Clinton White House Chef drowns while Hiking?

Any rock musician today who is going to have fame is going to have to sell his soul to the devil. This is what the young people in the music industry are telling people - they are being told if they do not sell their soul to the devil there is no deal. Look it up on YOU TUBE. There are many, many testimonies about it. The rappers who had Christian mothers and refused have come out telling what Hollywood is doing. This is not a secret, Paddy. The truth is out there about it.
YouTube? You think everything on you tube is true? So, the Devil is running the music industry? That would explain Ted Nugent.
Well, definatley yes. with the list of mysterious deaths they could make some movie.

You can be 100% sure that God has every single bit of footage of every action they have ever taken both good and bad - every evil thing they have done - every sin committed and it will be played before the entire world in that day of the great white throne judgment of God, it will not be hidden from anyone in that day and the Clintons will answer to God Almighty for all they have done. I would not want to be them on that day. I would not want to be them right now! What misery they must be in to know what awaits them at the end of their lives! They have no idea when the judgment of God will finally fall upon them. It could be tomorrow. It could be a year from now. I'm sure they must wonder when that judgment is going to fall.
Will there be popcorn at this celestial film fest?

No. There will be the judgment of God and no appeals court or judges to buy off. You will either be going to heaven or hell according to who you decided to serve on this earth. If you are willing to repent of your sins and turn from your life of sin to live for Jesus Christ you can receive Him as your Lord and Savior and be born again. See Romans 10:9,10. If you reject Christ's offer of redemption you remain condemned in your sins ( See John Chapter 3 ) and you will be going to hell for all eternity once you die and leave this world behind.

So if you died in your sleep tonight, where would you be, Paddy? In heaven or hell? You will spend eternity in one of two places - where are you going to spend eternity?
Wherever assholes like you are in short supply, I hope.

Have you ever heard any testimonies about hell? You might want to have the facts before deciding where you want to spend eternity.
I said where you won't be. If there is a hell, you will be there.
You are wrong about that, Paddy. According to the Bible those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life and follow Christ shall spend eternity with Him. Not in hell. If you reject the free gift of salvation offered to you by Jesus Christ you shall spend eternity in hell. I want you to listen to this video and note the different people Bunyan saw were in hell and why they were there. This is a true testimony.

He was hiking a 12,000 ft mountain, if someone wanted to kill him and fake an accident, its more likely he would have been found to have fallen over a cliff to his death, not drowned. Thats to random. He could have fallen and the force of the water even a couple feet deep could have disoriented him, pummeled him with small boulders. fast moving flood water is extremely powerful and just a couple feet can move cars.

Sounds like a lot of coulda wouldas....

Well he is dead, Im not a Hillary fan. but I dont think she did this

Those who are involved in the occult - illuminati witchcraft / satanism do things differently. If the young man was not a Christian abiding in Christ and strong in his prayer life - he could come under such an attack - strange accidents / deaths / heart attacks / many things can be arranged through witchcraft. It's a different realm and these people serve Satan so while Satan will one day kill them and take them to hell to be tormented eternally - for now - he does give such people demonic powers to cause such things to happen (first Satan has to petition God but if the person is in sin and not covered by the LORD - it could mean their death).

Actually, this is true, I have friends in Africa, and while not First hand, ... i have seen second hand from close source black magic used and the attempt to defend against it. They bury someones photograph along with personal items of that person in a grave for example, then do their ceremony. Its actually a bit heartbreaking some of the things Ive seen done
You were watching the Exorcist prequel, not talking to friends..

Sorry you dont like my post, but you dont know what your talking about. They practice that stuff in East Africa all the time. wether you believe it works or not is one thing. But i definately know they believe it and practice it, and Im not going to elaborate any more, its really not important. probably I should not have posted that
You are wrong about that, Paddy. According to the Bible those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life and follow Christ shall spend eternity with Him. Not in hell. If you reject the free gift of salvation offered to you by Jesus Christ you shall spend eternity in hell. I want you to listen to this video and note the different people Bunyan saw were in hell and why they were there. This is a true testimony.

No, they are the rantings of a person suffering from mental illness; someone like you.
Sounds like a lot of coulda wouldas....

