Clyburn: DNC Should Shut Down Remaining Primaries If Biden Sweeps 6 States - No More Voices Needed


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) said that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) should step in to end the primary process if former Vice President Joe Biden sweeps the six states holding primaries and caucuses Tuesday night.

Clyburn, the No. 3 House Democrat and a prominent Biden backer, said on NPR that the DNC should cancel the remaining contests and debates if it becomes clear that the former vice president has an insurmountable delegate lead over Sen.
Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)."

Clyburn just declared, "If we know how this is going to turn out, there is no need to hear from anyone else - just anoint the guy."

Clyburn: DNC should shut down primaries, debates if Biden sweeps states


"Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) said that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) should step in to end the primary process if former Vice President Joe Biden sweeps the six states holding primaries and caucuses Tuesday night.

Clyburn, the No. 3 House Democrat and a prominent Biden backer, said on NPR that the DNC should cancel the remaining contests and debates if it becomes clear that the former vice president has an insurmountable delegate lead over Sen.
Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)."

Clyburn just declared, "If we know how this is going to turn out, there is no need to hear from anyone else - just anoint the guy."

Clyburn: DNC should shut down primaries, debates if Biden sweeps states


So now we know who is "Hidin Joe Biden!" Clyburn and the Left want this over, because each and every day, Lunch Bucket Joe makes a total a** out of himself, and self provides video after video for the Trump campaign!

I always thought BERNARD was the easier of the two to defeat, but after watching and listening to QPQJ, (quid-pro-quo-Joe) I am now leaning in the other direction-)
"Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) said that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) should step in to end the primary process if former Vice President Joe Biden sweeps the six states holding primaries and caucuses Tuesday night.

Clyburn, the No. 3 House Democrat and a prominent Biden backer, said on NPR that the DNC should cancel the remaining contests and debates if it becomes clear that the former vice president has an insurmountable delegate lead over Sen.
Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)."

Clyburn just declared, "If we know how this is going to turn out, there is no need to hear from anyone else - just anoint the guy."

Clyburn: DNC should shut down primaries, debates if Biden sweeps states

The way of the RaT.
The DNC is so corrupt and the rank and file democrat voters don't seam to care at all....that tells me the DNC will stay corrupt....until their voters get fed up and do something about it....

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