tree in the Blue Room, the first lady's tree. The first lady's tree is the 'Mother of All Trees', and the one that's supposed to capture the 'message' of the first lady herself." [p. 100] In other words, this tree was supposed to capture the essence of the soul of the First Lady, and for the things important to her.

Therefore, Aldrich was terribly shocked when he participated in the unpacking of the ornaments which were to go on the First Lady's Christmas tree. Aldrich described these ornaments as "pornographic"; however, we immediately recognized them as being standard occultic symbols, and Black Magick symbols at that! The fact that Hillary put such a tree up two years in a row (1993-1994) is proof positive that she is a deep occultist! Only a Black Magick occultist would conceive of such "decorations" to adorn her Christmas Tree. We list these occultic ornaments, below, in black; we show Marquis' explanation in red; if we add explanation to his, our explanation will be in blue . We will be quoting from Aldrich's book, "Unlimited Access", p. 102-6.
This story came as no surprise to me as any Christian with spiritual discernment should be able to look at Hillary Clinton's eyes and see that she is demon possessed. HEAVILY demon possessed.

Yeah thats a great book Aldrichs book Unlimited Access. That was when i took the rumors seriously about the Clinton corruption going on in the white house after i read Aldrich's book because that book wasnt written by just some writer.this was a very credible people,someone who worked the security detail for 7 previous administrations starting with Johnson.If you make something up like that,thats a serious charge that he could have gone to jail for for slander but its all true and documented.

excellent post glad you you knew about that book jeri.thats another book I would recommend people read.:thup:
You don't go to jail for slander, dipshit. It is a civil proceeding. His claims have been debunked and ridiculed and only idiots believe him.

you are another paid troll on the governments payroll making up bullshit that its been debunked when it has not liar.

your the idiot thinking i would fall for your lies and childish name calling.

your handlers are worried these facts are being told so they sent you here to troll.

ROFLMNAO! You think that idiot is being paid?



when they make up LIES like that idiot did,then yeah,its obvious they are getting paid to troll here.they got paid shills on the governments payroll on message boards like him trolling everywhere everyday working for them.

the idiots that are just in denial,they dont come back for constant ass beating for their lies all the time.

two paid shills on the government payroll i can name right now are soupnazi and daws.those agents make troll the JFK thread everyday defending the lies of the warren commission blatantly ignoring facts.they would never troll everyday and always come back for their constant ass beatings they get everyday for way.not without getting paid for their ass beatings.:biggrin:
do they even know they are getting their ass beat?
face it, stupid people are the last ones to know they are stupid.
I found this recently. Interesting story about a former FBI agent who had access to the White House during the Clinton years and wrote a book about it. Little did he know that what he was revealing about Hillary Clinton was actually exposing her involvement in witchcraft / occult. The FBI Agent's name? Aldrich. I'll have to find the book - the FBI withheld it from publication for a time but it is available on Amazon now I believe.


Gary Aldrich, former FBI Agent assigned to the Bush White House as the FBI Liaison, was retained in that position by the Clinton White House. This practice of having an FBI Agent keeping an office within the White House complex, was a tradition dating back six presidents, to Lyndon Johnson. The purpose of this FBI White House office was to maintain a "comprehensive and effective security system ... to protect national security, the president, the taxpayer, and the White House itself". ["Unlimited Access", by Gary Aldrich, p. 5-6] The FBI traditionally assigned one of its very best and finest to occupy this position. FBI agents are trained investigators, able to not only solve complex and difficult criminal cases, but to be able to testify in a court of law about the findings of their investigations. Agents such as Aldrich are thoroughly trained observers of all that is occurring before their eyes, as well as to pick up tiny fragments of evidence in a crime scene. Therefore, when an FBI agent observes something, he does so in a way that will stand up in a court of law. Aldrich notes this fact most succinctly. "Most people with any knowledge of criminal investigations agree that FBI agents are the best investigators in the world." [p. 213]

Agent Aldrich observed much in the course of the nearly 3 years he spent at the Clinton White House [1993-1995] that led him to a sobering conclusion: "... the Clinton Administration was a corrupt disaster, beyond redemption or repair". [p. 154] What Agent Aldrich was referring to as "corrupt" were the deliberate attempts to block standard FBI background checks on White House staffers, to the blatant drug use by staffers, to the deliberate policy of allowing people without high security clearances to read Top Secret [and above] material, and to the deliberate lapses of National Security policy at the highest level, actions that Aldrich feared could lead to an attack on the United States by either Russia or China.

