CNN& AP finally admit the dayton mass shooter was a left wing extremist

Dayton gunman Connor Betts had an obsession with violence and mass shootings, police say - CNN

CNN)The gunman who opened fire in Dayton, Ohio, this weekend had an obsession with violence and mass shootings and had expressed a desire to commit a mass shooting, Dayton Police Chief Richard Biehl said Tuesday.

"(He was) very specifically seeking out information that promotes violence," FBI Special Agent in Charge Todd Wickerham added.
Unlike the El Paso shooting, which the alleged gunman appears to have described as part of an anti-immigrant crusade, authorities still do not know what motivated Connor Betts to open fire early Sunday morning in a popular nightlife district in Dayton.

But comments from authorities, memories from former classmates and posts on his apparent Twitter account show that the gunman took a deep interest in violence -- and, as in many American shootings, had easy access to powerful firearms.
I don’t think there are political motivations. This was a guy obsessed with violence who kept a hit list of people he wanted to kill or rape. Seriously creepy.
The Dayton shooter proved he was a liberal snowflake.....only one would be stupid enough to think shooting people in a mass murder event could help Warren win the DNC nomination....
For me, this murderer is more disturbing than the ElPaso Murderer....

At least with the ElPaso murderer, we know who he hated, and who he targeted, and why.... though completely out of whack and disturbing, there was a motive, that we all could see.

but with this Dayton guy, it just seems strange.... we don't really know who he was targeting, we don't know if he had a cause or a motive or why he killed his sister or anything.... was he just killing for fun? If a Satanist, was he killing for Satan? Did a dog tell him to do it, like with the Son of Sam?

I'd rather KNOW what the motive is or was to their madness, than to NOT know...

It's just so weird that he drove his sister and a friend there.... then what? Did he go back home to get his armor? Did he have it all in the trunk of his car? Did his sister know he had all of his ammo in the trunk? Did his parents know his infatuation with guns? I mean, what the heck???? None of it makes sense! Much like the Las Vegas mass murderer... we have no motive....and that is just so so so disturbing to me....

You mean there is nothing that can connect to TRUMP because if there was you would have no trouble reading into a motive.
For me, this murderer is more disturbing than the ElPaso Murderer....

At least with the ElPaso murderer, we know who he hated, and who he targeted, and why.... though completely out of whack and disturbing, there was a motive, that we all could see.

but with this Dayton guy, it just seems strange.... we don't really know who he was targeting, we don't know if he had a cause or a motive or why he killed his sister or anything.... was he just killing for fun? If a Satanist, was he killing for Satan? Did a dog tell him to do it, like with the Son of Sam?

I'd rather KNOW what the motive is or was to their madness, than to NOT know...

It's just so weird that he drove his sister and a friend there.... then what? Did he go back home to get his armor? Did he have it all in the trunk of his car? Did his sister know he had all of his ammo in the trunk? Did his parents know his infatuation with guns? I mean, what the heck???? None of it makes sense! Much like the Las Vegas mass murderer... we have no motive....and that is just so so so disturbing to me....
The Ohio killer was another crazed white racist that hated and eventually killed black people before he left this mortal coil.
Humm, well, it turns out that the Dayton shooter, Connor Betts, was pro-Antifa, pro-Satan, pro-gun control, among other things, and that he liked to play violent video games. Hold your breath waiting for liberals to call for red-flag legislation that includes these potential violence indicators.

Dayton Shooter’s Twitter Account Includes Pro-Antifa, Pro-Gun Control Comments

Dayton shooter reportedly supported gun control, Elizabeth Warren, and socialism

Dayton gunman was pro-gun control, friend says

Thank you for the 29th thread letting us know the political affiliation of the Dayton shooter.
Humm, well, it turns out that the Dayton shooter, Connor Betts, was pro-Antifa, pro-Satan, pro-gun control, among other things, and that he liked to play violent video games. Hold your breath waiting for liberals to call for red-flag legislation that includes these potential violence indicators.

Dayton Shooter’s Twitter Account Includes Pro-Antifa, Pro-Gun Control Comments

Dayton shooter reportedly supported gun control, Elizabeth Warren, and socialism

Dayton gunman was pro-gun control, friend says

Thank you for the 29th thread letting us know the political affiliation of the Dayton shooter.
Well, the mainstream liberal media and Democrats sure as he'll aren't going to mention it.....the facts don't support their false narrative....
Humm, well, it turns out that the Dayton shooter, Connor Betts, was pro-Antifa, pro-Satan, pro-gun control, among other things, and that he liked to play violent video games. Hold your breath waiting for liberals to call for red-flag legislation that includes these potential violence indicators.

Dayton Shooter’s Twitter Account Includes Pro-Antifa, Pro-Gun Control Comments

Dayton shooter reportedly supported gun control, Elizabeth Warren, and socialism

Dayton gunman was pro-gun control, friend says

Correct, he was Antifa, he was a Satan worshiper , he was anti-gun ...