Well he is dead, Im not a Hillary fan. but I dont think she did this

Those who are involved in the occult - illuminati witchcraft / satanism do things differently. If the young man was not a Christian abiding in Christ and strong in his prayer life - he could come under such an attack - strange accidents / deaths / heart attacks / many things can be arranged through witchcraft. It's a different realm and these people serve Satan so while Satan will one day kill them and take them to hell to be tormented eternally - for now - he does give such people demonic powers to cause such things to happen (first Satan has to petition God but if the person is in sin and not covered by the LORD - it could mean their death).

Actually, this is true, I have friends in Africa, and while not First hand, ... i have seen second hand from close source black magic used and the attempt to defend against it. They bury someones photograph along with personal items of that person in a grave for example, then do their ceremony. Its actually a bit heartbreaking some of the things Ive seen done
You were watching the Exorcist prequel, not talking to friends..

Sorry you dont like my post, but you dont know what your talking about. They practice that stuff in East Africa all the time. wether you believe it works or not is one thing. But i definately know they believe it and practice it, and Im not going to elaborate any more, its really not important. probably I should not have posted that
No, you should not have posted that. Makes you appear as insane as Jerry.
Sounds like a lot of coulda wouldas....

She's trying to boost her self esteem ....

Well he is dead, Im not a Hillary fan. but I dont think she did this

Those who are involved in the occult - illuminati witchcraft / satanism do things differently. If the young man was not a Christian abiding in Christ and strong in his prayer life - he could come under such an attack - strange accidents / deaths / heart attacks / many things can be arranged through witchcraft. It's a different realm and these people serve Satan so while Satan will one day kill them and take them to hell to be tormented eternally - for now - he does give such people demonic powers to cause such things to happen (first Satan has to petition God but if the person is in sin and not covered by the LORD - it could mean their death).

Actually, this is true, I have friends in Africa, and while not First hand, ... i have seen second hand from close source black magic used and the attempt to defend against it. They bury someones photograph along with personal items of that person in a grave for example, then do their ceremony. Its actually a bit heartbreaking some of the things Ive seen done
You were watching the Exorcist prequel, not talking to friends..

You need to respect this thread and knock off the personal attacks and nonsense replies to others, Paddy. That is enough now.
This was to make sure he never revealed Hillary's favorite soup: lesbian clam chowder
Probably not but it is fun to speculate...

Well, definatley yes. with the list of mysterious deaths they could make some movie.

You can be 100% sure that God has every single bit of footage of every action they have ever taken both good and bad - every evil thing they have done - every sin committed and it will be played before the entire world in that day of the great white throne judgment of God, it will not be hidden from anyone in that day and the Clintons will answer to God Almighty for all they have done. I would not want to be them on that day. I would not want to be them right now! What misery they must be in to know what awaits them at the end of their lives! They have no idea when the judgment of God will finally fall upon them. It could be tomorrow. It could be a year from now. I'm sure they must wonder when that judgment is going to fall.
Will there be popcorn at this celestial film fest?

No. There will be the judgment of God and no appeals court or judges to buy off. You will either be going to heaven or hell according to who you decided to serve on this earth. If you are willing to repent of your sins and turn from your life of sin to live for Jesus Christ you can receive Him as your Lord and Savior and be born again. See Romans 10:9,10. If you reject Christ's offer of redemption you remain condemned in your sins ( See John Chapter 3 ) and you will be going to hell for all eternity once you die and leave this world behind.

So if you died in your sleep tonight, where would you be, Paddy? In heaven or hell? You will spend eternity in one of two places - where are you going to spend eternity?
Wherever assholes like you are in short supply, I hope.

You sound bitter...
Probably not but it is fun to speculate...

Well, definatley yes. with the list of mysterious deaths they could make some movie.

You can be 100% sure that God has every single bit of footage of every action they have ever taken both good and bad - every evil thing they have done - every sin committed and it will be played before the entire world in that day of the great white throne judgment of God, it will not be hidden from anyone in that day and the Clintons will answer to God Almighty for all they have done. I would not want to be them on that day. I would not want to be them right now! What misery they must be in to know what awaits them at the end of their lives! They have no idea when the judgment of God will finally fall upon them. It could be tomorrow. It could be a year from now. I'm sure they must wonder when that judgment is going to fall.
Will there be popcorn at this celestial film fest?