However, Aldrich unwittingly gave us information, based upon his personal observances of behavior by Bill and Hillary Clinton that absolutely identifies them as the powerful, practicing Illuminist witches we have always said they were. Of course, since Aldrich was not trained in Black Magick Occult, he did not realize that these observations were so damning. Aldrich did not realize he had just opened the door to confirming Doc Marquis'[Former Illuminist Witch] assertion that Bill and Hillary were powerful practicing witches, and that Hillary was the most powerful. Since Agent Aldrich has provided so much material from his book, we shall have to devote several articles to this subject. We have discussed the occult nature of Aldrich's observations with Doc Marquis, former Illuminist witch, now a Born Again Christian, in preparing for this article.


In Christmas, 1993, and again in 1994, the First Lady directed the decoration of the Christmas Tree in the Blue Room, in accordance with a long-standing White House tradition. Aldrich noted that this Tradition had become so pronounced that the tree which the First Lady set up became a reflection of who she was. We want to allow Aldrich the opportunity to speak for himself. "If the ornament is especially well-made, there is a good chance it will be selected for the tree in the Blue Room, the first lady's tree. The first lady's tree is the 'Mother of All Trees', and the one that's supposed to capture the 'message' of the first lady herself." [p. 100] In other words, this tree was supposed to capture the essence of the soul of the First Lady, and for the things important to her.

Therefore, Aldrich was terribly shocked when he participated in the unpacking of the ornaments which were to go on the First Lady's Christmas tree. Aldrich described these ornaments as "pornographic"; however, we immediately recognized them as being standard occultic symbols, and Black Magick symbols at that! The fact that Hillary put such a tree up two years in a row (1993-1994) is proof positive that she is a deep occultist! Only a Black Magick occultist would conceive of such "decorations" to adorn her Christmas Tree. We list these occultic ornaments, below, in black; we show Marquis' explanation in red; if we add explanation to his, our explanation will be in blue . We will be quoting from Aldrich's book, "Unlimited Access", p. 102-6.
This story came as no surprise to me as any Christian with spiritual discernment should be able to look at Hillary Clinton's eyes and see that she is demon possessed. HEAVILY demon possessed.

Yeah thats a great book Aldrichs book Unlimited Access. That was when i took the rumors seriously about the Clinton corruption going on in the white house after i read Aldrich's book because that book wasnt written by just some writer.this was a very credible people,someone who worked the security detail for 7 previous administrations starting with Johnson.If you make something up like that,thats a serious charge that he could have gone to jail for for slander but its all true and documented.

excellent post glad you you knew about that book jeri.thats another book I would recommend people read.:thup:

Yes, it is amazing how many people still fear the truth that he exposed in his books. (he wrote another one in novel form to expose what is going on) you can always tell who the criminals are because they loudly oppose these men of integrity. FBI Agent Aldrich is most definitely a man of integrity and one who can be trusted to tell us the truth. His accusers don't want their filthy dirty secrets coming out so they hire mindless trolls to run interference for them and accuse everyone who exposes them of being "crazy" , "insane", yadayada - same old nonsense / false accusations spouted by the same ole folks...... nothing new under the sun, 9/11.
I found this recently. Interesting story about a former FBI agent who had access to the White House during the Clinton years and wrote a book about it. Little did he know that what he was revealing about Hillary Clinton was actually exposing her involvement in witchcraft / occult. The FBI Agent's name? Aldrich. I'll have to find the book - the FBI withheld it from publication for a time but it is available on Amazon now I believe.


