"Clock boy" update: He's going to Saudia Arabi for Mecca; Being coached by sister in interviews

Well, no. I'm not a Hasid.
Hasids do not believe people who do not dress as they do should be killed. Muslims do.
All muslims?

No Muslim that I've ever met has believed that. Where do you come up with this shit?
Islam teaches a female must cover her hair in the presence of a man. Islam teaches non-believes should be killed. ISIS is not making stuff up. They are getting it straight from the koran. Just as every other Muslim is. It is a question of who is being a better Muslim.

No, ISIS isn't making it up -- you are.
No Muslim I've ever met, worked with or traveled with would agree with any of this crapola. You need better sources. Like maybe meeting some.
A little o/t...but it's like anti-gay marriage people telling us what gays are like and what we think.
kid suspended for lego gun - Google Search

For example....how many white kids have been suspended for making "Lego guns"??

But they're white. And unlike inventions that look like a bomb....lego creations that look like a gun are dangerous.

Or as this teacher says...the Lego gun is "uncomfortable"
There are some times when the disgusting hatred that's shown every day on this board really gets to me.

This is a fucking kid were talking about, not a terrorist. You disgusting infantile children make me ashamed to be an American, and you subvert everything this country stands for.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

I don't think he's a terrorist.
This whole story should never had made national news. This was nothing more than a school demonstrating it's "zero tolerance" policies, but the left has turned it into a story of discrimination, thus we now have another national controversy about the unfairness of institutionalized racism in America.
There are some times when the disgusting hatred that's shown every day on this board really gets to me.

This is a fucking kid were talking about, not a terrorist. You disgusting infantile children make me ashamed to be an American, and you subvert everything this country stands for.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

He's an awkward teenager. Just like the Columbine shooters were.

Go fuck yourself, you disgusting piece of shit. You epitomize the absolute worst aspects of this country, and I'm ashamed to live in the same country as you.

Does attacking an innocent kid to make you feel big and powerful?

Obviously the kid and his family has something to do with that. Not sure what, but obviously something since a very smart USMB member posted it in connection with the Freshman boy and his clock.
Muslim are suppose to be bound together. The bond of Islam is suppose to be stronger than state, stronger than family. A concept you probably can not comprehend, although you probably think you can.
If that were true, why are they all killing each other in the Middle East?
Because it is Islam. (If you really are interested I can walk you through how the religion is actually designed to self-destruct. There is actually a valid reason all our ME policies backfire on us. Research the Ottoman Empire some time as one example.)
Look...you made a claim that "Muslim are suppose to be bound together. The bond of Islam is suppose to be stronger than state...blah blah blah" And when I ask why they are killing each other, you say "because it is Islam". You DO realize those were contradictory statements of yours, right?

I think I can decode it for you. Just replace "Islam" with "evil", and it'll make more sense.
I think after 911 they answered that question for us.
You're an idiot, the kid walked into a school with a fake bomb. It was handled the way it was suppose to. The left is making a big deal out if it. I mean an invite to the white house?
IT was not a fake bomb...it was a home made clock.
It ticked and it was inside a box or briefcase. It was a fake bomb.

It didn't "tick", it was a digital clock.
I read that the teacher heard it ticking. Also didn't he turn an analog clock into a digital clock? I thought that was the reason he is being called a genius. Look I'm not wishing nothing bad on the boy, but he was punished for what he did. It shouldn't of got all of this attention.
Wait! Wait! Wait! You mean this kid was smart enough to take a store bought analog clock (they tick because they have to be WOUND UP) and turn it into a plug in electrically run (see the electrical plug in the pictures) digital clock? And even tho it was plugged in...it still ticked? :rofl: Anyone buying that?
Okay, he didn't. Because he is a dumbass.
I read that the teacher heard it ticking. Also didn't he turn an analog clock into a digital clock? I thought that was the reason he is being called a genius. Look I'm not wishing nothing bad on the boy, but he was punished for what he did. It shouldn't of got all of this attention.
Wait! Wait! Wait! You mean this kid was smart enough to take a store bought analog clock (they tick because they have to be WOUND UP) and turn it into a plug in electrically run (see the electrical plug in the pictures) digital clock? And even tho it was plugged in...it still ticked? :rofl: Anyone buying that?

