Clueless buffoon....

Maybe its gonna cost about 10 Trillion to wrap a lasso around the sun so we can control the path of it? we have to stop the sun from rotating around the earth before it gets any warmer.
"Despite criticizing climate scientists for being overconfident about their data, models and theories, the Heartland Institute proclaims a conspicuous confidence in single studies and grand interpretations....makes many bold assertions that are often questionable or misleading.... Many climate sceptics seem to review scientific data and studies not as scientists but as attorneys, magnifying doubts and treating incomplete explanations as falsehoods rather than signs of progress towards the truth. ... The Heartland Institute and its ilk are not trying to build a theory of anything. They have set the bar much lower, and are happy muddying the waters.

Heartland Institute - SourceWatch
wasnt it al gore who claimed that it was about 10 Trillion degrees about five miles below China? and that it will someday cause the world to blow up?
Bottom Line: Nothing done by the First World will offset the dramatic increases in CO2 generation by the Third World in the coming decades.

Those unfortunates (living in China, India, and the Third World) believe that they have "rights" to things like lights, heating, air conditioning, computers, industrial plants, televisions, cell phones, motorcycles/scooters, and even cars. Maybe even SUV's.

And the quickest, cheapest, and most technologically available means to these riches is the combustion of fossil fuels. Coal. Natural gas. Oil. All of these are plentiful, cheap, and easily transportable to wherever they are needed. The technology to burn carbon is well-established and always improving.

Hydro is pretty much tapped out. Wind and solar are interesting novelties, but they are relatively speaking expensive as hell, and no matter what anyone says, cannot produce base-load electricity. Nuke would be ideal, but for reasons unfathomable, the tree huggers have decided that nuke is unacceptable. I guess 60 years of commercial nuclear power in the U.S. without a single fatality is not "safe enough" for them. No matter.

We can impose a carbon tax, turn down (or up) our thermostats, demand that the car makers make more efficient cars, use more mass transit, and everything else imaginable, and all of our efforts combined will not come anywhere close to offsetting the aforementioned developments in the developing and third world, as respects CO2 emissions.

The U.S. should be the leader in developing the engineering solutions that will mitigate the likely and actual impacts of warming, however extreme it is or turns out to be. Populations can be moved, levees can be built, lifestyles can be modified, agriculture can be adapted, and so forth. As for New York City, let it sink into the Atlantic harm done.

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