CNBC: Democrats quickly call for tighter gun laws after Las Vegas shooting massacre

Like a well oil machine the gun crowd has mobilized to deflect all attention away from any gun control talk .

In the last hour I've seen people twist things into the NFL, antifa , liberals , gun free zones , mainstream media , and of course ....Hillary !

And if course the Generic "now is not the time ." "Never " is the time for conservatives.

Answer this question.

Let's suppose you leftardz succeed in banning all guns and in completely repealing the 2nd amendment. . . It's never EVER going to happen but let's just say it does.

What will be your leftardz next move when, after the 2nd amendment is repealed, all guns are ban and or confiscated and someone steals some from the military or the police or one of them goes rogue and goes on another mass shooting any whay?

What will be your next fucking move THEN?

Con tactic # 12 . Whenever the issue of gun control comes up automatically go to a total ban. Nobody is looking to ban guns. You couldn't anyways because we have the Second Amendment.
Lib Lie #1-Just the Tip--Well, we aren't your gf so we wont agree to play that game.
Like a well oil machine the gun crowd has mobilized to deflect all attention away from any gun control talk .

In the last hour I've seen people twist things into the NFL, antifa , liberals , gun free zones , mainstream media , and of course ....Hillary !

And if course the Generic "now is not the time ." "Never " is the time for conservatives.

Answer this question.

Let's suppose you leftardz succeed in banning all guns and in completely repealing the 2nd amendment. . . It's never EVER going to happen but let's just say it does.

What will be your leftardz next move when, after the 2nd amendment is repealed, all guns are ban and or confiscated and someone steals some from the military or the police or one of them goes rogue and goes on another mass shooting any whay?

What will be your next fucking move THEN?

Con tactic # 12 . Whenever the issue of gun control comes up automatically go to a total ban. Nobody is looking to ban guns. You couldn't anyways because we have the Second Amendment.

Do you crept the fact that especially in the absence of a total ban, mass shootings will continue?

Do you honestly (ignorantly) think you can prevent them with more and more laws piled on top o e the dozens of laws they (mass killers) are already willing to break?

Nothing is 100%. But if u make it harder to get guns in the black market , your low level criminal will be priced out . If you have some background check controls , less crazies will be able to get guns .
In the light of the events in Las Cegas, no one is doing a "happy dance", especially gun control advocates. We do not traffic in schadenfreude. That despicable trait is the province of those who refuse to recognize the havoc automatic weapons bring to our streets.

What's the purpose of a machine gun? It is not designed for sporting purposes. It is designed exclusively to kill as many humans as quickly as possible. No one can justify their ownership among civilians. Such weapons belong in the hands of a well regulated militia, not on American streets.
Did you read what I wrote? Or are you so overwhelmed by your anti-gun passion none of it matters. If so, please be advised that automatic weapons have been illegal for quite some time.

So what else would you suggest we do about them?

Remember that even without them, Paddack could have killed as many in other ways. Helping the complete isolation from other humans this man lived with is the only 'cure'.
Your rationalization falls flat. How do you conclude he lived an isolated life? Lacking more than ten guns in a 32nd floor hotel room, how could he have killed so many so quickly from such safety? A truck bomb as the hyper Conservative McVeigh did? Perhaps. But unlikely given modern security methods. He used a machine gun, a modified semi-automatic firing system and high capacity ammunition clips. Somebody must step up and say enough! There is no use for such weapons other than to kill as many people as quickly as possible. A weapon that belongs in the hands of a well regulated militia, not on the streets of America.
He was not isolated, he was a professional gambler and a multi-millionaire. Being a gambler, he regularly associated with people.
Nothing is 100%. But if u make it harder to get guns in the black market , your low level criminal will be priced out . If you have some background check cont
The black market will always exist if there are any restrictions. Restrictions cause more problems.

It would take less than 60 days to stop all the bullshit if we all open-carried full-autos everywhere. Assholes wanting to start trouble would get dead in short order, and everyone else would learn to be polite and respectful.
Timmy the troll must have been told to drum up more post count off this topic.

Don't let a tragedy go to waste and all that...
Like a well oil machine the gun crowd has mobilized to deflect all attention away from any gun control talk .

In the last hour I've seen people twist things into the NFL, antifa , liberals , gun free zones , mainstream media , and of course ....Hillary !

