CNBC and MSNBC are liars

Facts in lib la land are lies in the real world
The opposite is true. So.......let's cut through the BS and get specific. For example, yes or no, Mueller said he did not indict Trump for obstruction because he followed the OLC guidelines?
This morning I watched brian williams and michael moore on MSNBC tell America that trump called the coronavirus a hoax

Michael Moore: Trump calling coronavirus a 'hoax' is 'dangerous'

and so does the CNBC headline on the internet

Coronavirus live updates: Trump calls outbreak a 'hoax,' South Korea has record jump in cases

Coronavirus live updates: Trump calls outbreak a ‘hoax,’ South Korea has record jump in cases

but they are lying to liberals in America

Trump never said that

“They tried the impeachment hoax. ... This is their new hoax,”
Facts in lib la land are lies in the real world
The opposite is true. So.......let's cut through the BS and get specific. For example, yes or no, Mueller said he did not indict Trump for obstruction because he followed the OLC guidelines?
Would you like to say your final goodbys to your fellow blowhards here on the forum?

just in case the coronavirus gets you suddenly?
The dems want Americans to panic
The Dems want Americans to treat the virus like the serious threat to the public's health that it is.
How serious?

will millions of Americans die?

Thousands could. Maybe millions.

We do not have enough supplies or any facilities in place to treats thousands of patients in isolation.

Trumpettes want to wait until it has spread nationwide with thousands in need of treatment while infected people wonder the streets because we do not have enough tests.

would you like to go for runner up prize of 100,000?

No one else has picked that number yet so you might win
It is impossible to know since it depends on the population of those who get sick.
How do you know Trump never said that?
You or the liars at NBC have to prove he did

and you cant find any evidence to back it up
Are you too stupid to Google and find the videos or will you claim the videos are fake?
I’m not stupid and there is no video to back up the NBC media lie
Videos have been posted in this thread.
Videos that prove NBC are liars

Video prioves Trump is a liar & you love Trump. If NBS were liars, you'd watch them 24/7 like you do Fox & listen to Limbaugh.
How serious?

will millions of Americans die?
Given the mortality rate of 2% there is no reason to think millions will die.

would you like to go for runner up prize of 100,000 agonizing deaths in America?

No one else has picked that number yet so you might win
Let's go. Don't run and hide.

So.......let's cut through the BS and get specific. For example, yes or no, Mueller said he did not indict Trump for obstruction because he followed the OLC guidelines?
Videos that prove NBC are liars
The video proves you have TDS, Trump Denial Syndrome.

trump devotion syndrome is its mutation.
Are you totally freaked out over the coronavirus?

have to bought more life insurance?

made funeral arrangements?

I took steps to make sure I can stay isolated if it hits where I live.
Good for you

Have you stocked up on Hazmat suits?

plenty of duct tape and emergency food and water?

and dont forget the body bags for anyone in your house who doesent make it
We do not have enough supplies or any facilities in place to treats thousands of patients in isolation.
We should have been preparing for a shortage of hospital beds weeks ago. We didn't.
The biggest threat of the coronavirus is economic

lib globalists have made America vulnerable to any disturbance in communist china
The Left wing lying media only 3 weeks ago complained that Trump would do too much to prepare for the virus.

Now he isn’t doing enough. :113:

We're still waiting for YOU, the OP, to link us to where Trump called the virus a hoax?

From your own story:

Then Trump called the coronavirus “their new hoax.”

Trump ~~~ reassured supporters that the White House was “magnificently organized” in fighting it.

In fact, Trump’s administration spent the week jockeying among themselves to lead the response, ~~~ White House officials and the president grew so concerned this week that Trump put Vice President Mike Pence in charge of the response effort, swapping out his beleaguered health secretary.

Everything is a panic or an outrage or way overblown with the left .....well not everything

Put kids on puberty blockers and give em anal fisting drag queens with police records what's the big deal !

2 scoops of ice cream and its ww3 in iran
How serious?

will millions of Americans die?
Given the mortality rate of 2% there is no reason to think millions will die.

would you like to go for runner up prize of 100,000 agonizing deaths in America?

No one else has picked that number yet so you might win
Let's go. Don't run and hide.

So.......let's cut through the BS and get specific. For example, yes or no, Mueller said he did not indict Trump for obstruction because he followed the OLC guidelines?
How serious?

will millions of Americans die?
Given the mortality rate of 2% there is no reason to think millions will die.

would you like to go for runner up prize of 100,000 agonizing deaths in America?

No one else has picked that number yet so you might win
Let's go. Don't run and hide.

So.......let's cut through the BS and get specific. For example, yes or no, Mueller said he did not indict Trump for obstruction because he followed the OLC guidelines?
dont you run and hide by trying to change the subject

which is fear mongering by the left

Chicken Little libs are looking very foolish

Trump has in no way treated the virus as a hoax you POS pathetic bullshitter. If you even read your own stupid bullshit, you'd know he said that YOU were treating it like a hoax, a fake story, making it into a political football trying to scare people into thinking it is something that it is not.

You are the same kind of useless butthole that went around claiming Trump called the world a shithole when he never said that at all, merely saying some 3rd world nations were a cesspool of poverty and other problems.

But at least it is good to know you spend all your waking hours looking for angles on every story you can try to spin against Trump because you don't have anything actually straight up to bitch about, at least it keeps you off the street where you might be dangerous.
Look who is triggered. lOL...Trump said to treat the virus like a hoax. Your head is so far up Trump’s ass that when he coughs you take a shit.

Then show us the video of him telling people it was all just a hoax. PRODUCE IT you lying piece of crap.
I have a link posted, dimwit. Read it and then reread your inane comment.

FUCK OFF, idiot dicklicker. I didn't ask you for a LINK where anyone can write anything they want. Produce the live video where we can HEAR TRUMP SAYING that the corona virus is fake, made up, a hoax!

We're tired of your blatant lies.

The only hoax here is:
  • That Trump ham-stringed the CDC to now unable to carry out its duties (a lied proven wrong here).
  • Every other left-wing media story trying to make out the corona as a much bigger threat to us that it is, and / or that Trump and his people are ignoring it or under-responding to the threat.
Saying Trump's official tweets are not actually his words is going too far, even for you, toob.

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