As I've said several times already. The clock wasnt ticking,he set the alarm to go off during class....using....wait for it..........a battery back up that is in 99 percent of clocks you buy at the department store.
An alarm is NOT ticking. When can you people get your excuse stories straight?

I never said it was ticking. Digital clocks dont tick.
But jknowgood DID say it was ticking......and also said he heard it was an analog clock he "turned into" a digital clock. Thus my comment, when are you people going to get your "bash the kid" excuse stories straight?
I said I heard, didn't say it was fact.
I read that the teacher heard it ticking. Also didn't he turn an analog clock into a digital clock? I thought that was the reason he is being called a genius. Look I'm not wishing nothing bad on the boy, but he was punished for what he did. It shouldn't of got all of this attention.
Wait! Wait! Wait! You mean this kid was smart enough to take a store bought analog clock (they tick because they have to be WOUND UP) and turn it into a plug in electrically run (see the electrical plug in the pictures) digital clock? And even tho it was plugged in...it still ticked? :rofl: Anyone buying that?
Look I'm going on what I read. If it's true his sister threatened the school before. Proves he wanted to terrorize the school.
Oh look....more fun rumors. Where ever did you get THAT gem?
Someone posted that on here. I said if it was true, but if it is true. I'm sure it won't make a difference to you. Unless Obama tells you to change your mind.
Because everything posted here is true. I like how you slip that in here with no evidence to back it up then try to pawn it on "Someone posted that on here." Oh....and Obama.
If Obama says it's true, you lap it up even if he is lying. Gruber proved that.
There are some times when the disgusting hatred that's shown every day on this board really gets to me.

This is a fucking kid were talking about, not a terrorist. You disgusting infantile children make me ashamed to be an American, and you subvert everything this country stands for.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

I don't think he's a terrorist.
This whole story should never had made national news. This was nothing more than a school demonstrating it's "zero tolerance" policies, but the left has turned it into a story of discrimination, thus we now have another national controversy about the unfairness of institutionalized racism in America.
zero tolerance for clocks?
It ticked and it was inside a box or briefcase. It was a fake bomb.
It was in a briefcase? You sure about that? And are you sure it ticked? Because....a) it was in a PENCIL case...a little PENCIL case...and b) it plugged in to work...show us how electic LED clocks "tick".

It has battery back up.....like most clocks you buy at the department store.

Thought you just said it was a fake bomb? Now it's a clock?

Ya dumbass.....
So just how far did they go in the investigation to determine the poptart was harmless?

That kid wasn't suspended because the poptart was harmful, he was suspended because he was running around the classroom being disruptive, as he had on many previous occasions. He would have gotten the same punishment if he'd chewed the poptart into the shape of a bunny rabbit.
What about this one?

13-Year-Old Suspended For Doodling Gun

If the details in that story are true, the administrators are dumb as shit.

LOL....This kinda shit happens constantly.


How many times do you think something like this has happened?

How many times does some kid get suspended or expelled because of your liberal zero tolerance policy?
Yeah it happens constantly.
There are some times when the disgusting hatred that's shown every day on this board really gets to me.

This is a fucking kid were talking about, not a terrorist. You disgusting infantile children make me ashamed to be an American, and you subvert everything this country stands for.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

I don't think he's a terrorist.
This whole story should never had made national news. This was nothing more than a school demonstrating it's "zero tolerance" policies, but the left has turned it into a story of discrimination, thus we now have another national controversy about the unfairness of institutionalized racism in America.
zero tolerance for clocks?

Zero tolerance for clocks made to resemble bombs.
It was in a briefcase? You sure about that? And are you sure it ticked? Because....a) it was in a PENCIL case...a little PENCIL case...and b) it plugged in to work...show us how electic LED clocks "tick".

It has battery back up.....like most clocks you buy at the department store.

Thought you just said it was a fake bomb? Now it's a clock?

Ya dumbass.....
That kid wasn't suspended because the poptart was harmful, he was suspended because he was running around the classroom being disruptive, as he had on many previous occasions. He would have gotten the same punishment if he'd chewed the poptart into the shape of a bunny rabbit.
What about this one?

13-Year-Old Suspended For Doodling Gun

If the details in that story are true, the administrators are dumb as shit.

LOL....This kinda shit happens constantly.


How many times do you think something like this has happened?

