CNBC: Paul Ryan wants to cut entitlements to trim the deficit


Jul 20, 2013
Source: CNBC.COM
Paul Ryan wants to cut entitlements to trim the deficit, but political reality stands in his way

"Ryan views tax cuts as a policy to spur economic growth — no matter what the state of the federal budget. An increase in the deficit, which mainstream economists consider a certainty, is beside the point.

Rising debt, in fact, strengthens his zeal for his preferred deficit-reduction policy. That policy is to reduce spending by shrinking the size and scope of government that Democratic political initiatives have built.

In particular, Ryan wants to curb spending on the giant "entitlement" programs of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. "How you tackle the debt and the deficit," the speaker declared recently, is by "entitlement reform."

Democratic presidents saw those programs as a means of preventing destitution and medical calamity among senior citizens, the disabled and the poor. More than any other contemporary Republican leader, Ryan represents the philosophical tradition that opposed their creation in the first place."

Finally a congress critter saying something that I can fully support, of course the chances of federal entitlement spending reduction actually happening are somewhere between slim and none, but I'll give 'em credit if they stick to their stated principles instead of just doing the usual political sell-out.

"Thus the speaker has supported partial privatization of Social Security, conversion of Medicare to a "premium support" program for purchase of private insurance, and per-beneficiary Medicaid limits that would reduce federal spending by hundreds of billions of dollars. In opposing the 2010 Simpson-Bowles deficit reduction report, which called for both tax hikes and spending limits, he explained, "Increasing the government's take from the economy hinders growth."

Getting federal entitlement spending under control is LONG overdue and above are 3 ideas that represent a good start and worthy of serious consideration.

May the force be with you Mr. Ryan.
This will not happen before the midterms as it will be met with fierce opposition and backlash by the electorate. There will be a political price for these cuts and a heavy one.
That's right. Screw the poor and middle class after all, that IS the American Way.
This will not happen before the midterms as it will be met with fierce opposition and backlash by the electorate. There will be a political price for these cuts and a heavy one.

Midterms hell. It won't happen until after the Boomers die off. We want what's ours.
This will not happen before the midterms as it will be met with fierce opposition and backlash by the electorate.
I'm aware of that, McConnell already said he didn't see it coming up on the Senate's 2018 agenda, doesn't surprise me, McConnell and most of his Cohorts-R in the Senate are unprincipled weasels.

It would however be a nice change if the Republicrats for once placed principle and the long term good of the Republic above saving their pathetic political careers.

There will be a political price for these cuts and a heavy one.
That's true, a lot of the Republicrat Congress Critters would likely lose their jobs over it, in my book that's fine, better to lose your job because you did the right thing than keep your job by continuing to do all the wrong ones. :dunno:
Source: CNBC.COM
Paul Ryan wants to cut entitlements to trim the deficit, but political reality stands in his way

"Ryan views tax cuts as a policy to spur economic growth — no matter what the state of the federal budget. An increase in the deficit, which mainstream economists consider a certainty, is beside the point.

Rising debt, in fact, strengthens his zeal for his preferred deficit-reduction policy. That policy is to reduce spending by shrinking the size and scope of government that Democratic political initiatives have built.

In particular, Ryan wants to curb spending on the giant "entitlement" programs of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. "How you tackle the debt and the deficit," the speaker declared recently, is by "entitlement reform."

Democratic presidents saw those programs as a means of preventing destitution and medical calamity among senior citizens, the disabled and the poor. More than any other contemporary Republican leader, Ryan represents the philosophical tradition that opposed their creation in the first place."

Finally a congress critter saying something that I can fully support, of course the chances of federal entitlement spending reduction actually happening are somewhere between slim and none, but I'll give 'em credit if they stick to their stated principles instead of just doing the usual political sell-out.

"Thus the speaker has supported partial privatization of Social Security, conversion of Medicare to a "premium support" program for purchase of private insurance, and per-beneficiary Medicaid limits that would reduce federal spending by hundreds of billions of dollars. In opposing the 2010 Simpson-Bowles deficit reduction report, which called for both tax hikes and spending limits, he explained, "Increasing the government's take from the economy hinders growth."

Getting federal entitlement spending under control is LONG overdue and above are 3 ideas that represent a good start and worthy of serious consideration.

May the force be with you Mr. Ryan.
Ryan is going to sink the Republican ship if he tries touching any of that.
Conversion of Medicare to a "premium support" program for private insurance sounds a lot like Obamacare. How's that working out?
Per beneficiary Medicaid limits mean headlines of all the people who get cut off from dialysis treatment or cancer therapy, babies needing open heart surgery who use their benefits by the time they're three.