Gary Aldrich, former FBI Agent assigned to the Bush White House as the FBI Liaison, was retained in that position by the Clinton White House. This practice of having an FBI Agent keeping an office within the White House complex, was a tradition dating back six presidents, to Lyndon Johnson. The purpose of this FBI White House office was to maintain a "comprehensive and effective security system ... to protect national security, the president, the taxpayer, and the White House itself". ["Unlimited Access", by Gary Aldrich, p. 5-6] The FBI traditionally assigned one of its very best and finest to occupy this position. FBI agents are trained investigators, able to not only solve complex and difficult criminal cases, but to be able to testify in a court of law about the findings of their investigations. Agents such as Aldrich are thoroughly trained observers of all that is occurring before their eyes, as well as to pick up tiny fragments of evidence in a crime scene. Therefore, when an FBI agent observes something, he does so in a way that will stand up in a court of law. Aldrich notes this fact most succinctly. "Most people with any knowledge of criminal investigations agree that FBI agents are the best investigators in the world." [p. 213]

Agent Aldrich observed much in the course of the nearly 3 years he spent at the Clinton White House [1993-1995] that led him to a sobering conclusion: "... the Clinton Administration was a corrupt disaster, beyond redemption or repair". [p. 154] What Agent Aldrich was referring to as "corrupt" were the deliberate attempts to block standard FBI background checks on White House staffers, to the blatant drug use by staffers, to the deliberate policy of allowing people without high security clearances to read Top Secret [and above] material, and to the deliberate lapses of National Security policy at the highest level, actions that Aldrich feared could lead to an attack on the United States by either Russia or China.

However, Aldrich unwittingly gave us information, based upon his personal observances of behavior by Bill and Hillary Clinton that absolutely identifies them as the powerful, practicing Illuminist witches we have always said they were. Of course, since Aldrich was not trained in Black Magick Occult, he did not realize that these observations were so damning. Aldrich did not realize he had just opened the door to confirming Doc Marquis'[Former Illuminist Witch] assertion that Bill and Hillary were powerful practicing witches, and that Hillary was the most powerful. Since Agent Aldrich has provided so much material from his book, we shall have to devote several articles to this subject. We have discussed the occult nature of Aldrich's observations with Doc Marquis, former Illuminist witch, now a Born Again Christian, in preparing for this article.


In Christmas, 1993, and again in 1994, the First Lady directed the decoration of the Christmas Tree in the Blue Room, in accordance with a long-standing White House tradition. Aldrich noted that this Tradition had become so pronounced that the tree which the First Lady set up became a reflection of who she was. We want to allow Aldrich the opportunity to speak for himself. "If the ornament is especially well-made, there is a good chance it will be selected for the tree in the Blue Room, the first lady's tree. The first lady's tree is the 'Mother of All Trees', and the one that's supposed to capture the 'message' of the first lady herself." [p. 100] In other words, this tree was supposed to capture the essence of the soul of the First Lady, and for the things important to her.

Therefore, Aldrich was terribly shocked when he participated in the unpacking of the ornaments which were to go on the First Lady's Christmas tree. Aldrich described these ornaments as "pornographic"; however, we immediately recognized them as being standard occultic symbols, and Black Magick symbols at that! The fact that Hillary put such a tree up two years in a row (1993-1994) is proof positive that she is a deep occultist! Only a Black Magick occultist would conceive of such "decorations" to adorn her Christmas Tree. We list these occultic ornaments, below, in black; we show Marquis' explanation in red; if we add explanation to his, our explanation will be in blue . We will be quoting from Aldrich's book, "Unlimited Access", p. 102-6.
This story came as no surprise to me as any Christian with spiritual discernment should be able to look at Hillary Clinton's eyes and see that she is demon possessed. HEAVILY demon possessed.

Yeah thats a great book Aldrichs book Unlimited Access. That was when i took the rumors seriously about the Clinton corruption going on in the white house after i read Aldrich's book because that book wasnt written by just some writer.this was a very credible people,someone who worked the security detail for 7 previous administrations starting with Johnson.If you make something up like that,thats a serious charge that he could have gone to jail for for slander but its all true and documented.

excellent post glad you you knew about that book jeri.thats another book I would recommend people read.:thup:
You don't go to jail for slander, dipshit. It is a civil proceeding. His claims have been debunked and ridiculed and only idiots believe him.

you are another paid troll on the governments payroll making up bullshit that its been debunked when it has not liar.

your the idiot thinking i would fall for your lies and childish name calling.

your handlers are worried these facts are being told so they sent you here to troll.

