CNBC: Democrats quickly call for tighter gun laws after Las Vegas shooting massacre

True but if you make automatic weapons and their ammo harder to acquire that will cut down on deaths.
Boy, you live in a fantasy world
I live in reality. Its a proven scientific fact that a human cant fire as quickly as an automatic weapon. Even the top gun professionals cant keep pace after 5 seconds.
Na, have you ever tried to hit anything accurately on full auto?
Seems someone hit almost 600 humans last night with a fully automatic last night.
Shit happens, what are your chances of dying from someone using an AR type firearm.
That makes no sense to punish law-abiding people for some fucking nutter...
Well you claimed no one would get hit if someone shoots on full auto. Youre a silly fucker.
No American civilian needs a steenkin' machine gun.
No American civilian needs freedom of speech...
Dumb fucking ass, the 2nd amendment is not absolute. The government controls who can legally own fully automatic weapons. And that has not affected my right to own the firearms I own. The assault weapons are easily modified to have an effective full auto fire rate. They should never have been allowed to be sold to civilians. Vegas was the inevitable result of millions of those being in civilian hands.
How many times do you have to be told? they are not easily converted you stupid ass motherfucker… LOL
How many times are you going to knowingly lie about this?
OK, show us how easily they are converted… We want to hear your vast knowledge
No thanks. I dont punch myself in the face like you often do. Here you can pick a video if you didnt like the one I posted.

Have you watched these videos you are posting... obviously not

No. But I told you to pick any of the videos you wanted. Not my fault you want me to watch the videos in order to help you understand them.

Boy, do me a favor and watch one of those videos you posted… You will soon realize the fool you are…

no thanks. I know theyre easy to convert like anyone else that has ever touched a weapon knows.

You need a machine shop with the expertise to convert them... numb nuts

Even if that was true. How many people have that expertise and access to a machine shop dummy?
Not in Las Vegas Pinky.
Well, we will see if Mr. Paddock had a Class 3 license. If he did, then he was perfectly legal to own and carry the weapon.

Or it could have modified
The debate is is HIGHLY illegal to alter firearms in a way that makes them fully auto unless you have acquired the correct license.

How to Make Your Gun Shoot Like It’s Fully Automatic—in One Easy Step – Mother Jones

That’s because, despite enabling rapid fire that mimics a fully automatic weapon, Slide Fire doesn’t appear to violate the production ban in the National Firearms Act. The law only regulates weapons that are designed to shoot “automatically more than one shot, without manual reloading.” The way the Slide Fire works, as Cottle explained to Guns America, makes it easier for semi-automatic gun owners to do what they’ve been doing anyway: “bump firing,” which is where you simulate automatic firing by rocking the gun against the trigger finger. (This practice can also lead to highly inaccurate shooting.)

The Slide Fire helps shooters increase their accuracy and number of rounds—without actually firing automatically. “You actively fire every round, and if you stop pushing forward or you take your finger off the trigger the gun stops firing. It just helps you fire the gun in semiautomatic very fast,” Cottle told the magazine.

A letter from the ATF on Slide Fire’s website certifies the part’s legality for exactly that reason. According to the letter, Slide Fire told ATF that the stock “is intended to assist persons whose hands have limited mobility.” So, basically, if you are missing a hand and need to fire a gun like Capone, the Slide Fire is for you.

Coulson, the ATF spokesman, confirmed the stock does not violate any national laws, and Stephen Halbrook, an attorney who has represented gun companies and the NRA, says “if it was even borderline illegal, ATF would have told them, no, you can’t market it. I’ve met the guys there and they’re very strict.” In 2006, the ATF revoked its approval of a strikingly similar piece, the Akins Accelerator. But the Akins Accelerator, unlike the Slide Fire, included a recoil spring in its design. (It has since been successfully relaunched without the spring.)
Fool, that does not make it military grade you silly fucker…
Oh, so you like to play with semantics. When your fire rate is hundred of rounds per minute, who cares if it is a hundred rounds short of the military model. So you don't want your filthy gravy train derailed. Too bad.
No American civilian needs a steenkin' machine gun.
No American civilian needs freedom of speech...
Dumb fucking ass, the 2nd amendment is not absolute. The government controls who can legally own fully automatic weapons. And that has not affected my right to own the firearms I own. The assault weapons are easily modified to have an effective full auto fire rate. They should never have been allowed to be sold to civilians. Vegas was the inevitable result of millions of those being in civilian hands.
How many times do you have to be told? they are not easily converted you stupid ass motherfucker… LOL
How many times are you going to knowingly lie about this?
OK, show us how easily they are converted… We want to hear your vast knowledge
Already posted.
In the light of the events in Las Cegas, no one is doing a "happy dance", especially gun control advocates. We do not traffic in schadenfreude. That despicable trait is the province of those who refuse to recognize the havoc automatic weapons bring to our streets.