I have no idea how privatizing Social Security is supposed to save the program. It doesn't seem to have done much for the prison system.

Ryan is driving a spike through the bottom of the boat, if you ask me. You want to see a squawk, try any of that. It will make the Repeal and Replace discussion look like a friendly chat over cookies and milk.
Source: CNBC.COM
Paul Ryan wants to cut entitlements to trim the deficit, but political reality stands in his way

"Ryan views tax cuts as a policy to spur economic growth — no matter what the state of the federal budget. An increase in the deficit, which mainstream economists consider a certainty, is beside the point.

Rising debt, in fact, strengthens his zeal for his preferred deficit-reduction policy. That policy is to reduce spending by shrinking the size and scope of government that Democratic political initiatives have built.

In particular, Ryan wants to curb spending on the giant "entitlement" programs of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. "How you tackle the debt and the deficit," the speaker declared recently, is by "entitlement reform."

Democratic presidents saw those programs as a means of preventing destitution and medical calamity among senior citizens, the disabled and the poor. More than any other contemporary Republican leader, Ryan represents the philosophical tradition that opposed their creation in the first place."

Finally a congress critter saying something that I can fully support, of course the chances of federal entitlement spending reduction actually happening are somewhere between slim and none, but I'll give 'em credit if they stick to their stated principles instead of just doing the usual political sell-out.

"Thus the speaker has supported partial privatization of Social Security, conversion of Medicare to a "premium support" program for purchase of private insurance, and per-beneficiary Medicaid limits that would reduce federal spending by hundreds of billions of dollars. In opposing the 2010 Simpson-Bowles deficit reduction report, which called for both tax hikes and spending limits, he explained, "Increasing the government's take from the economy hinders growth."

Getting federal entitlement spending under control is LONG overdue and above are 3 ideas that represent a good start and worthy of serious consideration.

May the force be with you Mr. Ryan.

Paul Ryan married rich didn't he. If divorced he'd probably get alimony. Wonder why that law changed with the new tax cut.
Columns like this are so irresponsible, the authors ought to be "disbarred" or shot. They take an off-hand remark of an obvious fact and extrapolate it into a diabolical plan to - basically - kill babies and old people.

The real question is, what kind of a moron would take this seriously? A Democrat moron...obviously.
Cutting services people paid for their whole life?
Why dont that corporatist asshole start with corporate welfare?
This will not happen before the midterms as it will be met with fierce opposition and backlash by the electorate. There will be a political price for these cuts and a heavy one.

Midterms hell. It won't happen until after the Boomers die off. We want what's ours.
Social Security and Medicare are both Ponzi schemes, some generation SOON is going to get screwed big time, and it will be after the Boomers (think voting bloc) die off.
Thank you dumbacrats.
This will not happen before the midterms as it will be met with fierce opposition and backlash by the electorate. There will be a political price for these cuts and a heavy one.

Midterms hell. It won't happen until after the Boomers die off. We want what's ours.
Social Security and Medicare are both Ponzi schemes, some generation SOON is going to get screwed big time, and it will be after the Boomers (think voting bloc) die off.
Thank you dumbacrats.
Yes, i have been paying for SS since i was 14. I am about to be 32 and i fear i wont be getting any of it when i get to the appropriate age to receive it.
Its bullshit.
I wish i could opt out of it. That extra money would be great going into my personal retirement plan..
Ryan has always had a hard-on for social security. Now that he’s retiring he’s going to try to change it, but I doubt he’ll be successful
Source: CNBC.COM
Paul Ryan wants to cut entitlements to trim the deficit, but political reality stands in his way

"Ryan views tax cuts as a policy to spur economic growth — no matter what the state of the federal budget. An increase in the deficit, which mainstream economists consider a certainty, is beside the point.

Rising debt, in fact, strengthens his zeal for his preferred deficit-reduction policy. That policy is to reduce spending by shrinking the size and scope of government that Democratic political initiatives have built.

In particular, Ryan wants to curb spending on the giant "entitlement" programs of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. "How you tackle the debt and the deficit," the speaker declared recently, is by "entitlement reform."

Democratic presidents saw those programs as a means of preventing destitution and medical calamity among senior citizens, the disabled and the poor. More than any other contemporary Republican leader, Ryan represents the philosophical tradition that opposed their creation in the first place."

Finally a congress critter saying something that I can fully support, of course the chances of federal entitlement spending reduction actually happening are somewhere between slim and none, but I'll give 'em credit if they stick to their stated principles instead of just doing the usual political sell-out.

