Clinton White House Chef drowns while Hiking?

Paddy, you never answered my question - you are telling me that you have no involvment with the occult / pagan worship / church of satan - no involvment with the occult at all?
None. How many times have you spent time in a mental hospital?
You know your silence is your answer, Paddy. I knew you were into the occult by your reactions on this thread. You need deliverance. I want you to visit the religion forum tomorrow and read some information / some video presentations also - on the occult - on the Jack Chick thread. I also want to give you some information on demons / backmasking / demonic oppression from listening to rock music - the music by the Stones - Sympathy for the devil - is highly satanic and full of demons - if you have a copy of that record you need to burn it / destroy it. I'll be praying for you. Good night and thank you for your participation on the thread.
Shove your wants up your crazy ass.
You know your silence is your answer, Paddy. I knew you were into the occult by your reactions on this thread. You need deliverance. I want you to visit the religion forum tomorrow and read some information / some video presentations also - on the occult - on the Jack Chick thread. I also want to give you some information on demons / backmasking / demonic oppression from listening to rock music - the music by the Stones - Sympathy for the devil - is highly satanic and full of demons - if you have a copy of that record you need to burn it / destroy it. I'll be praying for you. Good night and thank you for your participation on the thread.
Shove your wants up your crazy ass.
Stick your "prayers" there too.
Good idea to keep your activity private. Don't want that evidence of your mental illness out there.
Paddy, you never answered my question - you are telling me that you have no involvment with the occult / pagan worship / church of satan - no involvment with the occult at all?
None. How many times have you spent time in a mental hospital?
I have no history of mental illness - never been to a hospital for mental health issues. I won't ask you what your history is, Paddy, but I can tell that you are oppressed and you need deliverance. Even by listening to rock music such as Sympathy for the devil you have opened yourself up to demonic oppression / possession. Aside from what else you've involved yourself in.
Paddy, you never answered my question - you are telling me that you have no involvment with the occult / pagan worship / church of satan - no involvment with the occult at all?
None. How many times have you spent time in a mental hospital?
I have no history of mental illness - never been to a hospital for mental health issues. I won't ask you what your history is, Paddy, but I can tell that you are oppressed and you need deliverance. Even by listening to rock music such as Sympathy for the devil you have opened yourself up to demonic oppression / possession. Aside from what else you've involved yourself in.
You need help. Seriously. You are suffering from some profound delusions. There are medicines that can help you get at least some of your sanity back. The stones are entertainers; not satanists. And you really should not be out there walking around.
It's starting again. Mysterious deaths of those surrounding the Clinton's. I wonder what he knew.?

To be clear I am not saying that he was murdered by the Clinton's - but neither am I dismissing the possibility because their reputation has been in question for some time over these type happenings connected to those who worked for them, knew them and had some knowledge that could have been harmful to them, people who were going to testify against them and so forth. There was a mention in a news report that the Clinton's chef had given an interview stating that Hillary wanted all organic food served - everything had to be grown locally and approved as to where it was coming from - who grew it - etc. That is the only thing I've heard about him - discussing the Clintons - during his time as their chef.

He was hiking a 12,000 ft mountain, if someone wanted to kill him and fake an accident, its more likely he would have been found to have fallen over a cliff to his death, not drowned. Thats to random. He could have fallen and the force of the water even a couple feet deep could have disoriented him, pummeled him with small boulders. fast moving flood water is extremely powerful and just a couple feet can move cars.

Sounds like a lot of coulda wouldas....

Well he is dead, Im not a Hillary fan. but I dont think she did this

Probably not but it is fun to speculate...

Well, definatley yes. with the list of mysterious deaths they could make some movie.
Paddy, you never answered my question - you are telling me that you have no involvment with the occult / pagan worship / church of satan - no involvment with the occult at all?
None. How many times have you spent time in a mental hospital?
I have no history of mental illness - never been to a hospital for mental health issues. I won't ask you what your history is, Paddy, but I can tell that you are oppressed and you need deliverance. Even by listening to rock music such as Sympathy for the devil you have opened yourself up to demonic oppression / possession. Aside from what else you've involved yourself in.
You need help. Seriously. You are suffering from some profound delusions. There are medicines that can help you get at least some of your sanity back. The stones are entertainers; not satanists. And you really should not be out there walking around.