No. There will be the judgment of God and no appeals court or judges to buy off. You will either be going to heaven or hell according to who you decided to serve on this earth. If you are willing to repent of your sins and turn from your life of sin to live for Jesus Christ you can receive Him as your Lord and Savior and be born again. See Romans 10:9,10. If you reject Christ's offer of redemption you remain condemned in your sins ( See John Chapter 3 ) and you will be going to hell for all eternity once you die and leave this world behind.

So if you died in your sleep tonight, where would you be, Paddy? In heaven or hell? You will spend eternity in one of two places - where are you going to spend eternity?
Wherever assholes like you are in short supply, I hope.

Why so bitter?
Vince Foster was murdered in the WH....there is zero doubt about that. Where Hillary was at the time has never been established.
Hellery went to the lengths of shreadding the documents just as the investigation was starting as well.

the vince foster investigation and explanation for his death was as laughable as the fairy tale called the warren commission.
This is a strange news story. The former White House Chef of Bill and Hillary Clinton has reportedly died from drowning while he was hiking. There is no mention of a lake nearby - the news story said there was a rainstorm. How does one drown in a rainstorm?


Former White House Chef Walter Scheib Drowned 25 Yards From Trail

The body of former top White House chef Walter Scheib has been found more than a week after he disappeared in rough terrain near Taos, NM. State officials say the body of the 61-year-old, who had recently moved to the state from Florida, was found near a hiking trail, the APreports. Scheib went for a solo hike in the mountains last weekend and never returned, sparking a huge search effort involving aircraft, dogs, and National Guard teams, NBC News reports. Police say rescue teams are still gathering information on his death.

Scheib, author of White House Chef: Eleven Years, Two Presidents, One Kitchen, was hired by Hillary Clinton in 1994 to give daily meals and state dinners a distinctive American twist, and was asked to resign in 2005, during the George W. Bush administration, the Washington Postreports. In an interview with Munchies earlier this year, the chef said he would be "hard-pressed to say no" if a victorious Hillary Clinton asked him to return to the White House kitchen in 2016.
It's starting again. Mysterious deaths of those surrounding the Clinton's. I wonder what he knew.?
He was Dubya's chef for half the time... did he know where the WMD's were???!!! :eek:

How about these people who worked for the Clinton's or somehow were connected to them? They are all dead. Do find this unusual?


I knew you were there. CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY,CRAZY

If examining the history of the Clinton's and having a closer look at this story - troubles you this deeply - perhaps you shouldn't be on this thread.

there are indeed many USMB posters who are troubled so deeply that both parties are corrupt and there is no difference between the two and the clintons and bushs are pals,that they feel relegated to insults since the truth is uncomfortable for them to face.
I don't for a minute believe either of the Clintons killed anyone.

There are people who do this for money; some who do it to show their fealty to their demi-Gods.

See, at least two alternative explanations.......
obviously a sarcastic post on clintons not killing anyone.:biggrin:
Flash flooding kills several people a year..It occurs mostly in flat regions which are not use to much rainfall..The water can not drain as fast on a flat plain and can turn into a wall of water with enough rain in a short period of time....and no Jesuits were present to make it rain....

If The Clintons and slick willie did not have such a long history of corruption and the fact so many other friends of bills have wound up dying in mysterious deaths where the official governments explanation for their cause of death was as equally as big of a joke for their explanations given as the warren commissions version of the JFK assassination,i would accept that however the clintons and their history though,there is probably something more to it than that.

presidents are just like hollywood actors,they are coached behind the scenes into what to say.proof that clinton is an actor is in the death of ron brown.I laughed so hard when he was exposed for the two faced actor he is when he was at browns funeral,he comes out of the funeral yucking it up laughing and having a jolly old good time "strange enough for someone who is suppose to be a good friend of yours." then when he spots a camera near by him taping him,he THEN does an about face and pretends to start crying within a matter of SECONDS.:lmao:

have you seen this list of all these people who have died under very strange circumstances jerry? just be glad you are not a friend of bills.


oh and Bush is no different.You just did not hear so much about people connected to Bush dying because he wasnt sloppy about it like clinton was.

jeri,you should take the time to watch this 2 hour video.the guy in that video is an author of a book called CLINTON,BUSH AND THE CIA.

