CMT Awards Tributes Nashville Shooting With Drag Show

Drag can be G, PG, X rated. It is up to the performer and the venue to make sure it is appropriate.

Minstrel shows featuring white men in black face can be G, PG, X rated.

You’d feel the same about those, right?

Poor ol Aunt Jemima.

Drag can be G, PG, X rated. It is up to the performer and the venue to make sure it is appropriate.

You as a woman should be appalled that mentally-ill men are appropriating your gender, and creating a hideously-grotesque representation of you. That is nothing less than a sexual form of going in blackface. The fact that you actually tolerate people who do that to you speaks volumes about your lack of self-esteem and pride as a woman.
Think about it.
The soulless Left Wingers are blaming the victims for a Transsexual who murdered 3 little girls.
A transsexual murders three little girls in Nashville, and so they have the Country Music Awards Show celebrating transsexuality.
Flush the Country Music Awards Show and its sponsors.
You know what forget this. A man in a dress isn't appropriate for any child period. Back in the day these people were known as pedophiles.

no they were not....robin williams did drag many of the older movies had are such an idiot thinking you know what back in the day was going on...

Drag Queens can be for anyone, assuming they tone it downs to an appropriate level. In addition, what gets totally lost, is that they are also members of the community, who likely know the families who lost their kids that day. Why should they be singled out as not being allowed to offer a tribute to lives lost? I venture they have far more right than all these judgemental outsiders descending onto a tragedy in order to make a political point.
Only in a way can I agree with what you are trying to point out here. Coming out dressed up as the opposite gender however, to me, was not the best way to show considerateness or respect. If anything, what them people could've done was come out dressed in jeans and a t-shirt since both genders wear them two things and the shirt could've had a message on the front that showed respect for the memory of the victims.

God bless you and their families always!!!


P.S. But sadly the only thing that certain people on this planet know how to do well enough is let the rest of us know just how far it is that their brain trains will never have the ability to travel.
Minstrel shows featuring white men in black face can be G, PG, X rated.
You are hooked on false equivalencies here. Both activities are completely different. There is no sexual aspect to Minstrel shows and no racist aspect to Drag shows. They both have very different histories and motivations behind them. Are you aware of that?

You’d feel the same about those, right?

See above.

Poor ol Aunt Jemima.
There are many representatives of people and groups that are now considered offensive to people who at the time had no ability to effect the message. Things change over time. Sometimes the offense is ridiculous, sometimes not.
You as a woman should be appalled that mentally-ill men are appropriating your gender, and creating a hideously-grotesque representation of you.

The fact you are focusing on something that has never offended women and INSIST that we should be offended is pretty funny. Who are you to tell us that?

That is nothing less than a sexual form of going in blackface. The fact that you actually tolerate people who do that to you speaks volumes about your lack of self-esteem and pride as a woman.

Who are you to tell us what we must be offended by or we lack “self-esteem and pride”? Good lord that is arrogant.
The fact you are focusing on something that has never offended women and INSIST that we should be offended is pretty funny. Who are you to tell us that?

Who are you to tell us what we must be offended by or we lack “self-esteem and pride”? Good lord that is arrogant.

Why would any decent woman not be offended that some man is appropriating her gender and making a comical mockery out of womanhood? I guess "decent" would be the key word in explaining why some women wouldn't be offended.
I never used to pay much attention to trannies.... but I am now

A miniscule percentage of the population is getting far too much attention

It's by design
Why would any decent woman not be offended that some man is appropriating her gender and making a comical mockery out of womanhood? I guess "decent" would be the key word in explaining why some women wouldn't be offended.

These goofs freeze up when asked to define what a woman is
Why would any decent woman not be offended that some man is appropriating her gender and making a comical mockery out of womanhood? I guess "decent" would be the key word in explaining why some women wouldn't be offended.
Why would any decent man try to mansplain us on what we should be offended by?
I can sure as hell tell you what a woman isn't. Some stubble-faced mentally-ill guy wearing a wig and lipstick meets the criteria of "Not a woman."

They can to but they just can't force themselves to admit it

Personally I think the enablers are as nuts as the pretenders

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