I strongly doubt that you are rational enough to know who should be walking around and who should not be. The Stones sold their souls to the devil in exchange for fame, fortune and power and are no different from the many, many others who have done it and have openly admitted to doing it - even Bob Dylan admitted it - it is the new thing - to admit you have sold your soul to the devil during concerts and interviews - ask Katy Perry, Kanye West. They did it too.
It's starting again. Mysterious deaths of those surrounding the Clinton's. I wonder what he knew.?

To be clear I am not saying that he was murdered by the Clinton's - but neither am I dismissing the possibility because their reputation has been in question for some time over these type happenings connected to those who worked for them, knew them and had some knowledge that could have been harmful to them, people who were going to testify against them and so forth. There was a mention in a news report that the Clinton's chef had given an interview stating that Hillary wanted all organic food served - everything had to be grown locally and approved as to where it was coming from - who grew it - etc. That is the only thing I've heard about him - discussing the Clintons - during his time as their chef.

He was hiking a 12,000 ft mountain, if someone wanted to kill him and fake an accident, its more likely he would have been found to have fallen over a cliff to his death, not drowned. Thats to random. He could have fallen and the force of the water even a couple feet deep could have disoriented him, pummeled him with small boulders. fast moving flood water is extremely powerful and just a couple feet can move cars.

Sounds like a lot of coulda wouldas....

Well he is dead, Im not a Hillary fan. but I dont think she did this

Those who are involved in the occult - illuminati witchcraft / satanism do things differently. If the young man was not a Christian abiding in Christ and strong in his prayer life - he could come under such an attack - strange accidents / deaths / heart attacks / many things can be arranged through witchcraft. It's a different realm and these people serve Satan so while Satan will one day kill them and take them to hell to be tormented eternally - for now - he does give such people demonic powers to cause such things to happen (first Satan has to petition God but if the person is in sin and not covered by the LORD - it could mean their death).

Actually, this is true, I have friends in Africa, and while not First hand, ... i have seen second hand from close source black magic used and the attempt to defend against it. They bury someones photograph along with personal items of that person in a grave for example, then do their ceremony. Its actually a bit heartbreaking some of the things Ive seen done
Paddy, you never answered my question - you are telling me that you have no involvment with the occult / pagan worship / church of satan - no involvment with the occult at all?
None. How many times have you spent time in a mental hospital?
I have no history of mental illness - never been to a hospital for mental health issues. I won't ask you what your history is, Paddy, but I can tell that you are oppressed and you need deliverance. Even by listening to rock music such as Sympathy for the devil you have opened yourself up to demonic oppression / possession. Aside from what else you've involved yourself in.
You need help. Seriously. You are suffering from some profound delusions. There are medicines that can help you get at least some of your sanity back. The stones are entertainers; not satanists. And you really should not be out there walking around.

I strongly doubt that you are rational enough to know who should be walking around and who should not be. The Stones sold their souls to the devil in exchange for fame, fortune and power and are no different from the many, many others who have done it and have openly admitted to doing it - even Bob Dylan admitted it - it is the new thing - to admit you have sold your soul to the devil during concerts and interviews - ask Katy Perry, Kanye West. They did it too.
By continuing to allow you to post here, this site is violating the following Pennsylvania law:

§ 5904. Public exhibition of insane or deformed person.
A person is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree if
he exhibits in any place, for a pecuniary consideration or
reward, any insane, idiotic or deformed person, or imbecile.

Cross References. Section 5904 is referred to in section
3304 of Title 5 (Athletics and Sports).
To be clear I am not saying that he was murdered by the Clinton's - but neither am I dismissing the possibility because their reputation has been in question for some time over these type happenings connected to those who worked for them, knew them and had some knowledge that could have been harmful to them, people who were going to testify against them and so forth. There was a mention in a news report that the Clinton's chef had given an interview stating that Hillary wanted all organic food served - everything had to be grown locally and approved as to where it was coming from - who grew it - etc. That is the only thing I've heard about him - discussing the Clintons - during his time as their chef.

He was hiking a 12,000 ft mountain, if someone wanted to kill him and fake an accident, its more likely he would have been found to have fallen over a cliff to his death, not drowned. Thats to random. He could have fallen and the force of the water even a couple feet deep could have disoriented him, pummeled him with small boulders. fast moving flood water is extremely powerful and just a couple feet can move cars.

Sounds like a lot of coulda wouldas....

Well he is dead, Im not a Hillary fan. but I dont think she did this

Probably not but it is fun to speculate...

