CNN Celebrity Chef Anthony Bourdain Says He Would Murder Trump

The media should be shocked by a celebrity's threat to murder the president and America should be shocked in turn because of the media's outrage. If it was the popular Camelot administration Bourdain might have faced a federal indictment or if he made threats against Obama it might have been considered to be racist and his career would be over. The problem of course is that the media isn't outraged and quite the contrary has become the psychotic voice of radical anger from the crazies over the last presidential election.

Exactly. How many wishes has there been for Trump's murder in the last near eight months; liberals saying they would like to see it happen if not having the pleasure of doing it themselves?

It's what I keep telling people all the time. Liberals are violent people. They make statements like this popcorn maker and then wonder why we on the right value our guns. We need our guns because of liberals. If we are to ever have a society without guns, then we need to get rid of liberals first. You can't get rid of your guns with liberals in your country. They are just too violent.
I'm far from violent BUT it'd be no skin off my nose if someone offed trump

Yes, because you're a liberal and even death is more satisfactory than to be anti-communism.

I hate DumBama more than any President in my life. He's done more damage to me than any other President as well. But I would never stoop as low as to support anybody killing him. When you foster that type of sentiment, we are truly headed for another civil war, and I for one can't wait.
Be careful what you wish for It might come true

Then I will reiterate: I for one can't wait.
The media should be shocked by a celebrity's threat to murder the president and America should be shocked in turn because of the media's outrage. If it was the popular Camelot administration Bourdain might have faced a federal indictment or if he made threats against Obama it might have been considered to be racist and his career would be over. The problem of course is that the media isn't outraged and quite the contrary has become the psychotic voice of radical anger from the crazies over the last presidential election.

Exactly. How many wishes has there been for Trump's murder in the last near eight months; liberals saying they would like to see it happen if not having the pleasure of doing it themselves?

It's what I keep telling people all the time. Liberals are violent people. They make statements like this popcorn maker and then wonder why we on the right value our guns. We need our guns because of liberals. If we are to ever have a society without guns, then we need to get rid of liberals first. You can't get rid of your guns with liberals in your country. They are just too violent.
I'm far from violent BUT it'd be no skin off my nose if someone offed trump

Yes, because you're a liberal and even death is more satisfactory than to be anti-communism.

I hate DumBama more than any President in my life. He's done more damage to me than any other President as well. But I would never stoop as low as to support anybody killing him. When you foster that type of sentiment, we are truly headed for another civil war, and I for one can't wait.

There are almost no commies in the US.

Communism is not your most immediate threat. Nor is the left.

Fascist nazis ... That's what you should be looking for.

But of course, you can't. And there you are.

Ah yes, the new liberal boogie man, fascist Nazi's

Yes there are commies in the US, and they are all connected with the Democrat party. That's why the US Communist Party endorsed your last three presidential candidates plus Sanders.

And it's not that I'm worried about them because they are powerless against real Americans in physical battle, but the way they manipulate minds is what's very frightening. This topic is a perfect example of that. This chef apparently has a weak mind and ripe for communists/ liberal pickens.
:lmao:Its just like Spineless progressives to make idle threats... all bluster

But, they have many radicalized supporters and they will intentionally harm or kill someone. I keep hearing BLM defended by the left despite them calling on their fringe members to murder cops and whites. After some members killed cops, they continued to use the same rhetoric. More and more cops were killed. Yet, they still claim their group is not violent. A rapper just made a video where he depicts a black child watching a white child get hanged. And the seriously mentally ill and evil who follow the group take it as a call to action. It's not hard to see. BLM chanted that they wanted dead cops now. We have dead cops. They wanted white people attacked or killed. We've had many people ganged up on and seriously injured or killed. Yet, the left is more upset when a Muslim is merely offended.

It is alarming when politicians or celebrities promote violence. Some, like Griffin, claim it's nothing more than tasteless jokes but it's clear that the hateful rhetoric and encouragement of violence has a huge impact on their lunatic followers. All the violence hasn't dissuaded any of them from spounting all their hate speech.