He talks about his book in the video and how clinton while govenor of arkansas,allowed the CIA to smuggle drugs into the mena arkansas airport in exchange for weapons to be shipped out to the contras in nicuraga.

It was an operation being run by then vice president George Bush was the former director of the CIA.The clintons and Bushs have been long time pals with each other with Barbara Bush saying Clinton is like a second son to her.

this two party system is a complete joke because in reality its ONE PARTY SYSTEM of demopublicans and reprocrats disguised as two parties so the sheep think they have a choice in who gets elected when the candidates are selected for us,we HAVE NO VOTE.

the two party system is a joke because they are suppose to have opposite viewpoints but they are like pro wrestlers,inside the ring,they pretend to hate each other,but outside the ring,they are pals with each other and hang out together.the clintons and bushs have golfed with each other many times over the years.

voting is a complete waste of time.whoever they want in,they make sure gets elected and the clintons and bushs are tied to royal blood so i would not be surprised if they fix it for another clinton to square off against another Bush.

Interesting, 9/11. I will have to write down the title of this video and watch it later this evening ( God willing ) As I understand, Bill's birth name is not Bill Clinton. That was the last name of his step father. His real name was William Jefferson Blythe III. He was educated in Roman Catholic Schools and later attended the Jesuit Georgetown University where he made clear his desire to "become a Jesuit priest". A baptist? I hardly think so but it sounded good on his resume and he would not be the first to pretend to not be a Catholic by joining a Baptist church. I saw a picture of him (some time ago) taking Communion at a Catholic service in another country and it dawned on me then he most likely has been Catholic his entire life.

yeah here is another book written by an arkansas state trooper who was Clintons own personal body guard.He backed up everything Terry Reed wrote in his book CLINTON,BUSH AND THE CIA.

Forgot to mention I had the fortune of meeting Terry Reed,the guy in that video who wrote that book.Reed was a former CIA asset.Clinton just like Bush,had strong connections to the CIA. every president we have had since Bush sr has had connections to the CIA other than Bush jr but he is the son of a former CIA director so thats just as bad.

L .D Brown who was a former arkansas state trooper as you can see in this photo here on the cover of his book,he backed up everything Reed said about Clinton having a strong connection to the Bush family and being involved in drug smuggling together.In his book,he shows pictures of the Bushs hanging out with Clinton while Clinton was governor or arkansas so that connection is obviously a strong one.

Here is a synopsis on the book.

L. D. Brown has been a witness to almost all of the alleged offenses circling around Bill Clinton in Arkansas: misuse of state funds for sexual liasons, Whitewater, illegal campaign fundraising and bribery, as well as cocaine use and cocaine smuggling. Through his cooperation with prosecutors and congressional investigators, Brown has learned the inside story on Robert Fiske's and Kenneth Starr's operations and on congressional hearings. But most of all, L. D. Brown can tell the story of the methods used by the Clinton White House to control potentially damaging witnesses. Most of what is written in this book has been told under the penalty of perjury to investigators for Congress and the Office of Independent Counsel. Documentation for many events has been included in an appendix. However incredible as some details may seem, they are backed up by evidence including recent disclosures confirming an incident involving Brown in England.
Crossfire Witness in the Clinton Investigation L. D. Brown 9781582750033 Books

In Browns book,he goes on to say that clinton told him he was going to be on a mission for the CIA into nicuragua and was in the dark on it not having a clue that the CIA was smuggling drugs into the mena arkansas airport.when he found out about it he was livid and approached clinton yelling at him about it lying to him about what he was really doing and brown says in his book clinton then said to him-Hey dont worry,my buddy Bush knows all about it.

Brown testified to all that in front of an arkansas grand jury and yet we got sheep here like mertex who want another clinton in office?:rolleyes-41:

sheep like mertex who refuse to acknowledge facts, are why the country has gone to hell.

yeah I have heard that as well Jeri that Bill Clinton is not his real name.I have also heard that he is the off spring of the rockefellers.considering his history and corruption,i dont doubt it for a minute.if our government was not so corrupt,a real investigation would uncover that no doubt.

our government is so corrupt its disgusting.
Here is another excellent book that exposes the corruption of the Clintons people should read.

