CNN Celebrity Chef Anthony Bourdain Says He Would Murder Trump

That should like an attempt at a pithy remark, it wasn't. He did describe Kim the Blob of North Korea well.
Yes, I read that .... I couldn't believe he said that!

For all we know, they are poisoning him already, I mean, the hatred and the desperation towards the President, from the Left and from the neo cons who work for him in the WH is so enormous ....that..... well....nothing would surprise me.:dunno:
Yes, I read that .... I couldn't believe he said that!

For all we know, they are poisoning him already, I mean, the hatred and the desperation towards the President, from the Left and from the neo cons who work for him in the WH is so enormous ....that..... well....nothing would surprise me.:dunno:

The left wing meltdown about Trump tops any right wing meltdown about BO or Clinton.
A chef who says that he would intentionally poison food should never be allowed in a kitchen, ever again.
This has been posted several times and the truth is that much of the world would like to do the same thing.

Still, not a good thing to say about thee US prez -- even pino trump.
Yes, I read that .... I couldn't believe he said that!

For all we know, they are poisoning him already, I mean, the hatred and the desperation towards the President, from the Left and from the neo cons who work for him in the WH is so enormous ....that..... well....nothing would surprise me.:dunno:
What they're feeding him is driving him crazy a little at a time By the end of the year he should be howling like a wolf caught in a trap
This has been posted several times and the truth is that much of the world would like to do the same thing.

Still, not a good thing to say about thee US prez -- even pino trump.

Much of the left wing world would.
Yes, I read that .... I couldn't believe he said that!

For all we know, they are poisoning him already, I mean, the hatred and the desperation towards the President, from the Left and from the neo cons who work for him in the WH is so enormous ....that..... well....nothing would surprise me.:dunno:
Would you lose any sleep if it happened??
Yes, I read that .... I couldn't believe he said that!

For all we know, they are poisoning him already, I mean, the hatred and the desperation towards the President, from the Left and from the neo cons who work for him in the WH is so enormous ....that..... well....nothing would surprise me.:dunno:
What they're feeding him is driving him crazy a little at a time By the end of the year he should be howling like a wolf caught in a trap

Let's belong decisively towards the Left when it comes to politics, yes?

Yes, I thought so.
Yes, I read that .... I couldn't believe he said that!

For all we know, they are poisoning him already, I mean, the hatred and the desperation towards the President, from the Left and from the neo cons who work for him in the WH is so enormous ....that..... well....nothing would surprise me.:dunno:
What they're feeding him is driving him crazy a little at a time By the end of the year he should be howling like a wolf caught in a trap

Let's belong decisively towards the Left when it comes to politics, yes?

Yes, I thought so.
Yes I have no problem admitting it I was a republican even voted for GWB in 2000 But couldn't tolerate them anymore I despise everything about the repub congress and many of their supporters .... but that's just me
The media should be shocked by a celebrity's threat to murder the president and America should be shocked in turn because of the media's outrage. If it was the popular Camelot administration Bourdain might have faced a federal indictment or if he made threats against Obama it might have been considered to be racist and his career would be over. The problem of course is that the media isn't outraged and quite the contrary has become the psychotic voice of radical anger from the crazies over the last presidential election.
Yes, I read that .... I couldn't believe he said that!

For all we know, they are poisoning him already, I mean, the hatred and the desperation towards the President, from the Left and from the neo cons who work for him in the WH is so enormous ....that..... well....nothing would surprise me.:dunno:
What they're feeding him is driving him crazy a little at a time By the end of the year he should be howling like a wolf caught in a trap

Let's belong decisively towards the Left when it comes to politics, yes?

Yes, I thought so.
Yes I have no problem admitting it I was a republican even voted for GWB in 2000 But couldn't tolerate them anymore I despise everything about the repub congress and many of their supporters .... but that's just me
How's the Trump stock market Eddie?
Yes, I read that .... I couldn't believe he said that!

For all we know, they are poisoning him already, I mean, the hatred and the desperation towards the President, from the Left and from the neo cons who work for him in the WH is so enormous ....that..... well....nothing would surprise me.:dunno:
What they're feeding him is driving him crazy a little at a time By the end of the year he should be howling like a wolf caught in a trap

Let's belong decisively towards the Left when it comes to politics, yes?

Yes, I thought so.
Yes I have no problem admitting it I was a republican even voted for GWB in 2000 But couldn't tolerate them anymore I despise everything about the repub congress and many of their supporters .... but that's just me
So you supported Obama and Hillary?
The media should be shocked and America should be shocked in turn after the media's outrage. If it was the popular Camelot administration, Bourdain might have faced a federal indictment or if he made threats against Obama it might have been considered to be racist and his career would be over. The problem of course is that the media has become the psychotic voice of radical anger over the last presidential election.
And we're angry??? You F****ed up America and we should smile?

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