CNBC and MSNBC are liars

This is starting to look more like an overblown hoax than anything since the alar scare. This is the latest Democrat effort to crash the economy.

Troubling new signs of how the coronavirus is spreading in the United States emerged on Friday, as cases not explained by overseas travel or contact with a person known to be infected were reported in California, Oregon and Washington State.

Officials from the three states announced that their testing had found new cases: a high school student from Washington State; an employee of a school in Oregon, near Portland; and a woman in Santa Clara County, Calif., in the heart of Silicon Valley.
Hopefully every communist in north korea will die of the coronavirus

Along with every Trumper in America.

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You should do something about that. Join Bolshevik Bernie's brownshirts. Start burning cities down.
But stay away from the suburbs where trump voters live

because burning down stuff there can get them shot
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I think its sort of amusing how the Liberal Establishment is rooting for Coronavirus to be a worldwide plague they can blame Trump's supporters for. They are sort of a modern day Flagellant sect, clinging to the belief that the Coronavirus is the modern Black Death caused by the sins of the Trumpster and the people have to repent.

Its interesting how history is repeating itself and now its suddenly 1349 again to the libs
No Liberal is rooting for the coronavirus to be a worldwide plague. Why are you lying? In fact, how is it that you find it so EASY to lie?
Yes you are. You would watch 20 million Americans die for your agendas to get through. Prog politicians and media and entertainers were spewing their anti Trump garbage on this virus for weeks. your agendas are always the end of the world. But you will throw any amount of people under the bus for the win. You help to run the stock market down. When it gets low enough that the pensions are affected and checks are lowered, whta the hell do you care? As long as they vote as you scramble over the dead bodies. Maybe you can hold out for 300 trillion dollars for global warming with the corona virus funds.
I think its sort of amusing how the Liberal Establishment is rooting for Coronavirus to be a worldwide plague they can blame Trump's supporters for. They are sort of a modern day Flagellant sect, clinging to the belief that the Coronavirus is the modern Black Death caused by the sins of the Trumpster and the people have to repent.

Its interesting how history is repeating itself and now its suddenly 1349 again to the libs
No Liberal is rooting for the coronavirus to be a worldwide plague. Why are you lying? In fact, how is it that you find it so EASY to lie?

Its interesting how you can speak for "all liberals" in this regard.

So, in your view, you think that the liberal media and talking heads would all just be as pleased as punch if the coronavirus wound down quickly, with no American fatalities and the markets recovered nicely? Even if it meant that President Trump would thoroughly schlong the Democrat Party contestant this fall? Somehow I doubt that.
This morning I watched brian williams and michael moore on MSNBC tell America that trump called the coronavirus a hoax

Michael Moore: Trump calling coronavirus a 'hoax' is 'dangerous'

and so does the CNBC headline on the internet

Coronavirus live updates: Trump calls outbreak a 'hoax,' South Korea has record jump in cases

Coronavirus live updates: Trump calls outbreak a ‘hoax,’ South Korea has record jump in cases

but they are lying to liberals in America

Trump never said that

And how many times (non stop) Fox News or Limbaugh promoted conspiracies theory about Coronavirus? That you seems to ignored.

This is almost as predicting trying to save Trump from screwing this up.
I remember the Joy of the libs when they figured they could blame Reagan for aids after that ailment became popular in the 1980's.

The libs were ACTING-UP on the streets during that epidemic, blaming the President even though he was very hard hit by it personally. His good friend and fellow actor, the notorious homosexual Rock Hudson, was one of the early victims.
This morning I watched brian williams and michael moore on MSNBC tell America that trump called the coronavirus a hoax

Michael Moore: Trump calling coronavirus a 'hoax' is 'dangerous'

and so does the CNBC headline on the internet

Coronavirus live updates: Trump calls outbreak a 'hoax,' South Korea has record jump in cases

Coronavirus live updates: Trump calls outbreak a ‘hoax,’ South Korea has record jump in cases

but they are lying to liberals in America

Trump never said that

And how many times (non stop) Fox News or Limbaugh promoted conspiracies theory about Coronavirus? That you seems to ignored.

This is almost as predicting trying to save Trump from screwing this up.
Trump has not screwed up anything about the coronavirus

Trump is as incompetent as he is reckless and irresponsible.

It comes as no surprise that Trump would lie about the coronavirus being a ‘hoax.’

Trump is as incompetent as he is reckless and irresponsible.

It comes as no surprise that Trump would lie about the coronavirus being a ‘hoax.’

How do you figure? President Trump has done a tremendous job at protecting Americans from coronavirus, no one has been killed by it here in America. He's assigned top experts to get this matter resolved relatively quickly, has even quarantined a large number of people who may have been exposed for a couple of weeks.

Trump is a doer, he gets things done.
I guess the libs are pissed that Trump didn't appoint a Corona Czar- like B. Hussein O appointed an Ebola Czar.

The problem here is that appointing Czars isn't something we do in America. The Dems got that idea from the Russians.
He is equating their narrative, which has been utter bullshit aimed at scoring political points and outright dangerous, to their bullshit on Roooshins! As their latest attempt to undermine him. He is calling these actions and criticisms a hoax.

And he's right.

You disengenuous pricks and the loons at MSNBC implying he is calling the virus a hoax after all the steps taken which prove he is taking this seriously should be pointing fingers at the lying scumbag dems that have been dealing the outright lies and misinformation that is indeed perpetrating the latest hoax on people for their own despicable reasons.

The dems have gone too far on this one. Way, way, way too far. The rest of the stuff they've done pissed me off, but I wasnt surprised by any of it really. This crap actually does surprise me. Why I dont know, but they've made me sick on this one. Fucking pricks.

