CNN caught selectively editing Trump'

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They all edited it?

All of America is watching Trump be a fool, a dangerous fool, and you defend him?

You are giving the election to the Democrats.
They all edited it?

All of America is watching Trump be a fool, a dangerous fool, and you defend him?

You are giving the election to the Democrats.

That bottom lines it nicely. They really are. HIllary is lovin' this stuff. Trump wants all Muslim in the U.S. to carry papers.
That's so old school. Trump better be careful unless someone starts looking into his background and who Grandpa Trump was aligned with from Germany.

They all edited it?

All of America is watching Trump be a fool, a dangerous fool, and you defend him?

You are giving the election to the Democrats.
At least we don't have 7 years of proof what a fool liar and criminal he is like you and defending Obama. Or even more with Hillary.
Oh, he said it. Listen to the whole thing, but it gets juicy at 40 seconds on. No editing here, chumps. He said it. And when the campaign spots start, the whole world will know over and over and over ad infinitum he said it. :lol:

He didn't say it, Fakey.

Yes, he did. He was asked how he would get them to register and he responds to that question by saying yes, he would go into mosques and other places, and it's all about management. Watch from :55 through 1:10

Trump was talking about controlling immigration, not Muslims. The discussion started off with him talking about building a wall.

No one is falling for this sleazy attempt to smear Trump. The public already understand how dishonest leftwing reporters are.
They all edited it?

All of America is watching Trump be a fool, a dangerous fool, and you defend him?

You are giving the election to the Democrats.
At least we don't have 7 years of proof what a fool liar and criminal he is like you and defending Obama. Or even more with Hillary.

Huh? Speakey de English. Or at least learn how to structure a sentence.
Of course they're selectively editing Trump, or anyone else to the right of their collective political philosophy...

CNN was once - in the 1990s and into the early 2000s - a respected and objective news source...

Given their overwhelming propensity at serving up a steady diet of Cooper, Cuomo, Crowley, et al, what else can we expect?

They lost their objectivity years ago...
They all edited it?

All of America is watching Trump be a fool, a dangerous fool, and you defend him?

You are giving the election to the Democrats.
At least we don't have 7 years of proof what a fool liar and criminal he is like you and defending Obama. Or even more with Hillary.

Huh? Speakey de English. Or at least learn how to structure a sentence.
Of course they're selectively editing Trump, or anyone else to the right of their collective political philosophy...

CNN was once - in the 1990s and into the early 2000s - a respected and objective news source...

Given their overwhelming propensity at serving up a steady diet of Cooper, Cuomo, Crowley, et al, what else can we expect?

They lost their objectivity years ago...
They all edited it?

All of America is watching Trump be a fool, a dangerous fool, and you defend him?

You are giving the election to the Democrats.
At least we don't have 7 years of proof what a fool liar and criminal he is like you and defending Obama. Or even more with Hillary.

Huh? Speakey de English. Or at least learn how to structure a sentence.
Oh, he said it. Listen to the whole thing, but it gets juicy at 40 seconds on. No editing here, chumps. He said it. And when the campaign spots start, the whole world will know over and over and over ad infinitum he said it. :lol:

He didn't say it, Fakey.

Yes, he did. He was asked how he would get them to register and he responds to that question by saying yes, he would go into mosques and other places, and it's all about management. Watch from :55 through 1:10

Trump was talking about controlling immigration, not Muslims. The discussion started off with him talking about building a wall.

No one is falling for this sleazy attempt to smear Trump. The public already understand how dishonest leftwing reporters are.

Sorry, Sparky. I guess you refuse to watch the video. Wall Street Journal also corroborating Trump's comments.

Donald Trump Draws Fire for Comments on Muslim Database
"""In response to a question from NBC News at a campaign stop later Thursday in Newton, Iowa, about whether he would create a database to track Muslims, he said, “I would certainly implement that. Absolutely,” while signing autographs.

“There should be a lot of systems, beyond databases,” he added. He said “good management procedures” are needed, saying a database would help ensure that people are entering the country legally. Muslims would be registered to the database at “different places,” not just mosques, he said, and registration would be mandatory. It wasn’t clear if he was referring to registering American citizens, immigrants or both."""

Donald Trump Draws Fire for Comments on Muslim Database
The liberal media used to be able to get away with anything when the only information that was available was filtered through liberal editors and the democrat party. Things are different now but the liberal media either thinks Americans are still fools or they don't care anymore. Liberal media edited the 9-11 call from Zimmerman to try to influence public opinion. They tagged Richard Jewel as the Olympic bomber because they wanted a scoop and Dan Rather still makes 100k for a speaking engagement even though he was dishonorably discharged from the media and should be in jail for trying to influence a presidential election with forged documents. They have a free left wing propaganda source in Media Matters that selectively edits (only) conservative speech and feeds it to left wing blog sites but that's not good enough. There is no news anymore. Everything is an editorial.
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No selective editing, you tossers.


