CNBC Takes a Beating

  • Crowd roars as Cruz attacks the media
    The Hill ^ | October 28, 2015 | Niall Stanage
    Ted Cruz Rants About Media Bias During CNBC Debate (Watch the video at the link) Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas won some of the biggest cheers of the first segment of the Republican presidential debate Wednesday with a vigorous attack on the media in general, and the CNBC moderators in particular. Cruz, asked about the debt limit, diverted to assert that the questions posed in the first half-hour of the debate "illustrate why the American people don't trust the media. This is not a cage match." The first-term senator went on the paraphrase what he argued were excessively hostile questions...
Hillary is probably laughing her ass off tonight with a bottle of wine, and a recliner watching all of these clowns, Repugs, and Tea Maggots , obsess over her, Hillary this Hillary that, blah, blah , blah, they all have Hillary derangement syndrome, and it just shows she in their heads:clap:

They hated Fox, Kelly, and they hated CNBC, those ***** are a bunch of bitches scared of tough hard questions, and they wanna be President:cuckoo::hellno:

If you can't take the heat or take tough questions, GET OUT OF THE RACE, you fucking pussy..

Oh, Mr. tough talk on the internet. You make me laugh.

Hillary isn't worried about them right now....she's running from Bernie.

In Hillary's's tough when an honest man like Sanders stands up and your lying ass looks so pathetic next to him.
Clinton schooled the old fart in the debate, and is killing Sanders in Iowa by 20 points:rofl:, the one who will look pathetic will be the old guy who will be gone by March..

Don't worry i'll get back to you when he gets smoked :deal:

Don't worry she' will offer the old fart a job as his Limo driver when she wins the WH, as long as he can pass the eye exam, and dosen't pass too much gas..
Hillary is probably laughing her ass off tonight with a bottle of wine, and a recliner watching all of these clowns, Repugs, and Tea Maggots , obsess over her, Hillary this Hillary that, blah, blah , blah, they all have Hillary derangement syndrome, and it just shows she in their heads:clap:

They hated Fox, Kelly, and they hated CNBC, those ***** are a bunch of bitches scared of tough hard questions, and they wanna be President:cuckoo::hellno:

If you can't take the heat or take tough questions, GET OUT OF THE RACE, you fucking pussy..

Oh, Mr. tough talk on the internet. You make me laugh.

Hillary isn't worried about them right now....she's running from Bernie.

In Hillary's's tough when an honest man like Sanders stands up and your lying ass looks so pathetic next to him.
Clinton schooled the old fart in the debate, and is killing Sanders in Iowa by 20 points:rofl:, the one who will look pathetic will be the old guy who will be gone by March..

Don't worry i'll get back to you when he gets smoked :deal:

Don't worry she' will offer the old fart a job as his Limo driver when she wins the WH, as long as he can pass the eye exam, and dosen't pass too much gas..
Hillary is probably laughing her ass off tonight with a bottle of wine, and a recliner watching all of these clowns, Repugs, and Tea Maggots , obsess over her, Hillary this Hillary that, blah, blah , blah, they all have Hillary derangement syndrome, and it just shows she in their heads:clap:

They hated Fox, Kelly, and they hated CNBC, those ***** are a bunch of bitches scared of tough hard questions, and they wanna be President:cuckoo::hellno:

If you can't take the heat or take tough questions, GET OUT OF THE RACE, you fucking pussy..

Oh, Mr. tough talk on the internet. You make me laugh.

Hillary isn't worried about them right now....she's running from Bernie.

In Hillary's's tough when an honest man like Sanders stands up and your lying ass looks so pathetic next to him.
Clinton schooled the old fart in the debate, and is killing Sanders in Iowa by 20 points:rofl:, the one who will look pathetic will be the old guy who will be gone by March..

Don't worry i'll get back to you when he gets smoked :deal:

Don't worry she' will offer the old fart a job as his Limo driver when she wins the WH, as long as he can pass the eye exam, and dosen't pass too much gas..

And that proves what ?

1. That Hillary has honed her lying skills to an incredible level.
2. There are morons like you who will stay with Hillary no matter what.

It's interesting you laud all the things Sanders touts and really believes in.

Then make fun of him because you somehow are stupid enough to think Hillary really cares about your sorry ass.
Hillary is probably laughing her ass off tonight with a bottle of wine, and a recliner watching all of these clowns, Repugs, and Tea Maggots , obsess over her, Hillary this Hillary that, blah, blah , blah, they all have Hillary derangement syndrome, and it just shows she in their heads:clap:

They hated Fox, Kelly, and they hated CNBC, those ***** are a bunch of bitches scared of tough hard questions, and they wanna be President:cuckoo::hellno:

If you can't take the heat or take tough questions, GET OUT OF THE RACE, you fucking pussy..

Oh, Mr. tough talk on the internet. You make me laugh.

Hillary isn't worried about them right now....she's running from Bernie.

