CNBC and MSNBC are liars

BTW, it's worth pointing out............for the sake of accuracy................that neither the Mueller investigation or the impeachment were hoaxes either.
Only in lib la la land where everything is backwards
How do you know Trump never said that?
You or the liars at NBC have to prove he did

and you cant find any evidence to back it up
Are you too stupid to Google and find the videos or will you claim the videos are fake?
I’m not stupid and there is no video to back up the NBC media lie
Videos have been posted in this thread.
Videos that prove NBC are liars
Democrat criticism of the US preparation is a hoax, not the virus itself.

Lefties lie. It’s what they do.
Character morals and values have no more meaning for Republicans

I didn’t say it necessarily does. I am addressing this specific issue, which is wha the thread is about.

Start a thread about Pubs trying to win political points by creating a panic and I will shit on them.
John, I agree the media is milking the public's anxiety about this for all it's worth. There is constant attention on this on every newscast, the way there used to be uninterrupted coverage after a mass shooting, back in the day before we got hardened to them. The media will provide whatever sells, but sometimes what the public needs is not what they want. This coronavirus is not going to be the end of American society or world civilization. It is a COLD. It morphs into pneumonia which can be fatal for those who are elderly or have breathing problems. That's not good, but it isn't ebola, either.

People are screeching that Trump is unprepared when so far he has stopped people from entering the country from affected areas which was SMART and the folks returned here who caught it overseas have been successfully quarantined and no one has died.

Stop turning this into a political football, John, please! It does not do anyone any good to make the public even more uneasy than it is. Look at the stock market.

At least think about what I said. So far, Trump's done okay because there's not that much to be done at this point. Let's see what happens. Bitching about it and endlessly criticizing him for stuff that hasn't even happened isn't going to help in the least.
The irony in your post is that Trump has turned the virus into a “political football”. He is the one that is throwing out words like”hoax”. Not me. Trump is the one that is using the virus to batter the Democrats with falsehoods. All the Democrats are doing is holding Trump accountable for his actions. If Trump puts a science denier like Pence in charge of his response team, the Democrats need to call him out on it. That is all.

No President, I mean no President, should use the word “hoax” in the context of this virus. Trump used the word. He is the one that caused the confusion.
Okay. "Hoax" is an outrageous word to use around this virus, but Trump using hyperbole is such a given that I'm sure it didn't really cause a great deal of surprise. A lot of people said "OH GOODY!!" another tweet to condemn him for.

The Dems/left started all this Trump can't handle a pandemic stuff, and that is a HOAX so far. We don't know that. I saw their kick off articles criticizing him for dismantling the pandemic response team (one of his nickel and dime attempts to save a buck, no doubt) and inferring he was at a loss. Calling Pence a "science denier" incapable of coordinating this threat because he questions the man-made part of global warming is another partisan criticism (imo). That question doesn't mean he can't comprehend a virus. Maybe he can't, but we don't know that yet. Pence will no doubt do exactly what Trump wants him to do and say and that will be the bigger problem.

I just wish.....

well, never mind. You folks can't hear me any better than the right can.

Trump has in no way treated the virus as a hoax you POS pathetic bullshitter. If you even read your own stupid bullshit, you'd know he said that YOU were treating it like a hoax, a fake story, making it into a political football trying to scare people into thinking it is something that it is not.

You are the same kind of useless butthole that went around claiming Trump called the world a shithole when he never said that at all, merely saying some 3rd world nations were a cesspool of poverty and other problems.

But at least it is good to know you spend all your waking hours looking for angles on every story you can try to spin against Trump because you don't have anything actually straight up to bitch about, at least it keeps you off the street where you might be dangerous.
Look who is triggered. lOL...Trump said to treat the virus like a hoax. Your head is so far up Trump’s ass that when he coughs you take a shit.

Then show us the video of him telling people it was all just a hoax. PRODUCE IT you lying piece of crap.
I have a link posted, dimwit. Read it and then reread your inane comment.

FUCK OFF, idiot dicklicker. I didn't ask you for a LINK where anyone can write anything they want. Produce the live video where we can HEAR TRUMP SAYING that the corona virus is fake, made up, a hoax!

We're tired of your blatant lies.