How many times does some kid get suspended or expelled because of your liberal zero tolerance policy?
Yeah it happens constantly.
how many times does it happen for something that isn't forbidden in that policy?
There are some times when the disgusting hatred that's shown every day on this board really gets to me.

This is a fucking kid were talking about, not a terrorist. You disgusting infantile children make me ashamed to be an American, and you subvert everything this country stands for.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

I don't think he's a terrorist.
This whole story should never had made national news. This was nothing more than a school demonstrating it's "zero tolerance" policies, but the left has turned it into a story of discrimination, thus we now have another national controversy about the unfairness of institutionalized racism in America.
zero tolerance for clocks?

Zero tolerance for clocks made to resemble bombs.
and what clock was made to resemble a bomb?
There are some times when the disgusting hatred that's shown every day on this board really gets to me.

This is a fucking kid were talking about, not a terrorist. You disgusting infantile children make me ashamed to be an American, and you subvert everything this country stands for.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

I don't think he's a terrorist.
This whole story should never had made national news. This was nothing more than a school demonstrating it's "zero tolerance" policies, but the left has turned it into a story of discrimination, thus we now have another national controversy about the unfairness of institutionalized racism in America.
zero tolerance for clocks?

Zero tolerance for clocks made to resemble bombs.
And what is it that makes a clock "resemble bombs"?
kid suspended for lego gun - Google Search

For example....how many white kids have been suspended for making "Lego guns"??

But they're white. And unlike inventions that look like a bomb....lego creations that look like a gun are dangerous.

Or as this teacher says...the Lego gun is "uncomfortable"

Yet here you are trying to make crying for one kid while you smear another kid and neither one did anything wrong. By you support for one and not the other I guess you thought that there wouldnt be any spill over onto whites. Now when whites are caught in the web of deflection, spin, emotions and paranoia only then do you see a problem.

Like I said, its the same thing with Whites and the TSA. They dont recognize the harrassment until it happens to them. "Why do I have to take MY Shoes off?!? I HAVE A FLIGHT?! THIS IS CRAZY!!"
It has battery back up.....like most clocks you buy at the department store.

Thought you just said it was a fake bomb? Now it's a clock?

Ya dumbass.....

If the details in that story are true, the administrators are dumb as shit.

LOL....This kinda shit happens constantly.


How many times do you think something like this has happened?

How many times does some kid get suspended or expelled because of your liberal zero tolerance policy?
Yeah it happens constantly.
how many times does it happen for something that isn't forbidden in that policy?

You tell me.
There are some times when the disgusting hatred that's shown every day on this board really gets to me.

This is a fucking kid were talking about, not a terrorist. You disgusting infantile children make me ashamed to be an American, and you subvert everything this country stands for.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

I don't think he's a terrorist.
This whole story should never had made national news. This was nothing more than a school demonstrating it's "zero tolerance" policies, but the left has turned it into a story of discrimination, thus we now have another national controversy about the unfairness of institutionalized racism in America.
zero tolerance for clocks?

Zero tolerance for clocks made to resemble bombs.
and what clock was made to resemble a bomb?

You've forgotten already?
I always assumed you liberals were just being a pain in the ass when you constantly repost the same topics over and over....
There are some times when the disgusting hatred that's shown every day on this board really gets to me.

This is a fucking kid were talking about, not a terrorist. You disgusting infantile children make me ashamed to be an American, and you subvert everything this country stands for.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

I don't think he's a terrorist.
This whole story should never had made national news. This was nothing more than a school demonstrating it's "zero tolerance" policies, but the left has turned it into a story of discrimination, thus we now have another national controversy about the unfairness of institutionalized racism in America.
zero tolerance for clocks?

Zero tolerance for clocks made to resemble bombs.
And what is it that makes a clock "resemble bombs"?

You ever see a clock at WallyWorld that looked like Jr. Jihads?
kid suspended for lego gun - Google Search

For example....how many white kids have been suspended for making "Lego guns"??

But they're white. And unlike inventions that look like a bomb....lego creations that look like a gun are dangerous.

Or as this teacher says...the Lego gun is "uncomfortable"

That's pretty stupid too.

Yeah it is. Funny....the left doesn't fall all over itself in outrage when a white kid is suspended over a Lego toy gun...because hey....he could be a Dylan or Klebold in the future right? But GOD FORBID....sorry...Allah forbid....a Muslim be held to the same zero tolerance policy.

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