ROFLMNAO! You think that idiot is being paid?



when they make up LIES like that idiot did,then yeah,its obvious they are getting paid to troll here.they got paid shills on the governments payroll on message boards like him trolling everywhere everyday working for them.

the idiots that are just in denial,they dont come back for constant ass beating for their lies all the time.

two paid shills on the government payroll i can name right now are soupnazi and daws.those agents make troll the JFK thread everyday defending the lies of the warren commission blatantly ignoring facts.they would never troll everyday and always come back for their constant ass beatings they get everyday for way.not without getting paid for their ass beatings.:biggrin:

If they are paying PaddyMurphy they have been robbed.
Yeah thats a great book Aldrichs book Unlimited Access. That was when i took the rumors seriously about the Clinton corruption going on in the white house after i read Aldrich's book because that book wasnt written by just some writer.this was a very credible people,someone who worked the security detail for 7 previous administrations starting with Johnson.If you make something up like that,thats a serious charge that he could have gone to jail for for slander but its all true and documented.

excellent post glad you you knew about that book jeri.thats another book I would recommend people read.:thup:
You don't go to jail for slander, dipshit. It is a civil proceeding. His claims have been debunked and ridiculed and only idiots believe him.

you are another paid troll on the governments payroll making up bullshit that its been debunked when it has not liar.

your the idiot thinking i would fall for your lies and childish name calling.

your handlers are worried these facts are being told so they sent you here to troll.

ROFLMNAO! You think that idiot is being paid?



when they make up LIES like that idiot did,then yeah,its obvious they are getting paid to troll here.they got paid shills on the governments payroll on message boards like him trolling everywhere everyday working for them.

the idiots that are just in denial,they dont come back for constant ass beating for their lies all the time.

two paid shills on the government payroll i can name right now are soupnazi and daws.those agents make troll the JFK thread everyday defending the lies of the warren commission blatantly ignoring facts.they would never troll everyday and always come back for their constant ass beatings they get everyday for way.not without getting paid for their ass beatings.:biggrin:
do they even know they are getting their ass beat?
face it, stupid people are the last ones to know they are stupid.

well there are infiltraters on the governments payroll that troll message boards everyday.they know as well as we do the clintons and bushs are evil murdering familys but they get paid by the government to evade facts and go into name calling when they are confronted with irrefutable facts.they know perfectly well how the bushs and clintons are mass murderers who murder people off who know too much.

now there is one poster that is a brainwashed troll who posts in the welcome section all the time named mertex who i know is not a paid shill.she is just a brainwashed programmed zombie in denial.

you'll see her post there in the welcome section with her disgusting avatar in favor of hillary being the new president,she is one of the brainwashed sheep who has been programmed by our corrupt schools into thinking there is a difference in the two parties.

she thinks obama and the dems-the demopublicans can do no wrong.:rolleyes-41:

My guess on why she wont face facts about obama and the clintons is she has been programmed by what her parents taught her and their parents taught them,vote democrat and you cant go wrong.

I got an aunt like that who thinks the republicans can do no wrong.I'll talk to her about what a murderer clinton is and she is on board on that.anything i say about Bush being a murderer though,she tunes me out and gets upset refusing to look at the facts.
I found this recently. Interesting story about a former FBI agent who had access to the White House during the Clinton years and wrote a book about it. Little did he know that what he was revealing about Hillary Clinton was actually exposing her involvement in witchcraft / occult. The FBI Agent's name? Aldrich. I'll have to find the book - the FBI withheld it from publication for a time but it is available on Amazon now I believe.


Gary Aldrich, former FBI Agent assigned to the Bush White House as the FBI Liaison, was retained in that position by the Clinton White House. This practice of having an FBI Agent keeping an office within the White House complex, was a tradition dating back six presidents, to Lyndon Johnson. The purpose of this FBI White House office was to maintain a "comprehensive and effective security system ... to protect national security, the president, the taxpayer, and the White House itself". ["Unlimited Access", by Gary Aldrich, p. 5-6] The FBI traditionally assigned one of its very best and finest to occupy this position. FBI agents are trained investigators, able to not only solve complex and difficult criminal cases, but to be able to testify in a court of law about the findings of their investigations. Agents such as Aldrich are thoroughly trained observers of all that is occurring before their eyes, as well as to pick up tiny fragments of evidence in a crime scene. Therefore, when an FBI agent observes something, he does so in a way that will stand up in a court of law. Aldrich notes this fact most succinctly. "Most people with any knowledge of criminal investigations agree that FBI agents are the best investigators in the world." [p. 213]