Well, definatley yes. with the list of mysterious deaths they could make some movie.

You can be 100% sure that God has every single bit of footage of every action they have ever taken both good and bad - every evil thing they have done - every sin committed and it will be played before the entire world in that day of the great white throne judgment of God, it will not be hidden from anyone in that day and the Clintons will answer to God Almighty for all they have done. I would not want to be them on that day. I would not want to be them right now! What misery they must be in to know what awaits them at the end of their lives! They have no idea when the judgment of God will finally fall upon them. It could be tomorrow. It could be a year from now. I'm sure they must wonder when that judgment is going to fall.
To be clear I am not saying that he was murdered by the Clinton's - but neither am I dismissing the possibility because their reputation has been in question for some time over these type happenings connected to those who worked for them, knew them and had some knowledge that could have been harmful to them, people who were going to testify against them and so forth. There was a mention in a news report that the Clinton's chef had given an interview stating that Hillary wanted all organic food served - everything had to be grown locally and approved as to where it was coming from - who grew it - etc. That is the only thing I've heard about him - discussing the Clintons - during his time as their chef.

He was hiking a 12,000 ft mountain, if someone wanted to kill him and fake an accident, its more likely he would have been found to have fallen over a cliff to his death, not drowned. Thats to random. He could have fallen and the force of the water even a couple feet deep could have disoriented him, pummeled him with small boulders. fast moving flood water is extremely powerful and just a couple feet can move cars.

Sounds like a lot of coulda wouldas....

Well he is dead, Im not a Hillary fan. but I dont think she did this

Those who are involved in the occult - illuminati witchcraft / satanism do things differently. If the young man was not a Christian abiding in Christ and strong in his prayer life - he could come under such an attack - strange accidents / deaths / heart attacks / many things can be arranged through witchcraft. It's a different realm and these people serve Satan so while Satan will one day kill them and take them to hell to be tormented eternally - for now - he does give such people demonic powers to cause such things to happen (first Satan has to petition God but if the person is in sin and not covered by the LORD - it could mean their death).

Actually, this is true, I have friends in Africa, and while not First hand, ... i have seen second hand from close source black magic used and the attempt to defend against it. They bury someones photograph along with personal items of that person in a grave for example, then do their ceremony. Its actually a bit heartbreaking some of the things Ive seen done
You were watching the Exorcist prequel, not talking to friends..
He was hiking a 12,000 ft mountain, if someone wanted to kill him and fake an accident, its more likely he would have been found to have fallen over a cliff to his death, not drowned. Thats to random. He could have fallen and the force of the water even a couple feet deep could have disoriented him, pummeled him with small boulders. fast moving flood water is extremely powerful and just a couple feet can move cars.

Sounds like a lot of coulda wouldas....

Well he is dead, Im not a Hillary fan. but I dont think she did this

Probably not but it is fun to speculate...

Well, definatley yes. with the list of mysterious deaths they could make some movie.

You can be 100% sure that God has every single bit of footage of every action they have ever taken both good and bad - every evil thing they have done - every sin committed and it will be played before the entire world in that day of the great white throne judgment of God, it will not be hidden from anyone in that day and the Clintons will answer to God Almighty for all they have done. I would not want to be them on that day. I would not want to be them right now! What misery they must be in to know what awaits them at the end of their lives! They have no idea when the judgment of God will finally fall upon them. It could be tomorrow. It could be a year from now. I'm sure they must wonder when that judgment is going to fall.
Will there be popcorn at this celestial film fest?
To be clear I am not saying that he was murdered by the Clinton's - but neither am I dismissing the possibility because their reputation has been in question for some time over these type happenings connected to those who worked for them, knew them and had some knowledge that could have been harmful to them, people who were going to testify against them and so forth. There was a mention in a news report that the Clinton's chef had given an interview stating that Hillary wanted all organic food served - everything had to be grown locally and approved as to where it was coming from - who grew it - etc. That is the only thing I've heard about him - discussing the Clintons - during his time as their chef.

He was hiking a 12,000 ft mountain, if someone wanted to kill him and fake an accident, its more likely he would have been found to have fallen over a cliff to his death, not drowned. Thats to random. He could have fallen and the force of the water even a couple feet deep could have disoriented him, pummeled him with small boulders. fast moving flood water is extremely powerful and just a couple feet can move cars.

