CNBC and MSNBC are liars

How do you know Trump never said that?
President Trump has a higher iq that the scores of Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Waters, Feinstein, and Nadler combined!

Just kidding of course, but Democrats' outcome is always one related to "gimme" and Trump's outcomes are always one related to "success." The Democrats insist on 180-degree differences from President Donald's decisions, no matter how crazy the differences are. But you knew that, too, didn't you, being a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat et al.

"it therefore any mystery why the markets are tanking and no one has any faith that this incompetent and inept administration knows what it is doing?"

Did you post the same about this?

"Fact-Check: Obama Waited Until 'Millions' Infected and 1000 Dead in U.S. Before Declaring H1N1 Emergency"
Fact-Check: Obama Waited Until 'Millions' Infected and 1000 Dead in U.S. Before Declaring H1N1 Emergency

Shouldn't you have?
This is starting to look more like an overblown hoax than anything since the alar scare. This is the latest Democrat effort to crash the economy.
I can't?
How do you know what I can or can't find?
If so lets see it
How about you answer my questions.
You cant produce what doesent exist

why dont you quit playing footsie and either put up or shut up?

You are the one who claimed Trump never said it.

Prove it.

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Prove a negative?

you have to prove your lie is not a lie

What lie would that be?

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How do you know Trump never said that?
You or the liars at NBC have to prove he did

and you cant find any evidence to back it up
I can't?
How do you know what I can or can't find?
If so lets see it
How about you answer my questions.
How about you shove your head back up Sander's ass?
YOU made the accusation about Trump. Now back it up or fuck off!

What accusation did I make?

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This is starting to look more like an overblown hoax than anything since the alar scare. This is the latest Democrat effort to crash the economy.

Troubling new signs of how the coronavirus is spreading in the United States emerged on Friday, as cases not explained by overseas travel or contact with a person known to be infected were reported in California, Oregon and Washington State.

Officials from the three states announced that their testing had found new cases: a high school student from Washington State; an employee of a school in Oregon, near Portland; and a woman in Santa Clara County, Calif., in the heart of Silicon Valley.
If so lets see it
How about you answer my questions.
You cant produce what doesent exist

why dont you quit playing footsie and either put up or shut up?

You are the one who claimed Trump never said it.

Prove it.

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Prove a negative?

you have to prove your lie is not a lie

What lie would that be?

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The liberal lie that trump called the coronavirus a hoax

It will be over next week. Then you will have to move onto the next thing he’s responsible for.

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This is starting to look more like an overblown hoax than anything since the alar scare. This is the latest Democrat effort to crash the economy.

Troubling new signs of how the coronavirus is spreading in the United States emerged on Friday, as cases not explained by overseas travel or contact with a person known to be infected were reported in California, Oregon and Washington State.

Officials from the three states announced that their testing had found new cases: a high school student from Washington State; an employee of a school in Oregon, near Portland; and a woman in Santa Clara County, Calif., in the heart of Silicon Valley.
Hopefully every communist in north korea will die of the coronavirus

That’s not what he said, you lying sack of shit.

He’s talking about Democrats and the media and their actions, screaming about it hysterically and he knows they will use the coronavirus outbreak as a reason to attack him and to stir up public fear.
What Trump actually said was far worse, He said treat it like a hoax. Deal with it.

However I did modify the title. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

Once again you commit intellectual dishonesty, or worse, you are not able to comprehend what he said, or worse - you are a sheep that falls for the headline.
The HOAX he was referring to was the Democrats attempt to use the virus as yet another attack on him. Not the virus itself.
ANyone wit ha 5th grade reading level can see that quite clearly.
Wrong..stop being a lemming. Trump’s words were clear.
View attachment 309464
That is a wonderful picture of Michael obama. The underbite is perfectly captured.

Trump is correct. Democommiecrats have taken a mild virus and turned it into a planet killer on a hoax basis. This is just the latest scheme to hurt Americans to get Trump.
John, I agree the media is milking the public's anxiety about this for all it's worth. There is constant attention on this on every newscast, the way there used to be uninterrupted coverage after a mass shooting, back in the day before we got hardened to them. The media will provide whatever sells, but sometimes what the public needs is not what they want. This coronavirus is not going to be the end of American society or world civilization. It is a COLD. It morphs into pneumonia which can be fatal for those who are elderly or have breathing problems. That's not good, but it isn't ebola, either.

People are screeching that Trump is unprepared when so far he has stopped people from entering the country from affected areas which was SMART and the folks returned here who caught it overseas have been successfully quarantined and no one has died.

Stop turning this into a political football, John, please! It does not do anyone any good to make the public even more uneasy than it is. Look at the stock market.

At least think about what I said. So far, Trump's done okay because there's not that much to be done at this point. Let's see what happens. Bitching about it and endlessly criticizing him for stuff that hasn't even happened isn't going to help in the least.
The irony in your post is that Trump has turned the virus into a “political football”. He is the one that is throwing out words like”hoax”. Not me. Trump is the one that is using the virus to batter the Democrats with falsehoods. All the Democrats are doing is holding Trump accountable for his actions. If Trump puts a science denier like Pence in charge of his response team, the Democrats need to call him out on it. That is all.

No President, I mean no President, should use the word “hoax” in the context of this virus. Trump used the word. He is the one that caused the confusion.
There is no other way to describe it. This is the same kind of hoax as the alar scare and Y2K. This is a politically motivated hoax.
Here read something better than left wing I hate trump pence Virus

Doom porner guest post

Guest Post: Pandemic? Don't Panic!

by Dr. Cathaleen Madsen

Dr. Madsen holds a PhD in Bioscience with a concentration in Microbiology and Infectious Disease. The views expressed in this article are hers alone, and not those of anyone she works or has worked for. She has written this article as a favor to Erin Palette and was not paid to do it.

Blue Collar Prepping: Guest Post: Pandemic? Don't Panic!
You know how the left hates science.

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