You hear the truth exposed on Clinton in this book because this journalist is from england.foreign journalists do a much better job of investigating real news stories on the corruption in washington than the mainstream media in america do.

this book really exposes how people who knew too much on the clintons met untimely deaths.pretty frightening stuff.

Cited by White House press secretary Mike McCurry as the origin of every major Clinton scandal story, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard has done more than any other journalist to expose the truth about the Clintons. Now Evans-Pritchard is breaking the biggest scoop of all: an assiduously documented expose of "the black-water scandals" - the scandals that have gone unreported in the American media, but that characterize the Clinton presidency as the most corrupt in history. Among the secrets Evans-Pritchard exposes: The Oklahoma City bombing as a government sting operation that flew out of control when the stingers were outstung. Evans-Pritchard tells the story that the FBI and the Justice Department don't want you to know. Eyewitnesses to corruption in Clinton's Arkansas - many have met with brutal harassment, physical intimidation, and, in some cases, even suspicious death. Those who survived tell Evans-Pritchard their story. Bill Clinton's involvement in the drug underworld of Arkansas. Evans-Pritchard talks to the smugglers, the Arkansas state troopers, the federal agents and prosecutors, and the young girls who were the victims of "the good times." The true story of Vince Foster's death - what the official report won't tell you, but what eyewitnesses saw, and why the government is being sued for falsifying sworn testimony. In the aftermath of Vince Foster, the shocking story of the murder of Jerry Parks, head of Clinton security in Little Rock. Why Parks predicted his own death. Why the Left was right about Mena Airport: Evans-Pritchard discovers the missing evidence.
The Secret Life of Bill Clinton The Unreported Stories Ambrose Evans-Pritchard 9780895264084 Books
How about these people who worked for the Clinton's or somehow were connected to them? They are all dead. Do find this unusual?


Dead men don't talk.:dunno:
amazing isn't it. The hildebeest decides to run for president and the deaths start up again.

yep looks like the FOB'S are getting ARKANSAWED again.

amazing how so many sheep in america are so deluded that this is a free country and keep going to ballgames singing to the flag that propaganda piece AND THE LAND OF THE FREE.we are actually one of the most supressed countries in the world who have been programmed and conditioned their whole lives that this is a free country with free elections when its just the opposite.
How about these people who worked for the Clinton's or somehow were connected to them? They are all dead. Do find this unusual?


Dead men don't talk.:dunno:
amazing isn't it. The hildebeest decides to run for president and the deaths start up again.
Im sorry if you are too retarded to put it all together. just look at the death toll when Billy Bob was being impeached. Amazing how all those possible witnesses died, and now it starts again when the old hag decides to run.
Well he is dead, Im not a Hillary fan. but I dont think she did this

Those who are involved in the occult - illuminati witchcraft / satanism do things differently. If the young man was not a Christian abiding in Christ and strong in his prayer life - he could come under such an attack - strange accidents / deaths / heart attacks / many things can be arranged through witchcraft. It's a different realm and these people serve Satan so while Satan will one day kill them and take them to hell to be tormented eternally - for now - he does give such people demonic powers to cause such things to happen (first Satan has to petition God but if the person is in sin and not covered by the LORD - it could mean their death).

Actually, this is true, I have friends in Africa, and while not First hand, ... i have seen second hand from close source black magic used and the attempt to defend against it. They bury someones photograph along with personal items of that person in a grave for example, then do their ceremony. Its actually a bit heartbreaking some of the things Ive seen done
You were watching the Exorcist prequel, not talking to friends..

Sorry you dont like my post, but you dont know what your talking about. They practice that stuff in East Africa all the time. wether you believe it works or not is one thing. But i definately know they believe it and practice it, and Im not going to elaborate any more, its really not important. probably I should not have posted that
No, you should not have posted that. Makes you appear as insane as Jerry.

You should get out of the US and go to Africa for a while, get back to me then. But you have to leave the resort. Yes I should not have posted this. Not for your reasons though. Just to protect people like yourself who are so easily offended.

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