CNBC and MSNBC are liars

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Sanders Slams Trump, Mocks Pence: He Tried To ‘Pray Away’ HIV Epidemic

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Wednesday slammed President Trump’s appointment of Vice President Pence as point man on the coronavirus outbreak, noting the HIV outbreak that occurred during Pence’s tenure as governor of Indiana as well as Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar’s refusal to promise that a coronavirus vaccine would be affordable to all.

On Twitter he wrote:

Bernie Sanders


Trump's plan for the coronavirus so far:

-Cut winter heating assistance for the poor
-Have VP Pence, who wanted to "pray away" HIV epidemic, oversee the response
-Let ex-pharma lobbyist Alex Azar refuse to guarantee affordable vaccines to all

How do you know Trump never said that?
You or the liars at NBC have to prove he did

and you cant find any evidence to back it up
Are you too stupid to Google and find the videos or will you claim the videos are fake?

You Communist piles of shit told the lie, back it up or be exposed.

We all know you're lying - as were your fascist propaganda outlets. NBC are shameless liars, worse than Goebbels.
He is equating their narrative, which has been utter bullshit aimed at scoring political points and outright dangerous, to their bullshit on Roooshins! As their latest attempt to undermine him. He is calling these actions and criticisms a hoax.

And he's right.

You disengenuous pricks and the loons at MSNBC implying he is calling the virus a hoax after all the steps taken which prove he is taking this seriously should be pointing fingers at the lying scumbag dems that have been dealing the outright lies and misinformation that is indeed perpetrating the latest hoax on people for their own despicable reasons.

The dems have gone too far on this one. Way, way, way too far. The rest of the stuff they've done pissed me off, but I wasnt surprised by any of it really. This crap actually does surprise me. Why I dont know, but they've made me sick on this one. Fucking pricks.

Grow up morons. This is not the time for this shit.

That is incorrect Fueri.
He took a steps alright but not good enough. Trumpy boi is not even serious.

1. Assigned Pence as in charged with no medical experience. None. Why not assigned people from CDC that are equip to handle this kind of epidemic?

2. Pence has a very bad record in Indiana handling HIV cases because he doesn’t believed in science.

3. Trump rally the other day in Charlestone, NC spends more time insulting his political rivals than talking about the virus.

4. Trump pick his appointees based from a loyalty not by qualifications. Example Ratcliffe as DNI with NO intelligence qualifications. ZERO.

And you are talking about Trump handling this epidemic seriously? It’s a total joke.

I pray to god this doesn’t get worse because this administration like I said many times. The most inept and amateur we’ve ever seen.

You're a bit late to the thread, as we've hashed a lot of this over already.

Obviously, I don't expect people to read through the whole thread before hopping in. I know I dont, so I'll just touch the highlights.

1. The dems are clearly politicizing this, and it has been shown to be so by the AP, who fact checked them on their claims and found them to be simply untrue.

2. There is a pre-existing structure in place within the CDC to deal with this type of thing that predates Trump, and operates regardless of who is in the white house.

Here's a link. I don't want to post it all again, as I have already, but it's in the thread as well....

AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness

And, for clarity, my issue is not with some criticism of Trump on this or that. There are going be a lot of moving parts here, so we are going to see some of that. My issue is with the outright lying and misinformation we are seeing from the dems to gain political advantage during a crisis. That I find despicable.

I have also criticized Trump in this thread for his usual bullshittery. This is no time for that. This is no time for either side to be misinforming the public about anything for political gain.

People need to realize this is not business as usual. This situation effects us all. Like it or not, we're in the same boat. Like it or not Trump is in the chair. If he gets in the way of the CDC doing its job he deserves criticism, but we need to keep it factual.
Let's keep it real simple for the lefties.