He was a Demon-rat....a coward and a piece of shit too.
So you blame Warren for this Dayton shooter's motive?
No, the DEMOCRATS say Warren is to blame for the Dayton Antifa shooting!

Over and over Democrats have called Trump a racist and a white supremacist supporter, demanding he denounce them....which he has done repeatedly.

The Democrats' own logic and narrative dictate that by refusing to denounce the terrorist acts of a Satan-worshipping Antifa Mass Murderer, who plastered his support for Warren and hatred for Trump all over his writings and social media, then Warren fully supports Satan-worshipping Antifa mass murderers.

Barak Obama financed, armed, trained, supported, and defended terrorists for 8 years, even taking the country to war to HELP Al Qaeda - the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans in 1 day on US soil, and Democrats refused to label Barry as a TERRORIST SUPPORTER....

Trump has not financed or armed White Supremacists - he, again, has repeatedly denounced them. He did so AGAIN after the shootings...during which time Democrats were FUND RAISING off of the dead bodies of the victims.....which you snowflakes REFUSE to condemn!
The Dayton shooter proved he was a liberal snowflake.....only one would be stupid enough to think shooting people in a mass murder event could help Warren win the DNC nomination....
Hang on just one cotton-picking minute there pardner!
We all know that Liberal Snowflakes are scared of guns.
There must be something else going on...or has the narrative changed again and once again I never got the memo?
I don’t think there are political motivations. This was a guy obsessed with violence who kept a hit list of people he wanted to kill or rape. Seriously creepy.

Yep, what difference does the news make, what's really important is how you feel.
Dayton shooter reportedly supported gun control, Elizabeth Warren, and socialism
So you blame Warren for this Dayton shooter's motive?

Sure don't recall saying that. Dumbass.
The media and the Democrats have been feeding us a line of BS. Neither of these shooters was a Republican. Yes......they may have been hate-filled racists....but the Dayton shooter was a Elizabeth Warren fan. The El Paso shooter was a Democratic/Socialist that supported the same globalist causes that many Democrats support in the United Nations.

Many are pointing out that this creep's manifesto proves he's a White Supremacist, which to them means he was a Trump supporter. But the fact is he openly hated Trump. But here's the dirty little secret the left wants to ignore.....even Democrat voters hate open-borders.

The truth is.....despite all of the lies about Trump inciting seems that Democrats are the ones actually committing most of it.

Liberals have been going out of their way to piss people off lately:

    • That is a prime tactic being used by Antifa. Their favorite tactic is to get up in people's faces until they lose it and lash out.
    • Videos on YouTube have surfaced of gays and blacks going into stores, opening and licking ice cream containers, and putting them back into coolers. Some were shown taking a mouth full of mouthwash and spitting it back into the bottle.
    • Videos of some guy screaming at everyone around them because they called him "Sir". How dare we call a transsexual what he appears to be. A man. They scream at everyone around them that we cannot use gender based pronouns, as if we're supposed to know whether or not he feels like a woman. What are we supposed to do, read their minds?
    • People walking into bus stations and other public places committing destructive acts, tearing the place up.....only to meekly surrendering to authorities when they show up. These despicable acts are adding to the atmosphere of hatred around the country.
    • Democrat politicians are essentially thumbing their noses at the rest of America by passing unconstitutional laws that infringe on people's right to vote for the candidate of their choice. CA has a governor that signed into law bill that says Trump can't be on the ballot in their state, which resulted in numerous lawsuits.
August 7, 2019

"The real cause of the shootings

By Frank Friday

The aftermath of the terrible recent shootings surprised no one. The apparent white nationalist sympathies of the El Paso shooter, despite his anti-Trump comments, set off a lefty firestorm of attacks on the president and the NRA. Beto O'Rourke, desperately trying to reclaim the political spotlight, was the most despicable of all in blaming Mr. Trump. Never mind: for every shooter who the media decides must have conservative thoughts, there are several leftist mass shooters. The Dayton shooter was a Liz Warren fan; the GOP baseball team shooter worked on the Bernie Sanders campaign; and the Dallas police shooter, like President Obama, was an ardent BLM-supporter. Yet no one calls out these politicians for spreading hate and creating a climate of violence.

That's because our liberal news media are interested in a story only if they can somehow twist it for their own agenda. If a tree falls in the forest, it gets reported only if they can blame Mr. Trump.

That's incredibly unhealthy for our democracy. The voters and their elected representatives are denied any kind of honest back-and-forth on the policy issues of the day by such extreme and misleading media coverage. Criticize the corrupt black leaders of American cities, and you are a racist. Deny that the mass shootings are the product of white supremacists and gun-makers, and you are even worse than a racist.