Your man stepped on his cock, and Cruz is grinning like a Chesire cat.
Is the OP really complaining about selective editing? The Right has raised selective editing of Obama & Clinton to an art form.

Here is an admittedly unrelated point about how people naturally edit the world's content.
At any given moment there are thousands of bits of external data (stimuli) trying to enter the mind. The brain sorts this data with a whole arsenal of unconscious mental filters. Those filters organize the data according to pre-existing categories that are heavily influenced by one's values, beliefs, memories, culture, language, age, gender, region, past experiences, family, etc. This is why people with different values and upbringings see the world completely differently, each emphasizing certain details over others. It's also why two witnesses to accident often give two completely different accounts of what happened - because they have different awareness, e.g., they did a famous study in the UK decades ago about passive awareness of people walking by you on the street. Men tended to notices breasts whereas women noticed hairstyles.

This is why people disagree so deeply about what is going on in the world - because in many cases they see two completely different worlds. The internet has merely accelerated this problem because now each of us can go to websites and information sources that merely reinforce what we already think about George Bush or Hillary Clinton. We all live inside the prison of selective editing. If you think Obama is evil, you can't hear anything he says that might contradict that point - your mind literally does not have a category in place to receive that piece of data. Same with Democrats and say Bush. Old Georgie could hand them a flower and they would literally experience the event as poisonous or disingenuous because their mind's are literally made up prior to the experience. The mind sees what it is set-up to see not what exists. (This is in contrast to the naive realism posited by many pre-Enlightenment thinkers whereby the mind was thought to be a mirror of nature, simply reflecting the outside world). Sorry for the tangent.

Conservatives Selectively Edit Obama’s Speech To Claim He Hates Small Businesses
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Oh, he said it. Listen to the whole thing, but it gets juicy at 40 seconds on. No editing here, chumps. He said it. And when the campaign spots start, the whole world will know over and over and over ad infinitum he said it. :lol:

You are doubling down on your proclamation of your own stupidity. None of the talking heads on TYT have loyalty to our Constitution and the rule of law that has kept this country together for over 200 years.

They likely do not understand what management means. Likely, you do not either. You likely think management is what Obama is doing. Actually, Obama's modus operandi is akin to that of a DICTATOR, a RULER, a KING...while management involves the DELEGATING of tasks to capable people that have proven themselves effective in their field of expertise. Trump is the epitome of good management.
Oh, he said it. Listen to the whole thing, but it gets juicy at 40 seconds on. No editing here, chumps. He said it. And when the campaign spots start, the whole world will know over and over and over ad infinitum he said it. :lol:

He didn't say it, Fakey.

Yes, he did. He was asked how he would get them to register and he responds to that question by saying yes, he would go into mosques and other places, and it's all about management. Watch from :55 through 1:10

Go back and listen yourself, you dimwit! The reporter asked if he would go into mosques. His response was "Different places..." He did not mention the word "mosques". You are a lying, blithering idiot.
Oh, he said it. Listen to the whole thing, but it gets juicy at 40 seconds on. No editing here, chumps. He said it. And when the campaign spots start, the whole world will know over and over and over ad infinitum he said it. :lol:

He didn't say it, Fakey.

Yes, he did. He was asked how he would get them to register and he responds to that question by saying yes, he would go into mosques and other places, and it's all about management. Watch from :55 through 1:10

Trump was talking about controlling immigration, not Muslims. The discussion started off with him talking about building a wall.

No one is falling for this sleazy attempt to smear Trump. The public already understand how dishonest leftwing reporters are.

Sorry, Sparky. I guess you refuse to watch the video. Wall Street Journal also corroborating Trump's comments.

Donald Trump Draws Fire for Comments on Muslim Database
"""In response to a question from NBC News at a campaign stop later Thursday in Newton, Iowa, about whether he would create a database to track Muslims, he said, “I would certainly implement that. Absolutely,” while signing autographs.

“There should be a lot of systems, beyond databases,” he added. He said “good management procedures” are needed, saying a database would help ensure that people are entering the country legally. Muslims would be registered to the database at “different places,” not just mosques, he said, and registration would be mandatory. It wasn’t clear if he was referring to registering American citizens, immigrants or both."""

Donald Trump Draws Fire for Comments on Muslim Database

He didn't say "not just mosques". You must know that already because you didn't include it in your quote marks.

You are a deceptive little liberal asshole...just like Obama and Bitchillary.
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