In Hillary's's tough when an honest man like Sanders stands up and your lying ass looks so pathetic next to him.
Clinton schooled the old fart in the debate, and is killing Sanders in Iowa by 20 points:rofl:, the one who will look pathetic will be the old guy who will be gone by March..

Don't worry i'll get back to you when he gets smoked :deal:

Don't worry she' will offer the old fart a job as his Limo driver when she wins the WH, as long as he can pass the eye exam, and dosen't pass too much gas..

And that proves what ?

1. That Hillary has honed her lying skills to an incredible level.
2. There are morons like you who will stay with Hillary no matter what.

It's interesting you laud all the things Sanders touts and really believes in.

Then make fun of him because you somehow are stupid enough to think Hillary really cares about your sorry ass.
What President has never lied??

Dumb shits like you, please go ahead and vote for Sanders i don't give a fuck he's still gonna get his ass kicked by her:fu:

And if you Mr Fanboy really think Sanders gives 2 shits about your sorry ass, i have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you for a song and a dance..
These Republican debates are just hit jobs on the candidates. Tonight's debate probably appeared worse to me because the Democratic debate was still fresh in my mind. I didn't think that the Dem debate was bad, but the questions were not nearly as aggressive.

It would be like the Dem moderators asking,

Sec Clinton, based on your experience watching your husband's affairs with female staff members, what steps would you take to eliminate sexual harassment in the work place?

That is the stuff we would get it they were on the attack.
Hillary is probably laughing her ass off tonight with a bottle of wine, and a recliner watching all of these clowns, Repugs, and Tea Maggots , obsess over her, Hillary this Hillary that, blah, blah , blah, they all have Hillary derangement syndrome, and it just shows she in their heads:clap:

They hated Fox, Kelly, and they hated CNBC, those ***** are a bunch of bitches scared of tough hard questions, and they wanna be President:cuckoo::hellno:

If you can't take the heat or take tough questions, GET OUT OF THE RACE, you fucking pussy..

Oh, Mr. tough talk on the internet. You make me laugh.

Hillary isn't worried about them right now....she's running from Bernie.

In Hillary's's tough when an honest man like Sanders stands up and your lying ass looks so pathetic next to him.
Clinton schooled the old fart in the debate, and is killing Sanders in Iowa by 20 points:rofl:, the one who will look pathetic will be the old guy who will be gone by March..

Don't worry i'll get back to you when he gets smoked :deal:

Don't worry she' will offer the old fart a job as his Limo driver when she wins the WH, as long as he can pass the eye exam, and dosen't pass too much gas..

And that proves what ?

1. That Hillary has honed her lying skills to an incredible level.
2. There are morons like you who will stay with Hillary no matter what.

It's interesting you laud all the things Sanders touts and really believes in.

Then make fun of him because you somehow are stupid enough to think Hillary really cares about your sorry ass.
What President has never lied??

Dumb shits like you, please go ahead and vote for Sanders i don't give a fuck he's still gonna get his ass kicked by her:fu:

And if you Mr Fanboy really think Sanders gives 2 shits about your sorry ass, i have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you for a song and a dance..
Are you from NY? If so, did you vote for Hillary? If so, what did she accomplish?
I can hold, this will take awhile...

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
Hillary is probably laughing her ass off tonight with a bottle of wine, and a recliner watching all of these clowns, Repugs, and Tea Maggots , obsess over her, Hillary this Hillary that, blah, blah , blah, they all have Hillary derangement syndrome, and it just shows she in their heads:clap:

They hated Fox, Kelly, and they hated CNBC, those ***** are a bunch of bitches scared of tough hard questions, and they wanna be President:cuckoo::hellno:

If you can't take the heat or take tough questions, GET OUT OF THE RACE, you fucking pussy..

Oh, Mr. tough talk on the internet. You make me laugh.

Hillary isn't worried about them right now....she's running from Bernie.

In Hillary's's tough when an honest man like Sanders stands up and your lying ass looks so pathetic next to him.
Clinton schooled the old fart in the debate, and is killing Sanders in Iowa by 20 points:rofl:, the one who will look pathetic will be the old guy who will be gone by March..

Don't worry i'll get back to you when he gets smoked :deal:

Don't worry she' will offer the old fart a job as his Limo driver when she wins the WH, as long as he can pass the eye exam, and dosen't pass too much gas..

And that proves what ?

1. That Hillary has honed her lying skills to an incredible level.
2. There are morons like you who will stay with Hillary no matter what.

It's interesting you laud all the things Sanders touts and really believes in.

Then make fun of him because you somehow are stupid enough to think Hillary really cares about your sorry ass.
What President has never lied??

Dumb shits like you, please go ahead and vote for Sanders i don't give a fuck he's still gonna get his ass kicked by her:fu:

And if you Mr Fanboy really think Sanders gives 2 shits about your sorry ass, i have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you for a song and a dance..
Are you from NY? If so, did you vote for Hillary? If so, what did she accomplish?
I can hold, this will take awhile...