Agent Aldrich observed much in the course of the nearly 3 years he spent at the Clinton White House [1993-1995] that led him to a sobering conclusion: "... the Clinton Administration was a corrupt disaster, beyond redemption or repair". [p. 154] What Agent Aldrich was referring to as "corrupt" were the deliberate attempts to block standard FBI background checks on White House staffers, to the blatant drug use by staffers, to the deliberate policy of allowing people without high security clearances to read Top Secret [and above] material, and to the deliberate lapses of National Security policy at the highest level, actions that Aldrich feared could lead to an attack on the United States by either Russia or China.

However, Aldrich unwittingly gave us information, based upon his personal observances of behavior by Bill and Hillary Clinton that absolutely identifies them as the powerful, practicing Illuminist witches we have always said they were. Of course, since Aldrich was not trained in Black Magick Occult, he did not realize that these observations were so damning. Aldrich did not realize he had just opened the door to confirming Doc Marquis'[Former Illuminist Witch] assertion that Bill and Hillary were powerful practicing witches, and that Hillary was the most powerful. Since Agent Aldrich has provided so much material from his book, we shall have to devote several articles to this subject. We have discussed the occult nature of Aldrich's observations with Doc Marquis, former Illuminist witch, now a Born Again Christian, in preparing for this article.


In Christmas, 1993, and again in 1994, the First Lady directed the decoration of the Christmas Tree in the Blue Room, in accordance with a long-standing White House tradition. Aldrich noted that this Tradition had become so pronounced that the tree which the First Lady set up became a reflection of who she was. We want to allow Aldrich the opportunity to speak for himself. "If the ornament is especially well-made, there is a good chance it will be selected for the tree in the Blue Room, the first lady's tree. The first lady's tree is the 'Mother of All Trees', and the one that's supposed to capture the 'message' of the first lady herself." [p. 100] In other words, this tree was supposed to capture the essence of the soul of the First Lady, and for the things important to her.

Therefore, Aldrich was terribly shocked when he participated in the unpacking of the ornaments which were to go on the First Lady's Christmas tree. Aldrich described these ornaments as "pornographic"; however, we immediately recognized them as being standard occultic symbols, and Black Magick symbols at that! The fact that Hillary put such a tree up two years in a row (1993-1994) is proof positive that she is a deep occultist! Only a Black Magick occultist would conceive of such "decorations" to adorn her Christmas Tree. We list these occultic ornaments, below, in black; we show Marquis' explanation in red; if we add explanation to his, our explanation will be in blue . We will be quoting from Aldrich's book, "Unlimited Access", p. 102-6.
This story came as no surprise to me as any Christian with spiritual discernment should be able to look at Hillary Clinton's eyes and see that she is demon possessed. HEAVILY demon possessed.

Yeah thats a great book Aldrichs book Unlimited Access. That was when i took the rumors seriously about the Clinton corruption going on in the white house after i read Aldrich's book because that book wasnt written by just some writer.this was a very credible people,someone who worked the security detail for 7 previous administrations starting with Johnson.If you make something up like that,thats a serious charge that he could have gone to jail for for slander but its all true and documented.

excellent post glad you you knew about that book jeri.thats another book I would recommend people read.:thup:

Yes, it is amazing how many people still fear the truth that he exposed in his books. (he wrote another one in novel form to expose what is going on) you can always tell who the criminals are because they loudly oppose these men of integrity. FBI Agent Aldrich is most definitely a man of integrity and one who can be trusted to tell us the truth. His accusers don't want their filthy dirty secrets coming out so they hire mindless trolls to run interference for them and accuse everyone who exposes them of being "crazy" , "insane", yadayada - same old nonsense / false accusations spouted by the same ole folks...... nothing new under the sun, 9/11.

yeah i deal with those kind of paid trolls on the 9/11 threads here all the time.

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