The left keeps expanding the definition of racist, bigot, etc so the nut jobs have more targets. Used to be only true racists were targeted but there weren't enough to create chaos. So, they included people from the south, police, and finally ALL whites.
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:lmao:Its just like Spineless progressives to make idle threats... all bluster

But, they have many radicalized supporters and they will intentionally harm or kill someone. I keep hearing BLM defended by the left despite them calling on their fringe members to murder cops and whites. After some members killed cops, they continued to use the same rhetoric. More and more cops were killed. Yet, they still claim their group is not violent. A rapper just made a video where he depicts a black child watching a white child get hanged. And the seriously mentally ill and evil who follow the group take it as a call to action. It's not hard to see. BLM chanted that they wanted dead cops now. We have dead cops. They wanted white people attacked or killed. We've had many people ganged up on and seriously injured or killed. Yet, the left is more upset when a Muslim is merely offended.

It is alarming when politicians or celebrities promote violence. Some, like Griffin, claim it's nothing more than tasteless jokes but it's clear that the hateful rhetoric and encouragement of violence has a huge impact on their lunatic followers. All the violence hasn't dissuaded any of them from spounting all their hate speech.

The left keeps expanding the definition of racist, bigot, etc so the nut jobs have more targets. Used to be only true racists were targeted but there weren't enough to create chaos. So, they included people from the south, police, and finally ALL whites.
We can only go by what we see The dirty lies about Obama the mean lies and bashing of Hillary the KKKers and racists in your party ??? You don't have a leg to stand on
Look you fool he outright lied about Obama and Hillary got the crowd all riled up wanting to jail her ,,,he bashed 17 other candidates for the presidency and they stood by like lambs letting the AH get away with it Now hes bashed Mexico Canada and most countries that used to be our friends AND to top it off members of his own party The man is out of his mind and you made him our leader??
Look you fool he outright lied about Obama and Hillary got the crowd all riled up wanting to jail her ,,,he bashed 17 other candidates for the presidency and they stood by like lambs letting the AH get away with it Now hes bashed Mexico Canada and most countries that used to be our friends AND to top it off members of his own party The man is out of his mind and you made him our leader??

What other choice was there tulip?
Look you fool he outright lied about Obama and Hillary got the crowd all riled up wanting to jail her ,,,he bashed 17 other candidates for the presidency and they stood by like lambs letting the AH get away with it Now hes bashed Mexico Canada and most countries that used to be our friends AND to top it off members of his own party The man is out of his mind and you made him our leader??

What other choice was there tulip?
Dolt if you can't answer your own question you're in bad shape
Look you fool he outright lied about Obama and Hillary got the crowd all riled up wanting to jail her ,,,he bashed 17 other candidates for the presidency and they stood by like lambs letting the AH get away with it Now hes bashed Mexico Canada and most countries that used to be our friends AND to top it off members of his own party The man is out of his mind and you made him our leader??

So, you have chosen the liberal tactic of deflection. This thread is about yet another crazy lib who is making death threats or wishing Trump dead. You don't condemn that and instead come back with Trump said this or that, as if somehow that justifies this guy wanting to poison him or the Dem politician wishing he would get assassinated.

Does this mean you have no problem with all the hateful rhetoric that actually has led to deaths of innocent people and may lead to more?

Mexico deserves to get bashed. The have such strict immigration policies that they won't let their own citizens bring their anchor babies home with them. And everyone gets in big trouble and goes to jail. Meanwhile, they want their poor people to head to America. They do nothing to help their poor except send them to America so they can work and send billions back to Mexico each year to benefit their country.

Canada has just announced that they won't allow anyone sneaking in from their southern border. Wonder what changed their minds. Could it be that they realized they were being taken advantage of? Considering how socialist they are, the must have crunched some numbers and realized that there are already more people than freebies to give away. Ah, the realities of socialism.