Too bad, because we actually know quite a bit about why these disturbed men become mass shooters, and it has nothing to do with their politics. Researchers, for example, have found that something like 60% of mass shooters had a mental illness. The Secret Service puts the number at 67%. (Unfortunately, the politically correct American Psychiatric Association likes to downplay these numbers, lest we "stigmatize" the mentally ill.) I suspect that these may even be lowball estimates, as, often, where the shooter died in the incident, there was not enough information left to properly diagnose a particular mental illness. My own personal experience from years in the courthouse confirms all this. Really violent, senseless acts all seem to come down to severe schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.

Less than 2% of the population suffers from either or both these conditions, but they occur in over 20% of the homeless population, and chronic drug abuse makes things much worse. Marijuana, which might be tolerated by a lot of the adult population without great consequence, seems to have a terrible effect on the brains of young men with these mental diseases — diseases that start to reveal themselves only in the late teens and early 20s.

The resulting high correlation among mass shooters, mental disease–psychotic behavior, and marijuana has long been known — even when they don't shoot, but bomb, like McVeigh and the Tsarnaev brothers.

Now, if the liberals have been utterly dishonest about mass shooters, sometimes we conservatives have not helped the situation if we lose the sight of the underlying drug and mental health causes and get distracted on other issues. The general breakdown of the family and traditional society, and the coarsening of the arts and entertainment the last 30 years, while lamentable, is not the reason for mass shooters. There are three more specific factors:

1.The rising levels of marijuana use among young people.

2. The ACLU's disastrous campaign to end institutionalization of the mentally ill, making it impossible to hold persons for care until they actually hurt somebody, which they often do and are then sent to prisons unequipped to treat them.

3. The media (social and conventional) hype devoted to mass shooters and the copycats they create. Disturbed young men, being outsiders and loners, are particularly inspired by the publicity and sense of power they might attain by doing a mass killing.

We should focus our efforts there. Any progress in such areas would be highly salutary for society and likely reduce the incidence of mass shootings.

Tevi Troy recently pointed out that traditionally, U.S. presidents did not want to talk about mass shootings for the very good reason that it only encouraged potential copycats, and the media respected that. Bill Clinton, though, had to feel everyone's pain, so now every shooting is a cause for public spectacle with a presidential speech.

It's probably too much at this late date for President Trump to announce that the White House will no longer respond to news about mass shootings so as not to encourage copycats — or to ask media companies, especially social media firms, to voluntarily censor chatter about these incidents. (I would exempt actual print newspapers, because nobody under 60 still reads these.)"

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"they may have been hate-filled racists"

In the case of the Dayton shooter, my understanding is race played no role.
"they may have been hate-filled racists"

In the case of the Dayton shooter, my understanding is race played no role.
He was a bigot. I guess wanting to murder Republicans, Christians, or humans in general to save the planet doesn't have a classification.....except maybe Democrat.
For me, this murderer is more disturbing than the ElPaso Murderer....

At least with the ElPaso murderer, we know who he hated, and who he targeted, and why.... though completely out of whack and disturbing, there was a motive, that we all could see.

but with this Dayton guy, it just seems strange.... we don't really know who he was targeting, we don't know if he had a cause or a motive or why he killed his sister or anything.... was he just killing for fun? If a Satanist, was he killing for Satan? Did a dog tell him to do it, like with the Son of Sam?

I'd rather KNOW what the motive is or was to their madness, than to NOT know...

It's just so weird that he drove his sister and a friend there.... then what? Did he go back home to get his armor? Did he have it all in the trunk of his car? Did his sister know he had all of his ammo in the trunk? Did his parents know his infatuation with guns? I mean, what the heck???? None of it makes sense! Much like the Las Vegas mass murderer... we have no motive....and that is just so so so disturbing to me....
He liked and supported Liz Warren.
That alone should have been a red flag.
None of it makes sense! Much like the Las Vegas mass murderer... we have no motive....and that is just so so so disturbing to me....

:puhleeze:… You know exactly what the motive is... Just come out and say it... I am sure your copy of the TPM is worded accurately... It's POTUS's fault... :coffee:
What is a TPM?

this Dayton guy was not the POTUS's fault... at least not that I am aware of... :p :D
Neither was El Paso. None of these shootings are a result of Trump.
Don't you think that Democrats are inflaming hatred when they stand up in Supreme Court Nomination hears and start screaming at the top of their lungs, disrupting the process?

Don't you think that people are getting angry when a pundit on CNN says it's time to get violent and spill blood in the streets?

The depiction of violence against the president is a constant in Hollywood and Democrat controlled cities. At awards ceremonies, it has become commonplace for some schmuck to mouth off about punching Trump in the mouth or scream that he's a racist.

Don't you think this will cause some nutcase to go off eventually?

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