CNN Anchor Fleeing NY for Israel because her Jewish family will be more welcome there


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
Yes, this is how bad the antisemitism is in a Democrat city like NY. A former CNN anchor, Campbell Brown, fears for her Jewish sons in the Upper West Side (for those who don’t know, the UWS is a bastion of liberalism) and is taking them to Israel.

Two points:

1) We are now approaching Hitler-era Jew-hatred in NYC.

2) This shows why Israel must continue to exist - as safe harbor.

Yes, this is how bad the antisemitism is in a Democrat city like NY. A former CNN anchor, Campbell Brown, fears for her Jewish sons in the Upper West Side (foe those who don’t know, the UWS is a bastion of liberalism) and is taking them to Israel.

Two points:

1) We are now approaching Hitler-era Jew-hatred in NYC.

2) This shows why Israel must continue to exist - as safe harbor.

No surprise there. The elitist lefty enclaves of the nation have fallen to Iranian and Russian-backed Hamas forces.
Yes, this is how bad the antisemitism is in a Democrat city like NY. A former CNN anchor, Campbell Brown, fears for her Jewish sons in the Upper West Side (for those who don’t know, the UWS is a bastion of liberalism) and is taking them to Israel.

Two points:

1) We are now approaching Hitler-era Jew-hatred in NYC.

2) This shows why Israel must continue to exist - as safe harbor.

/----/ Sad. Not that I ever watch CNN.
Yes, this is how bad the antisemitism is in a Democrat city like NY. A former CNN anchor, Campbell Brown, fears for her Jewish sons in the Upper West Side (for those who don’t know, the UWS is a bastion of liberalism) and is taking them to Israel.

Two points:

1) We are now approaching Hitler-era Jew-hatred in NYC.

2) This shows why Israel must continue to exist - as safe harbor.

I think we are living in the Last Days
gods chosen people is a racist concept.

No not really, because i had read in the bible that God chose the jews, because they were the LEAST of all people.... and it would show his greatness.
No not really, because i had read in the bible that God chose the jews, because they were the LEAST of all people.... and it would show his greatness.

Jews may not have always lived up to what they were chosen for..... bu the concept itself is not racist
Please don’t engage with that antisemite who is trying to hijack my thread. He’s made no mention of the topic - which is that the lib NYC is so antisemitic that a Jewish family is fleeing - and instead just spewing his venom.

He has been reported for trolling.
They'd be safer in texas or Florida.

moving to the middleast for safety is the dumbest thing i've ever heard.
Some of us warned you all for years. Some, now and then; have confused communism as somehow being an enemy to fascism. Some of us wiser folks who understand history realize that yes, historically the far-right had been fascist, with Mussollini, Hitler et al, but, Russia wasn't some grand defender of civil liberties and religious rights, in fact, they were lock step with Germany under they faced the sneak attack and betrayal.

They fought Germany out of survival not by design. Neither of these systems were democracies or Republics.

So, now they become the enemy they pretend they fight. This has been accelerated since before Trump took office and it won't stop. Corporatism and life long career politicians need to be reigned in.

I might even suggest that the election of Trump is most feared by the donor-class because he is going to instill term limits for Senators. No more 40-50 year careers in politics for so many.

In the meantime, the reluctance of some to confront abuses against Jews in an effort to shore up their votes will remain a disgraceful, desperate tactic.
^^^ antisemite speaks again. Go away, HAMAS supporter.
im RWA. (Per member, refers to screen name 2004-2006, formerly rtwngAvngr) White 6

Im untouchable.
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No not really, because i had read in the bible that God chose the jews, because they were the LEAST of all people.... and it would show his greatness.

1 Corinthians 1:27
But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;

A friend and I cut, raked, baled, and put up in the barn a large field of hay over a three-day weekend. The owner, my friend's uncle-in-law and a wealthy insurance executive, was 'confounded' about how we managed to do all that work in just three days. He would have micromanaged the job using more men than was needed and made the job an impossible mess. To my friend and I it was pretty simple as we both physically worked for a living. We just got at it and got it done.
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Yes, this is how bad the antisemitism is in a Democrat city like NY. A former CNN anchor, Campbell Brown, fears for her Jewish sons in the Upper West Side (for those who don’t know, the UWS is a bastion of liberalism) and is taking them to Israel.

Two points:

1) We are now approaching Hitler-era Jew-hatred in NYC.

2) This shows why Israel must continue to exist - as safe harbor.

Nice, a supporter of animal violence is leaving America? Godspeed!
I was at a Cubs game Sunday and the concourse around the stadium was packed with people getting beer and hotdogs and I saw numerous Jews walking around with those yarmulkes on their heads, not one of them was assaulted.

In a tiny portion of America would they be subject to attack for their religion.
I was at a Cubs game Sunday and the concourse around the stadium was packed with people getting beer and hotdogs and I saw numerous Jews walking around with those yarmulkes on their heads, not one of them was assaulted.

In a tiny portion of America would they be subject to attack for their religion.
Yeah, the liberal universities overtaken by Arabs and breeding Hiterlesque Jew-hate.

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