Compared to the annual cases and deaths from the flu virus, this corona virus outrage
and fear mongering from the left is truly a hoax.
Compared to the annual cases and deaths from the flu virus, this corona virus outrage
and fear mongering from the left is truly a hoax.
So..........mortality from the normal flu is .01%. From the coronavirus it's about 2%. See a difference...........or like most Trumpleton's do you need a remedial math class?
You're a bit late to the thread, as we've hashed a lot of this over already.
You may be on the verge of setting a record for the number of times you've posted an article that does not address the ways the orange gang that couldn't shoot straight has already bungled our response.
Here's another health expert telling it like the Groper-in-Chief doesn't want it to be told...........truthfully.

Officials from the three states announced that their testing had found new cases: a high school student from Washington State; an employee of a school in Oregon, near Portland; and a woman in Santa Clara County, Calif., in the heart of Silicon Valley.

Sixty-five cases of the virus have been reported in the United States, but until this week, all of them could be explained by overseas travel or contact with someone who had been ill. The three new cases on Friday, and a case earlier in the week, in California, were the first in the United States in which the cause was mysterious and unknown — a sign, experts warned, that the virus might now be spreading in this country.

“If we were worried yesterday, we are even more worried today,” said Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease specialist at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. “Now we have to ask: How widely, really widely, is this virus out there?”
Compared to the annual cases and deaths from the flu virus, this corona virus outrage
and fear mongering from the left is truly a hoax.
So..........mortality from the normal flu is .01%. From the coronavirus it's about 2%. See a difference...........or like most Trumpleton's do you need a remedial math class?
Since the Chinese are lying out their asses about the numbers, any claims as to the mortality rate from coronavirus are total speculation.

Looks like you need the remedial class in geopolitics, viz. how commies lie all the time.
Compared to the annual cases and deaths from the flu virus, this corona virus outrage
and fear mongering from the left is truly a hoax.
So..........mortality from the normal flu is .01%. From the coronavirus it's about 2%. See a difference...........or like most Trumpleton's do you need a remedial math class?
How many deaths in the US from the Corona Virus? Most deaths come from countries with poor healthcare systems as I have stated before.
I will also reiterate two things, glad you understood my post, and it really is a hoax at this point with the fear mongering and faux outrage.
I do assure you that if Obama was still in office, this would be a non event at this time. And, your marching orders from your Masters would
be to stand down.
Well he did say that the democrats are using it as a political hoax. Meaning they are deliberately spreading misinformation to damage Republicans and him. So if you leave out most of what was actually said you get him calling it a hoax.

It basically amounts to a lie by omission. But hey you can't expect the truth all the time. Look how many Dems could not help spreading the lie that Trump took away funds from the CDC and because of that we were all going to die.

What kinds of misinformation that the democrats are spreading? Can you please give an example?

Yes that is correct. Trump cut fundings of CDC because he said thousands of doctors are not doing anything. That’s a fact.

The problem with people like you and the rest doesn’t believed Trump did these and that. He lied all the time and that’s acceptable to most or all of you.

His rally in New Hampshire last week
1. Trump said Mexico is paying the wall because of remittances.
2. Hundreds and hundreds of buses from Massachusetts to NH making illegal votes.

Totally totally a LIE. His supporters clapped and cheered.
I get so tired of explaining simple things to simple people.
First off the president submits a budget. The house is the ones that eventually make a decision as what to fund and by how much.
I hear so many on this board and on agencies of CNN complain that the budget is out of control then bitch because this or that is being cut. Make up what mind you have and stick with either the budget is too high and needs to be reigned in or we do not need to worry about debt fund everything.
Second Trump wanted to use some of the money that was allocated for Ebola but we don't really have that much of it here nor are we expecting a serious outbreak in the near future. We have something that seems be be here now. But the Dems said no. They want to allocate more money and then complain about the budget. Again make up your minds.
The head of the CDC along with others are saying that the cuts are not affecting the way they are handling this problem. But we again have Dems complaining about the cuts. So which is it CDC and other doctors are wrong or Dems are wrong?

