CNBC: Democrats quickly call for tighter gun laws after Las Vegas shooting massacre

Wait. Let's ban murder and killings. Surely that will work.
Liberals always point to the they think the nut has something to do with it?

Cripes the bodies aren't even cold yet or the blood cleaned up and they hammer down again with no shame. And it seems like the only time a killer is not responsible for the deaths is when they use a gun. Obviously the murderer isn't the perpetrator of the massacre. It was the gun.

Liberals are insane.
There's no crime in a liberals mind unless it can be used to further the agenda. Illegals aren't illegal. Killing unborn children isn't murder. Guns though, those should always be illegal.
Like a well oil machine the gun crowd has mobilized to deflect all attention away from any gun control talk .

In the last hour I've seen people twist things into the NFL, antifa , liberals , gun free zones , mainstream media , and of course ....Hillary !

And if course the Generic "now is not the time ." "Never " is the time for conservatives.

There is no more sick and twisted individual than a gun nut.

It's slowly but surely catching up with them.

Which just makes them that much more sick and twisted.
Timmy the troll must have been told to drum up more post count off this topic.

Don't let a tragedy go to waste and all that...

You sanctimonious hypocrites . If the shooter was an illegal alien you bet the GOP and Trump wouldn't stop talking about it . Like they did with that lady in Frisco.

He was a wealthy white guy and that's mostly what we are talking about on USMC and Fox news.
Well first y'all said they were illegal . Now they are legal, but it's hard to get a license .

You gun nuts are a fountain of misinformation with your lies .
Timmy the troll must have been told to drum up more post count off this topic.

Don't let a tragedy go to waste and all that...

You sanctimonious hypocrites . If the shooter was an illegal alien you bet the GOP and Trump wouldn't stop talking about it . Like they did with that lady in Frisco.
God, you're stupid.

If the shooter was illegal, he'd still be dead. What we'd be talking about is banning illegals, not guns. Oh wait, we already are talking about banning illegals.
Like a well oil machine the gun crowd has mobilized to deflect all attention away from any gun control talk .

In the last hour I've seen people twist things into the NFL, antifa , liberals , gun free zones , mainstream media , and of course ....Hillary !

And if course the Generic "now is not the time ." "Never " is the time for conservatives.

There is no more sick and twisted individual than a gun nut.

It's slowly but surely catching up with them.

Which just makes them that much more sick and twisted.

Except (from initial reporting) this guy was not a gun nut. Most of his weapons he purchased recently.
Timmy the troll must have been told to drum up more post count off this topic.

Don't let a tragedy go to waste and all that...

You sanctimonious hypocrites . If the shooter was an illegal alien you bet the GOP and Trump wouldn't stop talking about it . Like they did with that lady in Frisco.

He was a wealthy white guy and that's mostly what we are talking about on USMC and Fox news.

Let the conspiracies fly !
Timmy the troll must have been told to drum up more post count off this topic.

Don't let a tragedy go to waste and all that...

You sanctimonious hypocrites . If the shooter was an illegal alien you bet the GOP and Trump wouldn't stop talking about it . Like they did with that lady in Frisco.

He was a wealthy white guy and that's mostly what we are talking about on USMC and Fox news.

Let the conspiracies fly !

What conspiracies?
You don't punish the innocent for the acts of criminals...............and the 2nd Amendment Stands...........Law abiding citizens have the right to own guns...............and are not the wack job in Vegas..................

We have no reason to give them up when we have not committed a crime and are law abiding citizens.
Right now is not a good time to talk about gun control, think of the victims families! We have to let our nation heal from this tragedy before we start talking about gun control. Hopefully we are healed and can start the discussion before the next massacre takes place. In the meantime, please think of those families.


But had it been a Muslim, now would be the time to talk, it would be what the victims wanted... and Trump.
We should use Hillary's evails to build that wall. No one seems to be able to get over it.
Like a well oil machine the gun crowd has mobilized to deflect all attention away from any gun control talk .

