CNN: "A huge win for Trump" North Korea disbands nuclear program

Is this a BIg Win for Trump

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What about Saddam Hussein getting rid of WMDs? Didn't anybody care?

Kim Jong Un has not gotten rid of any nuclear weapons yet.

Nope and I saw on the news he is just done testing he has what he needs. He ain't getting rid of shit and if so it is China not trump.

I wonder if N. Korea is shopping around for a deal, which is why they have already had talks with China? Maybe Kim is checking to see who is going to give him the best deal so he can unfreeze his economy.

So we'll end up giving him billions in aid.
what makes you say this?
If it holds, it's a win and he gets the Nobel, clearly earning it unlike his goofy predecessor.

All wars and civil unrest could end under Trump, but there is no way on this earth he will ever get a Nobel Prize. He is too decisive and despised by too many.
Fingers crossed. If it happens - and remember the North Koreans are fucking liars - he gets the credit.

Agree. I don’t trust them anymore than I trust most our politicians. I seriously doubt Trump has scared them into quitting. If anything, it may be part of a backdoor deal involving the Chinese and the tariffs.

North Korea created an H-bomb, which is what probably what K.O.'d their test range. They're not going to go back to throwing rocks.
We’ll see where we are in a few months.
You and people like you have been saying that since Nov 9th 2016.

We will see.

Must really really suck for the American hating left to see so many successes that Trump is having.

Have not credited him once.

You are losers. Demented, brain dead petulant, ignorant, hypocritical losers.

So, what would you categorize as a win a year from now where North Korea is concerned?

Theowl32 seems to have gotten a case of keyboard laryngitis; hard to type when you’re massaging Trump’s testicles I suppose.

Trump surprised me and won the election….he could surprise us all and fish out a great agreement.

The problem Trump enablers have is that they can’t say anything too specific because any failure is something they see as fatal.
"And while I know it upsets people, I’ll just add my usual reminder that the President controls an arsenal of 1550 strategic nuclear weapons capable of destroying most of the northern hemisphere and the GOP seems utterly unconcerned by any of this weird, rage-driven behavior."
I love how Trumpbots are willing to accept Kim’s announcements that he’s wants to negotiate a peace as if the end of the Korean War and the nuclear disarmament of NK are a fait accompli. Give Trump the Nobel Prize!!!!

They haven’t started the negotiations yet, fools! Try not to get ahead of yourselves.

Indeed. Don't get ahead of yourselves.
Democrats won't confirm Mike Pompeo for Sec of State because they know he will be instrumental in denuclearization and peace talks with North Korea, which would shatter their narrative that President Trump is unhinged and trigger happy! These are sick people!
ALL the swamp politicians were WRONG on NK shocker, lets see how many apologize to president Trump. I doubt they will, they will get pissy and walk around with their sour puss faces on.
Does anyone remember when the last NK nuke test was? It was about 3 weeks before the mountain where the testing was done. They lost their primar test site and who knows what else.

Since that took place NK has been a lot friendlier and now they are willing to come to the table. This is not coincidence.
No it's not it's another blatant lie from a lib nozzle.

My poor little ignorant zealot, so fucking stupid it is almost scary you are allowed to drive.

The last Nuke test by NK was on 3 Sept 2017. On 17 Oct the mountain came tumbling down killing more than 200 North Koreans.
Does anyone remember when the last NK nuke test was? It was about 3 weeks before the mountain where the testing was done. They lost their primar test site and who knows what else.

Since that took place NK has been a lot friendlier and now they are willing to come to the table. This is not coincidence.
No it's not it's another blatant lie from a lib nozzle.

My poor little ignorant zealot, so fucking stupid it is almost scary you are allowed to drive.

The last Nuke test by NK was on 3 Sept 2017. On 17 Oct the mountain came tumbling down killing more than 200 North Koreans.
What does that have to do with anything? It certainly doesn't prove your lie.
Does anyone remember when the last NK nuke test was? It was about 3 weeks before the mountain where the testing was done. They lost their primar test site and who knows what else.

Since that took place NK has been a lot friendlier and now they are willing to come to the table. This is not coincidence.
No it's not it's another blatant lie from a lib nozzle.

My poor little ignorant zealot, so fucking stupid it is almost scary you are allowed to drive.

The last Nuke test by NK was on 3 Sept 2017. On 17 Oct the mountain came tumbling down killing more than 200 North Koreans.
What does that have to do with anything? It certainly doesn't prove your lie.

Maybe it proves the Norks ought to keep up the testing! :D
Does anyone remember when the last NK nuke test was? It was about 3 weeks before the mountain where the testing was done. They lost their primar test site and who knows what else.

Since that took place NK has been a lot friendlier and now they are willing to come to the table. This is not coincidence.
No it's not it's another blatant lie from a lib nozzle.

My poor little ignorant zealot, so fucking stupid it is almost scary you are allowed to drive.

The last Nuke test by NK was on 3 Sept 2017. On 17 Oct the mountain came tumbling down killing more than 200 North Koreans.
What does that have to do with anything? It certainly doesn't prove your lie.

I did not lie about anything your moron. What the fuck did I lie about?
Fingers crossed. If it happens - and remember the North Koreans are fucking liars - he gets the credit.

A very successful presidency so far. Why did we wait so long to elect a genius?

While I love a lot of what Trump has done so far,it is ONLY successful if it is proven it was the deep state that was behind the recent attacks in Syria and he had NOTHING to do with it as Obama and Bush have been proven they were BOTH behind the mideast war.
The North Koreans have only agreed to stop testing nuclear bombs and rockets until Trump meets Kim Jong Un. Then they'll see what happens.

The peace process could take decades.

Although what has happened so far is a big achievement for a president that hasn't achieved anything else positive so far. Not that I would hold it against him if the peace process goes father.

This CNN reporter is now looking for a new job. Wolf Blitzer is on suicide watch.

They haven't disbanded their program. They've finished it. They have their nukes, they're functional, so now they're agreeing to stop testing. And Donald is dumb enough to fall for it. And so are you.

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