As far as bashing candidates, that is what every fucking candidate has done for years. Hillary remains the Queen Bitch of Bashing. She hammered Obama and Sanders both in the primaries. Wicked shit. She also didn't handle Trump with kid gloves. Hell, she insulted half the population with her deplorables remark.
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Look you fool he outright lied about Obama and Hillary got the crowd all riled up wanting to jail her ,,,he bashed 17 other candidates for the presidency and they stood by like lambs letting the AH get away with it Now hes bashed Mexico Canada and most countries that used to be our friends AND to top it off members of his own party The man is out of his mind and you made him our leader??

What other choice was there tulip?
Dolt if you can't answer your own question you're in bad shape

No way The Hag & Co. were going to win.
Just some perspective. This country hated Lincoln at the time of his assassination. Really hated him. At least that was the thought.

He was called a war monger, a divider, on and on and on.

John Wilkes Booth truly thought he was going to be regarded as a national hero. That in itself reflects how the people were talking in the street and what the common view of Lincoln was.

Booth could not wait to read the papers to see how he would be propped up as a national hero. When the papers crushed him and the fact he was being roundly condemned, he realized he was sunk.

That is the way todays hollywood (Booth was essentially a "hollywood person.") speaks about Trump. So much so that these creatures who say this truly believe (like Booth) that they would be regarded as a national hero if they did assassinate him. That is the reason you see people so brazenly coming out and making such claims.

Trust me. If one of these losers ever did get to Trump and pulled it off, they would absolutely think they would be propped up as a national hero. They certainly would be propped up as one in the predictable places.
How's the Trump stock market Eddie?
A continuation of the Obama market great earnings and low interest rates plenty of money on the sidelines GREAT Think Trump can triple the DOw he was left with like Obama did??
Obama's flat line of the DOW shot to the moon on November 9.
WEATHER now do you understand?

Dow would rise to 50,000 if Trump matches market performance under Obama
John Melloy | @johnmelloy
Published 11:42 AM ET Wed, 14 Dec 2016 | Updated 12:50 PM ET Wed, 14 Dec

Kevin Lamarque | Reuters
President Barack Obama meets with President-elect Donald Trump (L) to discuss transition plans in the White House Oval Office in Washington, U.S., November 10, 2016.

Investor enthusiasm around his presidency has helped push the Dow Jones industrial average to the cusp of 20,000.

Now all President-elect Donald Trump needs to do while in office to get the Dow to 50,000 is match the stock market's performance under his predecessor.
Uh, no. Slowest recovery in history and only President in history to never get an annual 3% GDP. Even those who died in their first terms.

Sell your stocks, buy those fast food places like I said so you can show America paying people a fair wage is possible and profitable.
I've been stuck with AAPL, FB MSFT and a few others for years I'll sell when my tax rates go down Food retail I know shit about

That list is endless!

However drastic it is, I can understand the part of him that wants to shoot Trump. But, as an international chef, he fails to address how he'll prepare him for dinner.
CNN is classy as usual.

We all know he would be fired if he said Thomas Jefferson's statue should remain in Thomas Jefferson University.

CNN Celeb Chef Anthony Bourdain Says He Would Poison Trump's Food

OK, you're holding CNN responsible for Bourdain's remarks about Trump.
So following your logic you also blame Fox News for the firing of:
Bill O'Reilly
Roger Ailes
Bill Shine
Bob Beckel
Eric Bolling
for an assortment of sexual harassment and racist remarks, instead of holding them personally accountable, right?
Just answer the question.
CNN is classy as usual.

We all know he would be fired if he said Thomas Jefferson's statue should remain in Thomas Jefferson University.

CNN Celeb Chef Anthony Bourdain Says He Would Poison Trump's Food

OK, you're holding CNN responsible for Bourdain's remarks about Trump.
So following your logic you also blame Fox News for the firing of:
Bill O'Reilly
Roger Ailes
Bill Shine
Bob Beckel
Eric Bolling
for an assortment of sexual harassment and racist remarks, instead of holding them personally accountable, right?
Just answer the question.
As soon as you provide a quote of them calling for the assassination of an American President I will, dufus!

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