CNBC and MSNBC are liars

That’s not what he said, you lying sack of shit.

He’s talking about Democrats and the media and their actions, screaming about it hysterically and he knows they will use the coronavirus outbreak as a reason to attack him and to stir up public fear.

I see you don't care to quote him directly, coward.

"“One of my people came up to me and said ‘Mr. President they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia. That didn’t work out too well.’ They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax that was on a perfect conversation,” he continued. “This is their new hoax,” he said, referring to the coronavirus."""

So it's always a lie when Trump says, "one of my people...".

"They tried to get you on Russia, Russia, Russia; they couldn't do it," he continued. "They tried the impeachment hoax that was on a perfect conversation ... This is their new hoax."
Trump accuses Democrats of politicizing the coronavirus, calling criticism of his handling of the outbreak their 'new hoax'

How do you know Trump never said that?
You or the liars at NBC have to prove he did

and you cant find any evidence to back it up
He said the virus is "their new hoax." That makes you the liar.

It doesn't sound like a hoax.

Oregon, Washington state report suspected cases of unknown origin: The latest on coronavirus
Oregon, Washington state report suspected cases of unknown origin: The latest on coronavirus

What an idiot.

He said that the virus was the DEMOCRATS new hoax, not that the virus was.

Learn to comprehend what you read.

So, you have NOT found any evidence that Trump called the virus a hoax, have you?

Liars, every one of you.
Why is this stupid fucking site putting ads right in the middle of posts now? What a bunch of cheap bastards.

That’s not what he said, you lying sack of shit.

He’s talking about Democrats and the media and their actions, screaming about it hysterically and he knows they will use the coronavirus outbreak as a reason to attack him and to stir up public fear.
Notice his hack site didn’t actually have a quote of him calling coronavirus a hoax.

The moron OP is a lying sack of shit.

That’s not what he said, you lying sack of shit.

He’s talking about Democrats and the media and their actions, screaming about it hysterically and he knows they will use the coronavirus outbreak as a reason to attack him and to stir up public fear.
What Trump actually said was far worse, He said treat it like a hoax. Deal with it.

However I did modify the title. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
He said treat Democrats as a hoax.

I have to admit, I agree with him this time.

That’s not what he said, you lying sack of shit.

He’s talking about Democrats and the media and their actions, screaming about it hysterically and he knows they will use the coronavirus outbreak as a reason to attack him and to stir up public fear.
What Trump actually said was far worse, He said treat it like a hoax. Deal with it.

However I did modify the title. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

Once again you commit intellectual dishonesty, or worse, you are not able to comprehend what he said, or worse - you are a sheep that falls for the headline.
The HOAX he was referring to was the Democrats attempt to use the virus as yet another attack on him. Not the virus itself.
ANyone wit ha 5th grade reading level can see that quite clearly.
Wrong..stop being a lemming. Read the link
Your link proves you are a lying sack.

Another thread blows up in your lying face.

That’s not what he said, you lying sack of shit.

He’s talking about Democrats and the media and their actions, screaming about it hysterically and he knows they will use the coronavirus outbreak as a reason to attack him and to stir up public fear.
What Trump actually said was far worse, He said treat it like a hoax. Deal with it.

However I did modify the title. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

It is a hoax. A hoax created in China (we will eventually know if it was intentional or not). It is a variant of the common cold and is only dangerous to those with compromised immune systems. 80% of people who get it will not even know that they have it.

the lying dems and their lying media are trying to use this hoax to make Trump look bad by tanking our economy, but it won't work, the american people are smarter than the libs think they are. the market will recover, whether its next week or next month is yet to be seen, but it will happen, the financials are too good for it to continue down. What it has done is create an excellent buying opportunity for anyone with brains.
The first wave wasn’t that bad. In the spring of 1918, a new strain of influenza hit military camps in Europe on both sides of World War I. Soldiers were affected, but not nearly as severely as they would be later.

Even so, Britain, France, Germany and other European governments kept it secret. They didn’t want to hand the other side a potential advantage.

Spain, on the other hand, was a neutral country in the war. When the disease hit there, the government and newspapers reported it accurately. Even the king got sick.

So months later, when a bigger, deadlier wave swept across the globe, it seemed like it had started in Spain, even though it hadn’t. Simply because the Spanish told the truth, the virus was dubbed the “Spanish flu.”

Now, as fears about the coronavirus spread, at least one historian is worried the Trump administration is failing to heed the lesson of one of the world’s worst pandemics: Don’t hide the truth.
Pence Will Control All Coronavirus Messaging From Health Officials
Pence Will Control All Coronavirus Messaging From Health Officials

WASHINGTON — The White House moved on Thursday to tighten control of coronavirus messaging by government health officials and scientists, directing them to coordinate all statements and public appearances with the office of Vice President Mike Pence, according to several officials familiar with the new approach.

Trump has in no way treated the virus as a hoax you POS pathetic bullshitter. If you even read your own stupid bullshit, you'd know he said that YOU were treating it like a hoax, a fake story, making it into a political football trying to scare people into thinking it is something that it is not.

You are the same kind of useless butthole that went around claiming Trump called the world a shithole when he never said that at all, merely saying some 3rd world nations were a cesspool of poverty and other problems.

But at least it is good to know you spend all your waking hours looking for angles on every story you can try to spin against Trump because you don't have anything actually straight up to bitch about, at least it keeps you off the street where you might be dangerous.
Look who is triggered. lOL...Trump said to treat the virus like a hoax. Your head is so far up Trump’s ass that when he coughs you take a shit.

Then show us the video of him telling people it was all just a hoax. PRODUCE IT you lying piece of crap.
I have a link posted, dimwit. Read it and then reread your inane comment.
This is a lie and a trick. You are claiming that there is information in a link, but the information you claim is there is not. What do you gain by trying this kind of deception?
How do you know Trump never said that?
You or the liars at NBC have to prove he did

and you cant find any evidence to back it up
He said the virus is "their new hoax." That makes you the liar.

It doesn't sound like a hoax.

Oregon, Washington state report suspected cases of unknown origin: The latest on coronavirus
Oregon, Washington state report suspected cases of unknown origin: The latest on coronavirus

What an idiot.

He said that the virus was the DEMOCRATS new hoax, not that the virus was.

Learn to comprehend what you read.

So, you have NOT found any evidence that Trump called the virus a hoax, have you?

Liars, every one of you.

Most libs are not as dumb as they sound here

but what they lack in stupidity they make up for in dishonesty
I think its sort of amusing how the Liberal Establishment is rooting for Coronavirus to be a worldwide plague they can blame Trump's supporters for. They are sort of a modern day Flagellant sect, clinging to the belief that the Coronavirus is the modern Black Death caused by the sins of the Trumpster and the people have to repent.

Its interesting how history is repeating itself and now its suddenly 1349 again to the libs
No Liberal is rooting for the coronavirus to be a worldwide plague. Why are you lying? In fact, how is it that you find it so EASY to lie?
We all know what Trump's first thought is when it comes to something like this virus. It isn't concern
for the health and safety of Americans or people in general. It is concern for how it might impact him

That is why those who know him for what he is are never eager to give him any slack or any
credit if, somehow, things don't spiral out of control. We want him gone because he is a shit of a man
and he does not deserve the honor of being our president.

Those morons who still support him will praise him regardless and will never assign blame to him
for anything. They must hope that his pursuit of his personal prosperity and interests don't end up screwing them
beyond repair.

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