What's the purpose of a machine gun? It is not designed for sporting purposes. It is designed exclusively to kill as many humans as quickly as possible. No one can justify their ownership among civilians. Such weapons belong in the hands of a well regulated militia, not on American streets.
Did you read what I wrote? Or are you so overwhelmed by your anti-gun passion none of it matters. If so, please be advised that automatic weapons have been illegal for quite some time.

So what else would you suggest we do about them?

Remember that even without them, Paddack could have killed as many in other ways. Helping the complete isolation from other humans this man lived with is the only 'cure'.
Boy, you live in a fantasy world
I live in reality. Its a proven scientific fact that a human cant fire as quickly as an automatic weapon. Even the top gun professionals cant keep pace after 5 seconds.
Na, have you ever tried to hit anything accurately on full auto?
Seems someone hit almost 600 humans last night with a fully automatic last night.
Shit happens, what are your chances of dying from someone using an AR type firearm.
That makes no sense to punish law-abiding people for some fucking nutter...
Well you claimed no one would get hit if someone shoots on full auto. Youre a silly fucker.
You obviously watch too many Hollywood movies… And think they are real
I'm a Vietnam veteran and the shots sounded to me like they came from a fully automatic AK-47, which is supposed to be banned by federal law! The achillies heel

Actually machine guns registered before the 1968 ban, were, and remain legal. They're expensive because they incur a $2000 transfer tax. But they're legal.
I live in reality. Its a proven scientific fact that a human cant fire as quickly as an automatic weapon. Even the top gun professionals cant keep pace after 5 seconds.
Na, have you ever tried to hit anything accurately on full auto?
Seems someone hit almost 600 humans last night with a fully automatic last night.
Shit happens, what are your chances of dying from someone using an AR type firearm.
That makes no sense to punish law-abiding people for some fucking nutter...
Well you claimed no one would get hit if someone shoots on full auto. Youre a silly fucker.
You obviously watch too many Hollywood movies… And think they are real

You were the one that claimed you couldnt hit anyone shooting on full auto. Guess the gunman proved what a silly fucker you are.
No American civilian needs a steenkin' machine gun.
No American civilian needs freedom of speech...
Dumb fucking ass, the 2nd amendment is not absolute. The government controls who can legally own fully automatic weapons. And that has not affected my right to own the firearms I own. The assault weapons are easily modified to have an effective full auto fire rate. They should never have been allowed to be sold to civilians. Vegas was the inevitable result of millions of those being in civilian hands.
How many times do you have to be told? they are not easily converted you stupid ass motherfucker… LOL
How many times are you going to knowingly lie about this?
OK, show us how easily they are converted… We want to hear your vast knowledge
Put 'how to modify an ar to fire fully automatic' on google. 11,400,000 results, you filthy liar.
Senators, including some who once voted against an assault-weapon ban are jumping on the gun control band-wagon.

The "assault weapons" which were the target of yesterday's gun-ban advocates were not in fact assault weapons but ordinary semi-automatic sporting rifles that look like real assault weapons, the critical difference being the primary characteristic of any true assault weapon is fully automatic function. What today's (Las Vegas) shooter used is a true, fully automatic assault weapon.

While time and circumstances have caught up with and corrected a critically ignorant mistake the important point in this distinction is the true assault weapon has always been illegal. What yesterday's ignorant gun-ban advocates were calling for was a stupidly redundant effort to ban ordinary semi-automatic sporting rifles (e.g., AR-15, etc) -- which are not assault weapons.

Boy, that's sick.

All I read is your title and that's some sick shit.

Senators, including some who once voted against an assault-weapon ban are jumping on the gun control band-wagon.

The "assault weapons" which were the target of yesterday's gun-ban advocates were not in fact assault weapons but ordinary semi-automatic sporting rifles that look like real assault weapons, the critical difference being the primary characteristic of any true assault weapon is fully automatic function. What today's (Las Vegas) shooter used is a true, fully automatic assault weapon.

While time and circumstances have caught up with and corrected a critically ignorant mistake the important point in this distinction is the true assault weapon has always been illegal. What yesterday's ignorant gun-ban advocates were calling for was a stupidly redundant effort to ban ordinary semi-automatic sporting rifles (e.g., AR-15, etc) -- which are not assault weapons.
Clearly it is you freaks who are having yourselves a banner day. Right now his board is like being at the annual Cletus Cousin-wife family reunion. You losers are tripping over each other to kiss each others' guns. Embarrassing freak show.
I am going to save people a lot of time and energy. I will never support gun-control. Never. Never means never.

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