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

I'm from NYC didn't, and wouldn't vote for that bitch! The only thing she did when here was have sex with Warren Willhelm, and his nasty switch hitter wife, Chirlane McCray

Would it be possible for someone to post a question here that they thought was unfair to the candidate it was asked to?

I doubt you guys could find one.
Cruz: “The questions that have been asked so far in this debate illustrate why the American people don’t trust the media,” Cruz said. “This is not a cage match.” From there, he listed the questions candidate were asked and said, “How about talking about the substantive issues people care about?”

Rubio: “The Democrats have the ultimate super-PAC; it's called the mainstream media."

Christie: "John, do you want me to answer or do you want to answer? Even in New Jersey, what you’re doing is rude.”
Even Piers Morgan was calling bullshit on the Lame Stream Media.

Piers Morgan on Twitter
Hillary is probably laughing her ass off tonight with a bottle of wine, and a recliner watching all of these clowns, Repugs, and Tea Maggots , obsess over her, Hillary this Hillary that, blah, blah , blah, they all have Hillary derangement syndrome, and it just shows she in their heads:clap:

They hated Fox, Kelly, and they hated CNBC, those ***** are a bunch of bitches scared of tough hard questions, and they wanna be President:cuckoo::hellno:

If you can't take the heat or take tough questions, GET OUT OF THE RACE, you fucking pussy..
Hillary was smugly posting on twitter during the debate. She actually put a picture of herself at the benghanzi hearing looking bored. I'm not joking. What a shameless whore.
Hillary is probably laughing her ass off tonight with a bottle of wine, and a recliner watching all of these clowns, Repugs, and Tea Maggots , obsess over her, Hillary this Hillary that, blah, blah , blah, they all have Hillary derangement syndrome, and it just shows she in their heads:clap:

They hated Fox, Kelly, and they hated CNBC, those ***** are a bunch of bitches scared of tough hard questions, and they wanna be President:cuckoo::hellno:

If you can't take the heat or take tough questions, GET OUT OF THE RACE, you fucking pussy..
They didn't ask tough questions. They attacked them.
Hillary is probably laughing her ass off tonight with a bottle of wine, and a recliner watching all of these clowns, Repugs, and Tea Maggots , obsess over her, Hillary this Hillary that, blah, blah , blah, they all have Hillary derangement syndrome, and it just shows she in their heads:clap:

They hated Fox, Kelly, and they hated CNBC, those ***** are a bunch of bitches scared of tough hard questions, and they wanna be President:cuckoo::hellno:

If you can't take the heat or take tough questions, GET OUT OF THE RACE, you fucking pussy..
Hillary was smugly posting on twitter during the debate. She actually put a picture of herself at the benghanzi hearing looking bored. I'm not joking. What a shameless whore.
I guess if i had to sit thru an 11 hour partisan BULLSHIT hearing, that those sewer rats already admitted to use it as a pawn to drive down her poll numbers i would look bored too..

As far as her being a whore it takes one to know one:fu:
"CNBC Takes a Beating"

As perceived by a rightwing partisan hack, perhaps.

But in fact the candidates came off as ridiculous and shrill, with Trump proven to be a liar.

actually the superior ratings of cable stations like Fox prove lib media is hurtling toward irrelevancy
Hillary is probably laughing her ass off tonight with a bottle of wine, and a recliner watching all of these clowns, Repugs, and Tea Maggots , obsess over her, Hillary this Hillary that, blah, blah , blah, they all have Hillary derangement syndrome, and it just shows she in their heads:clap:

They hated Fox, Kelly, and they hated CNBC, those ***** are a bunch of bitches scared of tough hard questions, and they wanna be President:cuckoo::hellno:

If you can't take the heat or take tough questions, GET OUT OF THE RACE, you fucking pussy..
Hillary was smugly posting on twitter during the debate. She actually put a picture of herself at the benghanzi hearing looking bored. I'm not joking. What a shameless whore.
I guess if i had to sit thru an 11 hour partisan BULLSHIT hearing, that those sewer rats already admitted to use it as a pawn to drive down her poll numbers i would look bored too..

As far as her being a whore it takes one to know one:fu:

from a moron who believes she accidently erased 30,000 emails and none of them contained anything secret; funny shit

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Hillary is probably laughing her ass off tonight with a bottle of wine, and a recliner watching all of these clowns, Repugs, and Tea Maggots , obsess over her, Hillary this Hillary that, blah, blah , blah, they all have Hillary derangement syndrome, and it just shows she in their heads:clap:

They hated Fox, Kelly, and they hated CNBC, those ***** are a bunch of bitches scared of tough hard questions, and they wanna be President:cuckoo::hellno:

If you can't take the heat or take tough questions, GET OUT OF THE RACE, you fucking pussy..
They didn't ask tough questions. They attacked them.
:crybaby:waaaaaa, i can't take tough questions, waaaaaaa, i wanna go home to mammy:cry:, help...

:piss2:Repugs, tea maggots..

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