I find it funny that you try and make it seem that I will fall for anything but your real problem is I have a good understanding of common sense . Unlike your partisan sense.
None of these so-called "hoaxes" were hoaxes. The Mueller investigation led to indictments and members of some of his crew going to jail. While it did not prove collusion, it proved Russian meddling and probably Presidential obstruction of justice. In addition, it educated the public about his misdeeds. Trump's claim impeachment was a hoax is just plain silly and a huge lie. He was impeached.

Trump claims "HOAX" when he has no defense for his failures and misdeeds. How can a disease making people ill on a global scale and killing many be called hoax?

Mueller found conclusively that there never was any indication that Trump colluded with Russia in any way whatsoever.

Trump gave unprecedented cooperation by not using Executive Privilege a single time although he was legally entitled to do so in 100s of instances.

You can keep sucking that hatesickle all you want, but the facts don't change.
Here's another health expert telling it like the Groper-in-Chief doesn't want it to be told...........truthfully.

Officials from the three states announced that their testing had found new cases: a high school student from Washington State; an employee of a school in Oregon, near Portland; and a woman in Santa Clara County, Calif., in the heart of Silicon Valley.

Sixty-five cases of the virus have been reported in the United States, but until this week, all of them could be explained by overseas travel or contact with someone who had been ill. The three new cases on Friday, and a case earlier in the week, in California, were the first in the United States in which the cause was mysterious and unknown — a sign, experts warned, that the virus might now be spreading in this country.

“If we were worried yesterday, we are even more worried today,” said Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease specialist at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. “Now we have to ask: How widely, really widely, is this virus out there?”
It's obviously time to star panicking!

Since the Chinese are lying out their asses about the numbers, any claims as to the mortality rate from coronavirus are total speculation.

Looks like you need the remedial class in geopolitics, viz. how commies lie all the time. think China is the only country data is being compiled from? Go back in the corner and put that dunce cap back on.
It's obviously time to star panicking!
Strawman arguments just make you look like a buffoon. Then again you were already doing that.

*As word emerged of the unexplained cases, local officials scrambled to trace everyone who had come in contact with those who were ill. California health officials said they were increasing testing. And in Washington State, officials suggested that people needed to prepare for the possibility of schools closing and businesses keeping workers home.

“We’re going to be increasingly recommending that people try and avoid crowds and close contact with other people,” Dr. Jeff Duchin, health officer for Public Health Seattle & King County, said. “We may get to a point where we want to recommend canceling large public gatherings — social events, sporting events, entertainment — until we get over a hump of what might be a large outbreak.”*
This morning I watched brian williams and michael moore on MSNBC tell America that trump called the coronavirus a hoax

Michael Moore: Trump calling coronavirus a 'hoax' is 'dangerous'

and so does the CNBC headline on the internet

Coronavirus live updates: Trump calls outbreak a 'hoax,' South Korea has record jump in cases

Coronavirus live updates: Trump calls outbreak a ‘hoax,’ South Korea has record jump in cases

but they are lying to liberals in America

Trump never said that


You're a bit late to the thread, as we've hashed a lot of this over already.
You may be on the verge of setting a record for the number of times you've posted an article that does not address the ways the orange gang that couldn't shoot straight has already bungled our response.

Well, yay me then for setting a record for setting the record straight. I know I don't have to fear your taking that title from me.

I know its gotta chap your ass huge time to have to keep seeing this after you being the one advancing all of this bullshit here with your thread trumpeting these now-debunked claims, so my apologies for hurting your eyes with the truth of your own gullibility.

Anything of substance to add?

Didn't think so......
We all know what Trump's first thought is when it comes to something like this virus. It isn't concern
for the health and safety of Americans or people in general. It is concern for how it might impact him

That is why those who know him for what he is are never eager to give him any slack or any
credit if, somehow, things don't spiral out of control. We want him gone because he is a shit of a man
and he does not deserve the honor of being our president.

Those morons who still support him will praise him regardless and will never assign blame to him
for anything. They must hope that his pursuit of his personal prosperity and interests don't end up screwing them
beyond repair.

This country deserves better than this corrupted, dishonest, pathological liar, hypocrite POTUS.

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