CNBC and MSNBC are liars

Not as sad as seeing Democrats once again praying to Satan for Americans to suffer and die
Step one. Breathe in to a paper bag. Once you've stopped hyperventilating with hatred.........consider just how idiotic what you said is.
He does not think it's a hoax. He knows it's coming to America it can't be stopped. But he also knows going into a panic will not help. He has stated we are allotting billions of dollars to help fight it. Once it arrives I am confident many billions more will be quickly and easily summoned as the cost of fighting it is not and should not be considered. The op is bunk. He knows human health far exceeds any costs.
Look at the Trumpist mindless cult with their responses so far. Trump can do no wrong no matter how stupid or dangerous his words are.

Man if Trump sees what Kim Un Jong his little buddy did last night might just give him some ideas.

Kim had the 1st diagnosed in NK shot dead.

Clamoring for fake news, it's the way of the modern know nothing.
It's a dem conspiracy Just ask the moron in our WH....Lets blame the Dem candidates
No one that has been elected president is a moron, you idiot.
Guess you haven't been watching or listening to what spouts out of Trumps mouth If there was ever an unqualified person in our WH HE's IT
He called out all the bullshit the media is spinning. You people want this thing to kill Americans, because of your hatred for Trump. That's sick in itself.
Speaking of phony outrage.................................
You haven't listened to get your talking points yet? The media is having a circle jerk hoping this turns out bad for Trump and if it kills Americans. They could careless.

that's insane. you believe mulvaney too, i see.
Who is that?

uh - mick mulvaney? you know ... one of donny's flying monkeys? he just said at CPAC, that it's a hoax & all the silly scare tactics are about the virus is to bring trump down & blah blah blah there are hopes that it kills americans & yada yada yada open borders... his answer is to turn the tv off & stay poorly educated.

sounds more like you got the rw nutter memo.
This morning I watched brian williams and michael moore on MSNBC tell America that trump called the coronavirus a hoax

Michael Moore: Trump calling coronavirus a 'hoax' is 'dangerous'

and so does the CNBC headline on the internet

Coronavirus live updates: Trump calls outbreak a 'hoax,' South Korea has record jump in cases

Coronavirus live updates: Trump calls outbreak a ‘hoax,’ South Korea has record jump in cases

but they are lying to liberals in America

Trump never said that
Trump calls coronavirus Democrats' 'new hoax'
NBC claims that trump called the coronavirus a hoax

which he never did

he called the democrats wild claims about a pandemic in America a hoax

which it is
He called out all the bullshit the media is spinning. You people want this thing to kill Americans, because of your hatred for Trump. That's sick in itself.
Speaking of phony outrage.................................
You haven't listened to get your talking points yet? The media is having a circle jerk hoping this turns out bad for Trump and if it kills Americans. They could careless.

that's insane. you believe mulvaney too, i see.
Who is that?

uh - mick mulvaney? you know ... one of donny's flying monkeys? he just said that it's a hoax & all the silly scare tactics are about the virus is to bring trump down & blah blah blah there are hope that it kills americans & yada yada yada open borders...

sounds more like you got the rw nutter memo.
Actually I can up with it listening to you guys.
uh - mick mulvaney? you know ... one of donny's flying monkeys? he just said that it's a hoax & all the silly scare tactics are about the virus is to bring trump down & blah blah blah there are hope that it kills americans & yada yada yada open borders...
I love that cartoon drawing. Priceless.
After this virus hasn't killed millions of americans the fucking Lib assholes on this forum will claim: "Trump dodged a bullet this time! Next time he won't be so lucky and that's why we must get rid of him !".
You watch!
Those dumbasses are like a broken record.

Just like their reaction when Hurricane season didn't kill enough Americans to feed their lust.

Or when North Korea and Iran both refused to give them their precious WWIII.
Speaking of phony outrage.................................
You haven't listened to get your talking points yet? The media is having a circle jerk hoping this turns out bad for Trump and if it kills Americans. They could careless.

that's insane. you believe mulvaney too, i see.
Who is that?

uh - mick mulvaney? you know ... one of donny's flying monkeys? he just said that it's a hoax & all the silly scare tactics are about the virus is to bring trump down & blah blah blah there are hope that it kills americans & yada yada yada open borders...

sounds more like you got the rw nutter memo.
Actually I can up with it listening to you guys.

nah ... you want lies - go listen to oxyboy.
How do you know Trump never said that?
You or the liars at NBC have to prove he did

and you cant find any evidence to back it up
He said the virus is "their new hoax." That makes you the liar.

It doesn't sound like a hoax.

Oregon, Washington state report suspected cases of unknown origin: The latest on coronavirus
Oregon, Washington state report suspected cases of unknown origin: The latest on coronavirus

See post #108

Trump has in no way treated the virus as a hoax you POS pathetic bullshitter. If you even read your own stupid bullshit, you'd know he said that YOU were treating it like a hoax, a fake story, making it into a political football trying to scare people into thinking it is something that it is not.

You are the same kind of useless butthole that went around claiming Trump called the world a shithole when he never said that at all, merely saying some 3rd world nations were a cesspool of poverty and other problems.

But at least it is good to know you spend all your waking hours looking for angles on every story you can try to spin against Trump because you don't have anything actually straight up to bitch about, at least it keeps you off the street where you might be dangerous.
Look who is triggered. lOL...Trump said to treat the virus like a hoax. Your head is so far up Trump’s ass that when he coughs you take a shit.

Then show us the video of him telling people it was all just a hoax. PRODUCE IT you lying piece of crap.
I have a link posted, dimwit. Read it and then reread your inane comment.

FUCK OFF, idiot dicklicker. I didn't ask you for a LINK where anyone can write anything they want. Produce the live video where we can HEAR TRUMP SAYING that the corona virus is fake, made up, a hoax!

We're tired of your blatant lies.

The only hoax here is:
  • That Trump ham-stringed the CDC to now unable to carry out its duties (a lied proven wrong here).
  • Every other left-wing media story trying to make out the corona as a much bigger threat to us that it is, and / or that Trump and his people are ignoring it or under-responding to the threat.
uh - mick mulvaney? you know ... one of donny's flying monkeys? he just said that it's a hoax & all the silly scare tactics are about the virus is to bring trump down & blah blah blah there are hope that it kills americans & yada yada yada open borders...
I love that cartoon drawing. Priceless.

that's from the new yorker cover
NBC claims that trump called the coronavirus a hoax which he never did
“The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.”
How do you know Trump never said that?
You or the liars at NBC have to prove he did

and you cant find any evidence to back it up
I can't?
How do you know what I can or can't find?
You can't find anything that didn't happen.

Trump said democrat and lib media fear mongering is a hoax

you have been had again by the lying lib press
I can't?
How do you know what I can or can't find?
You can't find anything that didn't happen.

Thanks, as you can see he never claims the virus itself is a hoax, he’s talking about the Democrat’s faux outrage.

Yikes, you folks can convince yourselves of anything when it comes to Dear Leader.

Actually we listen to what he says, not an interpretation of a twisted liberal talking point.

Trump never said the virus does not exist
Just like their reaction when Hurricane season didn't kill enough Americans to feed their lust.

Or when North Korea and Iran both refused to give them their precious WWIII.
Step one. Breathe in to a paper bag. Once you've stopped hyperventilating with hatred.........consider just how idiotic what you said is.

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