"Thus the speaker has supported partial privatization of Social Security, conversion of Medicare to a "premium support" program for purchase of private insurance, and per-beneficiary Medicaid limits that would reduce federal spending by hundreds of billions of dollars. In opposing the 2010 Simpson-Bowles deficit reduction report, which called for both tax hikes and spending limits, he explained, "Increasing the government's take from the economy hinders growth."

Getting federal entitlement spending under control is LONG overdue and above are 3 ideas that represent a good start and worthy of serious consideration.

May the force be with you Mr. Ryan.

It would be great if this was the case. However, I doubt he has the balls.

Most evil program in the history of mankind.
That's right. Screw the poor and middle class after all, that IS the American Way.

As usual, LyinRayn is lying. Not to mention they're called "entitlements" because the recipients are entitled to them.

This bastard got where he is because of SocSec but its his long time dream to steal this money from those who earned SS and Medicare. The gop doesn't actually give a fuck about the deficit but what they do are about is taking advantage of this opportunity to screw over the elderly. Others on their hit list - the handicapped, veterans, children and their all time favorites to attack, women.

Interestingly, his hero Ayn Rand collected SS under a fake name, was in favor of abortion and was a nazi.
Conversion of Medicare to a "premium support" program for private insurance sounds a lot like Obamacare.
From what I've read about the basic idea, converting Medicare to a premium support program entails;

Instead of paying out for expenses as they arise like Medicare does now, eligible retirees would receive a voucher to go out to the private market and purchase whatever private health insurance they wanted (paying any premiums over and above the voucher out of their own pockets), this caps annual Federal Medicare expenditures at # of beneficiaries * voucher face value versus the far more open ended program that we have now.

Obamacare on the other hand dictates the specifics of the insurance that can be purchased, how it can be purchased, includes penalties for failure to purchase and adds subsides based on income qualifications and carrier subsidies on the other end of the transaction to protect private insurers from market risk. All that's FAR more intrusive into the transaction and FAR less cost controlled than just handing someone a voucher and essentially saying "here, go buy what you want with this".

Per beneficiary Medicaid limits mean headlines of all the people who get cut off from dialysis treatment or cancer therapy, babies needing open heart surgery who use their benefits by the time they're three.
Apparently some people don't understand the concept of SCARCITY, time to get with the program before all this faux "compassion" ends up strangling the goose that laid the golden egg, bad stuff happens, you want to help mitigate it? PRIVATE charities are the answer because we need to stop trying to run the federal government like it's a charity with infinite resources.

I have no idea how privatizing Social Security is supposed to save the program.
It means you accrue assets in a private account instead of accruing obligations against the incomes of future tax payers in the general fund, not to mention if structured correctly unused SS assets can be transferred FORWARD to future generations instead of transferring wealth BACKWARDS to current ones.

Ryan is driving a spike through the bottom of the boat, if you ask me.
Yeah that's why I give him some credit, the boat of the welfare state needs to be sunk and a new, much smaller & cheaper one built in its place.
This will not happen before the midterms as it will be met with fierce opposition and backlash by the electorate.
I'm aware of that, McConnell already said he didn't see it coming up on the Senate's 2018 agenda, doesn't surprise me, McConnell and most of his Cohorts-R in the Senate are unprincipled weasels.

It would however be a nice change if the Republicrats for once placed principle and the long term good of the Republic above saving their pathetic political careers.

There will be a political price for these cuts and a heavy one.
That's true, a lot of the Republicrat Congress Critters would likely lose their jobs over it, in my book that's fine, better to lose your job because you did the right thing than keep your job by continuing to do all the wrong ones. :dunno:
So doing the right thing for you is cutting aid to the poor and disabled...?
Source: CNBC.COM
Paul Ryan wants to cut entitlements to trim the deficit, but political reality stands in his way

"Ryan views tax cuts as a policy to spur economic growth — no matter what the state of the federal budget. An increase in the deficit, which mainstream economists consider a certainty, is beside the point.

Rising debt, in fact, strengthens his zeal for his preferred deficit-reduction policy. That policy is to reduce spending by shrinking the size and scope of government that Democratic political initiatives have built.

In particular, Ryan wants to curb spending on the giant "entitlement" programs of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. "How you tackle the debt and the deficit," the speaker declared recently, is by "entitlement reform."

Democratic presidents saw those programs as a means of preventing destitution and medical calamity among senior citizens, the disabled and the poor. More than any other contemporary Republican leader, Ryan represents the philosophical tradition that opposed their creation in the first place."