Grow up morons. This is not the time for this shit.

That is incorrect Fueri.
He took a steps alright but not good enough. Trumpy boi is not even serious.

1. Assigned Pence as in charged with no medical experience. None. Why not assigned people from CDC that are equip to handle this kind of epidemic?

2. Pence has a very bad record in Indiana handling HIV cases because he doesn’t believed in science.

3. Trump rally the other day in Charlestone, NC spends more time insulting his political rivals than talking about the virus.

4. Trump pick his appointees based from a loyalty not by qualifications. Example Ratcliffe as DNI with NO intelligence qualifications. ZERO.

And you are talking about Trump handling this epidemic seriously? It’s a total joke.

I pray to god this doesn’t get worse because this administration like I said many times. The most inept and amateur we’ve ever seen.
Another beautiful Friday night in the can and as usual far more people died violently on Chicago streets than did Americans from C-Virus in any of the 50 states.

Democrats destroy everything they can. It's another of the "pillars of the liberal order."

Decades Of Democratic Rule Ruined Some Of Our Finest Cities | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

How Democrats destroyed Baltimore and other American cities, too

How 50 Years Of Democrat Policies Destroyed America's Cities
He is equating their narrative, which has been utter bullshit aimed at scoring political points and outright dangerous, to their bullshit on Roooshins! As their latest attempt to undermine him. He is calling these actions and criticisms a hoax.

And he's right.

You disengenuous pricks and the loons at MSNBC implying he is calling the virus a hoax after all the steps taken which prove he is taking this seriously should be pointing fingers at the lying scumbag dems that have been dealing the outright lies and misinformation that is indeed perpetrating the latest hoax on people for their own despicable reasons.

The dems have gone too far on this one. Way, way, way too far. The rest of the stuff they've done pissed me off, but I wasnt surprised by any of it really. This crap actually does surprise me. Why I dont know, but they've made me sick on this one. Fucking pricks.

Grow up morons. This is not the time for this shit.

That is incorrect Fueri.
He took a steps alright but not good enough. Trumpy boi is not even serious.

1. Assigned Pence as in charged with no medical experience. None. Why not assigned people from CDC that are equip to handle this kind of epidemic?

2. Pence has a very bad record in Indiana handling HIV cases because he doesn’t believed in science.

3. Trump rally the other day in Charlestone, NC spends more time insulting his political rivals than talking about the virus.

4. Trump pick his appointees based from a loyalty not by qualifications. Example Ratcliffe as DNI with NO intelligence qualifications. ZERO.

And you are talking about Trump handling this epidemic seriously? It’s a total joke.

I pray to god this doesn’t get worse because this administration like I said many times. The most inept and amateur we’ve ever seen.
You seez, I knowz Baracksss he be da manz. He knowz evrythingz! He be doin betterz den Trump! Pence is an experienced politician. He is not flambouyant. And he is intelligent. I even believe he helps Trump to be moored a bit in his dealings. And truthfully he sees a different way of things to get done then the political way that gets in its way. And that is what we have now isn't it? what we have had for a long time. We think government gets things done fast. It does not. We can get it to do things faster though.
Well he did say that the democrats are using it as a political hoax. Meaning they are deliberately spreading misinformation to damage Republicans and him. So if you leave out most of what was actually said you get him calling it a hoax.

It basically amounts to a lie by omission. But hey you can't expect the truth all the time. Look how many Dems could not help spreading the lie that Trump took away funds from the CDC and because of that we were all going to die.

What kinds of misinformation that the democrats are spreading? Can you please give an example?

Yes that is correct. Trump cut fundings of CDC because he said thousands of doctors are not doing anything. That’s a fact.

The problem with people like you and the rest doesn’t believed Trump did these and that. He lied all the time and that’s acceptable to most or all of you.

His rally in New Hampshire last week
1. Trump said Mexico is paying the wall because of remittances.
2. Hundreds and hundreds of buses from Massachusetts to NH making illegal votes.

Totally totally a LIE. His supporters clapped and cheered.
Well he did say that the democrats are using it as a political hoax. Meaning they are deliberately spreading misinformation to damage Republicans and him. So if you leave out most of what was actually said you get him calling it a hoax.

It basically amounts to a lie by omission. But hey you can't expect the truth all the time. Look how many Dems could not help spreading the lie that Trump took away funds from the CDC and because of that we were all going to die.

why is he lying & saying there are only 15 infected people? he's off by 50 victims. why is he downplaying the real number? did mike pence pray their disease away?

You're the one lying, the vast majority of cases were already infected when they returned to the US and they were immediately quarantined. The last I heard only 19 infections in the US were not part of the citizens returned from overseas. So shove your commie propaganda and fear mongering.

This morning I watched brian williams and michael moore on MSNBC tell America that trump called the coronavirus a hoax

Michael Moore: Trump calling coronavirus a 'hoax' is 'dangerous'

and so does the CNBC headline on the internet

Coronavirus live updates: Trump calls outbreak a 'hoax,' South Korea has record jump in cases

Coronavirus live updates: Trump calls outbreak a ‘hoax,’ South Korea has record jump in cases

but they are lying to liberals in America

Trump never said that

In further news, it turns out that water is wet.
No, you are the liar. Your post shows how dangerous Trump is. Some citizens believe in his misinformation. So you are a fool or purposefully trying to promote trump misinformation and lies.

Comrade Traitor, prove that the President said the Corona virus is a hoax?

Should I hold my breath?


You're a fucking lying demagogue just like the fascist press is.

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