Sounds like a lot of coulda wouldas....

Well he is dead, Im not a Hillary fan. but I dont think she did this

Those who are involved in the occult - illuminati witchcraft / satanism do things differently. If the young man was not a Christian abiding in Christ and strong in his prayer life - he could come under such an attack - strange accidents / deaths / heart attacks / many things can be arranged through witchcraft. It's a different realm and these people serve Satan so while Satan will one day kill them and take them to hell to be tormented eternally - for now - he does give such people demonic powers to cause such things to happen (first Satan has to petition God but if the person is in sin and not covered by the LORD - it could mean their death).

Actually, this is true, I have friends in Africa, and while not First hand, ... i have seen second hand from close source black magic used and the attempt to defend against it. They bury someones photograph along with personal items of that person in a grave for example, then do their ceremony. Its actually a bit heartbreaking some of the things Ive seen done

Yes, it is quite common and more out in the open in Africa. In America it is more hidden. American people are quite naive - this would include the church - there are so many who are unaware of the reality of witchcraft and the occult.

The Witches and Wizards over in Africa know of the politicians here in America who are involved in human sacrifice and witchcraft. There is a book by a former Witch doctor who is now a born again Christian - the Book is called The man under the sea by Pat Holliday - If I recall the title correctly - I have the book and loaned it to someone else to read and they were amazed by what they learned- he was very high up in the kingdom of Satan and revealed a great deal about marine spirits and how the kingdom of Satan operates. Knowledge is power. It is good to know the enemy - the strategies of the enemy - especially if you are going to be involved in spiritual warfare. To effectively pray against the strategies of the enemy you need to know what you are praying against.
He was hiking a 12,000 ft mountain, if someone wanted to kill him and fake an accident, its more likely he would have been found to have fallen over a cliff to his death, not drowned. Thats to random. He could have fallen and the force of the water even a couple feet deep could have disoriented him, pummeled him with small boulders. fast moving flood water is extremely powerful and just a couple feet can move cars.

Sounds like a lot of coulda wouldas....

Well he is dead, Im not a Hillary fan. but I dont think she did this

Those who are involved in the occult - illuminati witchcraft / satanism do things differently. If the young man was not a Christian abiding in Christ and strong in his prayer life - he could come under such an attack - strange accidents / deaths / heart attacks / many things can be arranged through witchcraft. It's a different realm and these people serve Satan so while Satan will one day kill them and take them to hell to be tormented eternally - for now - he does give such people demonic powers to cause such things to happen (first Satan has to petition God but if the person is in sin and not covered by the LORD - it could mean their death).

Actually, this is true, I have friends in Africa, and while not First hand, ... i have seen second hand from close source black magic used and the attempt to defend against it. They bury someones photograph along with personal items of that person in a grave for example, then do their ceremony. Its actually a bit heartbreaking some of the things Ive seen done
You were watching the Exorcist prequel, not talking to friends..

You need to respect this thread and knock off the personal attacks and nonsense replies to others, Paddy. That is enough now.
Sounds like a lot of coulda wouldas....

Well he is dead, Im not a Hillary fan. but I dont think she did this

Probably not but it is fun to speculate...

Well, definatley yes. with the list of mysterious deaths they could make some movie.

You can be 100% sure that God has every single bit of footage of every action they have ever taken both good and bad - every evil thing they have done - every sin committed and it will be played before the entire world in that day of the great white throne judgment of God, it will not be hidden from anyone in that day and the Clintons will answer to God Almighty for all they have done. I would not want to be them on that day. I would not want to be them right now! What misery they must be in to know what awaits them at the end of their lives! They have no idea when the judgment of God will finally fall upon them. It could be tomorrow. It could be a year from now. I'm sure they must wonder when that judgment is going to fall.
Will there be popcorn at this celestial film fest?

No. There will be the judgment of God and no appeals court or judges to buy off. You will either be going to heaven or hell according to who you decided to serve on this earth. If you are willing to repent of your sins and turn from your life of sin to live for Jesus Christ you can receive Him as your Lord and Savior and be born again. See Romans 10:9,10. If you reject Christ's offer of redemption you remain condemned in your sins ( See John Chapter 3 ) and you will be going to hell for all eternity once you die and leave this world behind.

So if you died in your sleep tonight, where would you be, Paddy? In heaven or hell? You will spend eternity in one of two places - where are you going to spend eternity?
Sounds like a lot of coulda wouldas....