The only hoax here is:
  • That Trump ham-stringed the CDC to now unable to carry out its duties (a lied proven wrong here).
  • Every other left-wing media story trying to make out the corona as a much bigger threat to us that it is, and / or that Trump and his people are ignoring it or under-responding to the threat.
He didn't ask for 2.5 billion to fight the virus??? A fn pittance The ah is UNFIT to lead this nation
Trump never said the virus does not exist
Right, he just said it was "their hoax." Clearly implying the virus is a hoax being used by Dems.
The dems want Americans to panic because they claim we're all gonna die of the coronavirus because trump isnt doing enough

and thats bullshit

a total outright lie

Trump has in no way treated the virus as a hoax you POS pathetic bullshitter. If you even read your own stupid bullshit, you'd know he said that YOU were treating it like a hoax, a fake story, making it into a political football trying to scare people into thinking it is something that it is not.

You are the same kind of useless butthole that went around claiming Trump called the world a shithole when he never said that at all, merely saying some 3rd world nations were a cesspool of poverty and other problems.

But at least it is good to know you spend all your waking hours looking for angles on every story you can try to spin against Trump because you don't have anything actually straight up to bitch about, at least it keeps you off the street where you might be dangerous.
Look who is triggered. lOL...Trump said to treat the virus like a hoax. Your head is so far up Trump’s ass that when he coughs you take a shit.

Then show us the video of him telling people it was all just a hoax. PRODUCE IT you lying piece of crap.
I have a link posted, dimwit. Read it and then reread your inane comment.
Fake news.

Can you think of one other time where a super-bug outbreak resulted in so much fake news and blame of the POTUS before anything even happened?
The Left wing lying media only 3 weeks ago complained that Trump would do too much to prepare for the virus.

Now he isn’t doing enough. :113:
Trump has in no way treated the virus as a hoax you POS pathetic bullshitter. If you even read your own stupid bullshit, you'd know he said that YOU were treating it like a hoax, a fake story, making it into a political football trying to scare people into thinking it is something that it is not.

You are the same kind of useless butthole that went around claiming Trump called the world a shithole when he never said that at all, merely saying some 3rd world nations were a cesspool of poverty and other problems.

But at least it is good to know you spend all your waking hours looking for angles on every story you can try to spin against Trump because you don't have anything actually straight up to bitch about, at least it keeps you off the street where you might be dangerous.
Look who is triggered. lOL...Trump said to treat the virus like a hoax. Your head is so far up Trump’s ass that when he coughs you take a shit.

Then show us the video of him telling people it was all just a hoax. PRODUCE IT you lying piece of crap.
I have a link posted, dimwit. Read it and then reread your inane comment.
Fake news.

Can you think of one other time where a super-bug outbreak resulted in so much fake news and blame of the POTUS before anything even happened?
Trump has in no way treated the virus as a hoax you POS pathetic bullshitter. If you even read your own stupid bullshit, you'd know he said that YOU were treating it like a hoax, a fake story, making it into a political football trying to scare people into thinking it is something that it is not.

You are the same kind of useless butthole that went around claiming Trump called the world a shithole when he never said that at all, merely saying some 3rd world nations were a cesspool of poverty and other problems.

But at least it is good to know you spend all your waking hours looking for angles on every story you can try to spin against Trump because you don't have anything actually straight up to bitch about, at least it keeps you off the street where you might be dangerous.
Look who is triggered. lOL...Trump said to treat the virus like a hoax. Your head is so far up Trump’s ass that when he coughs you take a shit.

Then show us the video of him telling people it was all just a hoax. PRODUCE IT you lying piece of crap.
I have a link posted, dimwit. Read it and then reread your inane comment.

FUCK OFF, idiot dicklicker. I didn't ask you for a LINK where anyone can write anything they want. Produce the live video where we can HEAR TRUMP SAYING that the corona virus is fake, made up, a hoax!

We're tired of your blatant lies.

The only hoax here is:
  • That Trump ham-stringed the CDC to now unable to carry out its duties (a lied proven wrong here).
  • Every other left-wing media story trying to make out the corona as a much bigger threat to us that it is, and / or that Trump and his people are ignoring it or under-responding to the threat.
He didn't ask for 2.5 billion to fight the virus??? A fn pittance The ah is UNFIT to lead this nation

Then IMPEACH HIM, dickwad.

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