CNN boycotting the President


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
Donald J. Trump is giving a very important rally in Vegas this evening, the leader in Fake News has decided not to provide gavel to gavel coverage of this crucial event.

Shameful, IMHO, for a major network to snub a President like this.
Donald J. Trump is giving a very important rally in Vegas this evening, the leader in Fake News has decided not to provide gavel to gavel coverage of this crucial event.

Shameful, IMHO, for a major network to snub a President like this.

Their audience of around 36 people can switch to another channel if they like.
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Donald J. Trump is giving a very important rally in Vegas this evening, the leader in Fake News has decided not to provide gavel to gavel coverage of this crucial event.

Shameful, IMHO, for a major network to snub a President like this.

The standards for being a "major network" have dropped incredibly low. Ah well..given their audience they can go cover some celebrities face lift or something.
Donald J. Trump is giving a very important rally in Vegas this evening, the leader in Fake News has decided not to provide gavel to gavel coverage of this crucial event.

Shameful, IMHO, for a major network to snub a President like this.

I expect the facetiousness in this post will sail over more than a few heads.
I would say they will have less viewers because of this, but... who actually still watches CNN?
I bet they had about ten viewers....mostly from San Fransicko....
Donald J. Trump is giving a very important rally in Vegas this evening, the leader in Fake News has decided not to provide gavel to gavel coverage of this crucial event.

Shameful, IMHO, for a major network to snub a President like this.
When has CNN every provide total coverage of a Trump campaign rally?
Front Hole News CNN...

nobody watches that crap anyway.....
Donald J. Trump is giving a very important rally in Vegas this evening, the leader in Fake News has decided not to provide gavel to gavel coverage of this crucial event.

Shameful, IMHO, for a major network to snub a President like this.

Whoa....I voted for Trump (what choice did I have?), but ardent Trump supporters incessantly complain about the horrible fake news about Trump from CNN, and now you’re complaining because they don’t cover a silly campaign rally? Things that make you go hmmm,....
Fake News CNN with the Trump derangement syndrome.
Negative news coverage that Trump feels is not sufficiently favorable to him is not, by definition, fake. Trump either doesn't understand or ignores the difference between a story he doesn't like and one that is not true.

The Fake News movement lead by Trump has its purpose just as it did during the cold war when Russia worked to destroy faith in the free press in countries around the world. When people do not trust the news media, they are much more likely to see the world through partisan-colored glasses and accept their leader's view of the world.
I'm fine with them not covering it....let their lefty idiot viewers continue to think the blue wave is just off shore.....Buuuuaaahahahahahaha!!!!

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