Well he is dead, Im not a Hillary fan. but I dont think she did this

Those who are involved in the occult - illuminati witchcraft / satanism do things differently. If the young man was not a Christian abiding in Christ and strong in his prayer life - he could come under such an attack - strange accidents / deaths / heart attacks / many things can be arranged through witchcraft. It's a different realm and these people serve Satan so while Satan will one day kill them and take them to hell to be tormented eternally - for now - he does give such people demonic powers to cause such things to happen (first Satan has to petition God but if the person is in sin and not covered by the LORD - it could mean their death).

Actually, this is true, I have friends in Africa, and while not First hand, ... i have seen second hand from close source black magic used and the attempt to defend against it. They bury someones photograph along with personal items of that person in a grave for example, then do their ceremony. Its actually a bit heartbreaking some of the things Ive seen done
You were watching the Exorcist prequel, not talking to friends..

You need to respect this thread and knock off the personal attacks and nonsense replies to others, Paddy. That is enough now.
Nonsense. What the fuck are you and your idiot buddy yard dog posting here but nonsense? Killing someone by burying their picture in a grave? All rock musicians being servants of the devil? Morons and crazy.
Well he is dead, Im not a Hillary fan. but I dont think she did this

Probably not but it is fun to speculate...

Well, definatley yes. with the list of mysterious deaths they could make some movie.

You can be 100% sure that God has every single bit of footage of every action they have ever taken both good and bad - every evil thing they have done - every sin committed and it will be played before the entire world in that day of the great white throne judgment of God, it will not be hidden from anyone in that day and the Clintons will answer to God Almighty for all they have done. I would not want to be them on that day. I would not want to be them right now! What misery they must be in to know what awaits them at the end of their lives! They have no idea when the judgment of God will finally fall upon them. It could be tomorrow. It could be a year from now. I'm sure they must wonder when that judgment is going to fall.
Will there be popcorn at this celestial film fest?

No. There will be the judgment of God and no appeals court or judges to buy off. You will either be going to heaven or hell according to who you decided to serve on this earth. If you are willing to repent of your sins and turn from your life of sin to live for Jesus Christ you can receive Him as your Lord and Savior and be born again. See Romans 10:9,10. If you reject Christ's offer of redemption you remain condemned in your sins ( See John Chapter 3 ) and you will be going to hell for all eternity once you die and leave this world behind.

So if you died in your sleep tonight, where would you be, Paddy? In heaven or hell? You will spend eternity in one of two places - where are you going to spend eternity?
Wherever assholes like you are in short supply, I hope.
Any rock musician today who is going to have fame is going to have to sell his soul to the devil. This is what the young people in the music industry are telling people - they are being told if they do not sell their soul to the devil there is no deal. Look it up on YOU TUBE. There are many, many testimonies about it. The rappers who had Christian mothers and refused have come out telling what Hollywood is doing. This is not a secret, Paddy. The truth is out there about it.
Probably not but it is fun to speculate...

Well, definatley yes. with the list of mysterious deaths they could make some movie.

You can be 100% sure that God has every single bit of footage of every action they have ever taken both good and bad - every evil thing they have done - every sin committed and it will be played before the entire world in that day of the great white throne judgment of God, it will not be hidden from anyone in that day and the Clintons will answer to God Almighty for all they have done. I would not want to be them on that day. I would not want to be them right now! What misery they must be in to know what awaits them at the end of their lives! They have no idea when the judgment of God will finally fall upon them. It could be tomorrow. It could be a year from now. I'm sure they must wonder when that judgment is going to fall.
Will there be popcorn at this celestial film fest?

No. There will be the judgment of God and no appeals court or judges to buy off. You will either be going to heaven or hell according to who you decided to serve on this earth. If you are willing to repent of your sins and turn from your life of sin to live for Jesus Christ you can receive Him as your Lord and Savior and be born again. See Romans 10:9,10. If you reject Christ's offer of redemption you remain condemned in your sins ( See John Chapter 3 ) and you will be going to hell for all eternity once you die and leave this world behind.

So if you died in your sleep tonight, where would you be, Paddy? In heaven or hell? You will spend eternity in one of two places - where are you going to spend eternity?
Wherever assholes like you are in short supply, I hope.

Have you ever heard any testimonies about hell? You might want to have the facts before deciding where you want to spend eternity.

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