Finally a congress critter saying something that I can fully support, of course the chances of federal entitlement spending reduction actually happening are somewhere between slim and none, but I'll give 'em credit if they stick to their stated principles instead of just doing the usual political sell-out.

"Thus the speaker has supported partial privatization of Social Security, conversion of Medicare to a "premium support" program for purchase of private insurance, and per-beneficiary Medicaid limits that would reduce federal spending by hundreds of billions of dollars. In opposing the 2010 Simpson-Bowles deficit reduction report, which called for both tax hikes and spending limits, he explained, "Increasing the government's take from the economy hinders growth."

Getting federal entitlement spending under control is LONG overdue and above are 3 ideas that represent a good start and worthy of serious consideration.

May the force be with you Mr. Ryan.
Ryan is going to sink the Republican ship if he tries touching any of that.
Conversion of Medicare to a "premium support" program for private insurance sounds a lot like Obamacare. How's that working out?
Per beneficiary Medicaid limits mean headlines of all the people who get cut off from dialysis treatment or cancer therapy, babies needing open heart surgery who use their benefits by the time they're three.

I have no idea how privatizing Social Security is supposed to save the program. It doesn't seem to have done much for the prison system.

Ryan is driving a spike through the bottom of the boat, if you ask me. You want to see a squawk, try any of that. It will make the Repeal and Replace discussion look like a friendly chat over cookies and milk.

That’s the way it always has been and has led us to this point. Someone will pay for the huge deficits. It may not be now or 10 to 20 years but someone will pay and if we start doing the right things now, it won’t be as painful as it will be when we have no choice. Politicians won’t make those tough calls because they want re-elected, so doing the right thing if it is painful, is not the way of the politician.
Columns like this are so irresponsible, the authors ought to be "disbarred" or shot. They take an off-hand remark of an obvious fact and extrapolate it into a diabolical plan to - basically - kill babies and old people.

The real question is, what kind of a moron would take this seriously? A Democrat moron...obviously.

Ya think?

Then why has Ryan been talking about this since his college days? Why has this exact thing been reported many times before?

Do you have proof that this column is incorrect? Please post it. In the mean time, for your reading pleasure -

Ryan announced Wednesday that in 2018 the Republicans will be ready to put Medicare on the chopping block to pay for tax cuts. And those tax cuts are aimed at corporations and the rich – not the middle-class.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) just spilled one of the worst-kept “dirty little secrets” in Washington: The GOP plans to cut Social Security and Medicare to help close the federal budget deficit, which is about to be engorged by at least $1 trillion thanks to tax cuts for billionaires and big corporations
Source: CNBC.COM
Paul Ryan wants to cut entitlements to trim the deficit, but political reality stands in his way

"Ryan views tax cuts as a policy to spur economic growth — no matter what the state of the federal budget. An increase in the deficit, which mainstream economists consider a certainty, is beside the point.

Rising debt, in fact, strengthens his zeal for his preferred deficit-reduction policy. That policy is to reduce spending by shrinking the size and scope of government that Democratic political initiatives have built.

In particular, Ryan wants to curb spending on the giant "entitlement" programs of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. "How you tackle the debt and the deficit," the speaker declared recently, is by "entitlement reform."

Democratic presidents saw those programs as a means of preventing destitution and medical calamity among senior citizens, the disabled and the poor. More than any other contemporary Republican leader, Ryan represents the philosophical tradition that opposed their creation in the first place."

Finally a congress critter saying something that I can fully support, of course the chances of federal entitlement spending reduction actually happening are somewhere between slim and none, but I'll give 'em credit if they stick to their stated principles instead of just doing the usual political sell-out.

"Thus the speaker has supported partial privatization of Social Security, conversion of Medicare to a "premium support" program for purchase of private insurance, and per-beneficiary Medicaid limits that would reduce federal spending by hundreds of billions of dollars. In opposing the 2010 Simpson-Bowles deficit reduction report, which called for both tax hikes and spending limits, he explained, "Increasing the government's take from the economy hinders growth."

Getting federal entitlement spending under control is LONG overdue and above are 3 ideas that represent a good start and worthy of serious consideration.

May the force be with you Mr. Ryan.
Never going to happen. 51 GOP senators I can guarantee Murkowski,Collins will NOT vote for it. I doubt President Trump would even sign it. SS is NOT a fucking entitlement its something MILLIONS of people worked for and they deserve it. I can't stand that son of a bitch Ryan.

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