Club for Growth not backing Trump 24

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

This is a bit disheartening. It seems these characters have had enough of trump and are backing Desantis to ensure they dont have to pay their taxes.

This might force Trump back into the NFT market ? It will certainly make his task a lot harder. With all his legal problems he might find it not worth the bother.
2015...Club for Growth backed the usual suspects...

"But for the first time, the group is bundling contributions for five GOP presidential contenders: Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas; Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky; Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida; former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida and Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin."

Oh no!
How will DT win the 2024 fake elections without their support when he couldn't even win the 2020 fake elections with their support?
I wonder what UNiparty endorsed candidate they will endorse? :rolleyes:

The fact so many here still think we have real elections is sad but unsurprising.
I'm done voting.
It is now pointless other than giving an air of undeserved legitimacy to the controlled meat puppets beholden to their NWO masters setting up the fall before the reset
Oh no! How will DT win the 2024 fake elections without their phony support?
He couldn't even win the 2020 fake elections with their support.
I wonder what UNiparty endorsed candidate they will endorse? :rolleyes:

The fact so many here still think we have real elections is sad but unsurprising.
I'm done voting.
It is now pointless other than giving an air of an undeserved legitimacy to the controlled meat puppets beholden to their NWO masters setting up the fall before the reset
Wait till those 13,000,000 migrants Pedo Joe let in start voting themselves free shit like the rest of the democrats.

This is a bit disheartening. It seems these characters have had enough of trump and are backing Desantis to ensure they dont have to pay their taxes.

This might force Trump back into the NFT market ? It will certainly make his task a lot harder. With all his legal problems he might find it not worth the bother.
They will back whoever wins the GOP primary....

This is a bit disheartening. It seems these characters have had enough of trump and are backing Desantis to ensure they dont [sic] have to pay their taxes.

This might force Trump back into the NFT market ? It will certainly make his task a lot harder. With all his legal problems he might find it not worth the bother.

Article hidden behind a paywall.

So, even if you did have any actual knowledge of what you are trying to post about (which you certainly do not), and if you had any standing at all to speak of American politics (which you certainly do not), this post would still be worthless bullshit, even more so than most of your posts.

Well Bob if you were academically gifted ,or even applied yourself in school, you would have a better job with better working conditions.

What standing do you delusionally imagine that have, as a worthless parasite that has never held an honest job, never contributed anything of any value at all to society, to look down on me for my profession?

This is a bit disheartening. It seems these characters have had enough of trump and are backing Desantis to ensure they dont have to pay their taxes.

This might force Trump back into the NFT market ? It will certainly make his task a lot harder. With all his legal problems he might find it not worth the bother.
Hey, Tommy. Most of us don't take the Financial Times (London?) and aren't chucking up a U$ Dollar, our credit info, IP address and email to find out what you are reporting.
You might have to cut and paste some to get the story or else another source, if you think it worth our time. Just Sayin... :dunno:
Hey, Tommy. Most of us don't take the Financial Times (London?) and aren't chucking up a U$ Dollar, our credit info, IP address and email to find out what you are reporting.
You might have to cut and paste some to get the story or else another source, if you think it worth our time. Just Sayin... :dunno:
Sorry, it let me read it but now it wont. The FT can be a bit hit and miss.
Basically saying that they cant back trump this time and are likely to back desantis. They see trump as a loser now.

No big shocks.
Sorry, it let me read it but now it wont. The FT can be a bit hit and miss.
Basically saying that they cant back trump this time and are likely to back desantis. They see trump as a loser now.

No big shocks.
We suspected that much. Lots of people waking up. He's outa here. That party and it's financial supporters as a whole are waking up after four years and action after the election. Hopefully he didn't kill it permanently, so nothing left but the lunatic fringe, still trading on what used to be the party name and the false claim to conservative values used for their culture war.
Sorry, it let me read it but now it wont. The FT can be a bit hit and miss.
Basically saying that they cant back trump this time and are likely to back desantis. They see trump as a loser now.

No big shocks.
This all proves that DeSantis is a RINO and the establishment wants him to do the globalists bidding. If he runs, Trump will make minced meat of him in the primaries.
We suspected that much. Lots of people waking up. He's outa here. That party and it's financial supporters as a whole are waking up after four years and action after the election. Hopefully he didn't kill it permanently, so nothing left but the lunatic fringe, still trading on what used to be the party name and the false claim to conservative values used for their culture war.
Culture wars are an insult to working people. There is nothing new in it but its very depressing.
Culture wars are an insult to working people.

What standing do you think you could possibly have to speak on behalf of working people?

Have you ever held an honest job?

Well Bob if you were academically gifted ,or even applied yourself in school, you would have a better job with better working conditions.
2015...Club for Growth backed the usual suspects...

"But for the first time, the group is bundling contributions for five GOP presidential contenders: Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas; Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky; Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida; former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida and Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin."


Tempest in a tea pot.

If Trump is the nominee, they'll fall right in line - take that to the bank.

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