And if course the Generic "now is not the time ." "Never " is the time for conservatives.
Automatic weapons are already illegal. You have your gun control wish.

Not true . And can't you sell kits to legally convert guns into autos .
"Never let a crisis (or a tragedy) go to waste"...Rahm Emanuel. Would it have been prudent for the Hildabeast to show some respect and at least wait a day or two instead of issuing a political statement at 7:A.M. while they were still picking up bodies? Wouldn't it be prudent to examine how many local, state and federal gun laws Paddock broke before blaming the NRA and republicans? My guess is that the politically astute former democrat candidate is aware of the seething psychotic anger on the left after the last election and she wants to preempt any acknowledgement of it with a typical attack on the NRA. When you factor a CBS executive facebook statement that she isn't concerned because country music victims are just republicans anyway it's the tip of the iceberg throughout the hate filled democrat establishment not to mention the fringe psychopaths. Was psychotic hatred for republicans and conservatives illustrated by country music fans the real motive? James Hodgkinson was an active Sanders democrat and about the same age as Paddock and it was only three months ago that he opened fire on a freaking baseball team. Thank God he wasn't a very good shot but what if he got hold of an illegal fully automatic weapon?
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Timmy the troll must have been told to drum up more post count off this topic.

Don't let a tragedy go to waste and all that...

You sanctimonious hypocrites . If the shooter was an illegal alien you bet the GOP and Trump wouldn't stop talking about it . Like they did with that lady in Frisco.
Like a well oil machine the gun crowd has mobilized to deflect all attention away from any gun control talk .

In the last hour I've seen people twist things into the NFL, antifa , liberals , gun free zones , mainstream media , and of course ....Hillary !

And if course the Generic "now is not the time ." "Never " is the time for conservatives.
Automatic weapons are already illegal. You have your gun control wish.

Not true . And can't you sell kits to legally convert guns into autos .
It's the most rigorous and expensive license to get. And no, conversions are not legal.
Like a well oil machine the gun crowd has mobilized to deflect all attention away from any gun control talk .

In the last hour I've seen people twist things into the NFL, antifa , liberals , gun free zones , mainstream media , and of course ....Hillary !

And if course the Generic "now is not the time ." "Never " is the time for conservatives.
Automatic weapons are already illegal. You have your gun control wish.

Not true . And can't you sell kits to legally convert guns into autos .
It's the most rigorous and expensive license to get. And no, conversions are not legal.

So they ARE legal.

Are the kits legal?
Wait. Let's ban murder and killings. Surely that will work.
Liberals always point to the they think the nut has something to do with it?

Cripes the bodies aren't even cold yet or the blood cleaned up and they hammer down again with no shame. And it seems like the only time a killer is not responsible for the deaths is when they use a gun. Obviously the murderer isn't the perpetrator of the massacre. It was the gun.

Liberals are insane.
Like a well oil machine the gun crowd has mobilized to deflect all attention away from any gun control talk .

In the last hour I've seen people twist things into the NFL, antifa , liberals , gun free zones , mainstream media , and of course ....Hillary !

And if course the Generic "now is not the time ." "Never " is the time for conservatives.
Automatic weapons are already illegal. You have your gun control wish.

Not true . And can't you sell kits to legally convert guns into autos .

Which would make them illegal guns.

You can own automatic weapons, but trying to get a permit to own one from the federal government is like trying to get a concealed carry license in New York city. Good luck.
Timmy the troll must have been told to drum up more post count off this topic.

Don't let a tragedy go to waste and all that...

You sanctimonious hypocrites . If the shooter was an illegal alien you bet the GOP and Trump wouldn't stop talking about it . Like they did with that lady in Frisco.
If he was an illegal we wouldn't have to be talking about banning our rights with you people. You'd be too busy telling us how illegals are the backbone of the country.
More gun laws heaped on law abiding citizens will stop a law breaking mad man? The left is up to their same old shit again, never let a tragedy go to waste right libs. :puke:

Yes, I know that you need 100 round ammo cartridges in your normal legal activities. Sometimes is really hard to bring down a moose! And those silencers? Yes, you just don't want to damage your hearing. And, it is important that the mentally ill, and felons can buy guns without background checks from private individuals. After all, the Constitution says that the right to own firearms shall not be abridged. Frankly, I am waiting for the NRA to fight the ban on catalog sales to incarcerated felons, all the way to the Supreme Court.

Lots wrong with that right there.

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