In the last hour I've seen people twist things into the NFL, antifa , liberals , gun free zones , mainstream media , and of course ....Hillary !

And if course the Generic "now is not the time ." "Never " is the time for conservatives.

There is no more sick and twisted individual than a gun nut.

It's slowly but surely catching up with them.

Which just makes them that much more sick and twisted.

Except (from initial reporting) this guy was not a gun nut. Most of his weapons he purchased recently.

Well that's gun nuttish behavior . Buying a bunch at once .
You don't punish the innocent for the acts of criminals...............and the 2nd Amendment Stands...........Law abiding citizens have the right to own guns...............and are not the wack job in Vegas..................

We have no reason to give them up when we have not committed a crime and are law abiding citizens.

No, those 50 people who died did NOT commit a crime.

But they certainly got punished for the crime.
Well first y'all said they were illegal . Now they are legal, but it's hard to get a license .

You gun nuts are a fountain of misinformation with your lies .

Nobody knows yet. There is a lot of investigation going on right now. When we find out, then we can debate it. But from the sounds of it, it seems that the guns he used were purchased illegally. They were fully automatics.
Like a well oil machine the gun crowd has mobilized to deflect all attention away from any gun control talk .

In the last hour I've seen people twist things into the NFL, antifa , liberals , gun free zones , mainstream media , and of course ....Hillary !

And if course the Generic "now is not the time ." "Never " is the time for conservatives.
Automatic weapons are already illegal. You have your gun control wish.

Not true . And can't you sell kits to legally convert guns into autos .
It's the most rigorous and expensive license to get. And no, conversions are not legal.

So they ARE legal.

Are the kits legal?
Your next date being a ten this weekend are the same as anyone getting a full auto permit. In other words it's not happening without an ungodly amount of money and paperwork.

I already told you they aren't legal. The one thing we can be 99.9% sure of about this shooting is those guns were not legal.
Timmy the troll must have been told to drum up more post count off this topic.

Don't let a tragedy go to waste and all that...

You sanctimonious hypocrites . If the shooter was an illegal alien you bet the GOP and Trump wouldn't stop talking about it . Like they did with that lady in Frisco.

He was a wealthy white guy and that's mostly what we are talking about on USMC and Fox news.

Let the conspiracies fly !

What conspiracies?

Just wait. "He's was a brainwashed plant" or " he was a scapegoat for the real shooter ".

If there's zero motive . People will freak .
Like a well oil machine the gun crowd has mobilized to deflect all attention away from any gun control talk .

In the last hour I've seen people twist things into the NFL, antifa , liberals , gun free zones , mainstream media , and of course ....Hillary !

And if course the Generic "now is not the time ." "Never " is the time for conservatives.

There is no more sick and twisted individual than a gun nut.

It's slowly but surely catching up with them.

Which just makes them that much more sick and twisted.

Except (from initial reporting) this guy was not a gun nut. Most of his weapons he purchased recently.

Well that's gun nuttish behavior . Buying a bunch at once .

No, gun nutters (as the left calls them) are people who were always obsessed with guns. Unless later reports tell otherwise, this guy bought most of his armament the last month or so. This was a very well planned and calculated massacre.
Timmy the troll must have been told to drum up more post count off this topic.

Don't let a tragedy go to waste and all that...

You sanctimonious hypocrites . If the shooter was an illegal alien you bet the GOP and Trump wouldn't stop talking about it . Like they did with that lady in Frisco.

He was a wealthy white guy and that's mostly what we are talking about on USMC and Fox news.

Let the conspiracies fly !

What conspiracies?

Just wait. "He's was a brainwashed plant" or " he was a scapegoat for the real shooter ".

If there's zero motive . People will freak .

This case seems to be very unique. He was 64 years old, a model citizen, never in trouble with the law, wealthy, a retired accountant with rental property and other successful real estate investments, married and divorced a couple of times, not even an outstanding parking ticket. No political motivation, no religious motivation, and no indication of his plans on social media.

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